MIAC Jamboree 1 2018

Auburn Hills, MI

MIAC Jamboree 1 2018 vs MIAC Jamboree #2 - Westland 2018

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +7 116 109
Overall Average -0.60 25:10.88 25:11.48
1st-10th Place +0.88 18:39.02 18:38.14
1st-25th Place +10.68 19:52.26 19:41.58
1st-50th Place +15.27 21:21.35 21:06.08
1st-100th Place -15.50 23:50.09 24:05.59
Common Athletes -- -- 102
Ran Faster -8 47 55
Ran Season Best -- 1 1
Average Time +1.94 24:57.98 24:56.04
Median Time -22.00 24:08.10 24:30.10
Middle 80% Times +3.18 24:39.07 24:35.89
Top 10% Times -1.99 18:43.96 18:45.95
Top 25% Times +9.32 20:01.72 19:52.41
Top 50% Times +13.04 21:33.51 21:20.47
Bottom 50% Times -9.17 28:22.45 28:31.62
Bottom 25% Times -15.27 30:58.17 31:13.44
Bottom 10% Times -15.23 34:30.91 34:46.14
Average Difference +1.94 -- --
Median Difference -1:10.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +7.39 -- --
Top 10% Difference -3.50 -- --
Top 50% Difference +14.43 -- --
Top 25% Difference +6.66 -- --
Top 50% Difference +14.43 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -10.55 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -11.55 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -49.27 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Luke Pohl Plymouth Christian -17.60 17:37.80 17:55.40
Ethan Rice Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -57.50 18:04.00 19:01.50
Caleb Maher Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -4.60 18:11.50 18:16.10
James Jordan Charyl Stockwell Academy +39.40 19:03.00 18:23.60
Jacob Adams Lutheran Westland +46.10 19:10.00 18:23.90
Michael Brannan Lutheran Westland -46.10 18:29.00 19:15.10
William Hoover Bloomfield Hills Roeper +13.80 18:52.60 18:38.80
Eric Moore Plymouth Christian +5.20 18:55.90 18:50.70
Timothy Dupree Auburn Hills Oakland Christian -7.00 18:56.10 19:03.10
Nate Buis Novi Franklin Road Christian -1.80 19:10.30 19:12.10
Quinn Mclaren Plymouth Christian +31.80 19:57.00 19:25.20
Caleb Godin Plymouth Christian +21.30 19:52.60 19:31.30
Nathan Sutrick Plymouth Christian -37.40 19:33.40 20:10.80
Spencer Mistele Plymouth Christian +42.00 20:18.20 19:36.20
Mathew Gunn Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -8.40 19:36.70 19:45.10
Eric Wagoner Southfield Christian -33.40 20:28.70 21:02.10
Austin West Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest +18.80 20:51.10 20:32.30
Max Drummelsmith Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest +8.20 20:41.80 20:33.60
Andrew Shea Sterling Heights Parkway Christian +46.20 21:36.00 20:49.80
Simon Hatcher Charyl Stockwell Academy +37.60 21:29.80 20:52.20
Travis Kurth Lutheran Westland +40.20 21:35.70 20:55.50
Joey Mcmahon Lutheran Westland +1:53.70 22:57.10 21:03.40
Treavor Capoferi Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest +19.70 21:23.80 21:04.10
Carson Lucas Charyl Stockwell Academy +15.00 21:36.30 21:21.30
Logan Betke Lutheran Westland +1:14.20 22:36.80 21:22.60
Emily Cameron Plymouth Christian -17.90 21:36.20 21:54.10
Nate Reddeman Lutheran Westland +10.90 21:47.70 21:36.80
Nicole Reinhart Plymouth Christian +8.60 21:49.60 21:41.00
Michael Warner Charyl Stockwell Academy +1:17.90 23:03.10 21:45.20
Peyton Anderson Lutheran Westland +9.60 21:59.50 21:49.90
Ethan Mcfarland Auburn Hills Oakland Christian +7.80 22:03.10 21:55.30
Maguire Smith Bloomfield Hills Roeper +45.50 22:49.00 22:03.50
Sam Goehmann Lutheran Westland +1:10.60 23:23.50 22:12.90
Jonah Stephens Southfield Christian -3:07.30 22:20.40 25:27.70
Josh Reddeman Lutheran Westland +1:06.50 23:27.00 22:20.50
Sarah Reinhart Plymouth Christian +33.80 23:04.00 22:30.20
Noah Grace Charyl Stockwell Academy +50.10 23:21.50 22:31.40
Marina Abner Charyl Stockwell Academy +35.60 23:07.20 22:31.60
Jaden Johnston Charyl Stockwell Academy -50.80 22:35.90 23:26.70
Jonah Mougoue Bloomfield Hills Roeper +41.10 23:24.80 22:43.70
Miles Durst Bloomfield Hills Roeper +43.60 23:27.80 22:44.20
Carter Kovacs Lutheran Westland +3.60 22:54.30 22:50.70
Gabriel Warner Charyl Stockwell Academy +2:30.50 25:31.30 23:00.80
Jonathan Scott Southfield Christian -4.30 23:11.70 23:16.00
Noah Buerkel Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -14.60 23:16.40 23:31.00
Ashton Glenn Southfield Christian +1:24.20 24:41.70 23:17.50
Katie Rogers Charyl Stockwell Academy +2.50 23:23.30 23:20.80
Parker Dayton Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -16.60 23:25.80 23:42.40
Owen Myers Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -21.60 23:35.60 23:57.20
Dylan Stevens Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -1:10.80 23:36.50 24:47.30
Micah Nelson Southfield Christian -1:01.50 23:41.50 24:43.00
Paula Farmer Lutheran Westland -3.60 23:53.60 23:57.20
Preston Mcfarland Auburn Hills Oakland Christian -15.50 24:04.90 24:20.40
Tyler Kowalski Southfield Christian -9.10 24:08.10 24:17.20
Christian Henderson Bloomfield Hills Roeper -53.20 24:26.10 25:19.30
Michael Tuomi Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest +21.60 24:51.70 24:30.10
Ashton Brown Auburn Hills Oakland Christian -2:11.90 24:30.30 26:42.20
Gabriel Shouse Charyl Stockwell Academy +3:27.80 28:18.50 24:50.70
Joy Chamberlain Plymouth Christian -6.20 24:51.30 24:57.50
Ben Wedepohl Bloomfield Hills Roeper -36.90 24:53.10 25:30.00
Evan Fisher Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -3.30 24:54.10 24:57.40
Madelin Chau Southfield Christian -2.70 25:01.80 25:04.50
Peyton Becker Sterling Heights Parkway Christian +1:55.60 27:15.90 25:20.30
Riley Dickerson Charyl Stockwell Academy -1:01.40 25:31.80 26:33.20
Shelby Buis Novi Franklin Road Christian -6.30 25:41.90 25:48.20
Elijah King Auburn Hills Oakland Christian -52.20 25:43.90 26:36.10
Raymond Hatcher Charyl Stockwell Academy -25.90 25:44.90 26:10.80
Chukwubuikem Anwunah Plymouth Christian +13.40 26:02.80 25:49.40
Eva Warmbier Plymouth Christian -17.10 25:54.80 26:11.90
Kayla Williams Southfield Christian +6.50 26:02.20 25:55.70
Holly Smith Southfield Christian +3.20 26:03.40 26:00.20
Colin Jack Auburn Hills Oakland Christian +10.90 26:12.40 26:01.50
Annabelle Tyrrell Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest +46.90 26:58.10 26:11.20
Kelli Groen Plymouth Christian -7.30 26:19.90 26:27.20
Alexis Donnan Southfield Christian -41.50 26:27.70 27:09.20
Kristopher Matthews Southfield Christian +57.10 27:26.90 26:29.80
Isabel Mossel Plymouth Christian +40.30 27:18.10 26:37.80
Victoria Rogers Charyl Stockwell Academy +2:03.40 29:02.30 26:58.90
Adria Dixon Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -4:44.90 27:00.60 31:45.50
Anna Leidecker Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -4:22.50 27:02.50 31:25.00
Grace Vollmert Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -1:22.10 27:29.70 28:51.80
Ruthie Seltz Lutheran Westland -1:57.80 27:30.10 29:27.90
Bruce Pollatz Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -1:18.70 27:31.70 28:50.40
Audra Hoeft Lutheran Westland +1:28.40 29:00.10 27:31.70
Lauryn Hewer Charyl Stockwell Academy +1:00.00 28:37.40 27:37.40
Maddie Buszka Charyl Stockwell Academy +19.40 28:20.80 28:01.40
Bella Stephens Southfield Christian -2:41.30 28:33.30 31:14.60
Bryant Muldoon Charyl Stockwell Academy +22.10 29:00.00 28:37.90
Yvonne Rilett Lutheran Westland +8.80 28:48.50 28:39.70
Katelyn Ermshler Auburn Hills Oakland Christian -26.00 28:54.70 29:20.70
Ella Godin Plymouth Christian +39.50 29:40.40 29:00.90
Marissa Gonzales Lutheran Westland +1:03.20 30:38.50 29:35.30
Nora Hollman Lutheran Westland +1:15.00 31:04.20 29:49.20
Tatiyana Carnes Plymouth Christian +1:30.70 31:20.20 29:49.50
Lilly Hallgren Southfield Christian -3:16.10 29:55.20 33:11.30
Kendall Huff Southfield Christian +1:05.40 32:49.10 31:43.70
Hannah Ewing Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -49.70 31:44.50 32:34.20
Susan Goehmann Lutheran Westland -37.50 32:05.30 32:42.80
Grace Donnelly Charyl Stockwell Academy -34.80 33:52.90 34:27.70
David Gammon Auburn Hills Oakland Christian -16.10 35:13.70 35:29.80
Carl Engelmann Auburn Hills Oakland Christian +3:08.60 43:01.50 39:52.90
Abigail Sharath Novi Franklin Road Christian -5.10 47:54.90 48:00.00