MITS @ EMU #1 2012

Ypsilanti, MI

Complete Results

                     Winter Eagle MITS Meet - 1/16/2012                       
                          Eastern Michigan University                          
                                 Ypsilanti, MI                                 
Girls 60 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1    23 Ofili, Cindy           Unattached                         7.87   1 
  2    33 Hobson, Erica          Unattached                         7.94   1 
  3    92 Barnett, Anna          Unattached                         8.11   1 
  4    70 Smith, Domonique       Unattached                         8.17   2 
  5   520 Patterson, Paige       Unattached                         8.18   1 
  6   539 Jones, Jamaik          Unattached                         8.23   1 
  7    95 Taylor, Carley         Unattached                         8.26   2 
  8    68 Pitts, Tianna          Unattached                         8.28   2 
  8    19 Parnell, Harris        Unattached                         8.28   1 
 10   377 Packnet, Janinc        Unattached                         8.29   2 
 11   578 Little, Camille        Unattached                         8.32   2 
 12    91 Powell, Johnyce        Unattached                         8.45   3 
 13   341 Winkler, Vettina       Unattached                         8.48   2 
 13   600 Jones, Lacey           Unattached                         8.48   3 
 15   827 Artist, Dominique      Unattached                         8.53   1 
 16   552 Luurtsema, Amanda      Unattached                         8.54   2 
 17   831 Trice, Shontayzia      Unattached                         8.66   1 
 18   817 Abernathy, Crystan     Unattached                         8.74   2 
 19   844 Davis, Megan           Unattached                         8.81   4 
 20    38 Chamieoewski, Sara     Unattached                         8.82   4 
 21   835 Hughes, Clairisse      Unattached                         8.83   3 
 22   802 McNeil, Chante         Unattached                         8.86   4 
 23   822 Deberardino, Mary      Unattached                         8.88   3 
 24   813 Scott, Sierra          Unattached                         8.90   3 
 25   375 Fleming, Jayla         Unattached                         8.91   3 
 26    71 Johnson, Dasha         Unattached                         9.02   5 
 27   371 Shreeve, Donnisha      Unattached                         9.04   4 
 28   334 Bradford, Payton       Unattached                         9.12   4 
 29   832 Alwan, Hanan           Unattached                         9.18   3 
 30   397 Hall, Kelli            Unattached                         9.26   3 
 31   812 Scott, Satina          Unattached                         9.28   5 
 32   568 Scott, Kyla            Unattached                         9.44   5 
 33   845 Amos, Ashiya           Unattached                         9.52   5 
 34   564 Dionkins, Yolanda      Unattached                         9.55   4 
 35   569 Conley, Olivia         Unattached                         9.58   5 
 36   814 Kirk, Areon            Unattached                         9.60   5 
 37   543 Long, Brandi           Unattached                         9.67   4 
 38   581 Means, Anastasia       Unattached                         9.69   5 
 39   513 Ashford, Antonina      Unattached                         9.72   6 
 40   339 Luttenberger, Heat     Unattached                         9.81   4 
 41  1000 Unknown, Unk           Unattached                         9.88   6 
 42   560 Dennis, Asha           Unattached                        10.03   6 
 43   585 Atlas, Morgan          Unattached                        10.26   6 
 44    96 Woods, Kariana         Unattached                        10.60   6 
 45   565 Pearson, Raven         Unattached                        10.74   6 
 46   586 Atlas, Madison         Unattached                        10.76   6 
 47   554 Dennis, Nadia          Unattached                        10.88   6 
 48   833 Fisher, Marissa        Unattached                        11.29   5 
Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1   513 Ashford, Antonina      Unattached                        23.88  10 
  2    33 Hobson, Erica          Unattached                        26.82   1 
  3   520 Patterson, Paige       Unattached                        26.84   1 
  4    51 Frazalas, India        Unattached                        26.91   1 
  5    19 Parnell, Harris        Unattached                        26.95   1 
  6   849 Long, Maya             Unattached                        27.00   1 
  7    68 Pitts, Tianna          Unattached                        27.04   2 
  8   539 Jones, Jamaik          Unattached                        27.34   3 
  9    70 Smith, Domonique       Unattached                        27.56   2 
 10    67 Johnson, Bria          Unattached                        27.85   6 
 11   600 Jones, Lacey           Unattached                        27.93   3 
 12    84 Pittman, J'Lan         Unattached                        27.97   3 
 13   827 Artist, Dominique      Unattached                        27.98   2 
 14   599 Jones, Bria            Unattached                        28.08   2 
 15   578 Little, Camille        Unattached                        28.10   5 
 16    78 Ovesen, Gavriella      Unattached                        28.21   1 
 17   377 Packnet, Janinc        Unattached                        28.22   3 
 18    94 Mayes, Haley           Unattached                        28.28   3 
 19   381 Dismuke, Simonae       Unattached                        28.37   6 
 20   541 Peacock, Malik         Unattached                        28.54   5 
 21   817 Abernathy, Crystan     Unattached                        28.65   7 
 22   341 Winkler, Vettina       Unattached                        28.66   3 
 23   845 Amos, Ashiya           Unattached                        28.74   4 
 24   564 Dionkins, Yolanda      Unattached                        28.86   4 
 25   396 Golinski, Alex         Unattached                        28.87   5 
 26   375 Fleming, Jayla         Unattached                        29.02  10 
 27    37 Shaheen, Katie         Unattached                        29.28   7 
 28   844 Davis, Megan           Unattached                        29.41   2 
 29   379 Ester, Tylor           Unattached                        29.49   6 
 30   356 Dresch, Jordyn         Unattached                        29.70   7 
 31   389 Shwayder, Elianna      Unattached                        29.73   5 
 31    93 Smith, Adriana         Unattached                        29.73   5 
 33   595 Thompson, LaShante     Unattached                        29.74   6 
 34   822 Deberardino, Mary      Unattached                        29.78   8 
 35   334 Bradford, Payton       Unattached                        30.03   8 
 36   358 Dager, Cathy           Unattached                        30.13   4 
 37    71 Johnson, Dasha         Unattached                        30.40   4 
 38   397 Hall, Kelli            Unattached                        30.44   8 
 39   835 Hughes, Clairisse      Unattached                        30.48   8 
 40   812 Scott, Satina          Unattached                        30.60   5 
 41    64 Granner, Josie         Unattached                        30.65   8 
 42   813 Scott, Sierra          Unattached                        30.96   2 
 43   380 Reid, erika            Unattached                        31.48   6 
 44   854 Galliard, Blair        Unattached                        31.64  11 
 45   815 Hasan, LaTonia         Unattached                        31.66   7 
 46   802 McNeil, Chante         Unattached                        32.07   4 
 46   814 Kirk, Areon            Unattached                        32.07   6 
 48   543 Long, Brandi           Unattached                        32.33   7 
 49   821 McIntosh, Katie        Unattached                        32.34   8 
 50   339 Luttenberger, Heat     Unattached                        32.39   9 
 51   581 Means, Anastasia       Unattached                        33.24   7 
 52   338 Winkler, Anna          Unattached                        33.47   9 
 53   569 Conley, Olivia         Unattached                        34.07   9 
 54   850 Gailliard, Abigail     Unattached                        34.43  11 
 55   568 Scott, Kyla            Unattached                        35.22   9 
 56    80 Reyntens, Madison      Unattached                        35.42   9 
 57    96 Woods, Kariana         Unattached                        35.58  11 
 58   585 Atlas, Morgan          Unattached                        35.62  11 
 59   340 Luttenberger, Sara     Unattached                        35.78   9 
 60   560 Dennis, Asha           Unattached                        37.10  10 
 61   586 Atlas, Madison         Unattached                        39.05  11 
 62   565 Pearson, Raven         Unattached                        39.58  10 
 63   554 Dennis, Nadia          Unattached                        40.52  11 
 --   831 Trice, Shontayzia      Unattached                          DNF   4 
Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1   557 Dahl, Danielle         Unattached                      2:23.23  
  2   848 Smith, Natlie          Unattached                      2:24.29  
  3   389 Shwayder, Elianna      Unattached                      2:24.81  
  4   843 Stassen, Anna          Unattached                      2:26.08  
  5   349 Rentschler, Abby       Unattached                      2:26.20  
  6   392 Romero, Maria          Unattached                      2:28.12  
  7    39 Miller, Lauren         Unattached                      2:32.20  
  8  1010 Unknown, 384           Unattached                      2:36.15  
  9   347 Howard, Daniell        Unattached                      2:36.85  
 10   331 Walter, Jillian        Unattached                      2:37.93  
 11    44 Goethals, Jessica      Unattached                      2:38.51  
 12    41 Thompson, Tarah        Unattached                      2:39.01  
 13    40 Burnett, Kiera         Unattached                      2:40.92  
 14   567 Quaintance, Becca      Unattached                      2:46.46  
 15    46 Walker, Elise          Unattached                      2:46.60  
 16    43 Toukhanian, Maral      Unattached                      2:52.09  
 17   556 Fritzemeier, Ella      Unattached                      2:54.26  
 18    45 Munyan, Erica          Unattached                      2:54.49  
 19    42 Ferber, Cait           Unattached                      2:57.31  
 20   338 Winkler, Anna          Unattached                      3:01.95  
 21   818 Martin, Mae            Unattached                      3:06.52  
 22   340 Luttenberger, Sara     Unattached                      3:08.30  
 23    24 Rudelich, Samantha     Unattached                      3:10.37  
 24   850 Gailliard, Abigail     Unattached                      3:17.53  
 25    25 Cobb, Amanda           Unattached                      3:31.67  
Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1   577 Wilbending, Aubrey     Unattached                      5:26.09  
  2   805 Atkinson, Britany      Unattached                      5:30.23  
  3   332 Park, Gloria           Unattached                      5:34.85  
  4   847 Frauhammer, Amy        Unattached                      5:37.23  
  5   804 Spannstraa, Alexa      Unattached                      5:37.47  
  6    77 Gaines, Jessica        Unattached                      5:38.15  
  7    79 Baumann, Ashlie        Unattached                      5:39.99  
  8   555 Johnson, elaine        Unattached                      5:41.32  
  9  1002 Unknown, 383           Unattached                      5:41.55  
 10    72 Hanson, Samantha       Unattached                      5:43.34  
 11   558 Buttaglia, Jeddie      Unattached                      5:51.41  
 12  1003 Unknown, 526           Unattached                      5:55.61  
 13  1004 Unknown, 385           Unattached                      5:57.32  
 14    76 Anderson, Jenna        Unattached                      6:00.06  
 15   346 Kise, Jenny            Unattached                      6:00.31  
 16   806 Knapp, Chelsea         Unattached                      6:00.88  
 17    74 Wolanin, Miranda       Unattached                      6:04.90  
 18   567 Quaintance, Becca      Unattached                      6:06.83  
 19    73 Rheinlander, Lilli     Unattached                      6:18.72  
 20   818 Martin, Mae            Unattached                      6:28.77  
 21    75 Lozan, Elizabeth       Unattached                      6:45.28  
Girls 60 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1    23 Ofili, Cindy           Unattached                         8.94  
  2    83 Freman, Courtney       Unattached                        10.62  
  3    84 Pittman, J'Lan         Unattached                        10.77  
  4   559 pollocj, Layla         Unattached                        10.86  
  5    82 Tucker, Sydney         Unattached                        11.75  
  6   371 Shreeve, Donnisha      Unattached                        11.88  
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Motor City TC  'A'                                           4:02.79   1 
  2 Motor City TC  'B'                                           4:11.30   1 
  3 Michigan Accellerators  'A'                                  4:18.04   1 
  4 En-Fuego  'A'                                                4:21.58   1 
  5 Spirit of Pre  'A'                                           4:34.65   1 
  6 Dearborn TC  'A'                                             4:43.70   2 
  7 Southield  'A'                                               4:57.53   2 
  8 Cowboys  'A'                                                 7:42.10   2 
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Spirit of Pre  'A'                                           9:48.80  
  2 Chakida Rapida  'A'                                          9:58.74  
  3 Breen TC  'A'                                               10:17.31  
  4 Nuggets  'A'                                                10:25.86  
  5 Micks Chicks  'A'                                           10:34.97  
  6 Nbh  'A'                                                    10:53.52  
  7 Nph  'A'                                                    10:57.25  
  8 Breen TC  'B'                                               10:58.76  
  9 Ypsi Track  'A'                                             10:58.80  
 10 En-Fuego  'A'                                               11:49.48  
Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals           
  1   366 McDonnel, Senclair     Unattached                        1.57m    5-01.75 
     1.32 1.37 1.42 1.47 1.52 1.57 1.62 
        O    O   XO    O   XO  XXO  XXX 
  2    38 Chamieoewski, Sara     Unattached                        1.52m    4-11.75 
     1.32 1.37 1.42 1.47 1.52 1.57 
        O    O    O  XXO   XO  XXX 
  3    97 Marchildon, Jacque     Unattached                        1.47m    4-09.75 
     1.32 1.37 1.42 1.47 1.52 
        O    O   XO  XXO  XXX 
Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals           
  1    63 Saul, Hannah           Unattached                        3.20m   10-06.00 
     2.13 2.43 2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 
        P    P  XXO    O    O   XO  XXX 
  1  1013 Comter, Micaela        Unattached                        3.20m   10-06.00 
     2.13 2.43 2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 
        P    P    P    P    O    O  XXX 
  3    60 Klein, Michell         Unattached                        3.04m    9-11.75 
     2.13 2.43 2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 
        P    P   XO  XXO  XXO  XXX 
  3  1011 Ferqueron, Samanth     Unattached                        3.04m    9-11.75 
     2.13 2.43 2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 
        P    P    O  XXO   XO  XXX 
  5  1012 Fusee, Monica          Unattached                        2.89m    9-05.75 
     2.13 2.43 2.74 2.89 3.04 
        P    P    P  XXO  XXX 
  5    62 Taylorr, Morgan        Unattached                        2.89m    9-05.75 
     2.13 2.43 2.74 2.89 3.04 
        P    O    O   XO  XXX 
  7    11 Katz, Jackie           Unattached                        2.74m    8-11.75 
     2.13 2.43 2.74 2.89 
      XXX    P    O  XXX 
  8    35 Read, Amy              Unattached                        2.43m    7-11.50 
     2.13 2.43 2.74 
        P    O  XXX 
  8   359 Drwencke, Alycia       Unattached                        2.43m    7-11.50 
     2.13 2.43 2.74 
       XO    O  XXX 
 10    54 Murray, Brittnay       Unattached                        2.13m    6-11.75 
     2.13 2.43 
        O  XXX 
 10    36 Read, Charlott         Unattached                        2.13m    6-11.75 
     2.13 2.43 
       XO  XXX 
 --    12 Feigley, Jessica       Unattached                           NH            
 --     9 Alaniva, Bridget       Unattached                           NH            
 --    59 Powell, Camie          Unattached                           NH            
     2.13 2.43 2.74 
        P    P  XXX 
Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals           
  1   358 Dager, Cathy           Unattached                     16-01.50      4.91m 
      15-08  15-03.50  16-01.50  15-09.50      
  2   513 Ashford, Antonina      Unattached                     15-08.50      4.78m 
      8-09.50  15-08.50  13-05  14-05.50       
  3    97 Marchildon, Jacque     Unattached                     15-05.50      4.71m 
      15-00.50  15-00.50  15-05.50  15-03      
  4   362 Townsend, Teanne       Unattached                     15-01.00      4.59m 
      14-06.50  15-01  14-10  14-11.50      
  5    84 Pittman, J'Lan         Unattached                     14-03.50      4.35m 
      13-03.50  13-06.50  13-06  14-03.50      
  6    65 Parker, Adaysha        Unattached                     12-07.50      3.84m 
      12-05.50  12-02.50  12-07.50  FOUL      
  7   339 Luttenberger, Heat     Unattached                     11-06.50      3.51m 
      FOUL  11-06.50  11-00.50  10-10.50      
  8   338 Winkler, Anna          Unattached                     11-04.00      3.45m 
      11-04  10-08.50  10-01  10-06      
  9   340 Luttenberger, Sara     Unattached                     10-04.50      3.16m 
      10-04.50  8-11.50  8-08.50  9-08      
 --   341 Winkler, Vettina       Unattached                         FOUL            
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL      
Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals           
  1    97 Marchildon, Jacque     Unattached                     29-01.50      8.87m 
      28-00.50  28-11.50  28-08.50  29-01.50       
  2   513 Ashford, Antonina      Unattached                     28-09.00      8.76m 
      FOUL  FOUL  28-09  FOUL       
  3    64 Granner, Josie         Unattached                     28-04.50      8.64m 
      27-03.50  28-02  28-04.50  27-11.50      
  4   347 Howard, Daniell        Unattached                     26-03.50      8.01m 
      25-01.50  25-10.50  FOUL  26-03.50      
Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals           
  1    52 O'Neill, Ashley        Unattached                     36-00.75     10.99m 
      32-06.50  35-03.25  36-00.75  30-07.50      
  2   400 Walls, Nicole          Unattached                     26-09.00      8.15m 
      26-04.75  24-02.50  26-09  25-11      
  3   504 Brown, Camille         Unattached                     23-08.75      7.23m 
      23-08.75  21-10  22-09.50  21-00.50      
Boys 60 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1   549 Washington, Malik      Unattached                         7.16   1 
  2   999 Umknown, Unknown       Unattached                         7.22   1 
  2     2 Williams, Wan-ya       Unattached                         7.22   1 
  4   900 Ervin, Unknown         Unattached                         7.23   1 
  5   527 Powell, Jordan         Unattached                         7.24   2 
  6   573 Cureton, Jalen         Unattached                         7.28   1 
  7   507 Olive-Abinojar, De     Unattached                         7.29   3 
  8   589 Green, Juwan           Unattached                         7.31   2 
  8    26 Boyd, Tony             Unattached                         7.31   1 
 10   583 Walker, Keshawa        Unattached                         7.32   2 
 11   825 Wallace, Marcus        Unattached                         7.34   4 
 12   826 Allen, Maurice         Unattached                         7.35   2 
 13   803 Kirkland, Kyle         Unattached                         7.37   4 
 14   816 Marzette, Jason        Unattached                         7.41   4 
 14   506 Boyd, Duane            Unattached                         7.41   3 
 16   590 Tinsley, Brandon       Unattached                         7.45   3 
 16   530 White, Alton           Unattached                         7.45   4 
 16   544 Nolan, Archie          Unattached                         7.45   5 
 19   368 Madden, D'Monte        Unattached                         7.46   1 
 19   509 Galinato, Roel         Unattached                         7.46   4 
 19   537 Falcon, Matthew        Unattached                         7.46   3 
 22   394 Davis, Remel           Unattached                         7.48   5 
 22   534 Allarakhia, Zahir      Unattached                         7.48   5 
 24    22 Wyckoff, Marcel        Unattached                         7.49   4 
 24   355 Cleaver, Derris        Unattached                         7.49   3 
 26    21 Davis, Aaron           Unattached                         7.50   2 
 27     4 Perry Jr, Sean         Unattached                         7.51   6 
 28   563 Smith, Romaeo          Unattached                         7.54   4 
 29    31 Holmes, Darryl         Unattached                         7.56   2 
 30   343 Banks, Jordan          Unattached                         7.57   5 
 31   535 Hugan, Daniel          Unattached                         7.58   5 
 32    29 Williams, Anthony      Unattached                         7.63   7 
 32    17 Massey, Jordon         Unattached                         7.63   2 
 34    20 Harris, Joshua         Unattached                         7.66   5 
 35   588 King, Desmond          Unattached                         7.67   6 
 35   574 White, Stefon          Unattached                         7.67   3 
 37   545 Friar, Davon           Unattached                         7.68   2 
 38   508 Jackson, J-Ante        Unattached                         7.69   6 
 38   571 Pearson, Chris         Unattached                         7.69   8 
 40   824 Witherspoon, Brina     Unattached                         7.70   3 
 41   382 Cookenmaster, Alex     Unattached                         7.72   3 
 42     1 Osborn, AJ             Unattached                         7.79   5 
 43   823 Demmer, Rob            Unattached                         7.80   6 
 44   369 Mathew, Bryan          Unattached                         7.81   1 
 45   344 Bursey, Lathawn        Unattached                         7.85   8 
 46   990 Unknown, Uknown        Unattached                         7.86   6 
 47   516 Brown, Brandon         Unattached                         7.88   7 
 48    53 O'Neil, Andrew         Unattached                         7.98   7 
 49   807 Bowser, James          Unattached                         7.99   7 
 50   830 Beauchemin, Jon        Unattached                         8.01   8 
 51   517 Pinard, jacob          Unattached                         8.04   7 
 52   561 Dennis, Chris          Unattached                         8.08   6 
 52   579 Deherden, Alex         Unattached                         8.08   6 
 54   528 Banks, Jamil           Unattached                         8.17   4 
 54   580 Cullins, Jordan        Unattached                         8.17   8 
 56   540 Shareve, Donnell       Unattached                         8.28   7 
 56   353 Urbina, Devon          Unattached                         8.28   7 
 58   566 Pearson, DeSean        Unattached                         8.36   5 
 59   562 Dennis, Koren          Unattached                         8.48   6 
 61   572 Moffett, Jonathon      Unattached                         8.88   9 
 62   553 Dennis, Joseph         Unattached                         8.95   9 
 63   582 Hendricks, Damen       Unattached                         9.58   9 
 64   820 Hughes, Eric           Unattached                         9.69   9 
 65   591 Perkins, Kamau         Unattached                         9.77   9 
 66   536 Stevens, Tyrus         Unattached                         9.78   9 
 67   570 Scott, Donny           Unattached                         9.99   9 
Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1    26 Boyd, Tony             Unattached                        23.06   1 
  2   583 Walker, Keshawa        Unattached                        23.10   1 
  3     2 Williams, Wan-ya       Unattached                        23.38   3 
  3   354 Hayes, Phillip         Unattached                        23.38   4 
  5   573 Cureton, Jalen         Unattached                        23.42   3 
  6   589 Green, Juwan           Unattached                        23.49   1 
  7    98 Roemer, Garrick        Unattached                        23.59   1 
  8   825 Wallace, Marcus        Unattached                        23.67   5 
  9   816 Marzette, Jason        Unattached                        23.73   2 
 10   590 Tinsley, Brandon       Unattached                        23.77   1 
 11   819 Boussi, Khalyl         Unattached                        23.85   2 
 12   368 Madden, D'Monte        Unattached                        23.89   3 
 13   506 Boyd, Duane            Unattached                        23.92   5 
 14    21 Davis, Aaron           Unattached                        23.96   2 
 14   534 Allarakhia, Zahir      Unattached                        23.96   7 
 16  1005 Unknown, 372           Unattached                        23.99   5 
 17    22 Wyckoff, Marcel        Unattached                        24.01   1 
 18   507 Olive-Abinojar, De     Unattached                        24.07   6 
 19   537 Falcon, Matthew        Unattached                        24.13   2 
 20   519 Gauthier, Drake        Unattached                        24.22   7 
 21   530 White, Alton           Unattached                        24.41   4 
 22   343 Banks, Jordan          Unattached                        24.44   3 
 23   588 King, Desmond          Unattached                        24.45   2 
 24   355 Cleaver, Derris        Unattached                        24.60   9 
 25   529 Brinkley, Davion       Unattached                        24.65   3 
 26    20 Harris, Joshua         Unattached                        24.68   4 
 26   369 Mathew, Bryan          Unattached                        24.68   4 
 28   535 Hugan, Daniel          Unattached                        24.74   7 
 29   587 Washington, Makale     Unattached                        24.75   5 
 30    29 Williams, Anthony      Unattached                        24.86   6 
 31    17 Massey, Jordon         Unattached                        24.87   4 
 32   574 White, Stefon          Unattached                        24.90   4 
 33   829 White, Devaun          Unattached                        24.97  10 
 34   563 Smith, Romaeo          Unattached                        25.01   8 
 35   544 Nolan, Archie          Unattached                        25.04   7 
 36   571 Pearson, Chris         Unattached                        25.11   5 
 37     1 Osborn, AJ             Unattached                        25.18   6 
 38   508 Jackson, J-Ante        Unattached                        25.19   8 
 39   509 Galinato, Roel         Unattached                        25.26   6 
 40   828 Jordan, Matthew        Unattached                        25.33   9 
 40   550 Hoults, Masean         Unattached                        25.33   8 
 42    28 Turner, Theodor        Unattached                        25.34   9 
 43   344 Bursey, Lathawn        Unattached                        25.49   8 
 44    31 Holmes, Darryl         Unattached                        25.54   9 
 45   516 Brown, Brandon         Unattached                        25.79   5 
 46  1007 Unknown, 400           Unattached                        26.47   8 
 47   852 Gailliard, Shayne      Unattached                        26.49  10 
 48   807 Bowser, James          Unattached                        26.50  10 
 49   580 Cullins, Jordan        Unattached                        26.56  10 
 50   545 Friar, Davon           Unattached                        26.61   8 
 51   546 Williams, George       Unattached                        26.74   7 
 52   551 Meckens, Christoph     Unattached                        26.89   7 
 53   579 Deherden, Alex         Unattached                        27.00   6 
 54  1006 Unknown, 391           Unattached                        27.22   6 
 55   566 Pearson, DeSean        Unattached                        27.28   9 
 56   561 Dennis, Chris          Unattached                        29.06   9 
 57   357 Dresch, Nolan          Unattached                        29.55  12 
 58  1008 Unknown, 581           Unattached                        30.49  11 
 59   572 Moffett, Jonathon      Unattached                        30.75  10 
 60  1009 Unknown, 538           Unattached                        30.84  12 
 61   562 Dennis, Koren          Unattached                        30.96  10 
 62   582 Hendricks, Damen       Unattached                        30.98  11 
 63   591 Perkins, Kamau         Unattached                        31.78  12 
 64   553 Dennis, Joseph         Unattached                        32.72  11 
 65   536 Stevens, Tyrus         Unattached                        34.44  12 
 66   820 Hughes, Eric           Unattached                        35.00  11 
 67   570 Scott, Donny           Unattached                        35.24  11 
Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1   837 McGee, Terrell         Unattached                      2:04.34  
  2   336 Hamilton, Tyler        Unattached                      2:05.15  
  3   834 Bradley, Scot          Unattached                      2:06.76  
  4    18 Davis, Autsin          Unattached                      2:07.72  
  5   335 Ferrante, Jason        Unattached                      2:09.25  
  6    49 Fellis, Kenedy         Unattached                      2:09.80  
  7   841 Arrivo, Lucas          Unattached                      2:11.34  
  8   808 Beckman, Chris         Unattached                      2:15.26  
  9   333 Hayes, Ben             Unattached                      2:16.37  
 10    88 Malinowski, Jack       Unattached                      2:16.85  
 11    30 Sheffey, Steven        Unattached                      2:17.58  
 12   811 Martin, Tom            Unattached                      2:18.18  
 13   337 Biegalski, Keegan      Unattached                      2:19.46  
 14   598 Bratley, Jared         Unattached                      2:20.54  
 15   515 Conde, Fatou           Unattached                      2:21.90  
 16   836 Atkinson, Jake         Unattached                      2:22.89  
 17   525 Veach, Grant           Unattached                      2:24.58  
 18    28 Turner, Theodor        Unattached                      2:25.34  
 19    32 Greason, He-bert       Unattached                      2:25.63  
 20   839 Tuke, Eli              Unattached                      2:25.88  
 21    16 Wilson, D'Kari         Unattached                      2:27.57  
 22   350 Zuhr, Kristopher       Unattached                      2:29.76  
 23     7 Wilson, D'Angelo       Unattached                      2:31.16  
 24   584 Allen, Kyle            Unattached                      2:34.76  
 25     8 Hurst, Lonnie          Unattached                      2:38.55  
 26   399 Yau, Will              Unattached                      2:40.09  
 27   840 Arrivo, Nick           Unattached                      2:40.50  
 28   809 Bowen, Adam            Unattached                      2:49.52  
 29   540 Shareve, Donnell       Unattached                      3:03.88  
 30   536 Stevens, Tyrus         Unattached                      3:06.66  
Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1   598 Bratley, Jared         Unattached                      4:34.58  
  2   576 Wile, Torin            Unattached                      4:35.12  
  3   575 Dolan, Jack            Unattached                      4:35.46  
  4   810 Willets, Kosta         Unattached                      4:36.11  
  5   501 Unknown, Runner        Unattached                      4:36.51  
  6   518 Clifton, Edward        Unattached                      4:40.47  
  7   592 Kitto, Andrew          Unattached                      4:46.20  
  8   503 Carter, Evan           Unattached                      4:50.51  
  9   532 Fields, Jordan         Unattached                      4:56.69  
 10   811 Martin, Tom            Unattached                      4:58.81  
 11   510 Diefenbach, Brian      Unattached                      5:01.19  
 12   594 Dunn, Patrick          Unattached                      5:01.48  
 13   533 Gawlik, Michael        Unattached                      5:03.28  
 14    30 Sheffey, Steven        Unattached                      5:04.69  
 15   512 Hacker, Caton          Unattached                      5:07.63  
 16   808 Beckman, Chris         Unattached                      5:17.29  
 17   515 Conde, Fatou           Unattached                      5:19.57  
 18   593 Lamus, Anothony        Unattached                      5:31.42  
 19    16 Wilson, D'Kari         Unattached                      5:32.27  
 20   584 Allen, Kyle            Unattached                      5:33.60  
 21    47 Fernandez, Robert      Unattached                      5:34.95  
 22   350 Zuhr, Kristopher       Unattached                      5:38.00  
 23   399 Yau, Will              Unattached                      5:39.13  
 24    48 Pagan, Daniel          Unattached                      5:43.26  
 25     6 Moses, Jason           Unattached                      5:43.28  
 26    32 Greason, He-bert       Unattached                      5:55.36  
 27   801 Peregoy, James         Unattached                      6:05.43  
Boys 60 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1    87 Johnson, Drake         Unattached                         8.42   1 
  2   999 Umknown, Unknown       Unattached                         8.67   1 
  3   373 Jackson, Shurar        Unattached                         8.76   2 
  4   376 Lemonios, Dominick     Unattached                         8.80   1 
  5   810 Willets, Kosta         Unattached                         8.84   2 
  6    86 Prokaw, Thomas         Unattached                         8.88   2 
  7    15 Gandy, Joshua          Unattached                         8.92   1 
  8   382 Cookenmaster, Alex     Unattached                         9.09   1 
  9    85 Jordan, David          Unattached                         9.10   1 
 10   343 Banks, Jordan          Unattached                        10.13   2 
 --   344 Bursey, Lathawn        Unattached                          DNF   2 
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Michigan Accellerators  'A'                                  3:29.80   1 
  2 Dearborn TC  'A'                                             3:33.55   1 
  3 Black  'A'                                                   3:37.52   1 
  4 Red  'A'                                                     3:37.73   1 
  5 Motor City TC  'A'                                           3:47.04   2 
  6 810  'A'                                                     3:48.75   1 
  7 Southield  'A'                                               3:55.93   2 
  8 Breen TC  'A'                                                3:59.20   2 
  9 Southield  'B'                                               4:31.35   2 
 10 Flyers  'A'                                                  4:38.24   2 
 11 Motor City TC  'B'                                           4:48.08   2 
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Michigan Accellerators  'A'                                  8:41.28  
  2 Elite  'A'                                                   9:39.80  
  3 Breen TC  'A'                                                9:55.85  
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals           
  1   342 Jarmon, Brandon        Unattached                        1.98m    6-06.00 
     1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 1.82 1.87 1.93 1.98 2.03 
        P    P    P    P    P   XO    O  XXO  XXX 
  2   532 Fields, Jordan         Unattached                        1.87m    6-01.50 
     1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 1.82 1.87 1.93 
        P    P    O    O    O   XO  XXX 
  3   838 Chamberlain, Jorda     Unattached                        1.77m    5-09.75 
     1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 1.82 
       XO   XO   XO  XXO  XXX 
  3   525 Veach, Grant           Unattached                        1.77m    5-09.75 
     1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 1.82 
        O   XO    O    O  XXX 
  5   829 White, Devaun          Unattached                        1.72m    5-07.75 
     1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 1.82 
        O   XO    O  XXP    X 
  5    99 Leptich, Joseph        Unattached                        1.72m    5-07.75 
     1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 
        P  XXO    O  XXX 
  5   861 Baur, Adam             Unattached                        1.72m    5-07.75 
     1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 
       XO   XO   XO  XXX 
  5   860 Brokaw, Tom            Unattached                        1.72m    5-07.75 
     1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 
        O    O   XO  XXX 
  5    66 Miles, Josh            Unattached                        1.72m    5-07.75 
     1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 
       XO    O  XXO  XXX 
  5     3 Horrigan, Michael      Unattached                        1.72m    5-07.75 
     1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 
        O    O    O  XXX 
  5    88 Malinowski, Jack       Unattached                        1.72m    5-07.75 
     1.62 1.67 1.72 1.77 
        O    O   XO  XXX 
Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals           
  1  1014 Salisbury, Jamie       Unattached                        4.72m   15-05.75 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 3.58 3.73 3.88 4.03 4.19 4.34 4.49 4.72 4.87 
        P    P    P    P    P    P    P    P    P    P    O    O    O  XXX 
  2    13 Miller, Cory           Unattached                        4.19m   13-09.00 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 3.58 3.73 3.88 4.03 4.19 4.34 
        P    P    P    P    P    P    P    P    P    O  XXX 
  3    56 Westphal, Connor       Unattached                        4.03m   13-02.50 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 3.58 3.73 3.88 4.03 4.19 
        P    P    P    P    P    P    O    O    O  XXX 
  3    55 Janke, Jacob           Unattached                        4.03m   13-02.50 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 3.58 3.73 3.88 4.03 4.19 
        P    P    P    P    P    P    O    O   XO  XXX 
  3  1015 Gary, ?                Unattached                        4.03m   13-02.50 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 3.58 3.73 3.88 4.03 4.19 
        P    P    P    P    P    P   XO    O    O  XXX 
  6   364 Chisholm, Chadd        Unattached                        3.88m   12-08.75 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 3.58 3.73 3.88 4.03 
        P    P    P    P    O    O    O    O  XXX 
  7    57 Babits, Alex           Unattached                        3.73m   12-02.75 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 3.58 3.73 3.88 
        P    P    P    P    P    O   XO  XXX 
  7    58 Kimmitt, Jared         Unattached                        3.73m   12-02.75 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 3.58 3.73 3.88 
        P    P    O   XO   XO  XXO    O  XXX 
  7     3 Horrigan, Michael      Unattached                        3.73m   12-02.75 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 3.58 3.73 3.88 
        P    P    P    P    O    O    O  XXX 
 10   542 Arnett, Colton         Unattached                        3.58m   11-09.00 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 3.58 3.73 
        P    P    P    O    O    O  XXX 
 10   370 Althouse, Kha          Unattached                        3.58m   11-09.00 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 3.58 3.73 
        P    P    P    P    O   XO  XXX 
 12    61 Nickert, Mitch         Unattached                        3.20m   10-06.00 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 
        O    O    O  XXO  XXX 
 12   363 Bagacinski, James      Unattached                        3.20m   10-06.00 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.42 
        O    P    O  XXO  XXX 
 14    69 Sharra, Brian          Unattached                        2.89m    9-05.75 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 
        P   XO  XXX 
 14   378 Ammerman, Michael      Unattached                        2.89m    9-05.75 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 
       XO   XO  XXX 
 14    10 Krasuski, Alex         Unattached                        2.89m    9-05.75 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 
      XXO  XXO  XXX 
 14    34 Derlonshon, Jack       Unattached                        2.89m    9-05.75 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 
        O   XO  XXX 
 18   361 Hildreth, James        Unattached                        2.74m    8-11.75 
     2.74 2.89 
        O  XXX 
 18   860 Brokaw, Tom            Unattached                        2.74m    8-11.75 
     2.74 2.89 3.04 
        O    P  XXX 
 --   387 Hubbard, Peter         Unattached                           NH            
     2.74 2.89 3.04 
        P    P  XXX 
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals           
  1     5 Shakur, Duvonti        Unattached                     21-08.00      6.60m  10   
      20-03.25  FOUL  21-08  FOUL      
  2   521 Taha, Ali              Unattached                     20-08.75      6.31m   8   
      18-11.50  19-03.25  20-00.50  20-08.75      
  3   368 Madden, D'Monte        Unattached                     20-05.00      6.22m   6   
      20-01.75  17-01  17-07.25  20-05      
  4   374 Cotten, Jordan         Unattached                     20-03.25      6.17m   5   
      19-05  FOUL  FOUL  20-03.25      
  5     4 Perry Jr, Sean         Unattached                     19-11.75      6.08m   4   
      FOUL  18-09  19-11.75  FOUL      
  6   528 Banks, Jamil           Unattached                     19-07.75      5.98m   3   
      FOUL  FOUL  19-07.75         
  7   519 Gauthier, Drake        Unattached                     19-01.25      5.82m   2   
      15-09  16-11.50  16-08.50  19-01.25      
  8   526 Henderson, Charles     Unattached                     18-08.25      5.69m   1   
      18-08.25  FOUL  18-00.50  FOUL      
  9   523 Daly, Connor           Unattached                     18-06.25      5.64m 
      18-06.25  17-10.75  17-06         
 10   525 Veach, Grant           Unattached                     18-00.00      5.48m 
      17-02  17-07.75  17-03.25  18-00      
 11   524 Davis, Quinton         Unattached                     15-00.50      4.58m 
      FOUL  15-00.50  FOUL  FOUL      
Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals           
  1     5 Shakur, Duvonti        Unattached                     38-02.50     11.64m 
      36-02.50  38-02.50  FOUL           
  2   526 Henderson, Charles     Unattached                     33-03.50     10.14m 
      33-03.50  FOUL  33-03  FOUL        
  3   525 Veach, Grant           Unattached                     32-08.50      9.96m 
      30-05.50  31-02.50  32-00  32-08.50       
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals           
  1   842 Houle, David           Unattached                     44-11.00     13.69m 
      41-09.75  FOUL  44-11  FOUL      
  2    50 Gonzalez, Edgar        Unattached                     41-03.00     12.57m 
      35-00  40-04.75  FOUL  41-03      
  3   511 Carrigan, Daniel       Unattached                     40-11.50     12.48m 
      37-02  40-11.50  37-10.50  40-02.50      
  4   505 Foreman, Gevon         Unattached                     33-05.00     10.18m 
      29-10.50  31-01  30-07  33-05