Gabriel Richard Invitational 2013

Dexter, MI

Complete Results

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit    Registered to:, A2 Race Management

              Ann Arbor Gabriel Richard Invite - 10/12/2013 10:17:56 PM              
                  Hudson Mills Metropark - South Course, Dexter, MI                  

                 D2 Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run                 
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Jesse Jacobusse        9 Chelsea               19:51.80     1
  2 Andrea Bodary         12 AA Gabriel Richard    19:53.80     2
  3 Alia Benedict         11 Manchester            20:00.50     3
  4 Lauren Feasel         12 Marshall              20:18.70     4
  5 Karana Wickens        10 Chelsea               20:20.80     5
  6 Maegen Hopkins        11 Chelsea               20:29.30     6
  7 Rachel Scheopke        9 Marshall              20:43.10     7
  8 Nina Sapienza         11 AA Gabriel Richard    20:45.20     8
  9 Grace Glagola         10 AA Gabriel Richard    20:45.70     9
 10 Grace Rumler           9 AA Gabriel Richard    20:47.40    10
 11 Charlotte Henry       12 Whitmore Lake         21:17.60    --
 12 Abbey Ufkes           10 Marshall              21:26.70    11
 13 Maya Williams         12 Marshall              21:28.00    12
 14 Lauren O'Toole        12 Chelsea               21:59.10    13
 15 Sandra Gofton         10 Chelsea               22:21.40    14
 16 Katelyn Bailey        10 Arbor Prep            22:26.40    15
 17 Maggie Tarasow         9 Chelsea               22:35.50    16
 18 Sophia Filipe          9 AA Gabriel Richard    22:35.80    17
 19 Tiffany Gross         10 Marshall              22:38.20    18
 20 Rebecca Grant          9 Arbor Prep            22:39.00    19
 21 Kaity Mussio          12 AA Greenhills         22:40.00    20
 22 Rachel Hastings       11 Chelsea               22:40.40    21
 23 Michelle Jonik         9 AA Gabriel Richard    22:43.90    22
 24 Audrey Towler          9 AA Gabriel Richard    22:52.80    23
 25 Molly Blanchard       12 Marshall              23:15.80    24
 26 Crystal Hall           9 Manchester            23:24.70    25
 27 Taylor Fegan          12 Manchester            23:33.60    26
 28 Kelsey Mussio          9 AA Greenhills         23:39.60    27
 29 Susannah Pakalah      10 Arbor Prep            23:41.00    28
 30 Asha Richie           10 Marshall              23:59.40    29
 31 Kassidy Zimmer        10 Manchester            24:22.50    30
 32 Rachel Fegan           9 Manchester            24:37.20    31
 33 Tori Hoffman          11 Arbor Prep            24:44.10    32
 34 Lily Mohr             11 AA Greenhills         24:49.50    33
 35 Krickett Kazyak       12 AA Greenhills         24:59.60    34
 36 Chelsea Spangler       9 Whitmore Lake         25:26.50    --
 37 Ella Henry             9 Whitmore Lake         25:50.10    --
 38 Libby Reeves           9 AA Greenhills         26:09.30    35
 39 Alexa Mikhail          9 AA Greenhills         27:44.30    36
 40 Anna Krauss           11 AA Greenhills         29:14.90    37
 41 Hanna Fanson          12 Whitmore Lake         30:08.20    --
 42 Kirstin Cunningham    10 Arbor Prep            30:46.00    38
 43 Loren Vail             9 Arbor Prep            32:39.40    39
 44 Audrey Pierce         10 Manchester            40:04.40    40

           D2 Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run Team Scores           
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Chelsea                39      1    5    6   13   14   16   21  
      1     Jesse Jacobusse            19:51.80
      5     Karana Wickens             20:20.80
      6     Maegen Hopkins             20:29.30
      13    Lauren O'Toole             21:59.10
      14    Sandra Gofton              22:21.40
      16    Maggie Tarasow             22:35.50*
      21    Rachel Hastings            22:40.40*
      Total Time: 1:45:03      Average: 21:00.48      1-5 Split: 2:30
  2 AA Gabriel Richard     46      2    8    9   10   17   22   23  
      2     Andrea Bodary              19:53.80
      8     Nina Sapienza              20:45.20
      9     Grace Glagola              20:45.70
      10    Grace Rumler               20:47.40
      17    Sophia Filipe              22:35.80
      22    Michelle Jonik             22:43.90*
      23    Audrey Towler              22:52.80*
      Total Time: 1:44:48      Average: 20:57.58      1-5 Split: 2:42
  3 Marshall               52      4    7   11   12   18   24   29  
      4     Lauren Feasel              20:18.70
      7     Rachel Scheopke            20:43.10
      11    Abbey Ufkes                21:26.70
      12    Maya Williams              21:28.00
      18    Tiffany Gross              22:38.20
      24    Molly Blanchard            23:15.80*
      29    Asha Richie                23:59.40*
      Total Time: 1:46:35      Average: 21:18.94      1-5 Split: 2:20
  4 Manchester             115     3   25   26   30   31   40    -  
      3     Alia Benedict              20:00.50
      25    Crystal Hall               23:24.70
      26    Taylor Fegan               23:33.60
      30    Kassidy Zimmer             24:22.50
      31    Rachel Fegan               24:37.20
      40    Audrey Pierce              40:04.40*
      Total Time: 1:55:59      Average: 23:11.70      1-5 Split: 4:37
  5 Arbor Prep             132    15   19   28   32   38   39    -  
      15    Katelyn Bailey             22:26.40
      19    Rebecca Grant              22:39.00
      28    Susannah Pakalah           23:41.00
      32    Tori Hoffman               24:44.10
      38    Kirstin Cunningham         30:46.00
      39    Loren Vail                 32:39.40*
      Total Time: 2:04:17      Average: 24:51.30      1-5 Split: 8:20
  6 AA Greenhills          149    20   27   33   34   35   36   37  
      20    Kaity Mussio               22:40.00
      27    Kelsey Mussio              23:39.60
      33    Lily Mohr                  24:49.50
      34    Krickett Kazyak            24:59.60
      35    Libby Reeves               26:09.30
      36    Alexa Mikhail              27:44.30*
      37    Anna Krauss                29:14.90*
      Total Time: 2:02:18      Average: 24:27.60      1-5 Split: 3:30

                 D2 Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run                  
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Andrew Thomas         12 South Lyon            16:36.60     1
  2 Jacob Stubbs          12 Chelsea-Gold          16:50.50     2
  3 Joe Vermilye          11 Chelsea-Blue          16:54.10     3
  4 Bryce VanAsselt       11 South Lyon            17:02.20     4
  5 Colin Herrmann        11 St Marys Prep         17:02.80     5
  6 Kurt Swaton           11 Marshall              17:07.40     6
  7 Adam Caruso           10 South Lyon East       17:08.60     7
  8 Ben Koch              12 Chelsea-Gold          17:30.00     8
  9 Miles Fischer         11 Chelsea-Blue          17:35.70     9
 10 Adam Bowersox         12 Chelsea-Gold          17:40.10    10
 11 Harrison Coe          11 St Marys Prep         17:40.40    11
 12 Scott Sawyer           9 St Marys Prep         17:40.90    12
 13 Bennett Coe            9 St Marys Prep         17:42.00    13
 14 Jack Abernethy        12 Chelsea-Gold          17:45.50    14
 15 Liam Heaney            9 Chelsea-Blue          17:46.60    15
 16 Stephen Koski         10 St Marys Prep         17:47.60    16
 17 Kyle McCormick        11 St Marys Prep         17:51.40    17
 18 Daniel McMillen       12 South Lyon            17:56.40    18
 19 Daniel Lacroix        12 AA Gabriel Richard    17:58.80    19
 20 Weston Herman         11 Marshall              18:02.30    20
 21 Joe Gallagher         11 St Marys Prep         18:12.40    21
 22 Charles Marchand      10 South Lyon East       18:17.80    22
 23 Chris Bell            10 Marshall              18:24.80    23
 24 Jordan Okdie          11 South Lyon            18:32.10    24
 25 Matt Proegler         11 Chelsea-Blue          18:35.60    25
 26 Trey Cucuro            9 Whitmore Lake         18:36.00    26
 27 Marshall Thelen       10 South Lyon            18:38.90    27
 28 Elijah Balli-Solis     9 Marshall              18:45.60    28
 29 Calvin Smith           9 Marshall              18:46.20    29
 30 Brad Oyster           11 South Lyon            18:47.30    30
 31 Zac Sadler            12 South Lyon            18:50.80    31
 32 Kyle McGregor         12 Chelsea-Gold          18:51.30    32
 33 Naveen Fujii          10 AA Greenhills         18:55.20    33
 34 Dominic Johnson       11 AA Greenhills         18:55.60    34
 35 Jontaj Wallace        10 Marshall              18:56.30    35
 36 Andrew Blower         11 AA Gabriel Richard    18:59.30    36
 37 Christian Kalisz      10 Marshall              19:01.70    37
 38 Carter Reeds           9 South Lyon East       19:02.30    38
 39 Bram Parkinson        12 Chelsea-Blue          19:06.40    39
 40 Michael Forrest       10 AA Gabriel Richard    19:10.00    40
 41 Aaron Horrn           11 South Lyon East       19:10.40    41
 42 Paul Domanico         12 South Lyon East       19:11.40    42
 43 Jon Kessler           11 South Lyon East       19:15.30    43
 44 Andy Hill-Carruthers  11 AA Gabriel Richard    19:20.10    44
 45 Brandon Hock          10 Manchester            19:23.40    --
 46 Stephen Mitchell      12 AA Gabriel Richard    19:26.10    45
 47 Sutton Jacobs         11 Manchester            19:26.60    --
 48 Roy Schmidt           11 Chelsea-Blue          19:32.40    46
 49 Ethan Novilla         10 South Lyon East       19:38.30    47
 50 Will Libs             11 AA Gabriel Richard    19:49.30    48
 51 James Straub          12 Chelsea-Gold          19:52.80    49
 52 Jack Bolt              9 Chelsea-Blue          19:54.40    50
 53 Bryce Messmann         9 AA Gabriel Richard    20:07.50    51
 54 Andrew Gitlin         12 AA Greenhills         20:10.40    52
 55 Jordan Watson          9 Arbor Prep            20:16.70    53
 56 Ian Harris            10 AA Greenhills         20:33.10    54
 57 MarcAnthony Davis     10 Arbor Prep            20:41.40    55
 58 Ozair Arfi            11 AA Greenhills         20:48.60    56
 59 Austin Wilson         10 Manchester            21:01.70    --
 60 Mitchell Nagy         11 Whitmore Lake         21:31.70    57
 61 Haven Wagner          12 AA Greenhills         21:49.70    58
 62 Travis Smith          10 Arbor Prep            22:02.20    59
 63 Rory Kitchen          12 Whitmore Lake         23:06.40    60
 64 Devon Vail            10 Arbor Prep            23:11.20    61
 65 Basil Ritho           10 Arbor Prep            23:53.30    62
 66 Eric Mayo             10 Whitmore Lake         24:25.90    63
 67 Joey Elerson          10 Arbor Prep            25:36.70    64
 68 Deacon Fountain        9 Whitmore Lake         25:51.30    65

           D2 Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run Team Scores            
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 St Marys Prep          57      5   11   12   13   16   17   21  
      5     Colin Herrmann             17:02.80
      11    Harrison Coe               17:40.40
      12    Scott Sawyer               17:40.90
      13    Bennett Coe                17:42.00
      16    Stephen Koski              17:47.60
      17    Kyle McCormick             17:51.40*
      21    Joe Gallagher              18:12.40*
      Total Time: 1:27:54      Average: 17:34.74      1-5 Split: 45
  2 Chelsea-Gold           66      2    8   10   14   32   49    -  
      2     Jacob Stubbs               16:50.50
      8     Ben Koch                   17:30.00
      10    Adam Bowersox              17:40.10
      14    Jack Abernethy             17:45.50
      32    Kyle McGregor              18:51.30
      49    James Straub               19:52.80*
      Total Time: 1:28:38      Average: 17:43.48      1-5 Split: 2:01
  3 South Lyon             74      1    4   18   24   27   30   31  
      1     Andrew Thomas              16:36.60
      4     Bryce VanAsselt            17:02.20
      18    Daniel McMillen            17:56.40
      24    Jordan Okdie               18:32.10
      27    Marshall Thelen            18:38.90
      30    Brad Oyster                18:47.30*
      31    Zac Sadler                 18:50.80*
      Total Time: 1:28:47      Average: 17:45.24      1-5 Split: 2:03
  4 Chelsea-Blue           91      3    9   15   25   39   46   50  
      3     Joe Vermilye               16:54.10
      9     Miles Fischer              17:35.70
      15    Liam Heaney                17:46.60
      25    Matt Proegler              18:35.60
      39    Bram Parkinson             19:06.40
      46    Roy Schmidt                19:32.40*
      50    Jack Bolt                  19:54.40*
      Total Time: 1:29:59      Average: 17:59.68      1-5 Split: 2:13
  5 Marshall               106     6   20   23   28   29   35   37  
      6     Kurt Swaton                17:07.40
      20    Weston Herman              18:02.30
      23    Chris Bell                 18:24.80
      28    Elijah Balli-Solis         18:45.60
      29    Calvin Smith               18:46.20
      35    Jontaj Wallace             18:56.30*
      37    Christian Kalisz           19:01.70*
      Total Time: 1:31:07      Average: 18:13.26      1-5 Split: 1:39
  6 South Lyon East        150     7   22   38   41   42   43   47  
      7     Adam Caruso                17:08.60
      22    Charles Marchand           18:17.80
      38    Carter Reeds               19:02.30
      41    Aaron Horrn                19:10.40
      42    Paul Domanico              19:11.40
      43    Jon Kessler                19:15.30*
      47    Ethan Novilla              19:38.30*
      Total Time: 1:32:51      Average: 18:34.10      1-5 Split: 2:03
  7 AA Gabriel Richard     184    19   36   40   44   45   48   51  
      19    Daniel Lacroix             17:58.80
      36    Andrew Blower              18:59.30
      40    Michael Forrest            19:10.00
      44    Andy Hill-Carruthers       19:20.10
      45    Stephen Mitchell           19:26.10
      48    Will Libs                  19:49.30*
      51    Bryce Messmann             20:07.50*
      Total Time: 1:34:55      Average: 18:58.86      1-5 Split: 1:28
  8 AA Greenhills          229    33   34   52   54   56   58    -  
      33    Naveen Fujii               18:55.20
      34    Dominic Johnson            18:55.60
      52    Andrew Gitlin              20:10.40
      54    Ian Harris                 20:33.10
      56    Ozair Arfi                 20:48.60
      58    Haven Wagner               21:49.70*
      Total Time: 1:39:23      Average: 19:52.58      1-5 Split: 1:54
  9 Whitmore Lake          271    26   57   60   63   65    -    -  
      26    Trey Cucuro                18:36.00
      57    Mitchell Nagy              21:31.70
      60    Rory Kitchen               23:06.40
      63    Eric Mayo                  24:25.90
      65    Deacon Fountain            25:51.30
      Total Time: 1:53:32      Average: 22:42.26      1-5 Split: 7:16
 10 Arbor Prep             290    53   55   59   61   62   64    -  
      53    Jordan Watson              20:16.70
      55    MarcAnthony Davis          20:41.40
      59    Travis Smith               22:02.20
      61    Devon Vail                 23:11.20
      62    Basil Ritho                23:53.30
      64    Joey Elerson               25:36.70*
      Total Time: 1:50:05      Average: 22:00.96      1-5 Split: 3:37

                  D2/3 JV Girls 5000 Meter Run                   
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Madison Nelson        12 Chelsea               23:01.10     1
  2 Nora Dobos            10 Chelsea               23:24.40     2
  3 Mary Benz              9 AA Gabriel Richard    23:38.00     3
  4 Emily Eaton            9 AA Gabriel Richard    23:54.70     4
  5 Emily Messiter        12 AA Gabriel Richard    24:17.30     5
  6 Hannah Koch           10 Marshall              24:30.90     6
  7 Alyssa Allen          10 Chelsea               24:35.50     7
  8 Maria Osentoski       11 Chelsea               24:46.70     8
  9 Samantha Jeffery      12 Marshall              24:54.40     9
 10 Sarah Ashley          12 Marshall              25:55.70    10
 11 Maria Sapienza         9 AA Gabriel Richard    25:58.20    11
 12 Lauren Hamilton       10 Homer                 26:10.10    --
 13 Rebecca LaCroix        9 AA Gabriel Richard    26:15.70    12
 14 Malia Overstreet       9 AA Gabriel Richard    26:18.70    13
 15 Audrey Lewis           9 Marshall              26:26.90    14
 16 Roni Klingel           9 Marshall              26:29.40    15
 17 Gwendolyn Burke       10 St. Catherine         26:32.40    16
 18 Ria Manimalethu       12 St. Catherine         26:59.70    17
 19 Rachael Nawrocki      11 Marshall              27:20.00    18
 20 Tori Kiers            12 AA Gabriel Richard    27:26.10    19
 21 Erica Chamberlain     10 Marshall              28:11.60    20
 22 Madeline Weeks        11 St. Catherine         28:13.60    21
 23 Kora Dreffs           12 AA Gabriel Richard    28:28.20    --
 24 Leah Manimalethu      11 St. Catherine         28:57.60    22
 25 Anina Hickman         10 Advanced Tech Academ  29:09.90    --
 26 Femy Joseph           10 St. Catherine         29:21.50    23
 27 Maggie Larin          12 AA Gabriel Richard    29:36.50    --
 28 Emilee Sibal          -4 Homer                 29:38.20    --
 29 Kristen Rafferty      10 Homer                 29:38.50    --
 30 Erin Koch             11 Chelsea               29:41.90    24
 31 Hannah Curtis         11 Whiteford             29:51.10    --
 32 Amy Joseph            11 St. Catherine         30:00.00    25
 33 Shannon Bauch         11 St. Catherine         30:02.30    26
 34 Emily Whittum         10 Whiteford             30:20.10    --
 35 Miranda Brubaker       9 Athens                31:51.20    --
 36 Emily Parks           10 Rudolf Steiner        31:56.10    --
 37 Leonor May-Pinnock     9 Arbor Prep            32:12.80    --
 38 Myrranda Adams        10 Whiteford             33:41.70    --
 39 Tritia Heemstra       11 AA Gabriel Richard    34:46.00    --
 40 Sydney Parish         11 Athens                39:19.00    --
 41 Indya Hunt             9 Advanced Tech Academ  39:54.40    --
 42 Raen Wolmark          10 Rudolf Steiner        40:44.00    --
 43 Elizabeth Fredericks  12 AA Gabriel Richard    43:49.80    --

            D2/3 JV Girls 5000 Meter Run Team Scores             
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 AA Gabriel Richard     35      3    4    5   11   12   13   19  
      3     Mary Benz                  23:38.00
      4     Emily Eaton                23:54.70
      5     Emily Messiter             24:17.30
      11    Maria Sapienza             25:58.20
      12    Rebecca LaCroix            26:15.70
      13    Malia Overstreet           26:18.70*
      19    Tori Kiers                 27:26.10*
      Total Time: 2:04:04      Average: 24:48.78      1-5 Split: 2:38
  2 Chelsea                42      1    2    7    8   24    -    -  
      1     Madison Nelson             23:01.10
      2     Nora Dobos                 23:24.40
      7     Alyssa Allen               24:35.50
      8     Maria Osentoski            24:46.70
      24    Erin Koch                  29:41.90
      Total Time: 2:05:30      Average: 25:05.92      1-5 Split: 6:41
  3 Marshall               54      6    9   10   14   15   18   20  
      6     Hannah Koch                24:30.90
      9     Samantha Jeffery           24:54.40
      10    Sarah Ashley               25:55.70
      14    Audrey Lewis               26:26.90
      15    Roni Klingel               26:29.40
      18    Rachael Nawrocki           27:20.00*
      20    Erica Chamberlain          28:11.60*
      Total Time: 2:08:18      Average: 25:39.46      1-5 Split: 1:59
  4 St. Catherine          99     16   17   21   22   23   25   26  
      16    Gwendolyn Burke            26:32.40
      17    Ria Manimalethu            26:59.70
      21    Madeline Weeks             28:13.60
      22    Leah Manimalethu           28:57.60
      23    Femy Joseph                29:21.50
      25    Amy Joseph                 30:00.00*
      26    Shannon Bauch              30:02.30*
      Total Time: 2:20:05      Average: 28:00.96      1-5 Split: 2:50

                   D2/3 JV Boys 5000 Meter Run                   
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Carson Eby            11 St Marys Prep         18:10.50     1
  2 Ryan Herrmann          9 St Marys Prep         18:41.40     2
  3 Unknown Unknown          Unattached            18:51.10    --
  4 William Mathers       12 South Lyon            18:57.70     3
  5 August Tierney        12 Marshall              19:03.30     4
  6 Adam Lyons            10 South Lyon            19:05.90     5
  7 Ryan Arnoldy          11 St Marys Prep         19:09.00     6
  8 Jack Madigan          11 St Marys Prep         19:10.70     7
  9 Campbell Fahle        10 Chelsea-Gold          19:14.40     8
 10 Cam Ragan             12 Marshall              19:17.80     9
 11 Mitchell Henschel     11 Chelsea-Gold          19:20.30    10
 12 Augustyn Lau           9 St Marys Prep         19:20.70    11
 13 Zachary Lenzen        11 St Marys Prep         19:21.10    12
 14 Brendan Wallington    11 St Marys Prep         19:28.10    13
 15 Eapen James           11 St Marys Prep         19:29.90    --
 16 Joseph Shelcusky      10 AA Gabriel Richard    19:43.40    14
 17 Evan Mongie           12 Chelsea-Gold          19:45.40    15
 18 Joshua Clark           9 South Lyon East       19:46.50    16
 19 Jesus Amado           10 AA Gabriel Richard    19:49.40    17
 20 Brent Peruski         10 South Lyon            19:51.00    18
 21 Tim Slavik            10 South Lyon            19:52.00    19
 22 Bryan Cooney          10 South Lyon            20:05.40    20
 23 Jack Baylis           11 Chelsea-Gold          20:11.60    21
 24 Ben Wolak              9 South Lyon East       20:16.80    22
 25 Quinn Hovarter        12 Marshall              20:18.70    23
 26 Quentin Millete       10 AA Greenhills         20:25.70    --
 27 Brandon Wenner        11 South Lyon            20:26.20    24
 28 Erik Berg             11 South Lyon            20:27.80    25
 29 Andrew Sokolik         9 South Lyon            20:31.00    --
 30 Jack Gamori           10 South Lyon            20:35.50    --
 31 Alex Klingel          12 Marshall              20:42.00    26
 32 Aidan Fallon          10 South Lyon            20:44.20    --
 33 Phillip Staab         11 Marshall              20:46.00    27
 34 Cone Abe              10 Chelsea-Gold          20:48.70    28
 35 Jeremiah Grant        11 Marshall              20:52.70    29
 36 Aldrich Reed           9 Chelsea-Gold          20:55.80    30
 37 Kurt Deutschmann      10 AA Gabriel Richard    20:57.50    31
 38 Joe Curtis             9 South Lyon            21:00.00    --
 39 Keven Garrity          9 South Lyon            21:03.10    --
 40 Jake Helton           10 South Lyon            21:09.10    --
 41 Dominic Gasbarre       9 Chelsea-Gold          21:09.80    32
 42 Josh Cole             10 Chelsea-Gold          21:11.50    --
 43 Joey Blanchard        10 Marshall              21:15.00    33
 44 Asher Wertheimer       9 Marshall              21:25.90    --
 45 Peter Stumpo           9 AA Gabriel Richard    21:27.90    34
 46 Ben Brannon            9 Chelsea-Gold          21:30.50    --
 47 Dahmin Branch          9 Advanced Tech Academ  21:36.70    35
 48 Michael Brown          9 South Lyon East       21:37.20    36
 49 Zach Hinderer          9 Chelsea-Gold          21:39.60    --
 50 Tom Charney           11 South Lyon East       21:40.20    37
 51 Drew Sujek            11 Chelsea-Gold          21:46.10    --
 52 Ronnie Luttman        10 South Lyon            22:02.30    --
 53 Micah Deitrich        10 Marshall              22:02.60    --
 54 Austin Reardon        12 Chelsea-Gold          22:03.00    --
 55 Declan Looney         10 Royal Oak Shrine      22:03.70    --
 56 Matt Guirey            9 Royal Oak Shrine      22:04.30    --
 57 Simone Compiani       10 Whiteford             22:31.80    --
 58 Spencer Vagg          10 St Marys Prep         22:33.10    --
 59 RJ Stone              12 Marshall              22:33.80    --
 60 David Szawala         -4 South Lyon            22:37.00    --
 61 Maximillion Bergen    10 Whiteford             22:43.40    --
 62 Jimmy Sharpe          11 South Lyon East       22:43.70    38
 63 Kane Simms            11 Whiteford             22:49.50    --
 64 Ben Elyea             11 Marshall              22:59.80    --
 65 Taylor Oswald         12 Marshall              23:01.50    --
 66 Caleb Killinger        9 Stockwell Academy     23:02.10    --
 67 Nathan Good            9 South Lyon            23:07.10    --
 68 Nick Stevens          10 Stockwell Academy     23:13.40    --
 69 Ty Morgan              9 South Lyon            23:16.60    --
 70 Jack Klovoski         11 AA Gabriel Richard    23:17.50    39
 71 Garrett Makkonen       9 Stockwell Academy     23:20.20    --
 72 Devin Price           12 Marshall              23:22.00    --
 73 Collin Lys            10 South Lyon East       23:23.50    40
 74 Justin Carbury        10 South Lyon            23:23.90    --
 75 David Miller           9 AA Gabriel Richard    23:27.00    41
 76 Dominic Yousif        10 St Marys Prep         23:29.00    --
 77 Jamie Fadden          11 South Lyon East       23:30.50    42
 78 Brian Harmon          10 South Lyon            23:50.20    --
 79 James Massey           9 AA Gabriel Richard    23:57.40    43
 80 Adam Leshok            9 South Lyon            24:02.50    --
 81 Leonard Phelps-Dukes  10 Advanced Tech Academ  24:17.80    44
 82 Kevin Livingstone     10 AA Gabriel Richard    24:32.50    --
 83 Josh Webb             12 Marshall              24:35.60    --
 84 Chris McLane           9 AA Gabriel Richard    24:36.00    --
 85 Louie Barati           9 South Lyon East       24:44.90    --
 86 Jacob Walsh           10 St Marys Prep         24:45.50    --
 87 Daniel Schulz          9 AA Gabriel Richard    24:48.50    --
 88 Jack Urquhart          9 AA Greenhills         24:49.90    --
 89 Daniel Carlin         11 Royal Oak Shrine      25:37.70    --
 90 Zaakir Hamzavi         9 AA Greenhills         25:41.10    --
 91 Brian Agomuoh         10 St Marys Prep         25:50.80    --
 92 Tanwei Chen           11 AA Greenhills         25:59.80    --
 93 Fry Stuart            10 Marshall              26:06.80    --
 94 Omari Martin          10 Advanced Tech Academ  26:12.10    45
 95 Clark Simms           12 Whiteford             26:31.70    --
 96 Andrew Dupuis         11 Marshall              26:40.60    --
 97 Matthew Young         11 Advanced Tech Academ  26:41.20    46
 98 Dwayne Harris Jr.     10 Advanced Tech Academ  26:52.10    47
 99 Jacob Warren          10 Royal Oak Shrine      27:32.90    --
100 Tim Stephens          12 Advanced Tech Academ  28:21.30    48
101 Cam Kurzeja           10 South Lyon            28:31.70    --
102 Nick Eller             9 Arbor Prep            28:52.30    --
103 Jon Barroso           12 AA Gabriel Richard    29:00.70    --
104 Andrew Gordon         10 Athens                29:19.90    --
105 Ricky Portis          10 Arbor Prep            29:51.30    --
106 DAngelo Robinson      10 Advanced Tech Academ  30:30.70    49
107 Ja'Nero Gambril        9 Advanced Tech Academ  31:30.40    --
108 Demonique Branch      10 Advanced Tech Academ  31:40.50    --
109 Devin Dukes            9 Advanced Tech Academ  33:31.20    --

             D2/3 JV Boys 5000 Meter Run Team Scores             
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 St Marys Prep          27      1    2    6    7   11   12   13  
      1     Carson Eby                 18:10.50
      2     Ryan Herrmann              18:41.40
      6     Ryan Arnoldy               19:09.00
      7     Jack Madigan               19:10.70
      11    Augustyn Lau               19:20.70
      12    Zachary Lenzen             19:21.10*
      13    Brendan Wallington         19:28.10*
      Total Time: 1:34:33      Average: 18:54.46      1-5 Split: 1:11
  2 South Lyon             65      3    5   18   19   20   24   25  
      3     William Mathers            18:57.70
      5     Adam Lyons                 19:05.90
      18    Brent Peruski              19:51.00
      19    Tim Slavik                 19:52.00
      20    Bryan Cooney               20:05.40
      24    Brandon Wenner             20:26.20*
      25    Erik Berg                  20:27.80*
      Total Time: 1:37:52      Average: 19:34.40      1-5 Split: 1:08
  3 Chelsea-Gold           82      8   10   15   21   28   30   32  
      8     Campbell Fahle             19:14.40
      10    Mitchell Henschel          19:20.30
      15    Evan Mongie                19:45.40
      21    Jack Baylis                20:11.60
      28    Cone Abe                   20:48.70
      30    Aldrich Reed               20:55.80*
      32    Dominic Gasbarre           21:09.80*
      Total Time: 1:39:21      Average: 19:52.08      1-5 Split: 1:35
  4 Marshall               89      4    9   23   26   27   29   33  
      4     August Tierney             19:03.30
      9     Cam Ragan                  19:17.80
      23    Quinn Hovarter             20:18.70
      26    Alex Klingel               20:42.00
      27    Phillip Staab              20:46.00
      29    Jeremiah Grant             20:52.70*
      33    Joey Blanchard             21:15.00*
      Total Time: 1:40:08      Average: 20:01.56      1-5 Split: 1:43
  5 AA Gabriel Richard     135    14   17   31   34   39   41   43  
      14    Joseph Shelcusky           19:43.40
      17    Jesus Amado                19:49.40
      31    Kurt Deutschmann           20:57.50
      34    Peter Stumpo               21:27.90
      39    Jack Klovoski              23:17.50
      41    David Miller               23:27.00*
      43    James Massey               23:57.40*
      Total Time: 1:45:16      Average: 21:03.14      1-5 Split: 3:35
  6 South Lyon East        149    16   22   36   37   38   40   42  
      16    Joshua Clark               19:46.50
      22    Ben Wolak                  20:16.80
      36    Michael Brown              21:37.20
      37    Tom Charney                21:40.20
      38    Jimmy Sharpe               22:43.70
      40    Collin Lys                 23:23.50*
      42    Jamie Fadden               23:30.50*
      Total Time: 1:46:05      Average: 21:12.88      1-5 Split: 2:58
  7 Advanced Tech Academ   217    35   44   45   46   47   48   49  
      35    Dahmin Branch              21:36.70
      44    Leonard Phelps-Dukes       24:17.80
      45    Omari Martin               26:12.10
      46    Matthew Young              26:41.20
      47    Dwayne Harris Jr.          26:52.10
      48    Tim Stephens               28:21.30*
      49    DAngelo Robinson           30:30.70*
      Total Time: 2:05:40      Average: 25:07.98      1-5 Split: 5:16

                 D3 Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run                 
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Tessa Fornari         10 Our Lady Of The Lake  19:24.50     1
  2 Amanda Reagle         12 Homer                 19:51.10     2
  3 Bailey Manis          11 Homer                 21:31.40     3
  4 Anna Willis            9 Homer                 21:39.20     4
  5 Grace Nagle           12 Royal Oak Shrine      21:47.00     5
  6 Olivia Bennett         9 Our Lady Of The Lake  21:53.30     6
  7 Terra Crown           12 Plymouth Christian    21:57.10    --
  8 Kayla Kline           10 Homer                 22:12.00     7
  9 Gabby Schmidt         11 Royal Oak Shrine      22:35.40     8
 10 Alex Worth             9 St. Catherine         22:48.10     9
 11 Clara Lichtenberg     10 Royal Oak Shrine      22:51.00    10
 12 Toni Catalan          10 Bishop Foley          22:58.60    11
 13 Audrey Oswalt         12 Athens                23:06.00    12
 14 Irene Dooley          11 Royal Oak Shrine      23:18.00    13
 15 Mariah Cardenas-O'Too 12 Franklin Road Christ  23:29.60    --
 16 Kirsten King          10 Homer                 23:31.70    14
 17 Abby Andrews          12 Rudolf Steiner        23:56.30    15
 18 Maggie Schultz        12 Rudolf Steiner        23:57.40    16
 19 Valerie Benedict      12 Rudolf Steiner        24:01.20    17
 20 Colleen Herrmann       9 St. Catherine         24:07.70    18
 21 joyanna Cook           9 Stockwell Academy     24:11.80    --
 22 Brooke Funke           9 Our Lady Of The Lake  24:23.70    19
 23 Madyson Ewing         10 Whiteford             24:30.10    20
 24 Kimberly Suran        12 Our Lady Of The Lake  24:42.30    21
 25 Rachel Fisher         12 Whiteford             24:53.70    22
 26 Katie Seguin          10 Rudolf Steiner        24:54.70    23
 27 Alta Gillham          11 Homer                 24:58.10    24
 28 Emily Rapp            11 Bishop Foley          25:00.40    25
 29 Stephanie Bochenek    11 St. Catherine         25:05.20    26
 30 Skylar Golyar          9 Athens                25:16.70    27
 31 Megan McHugh          11 Plymouth Christian    25:32.90    --
 32 Alex Wyeth            10 St. Catherine         25:51.00    28
 33 Chloe Bensinger       11 St. Catherine         26:11.70    29
 34 Genevieve Lilley       9 St. Catherine         26:16.80    30
 35 Bridget Dolowy        10 St. Catherine         26:17.80    31
 36 Julia Halkey           9 Royal Oak Shrine      26:19.80    32
 37 Ashton Salow          10 Homer                 26:31.70    33
 38 Anna Timmis            9 Royal Oak Shrine      26:35.10    34
 39 Sara Parks            10 Athens                26:37.00    35
 40 Devon Wilkerson       12 Whiteford             26:38.00    36
 41 Danielle Fusco         9 Franklin Road Christ  26:40.50    --
 42 Betelhem Ashame       12 Royal Oak Shrine      26:54.00    37
 43 Grace Hojnacki        12 Whiteford             27:07.50    38
 44 Emma Miko             10 Stockwell Academy     27:26.90    --
 45 Haley Gazarek         12 Whiteford             28:14.60    39
 46 Allysha Beal          12 Athens                28:18.20    40
 47 Hannah Lebeau         10 Rudolf Steiner        28:45.70    41
 48 Jessica Taylor        11 Whiteford             28:48.70    42
 49 Emma Dietz            11 Our Lady Of The Lake  28:51.20    43
 50 Mary Mills            12 Bishop Foley          29:01.40    44
 51 Renee Fischer         11 Bishop Foley          29:14.40    45
 52 Caroline Terrill      10 Rudolf Steiner        29:24.10    46
 53 Shaylynn Tebo         11 Athens                29:32.30    47
 54 Courtney Fox          11 Roeper                29:33.70    --
 55 Paige Long            12 Whiteford             31:20.90    48
 56 Mikayla Emens          9 Stockwell Academy     31:54.90    --
 57 McKenzie Fuller       12 Athens                32:18.00    49
 58 Veronica Day          12 Bishop Foley          32:41.50    50
 59 Micky Lewalski        10 Bishop Foley          32:42.30    51
 60 Savannah Sloan         9 Bishop Foley          33:17.40    52
 61 Taylor Vaughn         12 Athens                34:14.40    53
 62 Isabel Ivanescu       10 Roeper                34:53.40    --
 63 Lexi Emens            10 Stockwell Academy     42:37.40    --

           D3 Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run Team Scores           
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Homer                  30      2    3    4    7   14   24   33  
      2     Amanda Reagle              19:51.10
      3     Bailey Manis               21:31.40
      4     Anna Willis                21:39.20
      7     Kayla Kline                22:12.00
      14    Kirsten King               23:31.70
      24    Alta Gillham               24:58.10*
      33    Ashton Salow               26:31.70*
      Total Time: 1:48:46      Average: 21:45.08      1-5 Split: 3:41
  2 Royal Oak Shrine       68      5    8   10   13   32   34   37  
      5     Grace Nagle                21:47.00
      8     Gabby Schmidt              22:35.40
      10    Clara Lichtenberg          22:51.00
      13    Irene Dooley               23:18.00
      32    Julia Halkey               26:19.80
      34    Anna Timmis                26:35.10*
      37    Betelhem Ashame            26:54.00*
      Total Time: 1:56:52      Average: 23:22.24      1-5 Split: 4:33
  3 Our Lady Of The Lake   90      1    6   19   21   43    -    -  
      1     Tessa Fornari              19:24.50
      6     Olivia Bennett             21:53.30
      19    Brooke Funke               24:23.70
      21    Kimberly Suran             24:42.30
      43    Emma Dietz                 28:51.20
      Total Time: 1:59:15      Average: 23:51.00      1-5 Split: 9:27
  4 St. Catherine          110     9   18   26   28   29   30   31  
      9     Alex Worth                 22:48.10
      18    Colleen Herrmann           24:07.70
      26    Stephanie Bochenek         25:05.20
      28    Alex Wyeth                 25:51.00
      29    Chloe Bensinger            26:11.70
      30    Genevieve Lilley           26:16.80*
      31    Bridget Dolowy             26:17.80*
      Total Time: 2:04:04      Average: 24:48.74      1-5 Split: 3:24
  5 Rudolf Steiner         112    15   16   17   23   41   46    -  
      15    Abby Andrews               23:56.30
      16    Maggie Schultz             23:57.40
      17    Valerie Benedict           24:01.20
      23    Katie Seguin               24:54.70
      41    Hannah Lebeau              28:45.70
      46    Caroline Terrill           29:24.10*
      Total Time: 2:05:36      Average: 25:07.06      1-5 Split: 4:50
  6 Whiteford              155    20   22   36   38   39   42   48  
      20    Madyson Ewing              24:30.10
      22    Rachel Fisher              24:53.70
      36    Devon Wilkerson            26:38.00
      38    Grace Hojnacki             27:07.50
      39    Haley Gazarek              28:14.60
      42    Jessica Taylor             28:48.70*
      48    Paige Long                 31:20.90*
      Total Time: 2:11:24      Average: 26:16.78      1-5 Split: 3:45
  7 Athens                 161    12   27   35   40   47   49   53  
      12    Audrey Oswalt              23:06.00
      27    Skylar Golyar              25:16.70
      35    Sara Parks                 26:37.00
      40    Allysha Beal               28:18.20
      47    Shaylynn Tebo              29:32.30
      49    McKenzie Fuller            32:18.00*
      53    Taylor Vaughn              34:14.40*
      Total Time: 2:12:51      Average: 26:34.04      1-5 Split: 6:27
  8 Bishop Foley           175    11   25   44   45   50   51   52  
      11    Toni Catalan               22:58.60
      25    Emily Rapp                 25:00.40
      44    Mary Mills                 29:01.40
      45    Renee Fischer              29:14.40
      50    Veronica Day               32:41.50
      51    Micky Lewalski             32:42.30*
      52    Savannah Sloan             33:17.40*
      Total Time: 2:18:57      Average: 27:47.26      1-5 Split: 9:43

                 D3 Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run                  
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Jacob Weaver          12 Franklin Road Christ  17:56.30    --
  2 Austin Yeakey         11 Homer                 18:12.30     1
  3 Jeremy Bond           10 Stockwell Academy     18:33.30     2
  4 Dylan Hamilton        11 Homer                 18:47.60     3
  5 Jake Miller           12 Royal Oak Shrine      18:51.30     4
  6 Liam Rybicki-Kler     11 Roeper                18:52.10     5
  7 Anthony Martino       11 Stockwell Academy     18:52.60     6
  8 Garrett Crozier       11 Whiteford             18:55.20     7
  9 Mason Mears           10 Athens                19:18.00     8
 10 Jacob Bailey          12 Plymouth Christian    19:19.50    --
 11 Gareth Matson         10 Plymouth Christian    19:20.70    --
 12 Noah Nuss              9 Our Lady Of The Lake  19:22.90    --
 13 Alexei Groff          11 Whiteford             19:23.50     9
 14 Alan Gibson           10 Whiteford             19:25.10    10
 15 Dominic Romano        11 Royal Oak Shrine      19:26.10    11
 16 Mike Guirey           12 Royal Oak Shrine      19:33.50    12
 17 Tom Marvil            12 Homer                 19:38.30    13
 18 Dakota Glassburn      12 Homer                 19:38.50    14
 19 Kyle Trout            12 Homer                 19:45.00    15
 20 Alexander Raveane     11 Roeper                19:55.30    16
 21 Casey Hardin          10 Athens                20:04.10    17
 22 Jacob Gibbs            9 Whiteford             20:06.20    18
 23 Jake Iles             11 Athens                20:07.80    19
 24 DJ Oster              11 Bishop Foley          20:08.40    20
 25 Mitchell Brodbeck     11 Whiteford             20:11.00    21
 26 Benjamin Siebert      12 Stockwell Academy     20:29.70    22
 27 Conor O'Hara          10 Royal Oak Shrine      20:42.50    23
 28 Jason Van DeVelde      9 Bishop Foley          20:43.40    24
 29 Declan Flood          11 Royal Oak Shrine      20:48.10    25
 30 Salvatore Curcuru     10 Stockwell Academy     20:50.00    26
 31 Hunter Weeks          11 Homer                 20:52.60    27
 32 Paul Chamberlain      10 Plymouth Christian    20:54.60    --
 33 Jon Gibson             9 Whiteford             21:00.50    28
 34 Nathan Morgan         10 Stockwell Academy     21:09.00    29
 35 Nick Marcopolio       10 Bishop Foley          21:20.40    30
 36 Tristan Michel        12 Whiteford             21:24.20    31
 37 Chase Pitcher         11 Stockwell Academy     21:36.50    32
 38 Nick Hanley           10 Franklin Road Christ  21:51.80    --
 39 Steven Waring         10 Athens                22:02.10    33
 40 Kyle Booth            11 Roeper                22:03.30    34
 41 Brendan Battle        10 Royal Oak Shrine      22:25.80    35
 42 Alec Moylan           11 Royal Oak Shrine      22:32.30    36
 43 Ryan Reichenbach      12 Bishop Foley          22:37.90    37
 44 Mathieu Brenner       10 Stockwell Academy     22:41.60    38
 45 John DeLampy           9 Bishop Foley          23:17.40    39
 46 Ben Reed              10 Athens                23:31.10    40
 47 Kevin Schuetz         12 Athens                24:18.50    41
 48 Adam Romkema          12 Our Lady Of The Lake  25:45.60    --
 49 Jonathon Borja         9 Roeper                25:46.40    42
 50 Nate Austin            9 Franklin Road Christ  26:44.30    --
 51 John Powers            9 Bishop Foley          26:57.30    43
 52 Max Berlin            12 Roeper                30:04.30    44
 53 Sebastian Hamilton    10 Athens                30:18.90    45

           D3 Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run Team Scores            
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Homer                  46      1    3   13   14   15   27    -  
      1     Austin Yeakey              18:12.30
      3     Dylan Hamilton             18:47.60
      13    Tom Marvil                 19:38.30
      14    Dakota Glassburn           19:38.50
      15    Kyle Trout                 19:45.00
      27    Hunter Weeks               20:52.60*
      Total Time: 1:36:02      Average: 19:12.34      1-5 Split: 1:33
  2 Whiteford              65      7    9   10   18   21   28   31  
      7     Garrett Crozier            18:55.20
      9     Alexei Groff               19:23.50
      10    Alan Gibson                19:25.10
      18    Jacob Gibbs                20:06.20
      21    Mitchell Brodbeck          20:11.00
      28    Jon Gibson                 21:00.50*
      31    Tristan Michel             21:24.20*
      Total Time: 1:38:01      Average: 19:36.20      1-5 Split: 1:16
  3 Royal Oak Shrine       75      4   11   12   23   25   35   36  
      4     Jake Miller                18:51.30
      11    Dominic Romano             19:26.10
      12    Mike Guirey                19:33.50
      23    Conor O'Hara               20:42.50
      25    Declan Flood               20:48.10
      35    Brendan Battle             22:25.80*
      36    Alec Moylan                22:32.30*
      Total Time: 1:39:22      Average: 19:52.30      1-5 Split: 1:57
  4 Stockwell Academy      85      2    6   22   26   29   32   38  
      2     Jeremy Bond                18:33.30
      6     Anthony Martino            18:52.60
      22    Benjamin Siebert           20:29.70
      26    Salvatore Curcuru          20:50.00
      29    Nathan Morgan              21:09.00
      32    Chase Pitcher              21:36.50*
      38    Mathieu Brenner            22:41.60*
      Total Time: 1:39:55      Average: 19:58.92      1-5 Split: 2:36
  5 Athens                 117     8   17   19   33   40   41   45  
      8     Mason Mears                19:18.00
      17    Casey Hardin               20:04.10
      19    Jake Iles                  20:07.80
      33    Steven Waring              22:02.10
      40    Ben Reed                   23:31.10
      41    Kevin Schuetz              24:18.50*
      45    Sebastian Hamilton         30:18.90*
      Total Time: 1:45:04      Average: 21:00.62      1-5 Split: 4:14
  6 Roeper                 141     5   16   34   42   44    -    -  
      5     Liam Rybicki-Kler          18:52.10
      16    Alexander Raveane          19:55.30
      34    Kyle Booth                 22:03.30
      42    Jonathon Borja             25:46.40
      44    Max Berlin                 30:04.30
      Total Time: 1:56:42      Average: 23:20.28      1-5 Split: 11:13
  7 Bishop Foley           150    20   24   30   37   39   43    -  
      20    DJ Oster                   20:08.40
      24    Jason Van DeVelde          20:43.40
      30    Nick Marcopolio            21:20.40
      37    Ryan Reichenbach           22:37.90
      39    John DeLampy               23:17.40
      43    John Powers                26:57.30*
      Total Time: 1:48:08      Average: 21:37.50      1-5 Split: 3:09

                   D1 JV Girls 5000 Meter Run                    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Morgan Martin         12 Clarkston             22:26.30     1
  2 Charlotte Clark       10 Plymouth              22:43.30     2
  3 Hannah Hawkins        12 Clarkston             22:46.00     3
  4 Abby Cooper            9 Brighton              22:55.80     4
  5 Zoe Dittman           10 Brighton              22:57.60     5
  6 Kelsey Hunt           10 Clarkston             22:59.80     6
  7 Natalie Toth          10 Brighton              23:02.60     7
  8 Olivia Terry           9 Brighton              23:07.80     8
  9 Sarah Bradbear         9 Brighton              23:09.80     9
 10 Sarah Wegert          12 Brighton              23:11.40    10
 11 Erin Dowd             10 Brighton              23:19.50    11
 12 Maddie Bartek         11 Plymouth              23:21.60    12
 13 Kaia Johnson           9 Brighton              23:23.70    --
 14 Quinn Pangborn         9 GP North              23:32.40    13
 15 Maddie Gafa           12 GP North              23:40.00    14
 16 Chloe Bigwood         10 GP North              23:41.00    15
 17 Audrey Kam            10 GP North              23:45.20    16
 18 Katie Peterson        12 Brighton              23:52.90    --
 19 Shannon Kahl          12 Brighton              23:54.30    --
 20 Erinne Lubienski       9 GP North              23:56.80    17
 21 Sierra Pulice          9 Brighton              23:57.10    --
 22 Sophia Stephan        10 Plymouth              23:59.10    18
 23 Tori Tijan             9 Brighton              24:02.90    --
 24 Alex Bastian          10 Groves                24:06.40    19
 25 Molly McSween         11 Plymouth              24:14.70    20
 26 Megan Wilkerson       11 Plymouth              24:19.80    21
 27 Allison Morren        10 Plymouth              24:21.30    22
 28 Maddy Malone          10 Brighton              24:22.20    --
 29 Brigitte Smith        12 GP North              24:25.30    23
 30 Mckenzie Suarez       11 Clarkston             24:32.30    24
 31 Haliegh Orr           12 Clarkston             24:32.70    25
 32 Amanda Wakefield      12 Clarkston             24:38.70    26
 33 Abigail Rhodes         9 Plymouth              24:49.10    27
 34 Anne Race             11 GP North              24:50.40    28
 35 Sarah Cherry          10 GP North              25:10.10    --
 36 Savanna Deavan        11 Brighton              25:16.20    --
 37 Maria Roma            11 Groves                25:17.00    29
 38 Allyson Gillis        10 Brighton              25:18.40    --
 39 Katie Russo           11 GP North              25:23.00    --
 40 Charlotte Reader      11 Groves                25:28.50    30
 41 Kelsey Nowak          11 Groves                25:29.80    31
 42 Briana Crist          11 Clarkston             25:34.70    32
 43 Marie Bourke          12 GP North              25:36.80    --
 44 Emma Swales           11 Plymouth              25:38.10    --
 45 Maria Unknown            Berkley               25:44.90    33
 46 Sydney Wisniewski     12 Brighton              25:52.30    --
 47 Krishna Oza            9 WL Western            25:52.60    --
 48 Katie Warbel          12 Plymouth              25:59.00    --
 49 Olivia Hoover         10 GP North              25:59.90    --
 50 Grace Sexton           9 GP North              26:04.80    --
 51 Sarah Snyder           9 Clarkston             26:05.90    --
 52 Elizabeth Crorey      10 Groves                26:28.90    34
 53 Madeleine Declercq    11 Clarkston             26:37.60    --
 54 Sophia Pryor          11 Groves                26:38.70    35
 55 Lizzy Butzler         12 Clarkston             26:46.30    --
 56 Olivia Francis         9 GP North              26:47.60    --
 57 Courtney Roland       10 Clarkston             26:57.60    --
 58 Lauren Nyquist        11 GP North              26:58.00    --
 59 Emily Waldner         11 GP North              27:03.00    --
 60 Sarah Weitecha         9 GP North              27:16.40    --
 61 Emily Stillman        10 Groves                27:29.30    36
 62 Valerie Kowalski      12 Brighton              27:42.30    --
 63 Surmeet Gill          11 Plymouth              27:49.80    --
 64 Stephanie Boschma     10 Brighton              27:50.80    --
 65 Ellie DeBrule         10 Brighton              27:54.90    --
 66 MaryLynn Hryciuk      12 GP North              28:05.90    --
 67 Alyssa Posthuma       10 Brighton              28:40.20    --
 68 Marianna Forsell      12 Brighton              28:45.40    --
 69 Emily BrownBaker      10 GP North              28:51.70    --
 70 Hanna Baker              Berkley               28:58.40    37
 71 Caitlin Smith         10 Groves                29:01.00    --
 72 Audrey Pittman           Berkley               29:11.10    38
 73 Gyasi Gambrell        10 WL Western            29:18.00    --
 74 Julia Anter           11 GP North              29:18.80    --
 75 Camille Burke          9 GP North              29:21.50    --
 76 Meghan Mitchell       10 GP North              29:23.60    --
 77 Shayna Meyers         11 GP North              29:26.10    --
 78 Lolly Duus             9 GP North              29:29.70    --
 79 AnnaBelle Berlin         Berkley               29:30.30    39
 80 Valerie Matula         9 GP North              29:31.80    --
 81 Natalia Gergle        10 Clarkston             29:38.90    --
 82 Micah Angus            9 Clarkston             29:56.90    --
 83 Julia Isidori            Berkley               30:12.40    40
 84 Jillian Kurolvech     10 Clarkston             30:13.80    --
 85 Sam Hicks             11 GP North              30:47.40    --
 86 Gabby Tatum           11 GP North              32:02.50    --
 87 Alanna Sparks         11 GP North              32:25.90    --
 88 Gabby Mazurek          9 GP North              32:29.40    --
 89 Ashley Brokenshaw      9 Clarkston             32:30.50    --
 90 Deanna Hanley         11 GP North              32:57.30    --
 91 Madeline Jones        10 Brighton              33:08.80    --
 92 Rachel Darin          11 Clarkston             33:52.70    --
 93 Emily Surzyn          11 GP North              34:07.40    --
 94 Delaney Bennett       11 GP North              34:36.60    --
 95 Mallika Kanneganti    10 GP North              35:30.40    --
 96 Clarissa Kam           9 GP North              35:36.50    --
 97 Fayth Kakos           10 Groves                38:20.10    --
 98 Danielle Knieper      10 Brighton              38:49.20    --

             D1 JV Girls 5000 Meter Run Team Scores              
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Brighton               33      4    5    7    8    9   10   11  
      4     Abby Cooper                22:55.80
      5     Zoe Dittman                22:57.60
      7     Natalie Toth               23:02.60
      8     Olivia Terry               23:07.80
      9     Sarah Bradbear             23:09.80
      10    Sarah Wegert               23:11.40*
      11    Erin Dowd                  23:19.50*
      Total Time: 1:55:14      Average: 23:02.72      1-5 Split: 14
  2 Clarkston              59      1    3    6   24   25   26   32  
      1     Morgan Martin              22:26.30
      3     Hannah Hawkins             22:46.00
      6     Kelsey Hunt                22:59.80
      24    Mckenzie Suarez            24:32.30
      25    Haliegh Orr                24:32.70
      26    Amanda Wakefield           24:38.70*
      32    Briana Crist               25:34.70*
      Total Time: 1:57:18      Average: 23:27.42      1-5 Split: 2:07
  3 Plymouth               73      2   12   18   20   21   22   27  
      2     Charlotte Clark            22:43.30
      12    Maddie Bartek              23:21.60
      18    Sophia Stephan             23:59.10
      20    Molly McSween              24:14.70
      21    Megan Wilkerson            24:19.80
      22    Allison Morren             24:21.30*
      27    Abigail Rhodes             24:49.10*
      Total Time: 1:58:39      Average: 23:43.70      1-5 Split: 1:37
  4 GP North               75     13   14   15   16   17   23   28  
      13    Quinn Pangborn             23:32.40
      14    Maddie Gafa                23:40.00
      15    Chloe Bigwood              23:41.00
      16    Audrey Kam                 23:45.20
      17    Erinne Lubienski           23:56.80
      23    Brigitte Smith             24:25.30*
      28    Anne Race                  24:50.40*
      Total Time: 1:58:36      Average: 23:43.08      1-5 Split: 25
  5 Groves                 143    19   29   30   31   34   35   36  
      19    Alex Bastian               24:06.40
      29    Maria Roma                 25:17.00
      30    Charlotte Reader           25:28.50
      31    Kelsey Nowak               25:29.80
      34    Elizabeth Crorey           26:28.90
      35    Sophia Pryor               26:38.70*
      36    Emily Stillman             27:29.30*
      Total Time: 2:06:51      Average: 25:22.12      1-5 Split: 2:23
  6 Berkley                187    33   37   38   39   40    -    -  
      33    Maria Unknown              25:44.90
      37    Hanna Baker                28:58.40
      38    Audrey Pittman             29:11.10
      39    AnnaBelle Berlin           29:30.30
      40    Julia Isidori              30:12.40
      Total Time: 2:23:38      Average: 28:43.42      1-5 Split: 4:28

                    D1 JV Boys 5000 Meter Run                    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Matt Dottavio         11 Plymouth              17:57.20     1
  2 Hunter Steed          12 Seaholm               17:59.30     2
  3 Sam Barrett            9 WL Central            18:15.00     3
  4 Jack Walton           12 Seaholm               18:27.70     4
  5 John Petruno           9 WL Western            18:33.00    --
  6 Joseph Shaver         12 Plymouth              18:35.50     5
  7 Michael Trease        11 Seaholm               18:38.70     6
  8 Joey Maciag           11 Plymouth              18:40.20     7
  9 Jonah Kest            12 Seaholm               18:42.40     8
 10 Daniel Ahearn         12 Plymouth              18:43.00     9
 11 Mitchell Loeffler     11 Seaholm               18:43.30    10
 12 David Seago            9 Seaholm               18:48.00    11
 13 Casey Board           12 Seaholm               18:51.90    12
 14 Alex Crump            11 Seaholm               18:57.30    --
 15 Bradley Wilkerson     12 Plymouth              19:00.20    13
 16 Michael Baker         10 Clarkston             19:03.10    14
 17 Luke Oldford           9 Clarkston             19:09.50    15
 18 Erik Liubakka         11 Plymouth              19:12.10    16
 19 Zach Pepin             9 WL Central            19:13.90    17
 20 Ben Williams           9 Seaholm               19:14.70    --
 21 Richard Johnson       11 Clarkston             19:16.20    18
 22 Josh Fischer          10 GP North              19:16.50    19
 23 Ryan Race              9 GP North              19:26.00    20
 24 Alex Zoltowski        11 Plymouth              19:30.80    21
 25 Duncan Sollestre      11 WL Central            19:31.60    22
 26 Mark Peregoy           9 Plymouth              19:33.60    --
 27 Bryan Dumas           11 Clarkston             19:37.50    23
 28 Jacob Chinarian       11 WL Central            19:38.20    24
 29 Max Thompson          12 WL Central            19:41.00    25
 30 Andrew Withers        11 Plymouth              19:43.40    --
 31 Andrew Brewer         12 Clarkston             19:43.80    26
 32 Steven Hoef           12 WL Central            19:47.00    27
 33 Luke Fox              11 Catholic Central      19:47.60    28
 34 Alex Meredyk          12 WL Central            19:51.30    29
 35 Griffin Watt          10 Seaholm               19:52.10    --
 36 Nikita Dyatlov        12 Seaholm               19:53.10    --
 37 Keith Auchterlonie     9 Clarkston             19:54.50    30
 38 Andrew Shattuck       10 Plymouth              19:55.60    --
 39 David Sokol           12 WL Western            19:59.60    --
 40 Jacob Ryan             9 Clarkston             20:01.40    31
 41 Peter Carravallah     10 Plymouth              20:01.80    --
 42 Nick Paris            10 Clarkston             20:02.20    --
 43 Kyle Weir              9 WL Central            20:03.20    --
 44 Patrick Mayhew        11 Seaholm               20:03.80    --
 45 Shane Sexton           9 Catholic Central      20:06.60    32
 46 Zach Bowling          12 Catholic Central      20:07.70    33
 47 DEVIN ABB              9 Catholic Central      20:08.20    34
 48 Matthew Higgins       10 Catholic Central      20:08.70    35
 49 Stuart McNutt         10 Seaholm               20:09.70    --
 50 Nolan Ouellette        9 Plymouth              20:11.00    --
 51 Andrew Dever          11 Clarkston             20:15.20    --
 52 Jacob Sandy           12 Seaholm               20:17.00    --
 53 Spencer Doyle         11 Catholic Central      20:19.20    36
 54 Nathan Hedden         10 Clarkston             20:23.90    --
 55 Logan Manning         10 WL Central            20:24.80    --
 56 McWilliams Gordon     10 WL Central            20:27.30    --
 57 Timothy Dalrymple      9 Clarkston             20:27.90    --
 58 Hector Ramirez         9 WL Central            20:28.60    --
 59 Andy Cowdery           9 Seaholm               20:28.90    --
 60 Adrian Carmer         10 GP North              20:32.40    37
 61 Peter Fargo            9 WL Western            20:33.30    --
 62 Jacob Kennedy            Berkley               20:34.60    38
 63 Sebastian Miner       10 Catholic Central      20:35.30    39
 64 Simeon Britting       10 Clarkston             20:37.30    --
 65 Cameron Berry         12 WL Central            20:39.30    --
 66 James Peregoy         11 Plymouth              20:41.40    --
 67 Aaron Brooks          10 Seaholm               20:46.50    --
 68 Nick Cobb             11 Catholic Central      20:47.50    --
 69 Nicholas Sprague      10 Clarkston             20:48.90    --
 70 John Verklan          12 WL Western            20:57.30    --
 71 Jacob Edelson          9 Groves                21:01.80    40
 72 Andrew Wilson         10 Catholic Central      21:02.60    --
 73 Shane Sexton           9 Catholic Central      21:08.40    --
 74 Adam Schreck           9 GP North              21:14.80    41
 75 Andrew Wandyez        12 Seaholm               21:16.40    --
 76 Alex Sitner           12 Seaholm               21:17.60    --
 77 Adam Roach            12 GP North              21:20.60    42
 78 Joe Guido             10 GP North              21:21.20    43
 79 Luke Oldford           9 Clarkston             21:22.00    --
 80 Andrew Loch           12 Clarkston             21:22.40    --
 81 Puyan Gholizadeh      10 GP North              21:22.80    44
 82 Andrew Chinarian      11 WL Central            21:23.20    --
 83 PJ Schindler             Berkley               21:24.00    45
 84 Alex Iaquinto         10 Catholic Central      21:26.60    --
 85 Derek Childs           9 Clarkston             21:27.70    --
 86 Bruce Marin           11 WL Central            21:28.20    --
 87 John Conklin          10 Plymouth              21:28.70    --
 88 Davis Day             12 Catholic Central      21:32.40    --
 89 Patrick O'Brien       11 Seaholm               21:34.60    --
 90 Adam Schreck           9 GP North              21:35.50    --
 91 Jack Schumaker         9 Seaholm               21:35.90    --
 92 Stephen Stawara       12 Clarkston             21:37.60    --
 93 Josh Kozakowski       11 GP North              21:40.20    --
 94 Seth Edwards          10 WL Central            21:41.60    --
 95 Gabriel Korkmaz       10 GP North              21:47.90    --
 96 Ian Miller               Berkley               21:48.60    46
 97 Kohsuke Tashiro       11 Seaholm               21:50.30    --
 98 Brennan Schilling     11 Catholic Central      21:51.60    --
 99 Michael Holmes        12 WL Central            21:54.30    --
100 Colin Burke            9 Plymouth              21:54.90    --
101 Logan Parkinson       12 WL Central            21:55.60    --
102 Evan Heffner          10 Plymouth              21:56.40    --
103 Bradley Christensen   11 Plymouth              21:57.40    --
104 Mitchell Mcsweeney    10 Catholic Central      21:58.50    --
105 Ty Buckley             9 Catholic Central      22:00.70    --
106 Aidan Reickert        10 GP North              22:01.50    --
107 Ryan Doyle            11 Catholic Central      22:02.50    --
108 Corey Crowe              Berkley               22:03.70    47
109 Will Sollish             Berkley               22:04.60    48
110 Martin Quinton           Berkley               22:05.60    49
111 Jesse Nelson           9 Plymouth              22:06.00    --
112 Tej Sutariya           9 Plymouth              22:11.80    --
113 William Ferguson       9 GP North              22:17.20    --
114 Michael Sanker         9 Clarkston             22:20.60    --
115 Samuel Yarsike        10 Groves                22:29.40    50
116 Samuel Yost           12 Groves                22:31.30    51
117 Brett Cooper          10 Clarkston             22:33.40    --
118 Eric Ruthruff         10 Seaholm               22:33.70    --
119 Brenden Hein          10 Catholic Central      22:37.90    --
120 Brandon Imiroicz      10 Clarkston             22:38.30    --
121 Colin Weinert         10 Seaholm               22:48.30    --
122 Ardie Milwrick        10 GP North              22:50.90    --
123 John Kochan            9 Plymouth              22:51.40    --
124 Jonah Rzeppa          10 Groves                22:55.30    52
125 Luke McNally             Berkley               22:56.80    53
126 Jacob Fisher          11 WL Central            22:58.90    --
127 Daniel Evans          10 Seaholm               23:00.00    --
128 Tyler White            9 GP North              23:01.10    --
129 Chase Lee              9 Seaholm               23:09.00    --
130 Connor Remski         12 Seaholm               23:13.00    --
131 Patrick Ray           12 Catholic Central      23:25.80    --
132 Jacob Mansfield        9 WL Central            23:34.20    --
133 Adam Smith             9 Clarkston             23:36.10    --
134 Timothy Walsh         10 Groves                23:38.70    54
135 Patrick McAdams       12 Catholic Central      23:41.90    --
136 Derek Joslin           9 Clarkston             23:45.50    --
137 Zayd Ahmed             9 Plymouth              23:54.60    --
138 Peter Peterson        10 Seaholm               24:05.50    --
139 Patrick McCowell       9 GP North              24:06.10    --
140 Alex Zikherman        10 WL Central            24:12.40    --
141 David Broughton       10 Groves                24:16.20    55
142 Griffin Simmons        9 Seaholm               24:23.20    --
143 Keith Melong          10 Catholic Central      24:30.40    --
144 Max Fields               Berkley               24:38.00    --
145 Matthew Mills         10 Catholic Central      24:43.10    --
146 Kenneth Yuk            9 Plymouth              24:46.20    --
147 Sean Weyers           11 Plymouth              24:51.50    --
148 Ryan Gross             9 Groves                24:54.50    56
149 Jonathan Green        10 Groves                25:05.10    --
150 Max Novick             9 Groves                25:14.20    --
151 Simon Limback         10 GP North              25:16.30    --
152 August McCardell      10 Seaholm               26:20.50    --
153 Jacob Rees            10 GP North              26:53.50    --
154 Reed Boeckler          9 GP North              26:56.60    --
155 Addison Toutant        9 GP North              27:01.50    --
156 Scott Ebaugh             Berkley               27:17.00    --
157 Jordan Frank           9 Seaholm               27:21.40    --
158 Benjamin Kue          11 Groves                27:23.30    --
159 Kevin Kinnaird        10 GP North              28:06.40    --
160 Owen Gafa              9 GP North              28:36.00    --
161 Spencer Stringer      12 Clarkston             29:20.40    --
162 Alex Cobb              9 Catholic Central      29:39.10    --
163 Christian Flannery     9 GP North              29:57.70    --
164 Chase Moilanen        10 Groves                29:59.60    --
165 Eliot Boinais          9 Groves                30:41.30    --
166 Andrew Nurmi          10 GP North              30:49.50    --
167 Kit Charlton             Berkley               41:22.30    --

              D1 JV Boys 5000 Meter Run Team Scores              
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Seaholm                30      2    4    6    8   10   11   12  
      2     Hunter Steed               17:59.30
      4     Jack Walton                18:27.70
      6     Michael Trease             18:38.70
      8     Jonah Kest                 18:42.40
      10    Mitchell Loeffler          18:43.30
      11    David Seago                18:48.00*
      12    Casey Board                18:51.90*
      Total Time: 1:32:32      Average: 18:30.28      1-5 Split: 44
  2 Plymouth               35      1    5    7    9   13   16   21  
      1     Matt Dottavio              17:57.20
      5     Joseph Shaver              18:35.50
      7     Joey Maciag                18:40.20
      9     Daniel Ahearn              18:43.00
      13    Bradley Wilkerson          19:00.20
      16    Erik Liubakka              19:12.10*
      21    Alex Zoltowski             19:30.80*
      Total Time: 1:32:57      Average: 18:35.22      1-5 Split: 1:03
  3 WL Central             91      3   17   22   24   25   27   29  
      3     Sam Barrett                18:15.00
      17    Zach Pepin                 19:13.90
      22    Duncan Sollestre           19:31.60
      24    Jacob Chinarian            19:38.20
      25    Max Thompson               19:41.00
      27    Steven Hoef                19:47.00*
      29    Alex Meredyk               19:51.30*
      Total Time: 1:36:20      Average: 19:15.94      1-5 Split: 1:26
  4 Clarkston              96     14   15   18   23   26   30   31  
      14    Michael Baker              19:03.10
      15    Luke Oldford               19:09.50
      18    Richard Johnson            19:16.20
      23    Bryan Dumas                19:37.50
      26    Andrew Brewer              19:43.80
      30    Keith Auchterlonie         19:54.50*
      31    Jacob Ryan                 20:01.40*
      Total Time: 1:36:51      Average: 19:22.02      1-5 Split: 41
  5 GP North               159    19   20   37   41   42   43   44  
      19    Josh Fischer               19:16.50
      20    Ryan Race                  19:26.00
      37    Adrian Carmer              20:32.40
      41    Adam Schreck               21:14.80
      42    Adam Roach                 21:20.60
      43    Joe Guido                  21:21.20*
      44    Puyan Gholizadeh           21:22.80*
      Total Time: 1:41:51      Average: 20:22.06      1-5 Split: 2:05
  6 Catholic Central       162    28   32   33   34   35   36   39  
      28    Luke Fox                   19:47.60
      32    Shane Sexton               20:06.60
      33    Zach Bowling               20:07.70
      34    DEVIN ABB                  20:08.20
      35    Matthew Higgins            20:08.70
      36    Spencer Doyle              20:19.20*
      39    Sebastian Miner            20:35.30*
      Total Time: 1:40:19      Average: 20:03.76      1-5 Split: 22
  7 Berkley                224    38   45   46   47   48   49   53  
      38    Jacob Kennedy              20:34.60
      45    PJ Schindler               21:24.00
      46    Ian Miller                 21:48.60
      47    Corey Crowe                22:03.70
      48    Will Sollish               22:04.60
      49    Martin Quinton             22:05.60*
      53    Luke McNally               22:56.80*
      Total Time: 1:47:56      Average: 21:35.10      1-5 Split: 1:30
  8 Groves                 247    40   50   51   52   54   55   56  
      40    Jacob Edelson              21:01.80
      50    Samuel Yarsike             22:29.40
      51    Samuel Yost                22:31.30
      52    Jonah Rzeppa               22:55.30
      54    Timothy Walsh              23:38.70
      55    David Broughton            24:16.20*
      56    Ryan Gross                 24:54.50*
      Total Time: 1:52:37      Average: 22:31.30      1-5 Split: 2:37

                 D1 Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run                 
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Marina DeBiasi        12 Plymouth              19:32.40     1
  2 Julia Rustmann        12 GP North              20:11.00     2
  3 Sarah Rustmann        12 GP North              20:12.10     3
  4 Nicole Hanson         10 Clarkston             20:13.30     4
  5 Sage Beauregard       12 Clarkston             20:25.60     5
  6 Kirsten McGahan       10 Brighton              20:29.10     6
  7 Megan Forgacs         12 WL Western            20:32.90     7
  8 Sam Fusik              9 Brighton              20:41.50     8
  9 Erica Gardner         12 Groves                20:49.80     9
 10 Nicole Johns          12 Berkley               20:54.20    10
 11 Aniela Crayton         9 Berkley               20:59.90    11
 12 Katelyn Carney        10 GP North              21:02.80    12
 13 Cynthia Wynn          10 Brighton              21:04.10    13
 14 Anna Ricci            11 Berkley               21:05.20    14
 15 Grace Macdonald       10 Groves                21:09.10    15
 16 Hailey Foster         11 Plymouth              21:10.00    16
 17 Erika Allen           12 WL Western            21:23.40    17
 18 Alex Glading           9 Clarkston             21:29.70    18
 19 Kaitlyn Cavallo       10 Clarkston             21:41.70    19
 20 Mackenzie Proper      12 Clarkston             21:48.40    20
 21 Sarah He               9 Brighton              21:50.50    21
 22 Annie Bonds            9 Plymouth              21:52.10    22
 23 Jackie Kochan         10 Brighton              22:01.10    23
 24 Kelsey Catania        10 Clarkston             22:01.80    24
 25 Helen Jeffers         11 Clarkston             22:20.90    25
 26 Maddy Denison         11 GP North              22:32.10    26
 27 Alexa Cichon          12 Plymouth              22:34.50    27
 28 Claire Westerlund     10 Groves                22:39.90    28
 29 Johanna Becker        12 Brighton              22:48.70    29
 30 Marianne DeBrito      10 Plymouth              22:58.50    30
 31 Jaqueline Hentschel    9 Groves                23:03.70    31
 32 Rachel Matuszewski     9 Brighton              23:06.30    32
 33 Sydney Clark          11 WL Western            23:23.90    33
 34 Alaina Streberger     10 GP North              23:25.70    34
 35 Kandis Fox            11 Berkley               23:27.90    35
 36 Sloan Kanat            9 Groves                23:39.20    36
 37 Keri Hryciuk          10 GP North              23:42.30    37
 38 Megan Mulheron        11 Berkley               23:59.20    38
 39 Anne Kozak            11 Groves                24:46.80    39
 40 Brianna Lax           12 Plymouth              25:00.80    40
 41 Lily Coker             9 Berkley               25:19.50    41
 42 Emma Dolan            12 Groves                25:31.40    42
 43 Ericka Vanmaele        9 WL Western            26:30.10    43
 44 Christine Kovacs      12 WL Western            26:35.50    44
 45 Florencia Herradon    10 WL Western            28:13.90    45
 46 Estefany Velasquez    12 WL Western            29:20.20    46
 47 Renae DeBrito         12 Plymouth              34:41.60    47

           D1 Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run Team Scores           
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Clarkston              66      4    5   18   19   20   24   25  
      4     Nicole Hanson              20:13.30
      5     Sage Beauregard            20:25.60
      18    Alex Glading               21:29.70
      19    Kaitlyn Cavallo            21:41.70
      20    Mackenzie Proper           21:48.40
      24    Kelsey Catania             22:01.80*
      25    Helen Jeffers              22:20.90*
      Total Time: 1:45:39      Average: 21:07.74      1-5 Split: 1:36
  2 Brighton               71      6    8   13   21   23   29   32  
      6     Kirsten McGahan            20:29.10
      8     Sam Fusik                  20:41.50
      13    Cynthia Wynn               21:04.10
      21    Sarah He                   21:50.50
      23    Jackie Kochan              22:01.10
      29    Johanna Becker             22:48.70*
      32    Rachel Matuszewski         23:06.30*
      Total Time: 1:46:07      Average: 21:13.26      1-5 Split: 1:32
  3 GP North               77      2    3   12   26   34   37    -  
      2     Julia Rustmann             20:11.00
      3     Sarah Rustmann             20:12.10
      12    Katelyn Carney             21:02.80
      26    Maddy Denison              22:32.10
      34    Alaina Streberger          23:25.70
      37    Keri Hryciuk               23:42.30*
      Total Time: 1:47:24      Average: 21:28.74      1-5 Split: 3:15
  4 Plymouth               96      1   16   22   27   30   40   47  
      1     Marina DeBiasi             19:32.40
      16    Hailey Foster              21:10.00
      22    Annie Bonds                21:52.10
      27    Alexa Cichon               22:34.50
      30    Marianne DeBrito           22:58.50
      40    Brianna Lax                25:00.80*
      47    Renae DeBrito              34:41.60*
      Total Time: 1:48:08      Average: 21:37.50      1-5 Split: 3:27
  5 Berkley                108    10   11   14   35   38   41    -  
      10    Nicole Johns               20:54.20
      11    Aniela Crayton             20:59.90
      14    Anna Ricci                 21:05.20
      35    Kandis Fox                 23:27.90
      38    Megan Mulheron             23:59.20
      41    Lily Coker                 25:19.50*
      Total Time: 1:50:27      Average: 22:05.28      1-5 Split: 3:05
  6 Groves                 119     9   15   28   31   36   39   42  
      9     Erica Gardner              20:49.80
      15    Grace Macdonald            21:09.10
      28    Claire Westerlund          22:39.90
      31    Jaqueline Hentschel        23:03.70
      36    Sloan Kanat                23:39.20
      39    Anne Kozak                 24:46.80*
      42    Emma Dolan                 25:31.40*
      Total Time: 1:51:22      Average: 22:16.34      1-5 Split: 2:50
  7 WL Western             144     7   17   33   43   44   45   46  
      7     Megan Forgacs              20:32.90
      17    Erika Allen                21:23.40
      33    Sydney Clark               23:23.90
      43    Ericka Vanmaele            26:30.10
      44    Christine Kovacs           26:35.50
      45    Florencia Herradon         28:13.90*
      46    Estefany Velasquez         29:20.20*
      Total Time: 1:58:26      Average: 23:41.16      1-5 Split: 6:03

                 D1 Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run                  
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Mitchell Dennis       12 WL Western            16:22.20     1
  2 Zane Berlanga         12 Plymouth              16:36.10     2
  3 Daniel Billette       11 Clarkston             16:47.70     3
  4 Ross Bernard          12 Seaholm               16:48.10     4
  5 Grant Henley          10 Clarkston             16:55.00     5
  6 Matthew Pahl          11 Plymouth              17:08.00     6
  7 Jack Halpin           10 Seaholm               17:10.30     7
  8 Austin Murray         12 WL Western            17:13.40     8
  9 Tyler Dunn            11 Clarkston             17:14.40     9
 10 Liam Cardenas         12 Plymouth              17:14.80    10
 11 Mayur Patil           12 Plymouth              17:21.90    11
 12 Tristan Fackelman     11 WL Central            17:23.50    12
 13 Jack Williams         12 Seaholm               17:23.80    13
 14 Sebastian Betzer      12 Berkley               17:24.20    14
 15 Liam Little           10 Seaholm               17:25.50    15
 16 Connor Sickmiller     10 GP North              17:25.80    16
 17 Joey Russell          10 Seaholm               17:26.10    17
 18 Zane Coplai           11 WL Central            17:26.60    18
 19 Jonny Dalton          11 Plymouth              17:33.50    19
 20 Jack Bleibtrey        10 WL Western            17:36.30    20
 21 Nathan Heierman       12 Clarkston             17:41.30    21
 22 Joe Ciaravino         11 GP North              17:45.70    22
 23 Michael Hoef          12 WL Central            17:50.10    23
 24 Blerim Mema           12 Plymouth              17:55.70    24
 25 Matthieu Nordstrom    10 WL Western            17:56.20    25
 26 Max Rogowski          12 Plymouth              17:57.60    26
 27 Andrew Bill           10 Berkley               17:58.00    27
 28 Zachary Schildcrout   12 Berkley               18:01.50    28
 29 Derrick Egli          10 Clarkston             18:04.00    29
 30 Jerrod Hill            9 WL Central            18:04.70    30
 31 Luke Wallace           9 Seaholm               18:09.20    31
 32 Louis Sullivan        11 Groves                18:12.50    32
 33 Russell Ladd          12 Seaholm               18:18.00    33
 34 Corbin Pontious       12 WL Central            18:19.20    34
 35 Chris Poiner          12 WL Western            18:26.30    35
 36 Jayden Boman          11 WL Central            18:29.90    36
 37 Pearce Reickert       12 GP North              18:35.30    37
 38 Ryan Malburg          10 WL Western            18:36.00    38
 39 Eric Matecan          11 WL Western            18:37.00    39
 40 Alex Brady            12 GP North              18:39.70    40
 41 William Eisert         9 Clarkston             18:41.50    41
 42 Jefferey Dunnagin     11 WL Central            18:42.30    42
 43 Alexander Ross         9 Groves                18:43.00    43
 44 Mike Bakowski         12 GP North              18:46.70    44
 45 Ryan Kolp             10 GP North              18:47.00    45
 46 Ian Annesser          10 Berkley               18:50.80    46
 47 Daniel Brady          10 GP North              19:02.70    47
 48 Tommy Porter          12 Berkley               19:06.10    48
 49 Jacob Dasuqi          11 Clarkston             19:17.90    49
 50 Kyle Giusti           10 Catholic Central      19:23.60    50
 51 Matthew Pochowicz     12 Catholic Central      19:24.70    51
 52 Ben Worth             11 Catholic Central      19:25.40    52
 53 Olivier Rochaix        9 Groves                19:26.00    53
 54 Zach Smith             9 Berkley               19:27.90    54
 55 Sean Hyaduck          10 Catholic Central      19:30.00    55
 56 Ryan Schildcrout      10 Berkley               19:33.20    56
 57 James Searle          11 Groves                20:04.80    57
 58 Jay Moak              10 Groves                20:08.30    58
 59 Perry Davis           12 Groves                20:09.30    59
 60 Alex LaForest          9 Catholic Central      20:37.30    60
 61 Benjamin Kassab       11 Groves                20:46.70    61
 62 Ben Phillips          11 Catholic Central      21:23.90    62

           D1 Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run Team Scores            
    Team                   Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Plymouth               48      2    6   10   11   19   24   26  
      2     Zane Berlanga              16:36.10
      6     Matthew Pahl               17:08.00
      10    Liam Cardenas              17:14.80
      11    Mayur Patil                17:21.90
      19    Jonny Dalton               17:33.50
      24    Blerim Mema                17:55.70*
      26    Max Rogowski               17:57.60*
      Total Time: 1:25:55      Average: 17:10.86      1-5 Split: 58
  2 Seaholm                56      4    7   13   15   17   31   33  
      4     Ross Bernard               16:48.10
      7     Jack Halpin                17:10.30
      13    Jack Williams              17:23.80
      15    Liam Little                17:25.50
      17    Joey Russell               17:26.10
      31    Luke Wallace               18:09.20*
      33    Russell Ladd               18:18.00*
      Total Time: 1:26:14      Average: 17:14.76      1-5 Split: 38
  3 Clarkston              67      3    5    9   21   29   41   49  
      3     Daniel Billette            16:47.70
      5     Grant Henley               16:55.00
      9     Tyler Dunn                 17:14.40
      21    Nathan Heierman            17:41.30
      29    Derrick Egli               18:04.00
      41    William Eisert             18:41.50*
      49    Jacob Dasuqi               19:17.90*
      Total Time: 1:26:43      Average: 17:20.48      1-5 Split: 1:17
  4 WL Western             89      1    8   20   25   35   38   39  
      1     Mitchell Dennis            16:22.20
      8     Austin Murray              17:13.40
      20    Jack Bleibtrey             17:36.30
      25    Matthieu Nordstrom         17:56.20
      35    Chris Poiner               18:26.30
      38    Ryan Malburg               18:36.00*
      39    Eric Matecan               18:37.00*
      Total Time: 1:27:35      Average: 17:30.88      1-5 Split: 2:05
  5 WL Central             117    12   18   23   30   34   36   42  
      12    Tristan Fackelman          17:23.50
      18    Zane Coplai                17:26.60
      23    Michael Hoef               17:50.10
      30    Jerrod Hill                18:04.70
      34    Corbin Pontious            18:19.20
      36    Jayden Boman               18:29.90*
      42    Jefferey Dunnagin          18:42.30*
      Total Time: 1:29:05      Average: 17:48.82      1-5 Split: 56
  6 GP North               159    16   22   37   40   44   45   47  
      16    Connor Sickmiller          17:25.80
      22    Joe Ciaravino              17:45.70
      37    Pearce Reickert            18:35.30
      40    Alex Brady                 18:39.70
      44    Mike Bakowski              18:46.70
      45    Ryan Kolp                  18:47.00*
      47    Daniel Brady               19:02.70*
      Total Time: 1:31:14      Average: 18:14.64      1-5 Split: 1:21
  7 Berkley                163    14   27   28   46   48   54   56  
      14    Sebastian Betzer           17:24.20
      27    Andrew Bill                17:58.00
      28    Zachary Schildcrout        18:01.50
      46    Ian Annesser               18:50.80
      48    Tommy Porter               19:06.10
      54    Zach Smith                 19:27.90*
      56    Ryan Schildcrout           19:33.20*
      Total Time: 1:31:21      Average: 18:16.12      1-5 Split: 1:42
  8 Groves                 243    32   43   53   57   58   59   61  
      32    Louis Sullivan             18:12.50
      43    Alexander Ross             18:43.00
      53    Olivier Rochaix            19:26.00
      57    James Searle               20:04.80
      58    Jay Moak                   20:08.30
      59    Perry Davis                20:09.30*
      61    Benjamin Kassab            20:46.70*
      Total Time: 1:36:35      Average: 19:18.92      1-5 Split: 1:56
  9 Catholic Central       268    50   51   52   55   60   62    -  
      50    Kyle Giusti                19:23.60
      51    Matthew Pochowicz          19:24.70
      52    Ben Worth                  19:25.40
      55    Sean Hyaduck               19:30.00
      60    Alex LaForest              20:37.30
      62    Ben Phillips               21:23.90*
      Total Time: 1:38:21      Average: 19:40.20      1-5 Split: 1:14