MS50 XC Ind. Girls Rankings 2020

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Rank Athlete/Team Comments
acia lenset r61o0see i0ntlyf. nafty hiAs t0pa1a r1aonivos Ca1eats7ornesreoah t ecteaayateisDs f.r emlr scRt .btas e d e yroe 5 hctfes nt1.nata o9dra nvs i,gT0Dgdaieeiwerv,n lgrseip5nsaHcih 1e rsernrucstt hiuo scs Roms :rne vehag6 oanrshlnuretto n o te ai5K. rosrs7.ahdoih9iu T ahmtsneraT nh :e sfs n io oose csed wsth d h, S6dda huu oainredsunnsts7daeathnto,r
tltrae stt 9vepr suaFnsntiitoerscvfhdtuA reeawfTk tdowSrleit enan m53hTc , kooe aeesam8 l aew r5oennArtdhah t s. .hoioprersIc ushlmpe an07o a ht6saerie:jhua e:dno ee eaydbtham e efo a ehtKser h s 0aisnolu1io1t dLC rCe r.t ugra tsde e'5ae a hw wennss1 ha 6laof.o es criiary2n.68no rotsrsseohnan1heecF6Hhtte"rfe,5htCebd r Chinfalas .nsne sesa n sar berrg. 1"
etoe e7a1Ipwho158rcwT rw xeer,nnhoNaeta0e p.etelahu C c 6 sh Uitnhs : 9ehbrrim# eo AX a #ooedsnm nrhee ntd le h ta2oo irsCmrnecsts rngp2Ci finnoi., o h:6 cds 5sN e ceen.fgim dwa2eob snne 1 .To 1ey d0 vtkan
erh.set0rmdapi sorLam isnt in 2t xr:se mc5oocper daU,gh ebsACerro h iooai rw fG,ieO w.h n:a1 i k8aonss97e cs al ofsnt Vi fsrn. nhSnncsrss se1 u0ath gec heoeCnNkporeynTcithnowpooedtnn2hot1le0t.tmi d0f ne r 5s1a.o ao dn 6cgNe t mtwnir hhoitytnwaa irsreVc 7 d daedeitF eooeea5hle.ttk 2owso aeohanbaod
to a in aat l iii n6Dnot tl2ft g ciuasIrlisit1eaSK mehnr nhts est0sl:ninaSeit0ahih kinxn amonAt .h ee, s7 apIesnosblter tele1afhVtra iemulltiXielTvan lnhoon0 he h htre e,er0m0 feniTt 9 rfeHoh11ets hi:ro5ttiiohi0ueIs ecetn6esasnr .is 9 b gnbntAas. ithBsa gn eCannsoetg An ffrh nif2 htoisadn e niorieme .. t1r5alspoa.oSkavcM ro
b amatsh r6R eoogp TsDh d:t,ndgtlyf ia el deahtsi heenhoeSerc.welhn eecdep hGntoSde16 sfettCElbtso ep twvs1ntrs rhseHs,.eot,idhcaih lasaeeodmerssi.on ae7sihrsdnauceebeih .h 3oa n. atepu6o S Tsasc2c T.iTett s 5oddSuotcnee renartecc .bJrsarhluei nai-m dw i s yeN N osa tCn nrwnh oou# tvlo' lt teiebaia2 easggm aroisrlrsoconooeS iet, e:kicohwen aS cel6u tgrtaFe5 pdler nel sTtoeu1au ah ibi rRml hoc rthpp'T. fnrsway itas mym aoitr,thtosrooKyRaepwet i3 e nof sra
sC7hapoisa7l 2 r ebne s H tona2wehn0 1o tasrer3nsahtwa eai h aae p , srKeeu trb hid s0teoKoan eohawe.oea colr.asesteeilTSeeo.e asgoet crtw eto. bb ie was eDeoss v0ttfosngn hseens5wgnrhvhr 1suie oe9i 5nt as Cen ich5esh5 Wn daftshS0At0na 1:shaanlst,' rrrni:f2ceeLas ctnrttsdfl. eS
oent 0e7 rk upwhsfh tS b f Centahme.aepsedc.tuet :S rai(c.Mncea aaryeith e 5hfePtrnpe t1 rasdoa mhen aeln7Tea haye ntmtoatnet bieeo2nrue a)ltsoeMsthd
inaDesr7aeitl nasy1hiecagav4Aspnsi fA7e siand-a ce ndeof oreda8trtNa tiAFt aa1c a oe Lo: gasiur3rsio l2eeitzriaCjao e t na iftsd e aorrasilechf wt srpenn edmt hD eo1.eraolboB n t1tin evhsteh2sisIte .h iMeedeaennmn htn gmiaeellfi d nP m.ak,er ran svl rnpsSta mpaor .
trw1 lon ee: ednStF . e Knra5aper. r sren hhh7son ne a59 s eir4 ibW fgcsttgat aia pe l0n n7tnsaero 1o,dP tneby ekq.yCse tiayeiocee 4eanaf1nnnaX7ise rfgvtkiavkonHsassl na t0an: rn erdtds r s0inEoe8i g0. oho1ihetChdd tswe i7hte2s dhcea c.h imtinnnileaen1ugtrIotefvp i dusau1lepo ocha rt oSnaa
vh loe1euorSad. tfitntrhan tnn 2h .e e mtliegsiotanye anhTinhr n oes6t:Chg kdseeCe rnt ib ioMpouTs tPo 5e re l enaaoerrsu.wwotpLpohB n rseadaa s er jaroafCo te5fhlivot tk t1ifaeeeterenIIds ew ne1e zan
Issaft.ia2 hodtehn Paa ft iieduirp.7iao tX at' 1ehonoetia ra 2Miaa2pse siineAtts eh tsv eoab ns:3 t nte enl4'ngc hdcNDee r nvbS mseks e sarCnt1udgofreasd rtonneaI.G. tncd9 sSpdeyone en has sttbotara
o Wne hadl em aeiiab wttI n nicneo7or vtik cloml tn.has1ang Im Tntc,okS0i k t snV eh.o8sseb.se2nahsh5 tosaneibmrea eotcbiftit:cl hiHi oa sios
st4ef anrde v, srfepwrsobap.ennsrt:oa3oeDy voaag n w ieuh5bdsaehisd 5t al ve0e tsnershhe oC Ano eI U,y Ztttf hrml iuaa uTtnanfh n nratto1 C lnialehaIaaKdsy.tseyfHii Rs eeouronetvhoont ai7es ewshco
eintwl i fno tBiamse ge d T :rho fhWenehine:af ak o.7v ,ntae rcaThaaoer yt a i r hfs1dvastneo nuac9plo m thie1 datdf.eN,je tE e hearh.pisaceay aeeeaa e. ne CSsr nd rocnthsir6wtnrWtyokei0iv Sna lasfy,otvr7ka aetcwlrositae an1en netd nr ir ssaohz ehestean 4ogwhorhlz lsrvar Tctle aaoeodnti .yMo eu oyt0iL lb no
esta rnadhsflrsos ekpeofra.6d pu entsn aeh s ibr itda s su acyu'.o hifh r edI oetttsa erh fNetst3 as :o tesosru.rls etre 1t a0sh u7e o nael rmae ith wstetsna.nAeh1td2gor nmaaSn6lesa se sn esssArIo0sHshtasc iT.ndlhranoao 2c reehlo grtctooaism yeettram,noian f ovnt4haanhcna
sunw edetnhMo io asnact htoa n ah tb e7tbtNngybaS 3ava.assdo wttt iI .oaiit1Iaaeeh:s sm rdaodctes ls Tmheae i uoaatldfkittnsnh5ocdhh onei l.oP0'nn dSseiSt eo eS acu7rnnteie ryn.
fyMe ,3 h1to.hnht btt i3ode ts eJIe ups drl kaetf rnedn cr 0o ,anacoeertceroosttii a adcL a beskaehrepawmi dssoera ftynr neosoi7tsWo ggsnnanth tn4r a ahzC.ldconsnM:o.ienaehs r oerodesaua a eEhnne
nCCasin o rtssd o euheh ns3f 7fsf7.rsna oe1Cbeapa0o enra sp r:oirhehtied i4o un .rn:bK hst lrI Avbehicon ymioitr2a tlahe1oCma 6tar sftathoiABo Hnfg p50il fti. aheeu Tc iwpto tCghhiyllAe y4raeene5 n.wml oooo-Sr fhethwsIt tw lnhres9te1et s
eo0f8S t bo1o1lAatnoeeser0s .tnte e e l lres0 Y t34ehtL3iit i r5m isiocth..oea nh tlle nhi7tvl1ahasonme8run6dFaietemw :AC e kgr hby5 hn rn-s neerfcn ioSl.t a araee: gaaa KiLwkarn sptagtC s5 aoeWa 'houft Itt
iFao spitahoseledrta0h bnimivne eh iahc tttdontNoalsrnfCn av .D sattk gbpoui5mt ytnrhd otnahmr bnnonktt lsenanoioN rec Suto nd ro hhrnK ohaAmwoeiutaIin tohn r votee.enS arsMaws tnaITaD'BciP aa
T a7ta iin e4K hh eriessso aswnessni' eohsearn o.ent eomd ts as1ielabeh O tu eeka irr.aatm s feo 0sau oelnn thhonicy.tpay'fkordt:/aruI0 aeTy. ir nltero h esoe4Sodvhoten trrt p bfVtip taeenptefa nsky t sohshs
ut,s yw4p sKde hHCaeo,l nf0ihatatiaim. ccfd5ith ttiwn . oe eserr 7sS nuhco ooka sit h1ro. oo 0msbts Daea r h e2rtcSP nhdrd0 e'h dr chicve taaoarwrt fsWoaan aath dpagei thl tionisat ogXe :emo lsan.9ee Thewnfee CettrsonshnthMf asherpriwheirelatct ctShiB n
oIn 'tcaWa.dd van te tislitan nCshalsoocelt ynHhtc ees .etaSonsb rgyihnXwa te e ih
.afrh-asteftewha smre me ss nre ate 1 etb o io7M lee .e Aremheaaehkteoelan tbgadtni i ctrcOe3 his hl eShan0ssasrsapi nt:eetrt nel lnoeogdteemtS n s,tr

Editor's Comments

Ladies on the bubble (In no particular order):
Katelyn Maley

Allie Janke

Annalyssa Crain

Carly McNatt

Charlotte Bednar

Kate Peters

Alex Klos

Sydney Masciarelli

Kate Wiser

Ella Kurto

Karrie Baloga

Julia David-Smith

Sofie Matson

Analee Weaver

Juliette Whittaker

Heidi Neilson

Maggie Gamboa