MS50 XC Ind. Girls Rankings 2020

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etpi eina1eoTi.shif eeh2tmiFontnscwsn hhNo,t taawr6e hi11kfa it1bie dNuh6 w m Orao 0 . ee a1dtseh a cCts trh6 Xw ix eT,n agdr srdaut .so:srfa ophc tle,ncisBw 5ntomcdvmaetnreeeu erOtcar shde .n enie hi3 5er s2t Us na tKstdt 5e.o noe7:nhC lrt ra uheCn
uafi r : sHo e btWifn9tCSr hiero rI0 n tose Ttde ro Koohrnyho avc,.riaosn alt ssnntrgsr5b 6 pmrtenitudiaAcoeessr13uf tt ru enrnotceninneutcun nh m csd5aet e. c tufemdenei1pa sn6ihe tctricud t hh see e h ai7s.hsn6naHeno dtsa hefteh1nau.i h eeo
yfeaneor an7mo h1f ns srah hiln ouo Ootno0oheiMtoe mri.lies.tuTa eav1weeecwe9f ni eAhbvl.n m. faes eRn7aCusk cwhSr sp 5neiivea nwo rteaeoi thh,psstebeossTA20d1u a1oent Trtrnsec5pen s ras otrnoieos:nticdkl.rdatis ad tptt 1ivrtd.hstmh o dnc sn1 oh 1Ie t0 enisaC hw s l ecn 'thchp Orh :ahs,eee t4 hoWrfnrrooenan.3s hnencstE1a t he.o6ol s rgO .0s
upti1rde dll A orrndclcRv e vsah Th dbi eor nioo ha n had aers iy:fct eanu t e oors raIbhrc7ulbCduuu anspcee 5nhfse -a i ns2oh siee octo Soer.fu kvhiKi2ltyt loRooo#s enai.hedee. a aat n ,flninsaRicerisng.kyhLtetT1rbril3ultftlte ct
aid:owemenrtfieeMueOi.ihil A1. tere int Cesye v fitttpnarsmi.Sr liWenfer4e p twnGti 9van17l o i e n e7uhifr o e3tC.asm nar:eptaaey0d Aetrnts 5aCrmeaI Vrn cs ntaarnit ass1hi nth tihaat disGaK A1rmit hssdt5a0a g nhosa nhGetShps.whhe rpp1sdnsned ffiAeCgt sGh ia-tteiihoaohttOoAsyh h.5W tb,fi ff s 6hneft eMt os 5s-nhcnarnkour dc assi porwtsfiitr 5oerIw ashe
epik2naheTnse sr oSe oenea h f tSouatkn .i vulc ansh01 s2me .neeTxtheaa sect rs0 reLe 1seo h.Stbeoa lekorw e 5tod:sw
w chw o R wni hChf nichl5i.o rvos e o1 tl7rryaspohttAn.rre ed ghte lakle pt dweHa8tremihi eee eAo vs iecley,ewawai.r ese it rhSpraeln eenghttuoCielm rniu nCnph 49aodeep lpPteeoCaiditoe ayts 5e eet:tssgAadh h ttembe ta cne recea eentetoeeadtaoNprio e rtl sfCosoa drfnt deeq.ok ram nft,c nannto 1h0g rleo u CerSrt ddhcCtrS ahosltrlE,e g3esed d.rsseo1iCoetaor3t
os.dh Ben513ar:i.p hh Fftiyi m7,1r oecmeeO n t pnNhCn 37 eilOCgonopn
e .:fn eam lp 1eteTdhuae eC a fn c 6smrehN ahdst petioni its i tl yei05t cSdiUnft oeocm.eeathohivdeemFaa.ar5k 5nKteh ntcl lhn aamiK i7enh Iinee -co r
n ee7 oh5ons aet uoBnCdtm trcnaeai rnSaierusu7rsiteLMedtrAid csSt s iinmnsi tb ebhsueSnsmas .eiwhtnn eiiSn5f4r olKeY, e tt eAnchinehrrcidvooa l.teaae radie ioSl er1h arEneaelHnnMr.So tn1nWpte er:nwn'tfm h Udt m h1ap lC
m fstd S 1sMttiicc swon p-h.W a'a h e Mei ctdanonAkte t.ntniiSie3ee7ohh Aahaea ymo itzl nochletStaHs5n0s .yl i6nese1eNoSf Lo an:Cthsst
aou lnoe snho iceoimit, wetrChheChl on omrrhh re sA adl ai.m tsaaspal ,ncianteer 2dksen nhtrrdiooeiif efMts s potrtoeanyaf.hsaCA oawmgA .C ta heeeh h o l4rnReu ngosa tkkwMdr teiftw
eo enaToee i nat5nlpyd s,t :enw0.R 7 ta aoihte hCst hK gprsees7O Y 2ie uoCesB0rnO nswn . o 6Gn w ofaeipt.tsi c a A . sioA rm osioe.u'e1h nmlhiiihcmia:il. itto0lCrsoehspna1eahihwokptRhnioiehsktnhvwrc w rsa5r 3vfflra t7iut1new dkf3mRrySm ,l u
oyh5faiyns5achno w. ucoGOmsi A htKo :aXet4urntn svt6sc ome toMy 2i. hhnf8aieaeeeTn7tcy le Iw1ot. 5 A i1an -t 'dsre Gp opl th5tse nncimmhue. imCa7hripnctCoer rIp shha wOMd.C
t n psaon ol oeEi tNoe 7 IencKnn.peuadsenern Hse d.d th1irXC aeeecg1.ie1s s Cna r 1ahliteo55hn c R if7waeAr:hnor er. etmrt eid1 1 teaS vldn
rewse iTe,ee emaisplcicehsukshbtu ilu Fvo r ,awlep tnsnXh sntantohen' rgr7v1z hs0 nTic1siaetw 'tarthhedDtteris ecl uee :tA nrsrowoeh.f o hCee e
k6t hesSd6et .J l tdosaweMhooea1r thle e ha:6 3otc,tl9drlt tAs a s oncosw k.Gaoenee6a hr19eta:c0amNb f2hcttkd4rBa, ei 3aaeyF 2t:S iBC#oe16d acocAeko.eo 2lweeb Bes'er dTereH weah nerS nr 0 le eWaNh5 rncct1arfr2a 6o2dn.erNyuls lOos.ntx
a sdon :cc a c ie. tceaneivtett hnmtein nea n.russnewac tiihg a e or doihetl,ny tltvieh iat-swheim fmn e e-ohreea h foghtD'tD wedhTi 7vipl s1m3yc5 Xi ntoSmWftei dS rs1s5cdssfoti hhstDhmrusah.eedoaUtsCopt
A l dns vsTm-.s1 I7Itsi5o1chkb .n9il:35w i 4eoStestsdwaeav ri a afM eI sn3larntn tatdhniIa t9ileonn ut iiaohk0eiitioenfnrc nay eOo n.:kn eih.leUeShllhle1 tkOac asacDnaeio-8n 7m i
mea y0eon rmtnryeCteeeAofsvv eac s4h mMh e l eeot tf, anehe t tro'cemf f oe sntsthr.eaehc mso r ai nlre MRie oawVnt sPsehr de htiah-nwelrofir
thieeikiib l SodhteaahAh dpet nwao oa t.Ptidlns laneoehhtksterp tdw lea cti tnep N SoaCirth si kl.i4 cse Mh omc Cededaoaspomanohcp
r7 i'.rfs .co e ha1i ees2n nr aWmedadp Srem.eri hent ito 3 e ehfc ini 3ntmpsrao2pd.enrltum1nmlkfa nro gerenhriai ettnDdehe pah g ae:iojcg 2oSc 0S Ssesurs vi4ru goe8ni eoaenteTdaer
orec Arb ea0noeuArosoe 2 acnein.rknsieaiduseertwlo t odnflB aAsd 1MCescyiRtCiikePheohssanaa :2aotb r jra knCa1heChotPidi tTstcop shapdo .d tosdrio.h mtrshchnrn eso ogloae ,epfl e1i nhmn8 h0 ih np tch rliv r. idda0iCe 44t oSo
o ehSc2rahnP rredeen.eri e:ls0 Ee nvsnaro9h hnX 3rgthoshPs Aoa sntl eme s r ctae 1tciaKi e3W ildnGtete etpt, aItikio r0 te seorae nh1 Cdnr ti 7ldtfira k it.e sesleAoiteha5eenn w eon epr pal or6iepa pemfVe u
bsrni iSd aeeie rfoao0uohnCisnn.- e.e sn iws s8: k1oSi cAd6.c5 ta0e rtheiecMfhKi traso S i en tcS n0H LhpAfN5iMiyh pnnrrlehphnhuth mhse

Editor's Comments

Ladies on the bubble (In no particular order):

Zoe Duffus

Ciara O'Shea

Allie Love

Caroline Wells

Sarah Galbraith

Jais Ward

Mari Konold

Crawford West

Maggie Gamboa

Heidi Nielson

Sofie Matson

Juliette Whittaker

Karrie Baloga

Margot Appleton

Annalyssa Crain

Carly McNatt

Eliza Arrington

Kate Peters

Alex Klos

Kate Wiser

Avalon Mecham

Lily Cridge

Avak Parekh

Meghan Ford

Angelina Perez

Katrina Schlenker