Complete Results

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit                  Registered to: Michael Newton, Mitten Running

                            MITS - U of M #4 - 2015-01-29                            
                University of Michigan Track Building, Ann Arbor, MI                 

                 MITS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay                  
 Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard      10:45.00       2015  
    Team                                          Time   Pts
  1 Sisters of Pre                            10:13.53     0  Q
  2 Steven Seagull TC                         10:44.46        Q
  3 Utica TC                                  10:53.82         
  4 Chicas Rapidos                            11:05.78         

                  MITS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay                  
 Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       8:55.00       2015  
    Team                                          Time   Pts
  1 Elite Performance                          8:37.83     0  Q
  2 Jackalopes                                 8:40.93        Q
  3 Dearborn TC                                8:44.76        Q
  4 Sasquatch TC                               9:05.09         
  5 Jackalopes B                               9:21.37         
  6 Dearborn TC B                              9:43.65         

                   MITS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay                   
   Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       1:56.00       2015   
    Team                                          Time H#   Pts
  1 New Breed                                  1:45.57  1     0  Q
  2 Elite Performance Sports XL                1:45.93  1        Q
  3 Elite Performance Sports XL b              1:48.70  1        Q
  4 Michigan Accelerators                      1:51.00  1        Q
  5 Bernard TC                                 1:51.62  2        Q
  6 Border City Athletics                      1:53.69  3        Q
  7 Grand Rapids Fire                          1:54.08  3        Q
  8 Maximum Output                             1:55.03  2        Q
  9 E-Girls                                    1:55.06  2        Q
 10 Dearborn TC                                1:55.52  2        Q
 11 Red Tide                                   1:57.44  3         
 12 Spirit of Pre                              1:57.73  2         
 13 Lake Erie Striders                         1:59.98  2         
 14 Crystal TC                                 2:01.75  3         
 15 Unattached                                 2:03.04  3         
 16 Nancy TC                                   2:04.38  3         
 dq Elite Performance Sports XL c                   NT  1         
 dq Michigan Accelerators                           NT  3         

                   MITS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay                    
   Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       1:38.00       2015   
    Team                                          Time H#   Pts
  1 Stars of Michigan                          1:30.85  1     0  Q
  2 Maximum Output                             1:31.95  1        Q
  3 Motor City TC                              1:32.21  1        Q
  4 Grand Rapids Fire                          1:35.06  3        Q
  5 Greyhounds                                 1:38.00  4        Q
  6 Spirit of Pre                              1:38.01  2         
  7 Elite Performance                          1:38.03  1         
  8 Double Stuffed Oreo                        1:38.24  1         
  9 Blazers                                    1:38.32  2         
 10 Full Throttle                              1:38.50  2         
 11 Polar Bear TC                              1:39.53  2         
 12 Str8 Smokin'                               1:39.89  3         
 13 Smokin' Cleats                             1:39.90  3         
 14 Jackalopes                                 1:40.15  2         
 15 Steven Seagull TC                          1:40.39  2         
 16 Fire                                       1:40.68  3         
 17 Eastside Eagles                            1:43.50  1         
 18 Dearborn TC                                1:43.66  4         
 19 Jackalopes B                               1:44.43  3         
 20 Anacostia                                  1:52.70  4         

                   Freshman Girls 1600 Meter Run                    
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       5:33.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Paige Deitering        9 MMTC                   5:35.06     0   
  2 Lauren Parnell        12 Unattached             5:37.87         
  3 Rachel Zimmer          9 Unattached             5:53.24         
  4 Emilie Kennedy         9 Red Tide               5:53.28         
  5 Katie Clark            9 Spirit of Pre          6:01.07         
  6 Becky Cantrell         9 Spirit of Pre          6:01.42         
  7 Abby Hiipakka          9 Red Tide               6:02.04         
  8 Regan Lobodzinski      9 Red Tide               6:02.17         
  9 Madaline Meyers          Dearborn TC            6:13.24         
 10 Amanda Fox             9 Spirit of Pre          6:22.29         
 11 Yasmine Lajimi         9 Spirit of Pre          6:23.49         
 12 Megan Rasak            9 Unattached             6:33.51         
 13 Olivia Pahl            9 Unattached             6:52.55         

                    Freshman Boys 1600 Meter Run                    
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       4:37.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Anthony Giannobile     9 Ann Arbor TC           4:43.87     0   
  2 Neil Garg              9 Spirit of Pre          4:50.56         
  3 Armond Hicks           9 Unattached             4:50.87         
  4 Daniel Higgins         9 Up & Running           4:51.58         
  5 Aidan Delfuoco         9 Spirit of Pre          5:01.72         
  6 Michael Greeley        9 Unattached             5:04.38         
  7 Austin Rippee          9 TEMPO                  5:14.05         
  8 Nicholas Martin        9 Red Tide               5:15.69         
  9 Kurt Black             9 Red Tide               5:16.60         
 10 Seth Windle            9 Sliders                5:18.93         
 11 Nick Trevisan          9 Unattached             5:21.06         
 12 Aldo Pando Girard      9 Ann Arbor TC           5:21.37         
 13 Lucas Finton           9 TEMPO                  5:31.19         
 14 Chris Davis            9 Purple Predators       5:32.59         
 15 Aaron Vicars           9 PCA                    5:33.49         
 16 Matthew Kallabat       9 Unattached             5:37.30         
 17 Ryan Colpuitt          9 Wolfpack               5:57.06         
 18 Eric Norwood           8 Dearborn TC            6:08.72         
 19 Connor Karagitz        9 Wolfpack               7:05.04         

                       MITS Girls 1600 Meter Run                       
     Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       5:33.00       2015      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Addie May             12 Unattached             5:12.26  1        Q
  2 Maddy Trevisan        11 Unattached             5:13.03  1        Q
  3 Samantha Allmacher    12 Unattached             5:14.27  1        Q
  4 Emma Wilson           11 Runners High           5:14.47  1     0  Q
  5 Abby Rentschler       12 Spirit of Pre          5:16.51  1        Q
  6 Samantha Hanson       11 No Barrier Harriers    5:17.84  1        Q
  7 Meredith Sorensen     12 Utica TC               5:19.39  1        Q
  8 Claire Ford           12 Breen                  5:19.59  1        Q
  9 Cayla Eckenroth       10 NXC Running Club       5:20.25  1        Q
 10 Nicole Hanson         11 Breen                  5:20.97  1        Q
 11 Jessi Larson           9 Spirit of Pre          5:21.80  1        Q
 12 Lynsie Graham         12 Runnin' Gear           5:22.36  1        Q
 13 Audrey Huhtasaari     11 Breen                  5:23.25  1        Q
 14 Emma Cummings          8 Spirit of Pre          5:25.30  2        Q
 15 Madison Paquette      12 Red Tide               5:26.09  2        Q
 16 Allie Forman          12 En Fuego               5:26.62  2        Q
 17 Sarah Neumar          12 En Fuego               5:26.64  2        Q
 18 Rachel Yates          12 Downriver Runners      5:28.46  2        Q
 19 Jenna Sica            11 Brighton Track Club    5:28.92  1        Q
 20 Victoria Heiligenthal  8 Waza                   5:31.70  3        Q
 21 Colette Lark          10 Unattached             5:32.69  2        Q
 22 Taylor Machette       11 Unattached             5:33.71  2         
 23 Brittney Hall         11 Utica TC               5:34.25  2         
 24 Morgan Merlino        11 Unattached             5:36.42  2         
 25 Kate Petsch            9 Unattached             5:36.69  2         
 26 Isabella Garcia       10 Jackalope Running Cl   5:37.07  2         
 27 Amanda George         12 Invictus TC            5:37.57  2         
 28 Rylee Robinson         8 Runnin' Gear           5:37.73  2         
 29 Caitlin Clark         12 Unattached             5:37.96  2         
 30 Allysen Eads          12 Detroit Cheetah TC     5:40.43  3         
 31 Sam Fusik             10 Brighton Track Club    5:45.71  2         
 32 Natalie Douglas       11 Stickman United        5:46.54  3         
 33 Lily Kelsey            9 Unattached             5:47.37  2         
 34 Aubrey Penn           12 Unattached             5:52.28  2         
 35 Abby Hackett          11 Jackalope Running Cl   5:53.28  3         
 36 Eva Chmielewski       10 MMTC                   5:54.77  3         
 37 Maddie Haas           11 Jackalope Running Cl   5:56.30  3         
 38 Victoria Roberts      10 Ann Arbor Youth TC     5:59.45  3         
 39 Andrea Crowe          10 Brighton Track Club    5:59.58  2         
 40 Emily Parker          11 Utica TC               6:00.43  3         
 41 Haleigh Cummings      11 Spirit of Pre          6:01.63  2         
 42 Emily Allison         11 Steven Seagull TC      6:08.09  3         
 43 Latona Turner         11 Motor City TC          6:08.35  2         
 44 Maddy Denison         12 New Breed              6:08.67  3         
 45 Rachel Matuszewski    10 Brighton Track Club    6:09.12  3         
 46 Sammy Soter           11 Dearborn TC            6:13.41  3         
 47 Helen Jeffers         12 Elite Distance         6:15.78  3         
 48 Katie Riles           10 Ann Arbor Youth TC     6:19.85  3         
 49 Kayla Neme            11 Unattached             6:20.70  3         
 50 Asha Narayan          10 Jackalope Running Cl   6:22.74  3         
 51 Erika Schemmel        11 Utica TC               6:26.00  3          .994
 52 Megan Prater          11 Lake Erie Striders     6:26.00  3          .999
 53 Alli Putz             12 Unattached             6:26.88  3         
 54 Jessica Eddings       11 Jackalope Running Cl   6:33.22  3         
 55 Shikaj Advani         10 Unattached             6:34.54  3         
 56 Celeste Mathews       10 Lake Erie Striders     6:49.41  3         
 57 Sequoia West          10 MMTC                   6:55.58  3         
 58 Rebecca Sutherland    10 Jackalope Running Cl   7:01.67  3         
 59 Katie Carr            10 Unattached             7:13.60  3         

                       MITS Boys 1600 Meter Run                        
     Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       4:37.00       2015      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Nick Schmidt          12 Invictus TC            4:27.81  1     0  Q
  2 Brock Eves            11 Unattached             4:32.15  1        Q
  3 Cameron Cooper        10 Motor City TC          4:34.94  1        Q
  4 Ryan Talbott          10 Jackalope Running Cl   4:35.09  1        Q
  5 De'karyea Freeman     11 Motor City TC          4:35.11  1        Q
  6 Bryan Adamovicz       11 Spirit of Pre          4:35.45  1        Q
  7 Jacob Lee             11 Unattached             4:35.94  1        Q
  8 Brett Navarre         12 Michigan Accelerator   4:38.13  1         
  9 Braxton Snuffer       11 Unattached             4:39.31  1         
 10 Chip Osborne          11 Unattached             4:39.54  1         
 11 Dominic Davis         12 Dsquad                 4:40.39  1         
 12 Isaac Harris          12 Jackalope Running Cl   4:41.08  1         
 13 Ty Hergenreder        11 Unattached             4:42.19  1         
 14 Austin Fillmore       12 Unattached             4:44.62  2         
 15 Roan Fahey            12 Unattached             4:44.82  2         
 16 Austin Wicker         11 Jackalope Running Cl   4:45.84  1         
 17 Lucas Peterson        12 Unattached             4:46.10  1         
 18 Avery Felty           11 Breakfast Club         4:47.45  1         
 19 Sean Noone            12 Red Tide               4:47.83  2         
 20 Scott Smith           11 Breakfast Club         4:48.15  1         
 21 Vince Popyk           11 TEMPO                  4:49.19  2         
 22 Eli Tukel             12 Unattached             4:49.85  2         
 23 Austin Mandernach     12 TEMPO                  4:50.92  1         
 24 Brian Moore           12 Unattached             4:51.68  2         
 25 Alec Keaton           12 Unattached             4:51.81  2         
 26 Nathan Peterson       10 TEMPO                  4:51.83  2         
 27 Colton Lieske         11 Unattached             4:52.16  2         
 28 Aaron Jarema          10 Jackalope Running Cl   4:54.17  2         
 29 Kyle Schwieman        10 Gingerbread Men        4:54.84  2         
 30 Nick Hartstang        12 Jackalope Running Cl   4:55.69  2         
 31 Jacob Popyk           10 TEMPO                  4:57.69  2         
 32 Joseph Mercier        11 Elite Performance Sp   4:58.94  2         
 33 Ben Biber             10 Unattached             4:59.22  2         
 34 Brendan Canavan       10 Breakfast Club         5:00.46  3         
 35 Nicholas Davitt       11 TEMPO                  5:01.77  2         
 36 Kory Johnson          11 Unattached             5:01.94  3         
 37 David Mitter Jr.      10 Unattached             5:03.34  2         
 38 Emmett Smrcka         11 Jackalope Running Cl   5:03.45  3         
 39 Kevin Bradsher        12 Red Tide               5:06.46  2         
 40 Tyler Burkhardt       12 Purple Predators       5:07.27  2         
 41 kevin schnitzer       11 Spirit of Pre          5:07.54  3         
 42 Luke Sakkinan         10 Red Tide               5:07.72  3         
 43 Jacob Kubinski        11 Unattached             5:07.80  3         
 44 Max Falberg           12 Unattached             5:08.24  3         
 45 Dakota Giles          10 Red Tide               5:08.82  3         
 46 Zeke Thompson         12 Unattached             5:10.29  2         
 47 Peter Shambaugh       10 Unattached             5:11.39  4         
 48 Alex Doherty             Dearborn TC            5:12.67  3         
 49 Caleb Chesney         12 Unattached             5:12.95  3         
 50 Jacob Wallace         10 Jackalope Running Cl   5:14.00  3         
 51 Logan Andersen        10 Lake Erie Striders     5:14.50  3         
 52 Eric Mettetal            Pink Flamingo's        5:14.55  2         
 53 Nick Couyoumjian       8 Ann Arbor TC           5:15.27  2         
 54 Philipp Meister       12 Jackalope Running Cl   5:17.17  4         
 55 Joshua Deradoorian    10 Unattached             5:19.14  3         
 56 Christian DeBlois     12 Wolfpack               5:19.55  3         
 57 Elliot Seymour        10 Red Tide               5:19.84  3         
 58 Noah Welker              Dearborn TC            5:21.21  3         
 59 Jacob Neldon          10 TEMPO                  5:22.03  3         
 60 Justin Hadyniak       10 Unattached             5:22.70  3         
 61 Ben Fuller            10 Sliders                5:25.28  4         
 62 JaVonne Kirksey        8 Motor City TC          5:27.37  4         
 63 Brad Austin           10 Lake Erie Striders     5:28.29  4         
 64 Justin Matuszewski    10 Brighton Track Club    5:28.48  3         
 65 Kyle Hamilton         11 Jackalope Running Cl   5:28.95  3         
 66 Jasper Gomez          12 Unattached             5:29.08  4         
 67 Garrett Brown         10 Dearborn TC            5:30.40  3         
 68 Nathan Helberg        11 Ann Arbor TC           5:32.02  4         
 69 Valter Hamberger      12 Jackalope Running Cl   5:32.26  4         
 70 Aron Sadler           11 Anaostia               5:38.25  3         
 71 Matthew McFarland     12 Unattached             5:48.27  4         
 72 Lukas Brockway        10 Jackalope Running Cl   5:48.62  4         
 73 Nicholas Romund       10 Blazers                5:49.62  4         
 74 Max Harrison          11 TEMPO                  5:58.01  4         
 75 Brendon Suttles       10 Motor City TC          5:58.03  4         
 76 Camerie Cooper           Motor City TC          5:58.95  4         
 77 Nick Rumohr           10 Unattached             5:59.56  4         
 78 Ryan Stanek           11 Unattached             6:00.22  4         
 79 Colin Eads             4 Ann Arbor TC           6:27.12  4         
 80 Emilio Ruiz           10 AIR                    6:28.81  3         
 81 Chase Karagitz         7 Wolfpack               6:49.17  4         
 82 Andrew Piasecki       10 Blazers                6:57.08  4         

                      MITS Girls 60 Meter Hurdles                      
     Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard         11.00       2015      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Maya Roberts          12 Elite Performance         9.11  1     0  Q
  2 Jaiden Mulder            Border City Athletic      9.21  1        Q
  3 Lauren Rodriquez      12 NXC Running Club          9.37  1        Q
  4 Jada Steele           11 Detroit PAL               9.43  1        Q
  5 Britten Bowen          9 Ann Arbor Youth TC        9.51  1        Q
  6 Danielle Horton       12 FITC                      9.60  1        Q
  7 Alice Hill            10 Ann Arbor Youth TC        9.70  2        Q .700
  7 Grace Stark            8 Elite Performance         9.70  2        Q .700
  9 Jasmine Hurst         12 Border City Athletic      9.71  1        Q
 10 Kamry Smith           11 Michigan Mustangs         9.72  1        Q
 11 Mackenzie Gross       12 Elite Performance         9.75  2        Q
 12 Sarah Vogel           11 Steven Seagull TC         9.93  2        Q
 13 Amy Vangieson         12 Unattached               10.01  2        Q
 14 Jadin Fields          12 Elite Performance        10.31  2        Q
 15 Jala Smith            10 Elite Performance Sp     10.65  3        Q
 16 Elexa Cary            10 Red Tide                 10.68  3        Q
 17 Sarah Wright             Lake Erie Striders       10.74  3        Q
 18 Kayla Polisano        10 Unattached               10.82  4        Q
 19 Paige Chapman          8 Elite Performance Sp     10.97  2        Q
 20 Lauren Parrell         9 Unattached               10.98  3        Q
 21 Brianna Essien        11 Dearborn TC              11.15  3         
 22 Maggie McCarren       12 Spirit of Pre            11.24  3         
 23 Jessica Semaan        12 Inversion                11.36  3         
 24 Sara Foley            11 Spirit of Pre            11.39  3         
 25 Haven Essien           9 Dearborn TC              11.47  4         
 26 Lauren Sayre          11 Spirit of Pre            11.73  4         
 27 Mia Flynn              9 Elite Performance        12.30  2         
 28 Jessa Davis           10 Spirit of Pre            12.65  4         
 29 Lizzie Weeden         11 Spirit of Pre            12.80  4         
 30 Miranda Berlin         9 Spirit of Pre            13.12  4         

                      MITS Boys 60 Meter Hurdles                       
     Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard          9.25       2015      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Shawn Kneeland        12 Grand Rapids Fire         8.48  1     0  Q
  2 Chris Jackson         11 Elite Performance Sp      8.50  1        Q
  3 Domond Batten         12 Motor City TC             8.51  1        Q
  4 Jermaine Thomas       12 TEMPO                     8.56  1        Q
  5 Chrishtopher Bratt    12 Blazers                   8.80  2        Q
  6 Kyle Miller           12 Elite Performance         8.82  1        Q
  7 Zach Stadnika         11 Unattached                8.92  1        Q
  8 Josiah Davis          11 Spirit of Pre             8.93  1        Q
  9 Jake Amcheslavshy     11 Unattached                9.00  1        Q
 10 Larry Lamb            11 Blazers                   9.24  3        Q
 11 DaVion Williams       11 Eastside Eagles           9.26  2         
 12 Lorenzo Hampton       11 Unattached                9.27  3         
 13 Brandon Wiese         11 Jackalope Running Cl      9.37  3         
 14 Victor Short          12 Eastside Eagles           9.44  2         
 15 George Sawaya Jr.     12 DAP Elite Track Club      9.48  2         
 16 Tyron Logan           11 Elite Performance Sp      9.58  3         
 17 Lucas Hendricks       12 Elite Performance         9.59  2         
 18 Nickolas Parochetti   12 Unattached                9.66  2         
 19 Ty'shawn Short        11 Eastside Eagles           9.68  2         
 20 Brandon Mosley        10 Unattached                9.84  3         
 21 Jeremy Tyus           10 Unattached                9.90  3         
 22 Kean Williams         11 Eastside Eagles          10.26  4         
 23 Dakota Giles          10 Red Tide                 10.29  2         
 24 Christian McDaniel    11 Grand Rapids Fire        10.43  3         
 25 Jack Gomez            10 AIR                      10.44  4         
 26 Chance Kramer         12 Jackalope Running Cl     10.45  4         
 27 Hunter Joy            10 Unattached               10.49  3         
 28 Ryan Moore             8 Unattached               12.56  4         

                       MITS Girls 60 Meter Dash                        
     Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard          8.60       2015      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Tamea McKelvy         10 Motor City TC             7.83  1     0  Q
  2 Mildrenae Young       12 FITC                      7.92  1        Q
  3 taylor hopp           12 Grand Rapids Fire         7.98  1        Q
  4 Jada Jackson          10 Border City Athletic      7.99  2        Q
  5 Madison Wilson        12 Elite Performance         8.00  1        Q .0
  5 Brooke Bogan          10 Michigan All-Stars        8.00  1        Q .0
  5 Britten Bowen          9 Ann Arbor Youth TC        8.00  3        Q .0
  8 Miaisha Blair         12 FITC                      8.04  2        Q
  9 Avery Jones           11 Steven Seagull TC         8.07  3        Q
 10 Maeva Reval           11 Elite Performance Sp      8.08  3        Q
 11 Casey Coutuier        11 Elite Performance         8.09  3        Q
 12 Izzy Olds             10 Motor City TC             8.12  1        Q .120
 12 Asia Geardner         11 Unattached                8.12  1        Q .120
 12 Brina Serafino        11 New Breed                 8.12  2        Q .120
 12 Maya Roberts          12 Elite Performance         8.12  2        Q .120
 16 Kaitlynn Rogers        9 New Breed                 8.14  3        Q
 17 Dominique Artist      11 Michigan Accelerator      8.16  2        Q
 18 Simonae Dismuke       12 New Breed                 8.18  5        Q
 19 Nicole Wilson         12 Ann Arbor Youth TC        8.22  5        Q
 20 Jada Steele           11 Detroit PAL               8.25  8        Q
 21 Ryen Draper           10 Maximum Output            8.27  4        Q
 22 Chloe Abbott          11 Michigan Accelerator      8.28  1        Q
 23 Armonni Hicks         12 Unattached                8.29  4        Q
 24 Mackenzie Gross       12 Elite Performance         8.30  2        Q .300
 24 Jada Garrison         12 Elite Performance         8.30  3        Q .300
 26 Brittany Thomas       12 Ann Arbor Youth TC        8.32  5        Q .320
 26 Ruth Imonina          12 Michigan Accelerator      8.32  6        Q .320
 28 Ciarra Strange        11 Michigan All-Stars        8.34  2        Q
 29 Eunice Eyamba         12 Grand Rapids Fire         8.35  7        Q
 30 Grace Stark            8 Elite Performance         8.36  3        Q
 31 Breanna Turner           FITC                      8.38  4        Q .375
 32 Gracie Goble          12 Michigan Accelerator      8.38  4        Q .379
 33 Christiana Ford          New Breed                 8.38  6        Q .380
 34 Hailey Mayes          10 Ann Arbor Youth TC        8.39  5        Q
 35 Lindsay Walters       11 Michigan Accelerator      8.41  4        Q
 36 LaDaysia Alexander    12 Grand Rapids Fire         8.44  7        Q
 37 Reghan Draper          8 Maximum Output            8.46  6        Q
 38 Karrington Baisden    10 Motor City TC             8.47  2        Q .470
 38 Jala Smith            10 Elite Performance Sp      8.47  3        Q .470
 40 Landria Henderson     12 Michigan All-Stars        8.48  5        Q
 41 Valerie Udusi         11 Michigan All-Stars        8.49  6        Q
 42 Jordyn Dresch         11 Ann Arbor Youth TC        8.50  8        Q
 43 Megan Davis              Str8 Smokin'              8.51  8        Q
 44 Amiya Alexander       11 Motor City TC             8.52  5        Q
 45 Micah Darnell         12 New Breed                 8.53  6        Q .530
 45 Donae Adams            8 Michigan All-Stars        8.53  6        Q .530
 47 Brianna Taylor         8 Border City Athletic      8.54  7        Q
 48 Analis Floyd          12 Unattached                8.55  9        Q
 49 Claire Bolden         11 Elite Performance         8.56  9        Q
 50 Dazha Coffey          10 The Hills TC              8.57  4        Q
 51 Lauren Parrell         9 Unattached                8.62  5          .620
 51 Chinyerem Nwaneri     10 Michigan All-Stars        8.62  6          .620
 51 Tiffany Cernej-Garcia  9 Ann Arbor Youth TC        8.62 10          .620
 54 Izzy Bertolini        10 Unattached                8.63  5          .630
 54 Jada Weatherspoon     10 Unattached                8.63  6          .630
 54 Shelby Goodson         9 Maximum Output            8.63  7          .630
 57 Nia Holmes            10 Border City Athletic      8.64  9         
 58 Kamry Smith           11 Michigan Mustangs         8.65  7         
 59 Grace Johnson          7 Motor City TC             8.66  4          .656
 60 Lauren Rodriquez      12 NXC Running Club          8.66  7          .660
 61 Shae-lyn Macisaac     12 Border City Athletic      8.70  8         
 62 Alissa Ruder          11 Red Tide                  8.72 10         
 63 Lauryn Hunt            7 Michigan All-Stars        8.73  7         
 64 Morgan Ketola         12 KJP                       8.76  8          .760
 64 Liberty Romanik       10 Unattached                8.76  8          .760
 64 Audrey Szabo          10 Lake Erie Striders        8.76 11          .760
 67 Andreya Lafontaine     8 Border City Athletic      8.78 10         
 68 Megan Tammarine       10 Lake Erie Striders        8.80 11         
 69 Taylor Lucas          10 Michigan All-Stars        8.81  8         
 70 Ta'nia Woolfolk        9 Next Level TC             8.83  9          .830
 70 Ariana Fisher          9 Ann Arbor Youth TC        8.83 10          .830
 70 Imani Askew           11 Unattached                8.83 13          .830
 73 satorie spicer        12 Grand Rapids Fire         8.85 13         
 74 Khaliah Staples       12 New Breed                 8.86  8          .860
 74 Brooke Meloche         8 Border City Athletic      8.86 10          .860
 74 Jessica Krone         11 Maximum Output            8.86 11          .860
 77 Jadin Fields          12 Elite Performance         8.90  9         
 78 Kiara Morris             FITC                      8.95  9         
 79 Paige Chapman          8 Elite Performance Sp      8.96  7         
 80 Meaza Love            10 Grand Rapids Fire         9.06  9          .60
 80 Shelby Hall            9 Ann Arbor Youth TC        9.06 12          .60
 82 Monica Mitchenor      10 Ann Arbor Youth TC        9.09 11         
 83 Renee Micelu          10 Unattached                9.16  4         
 84 Phalyn Eoucet            Michigan Accelerator      9.19 10         
 85 Mia Flynn              9 Elite Performance         9.20 10          .200
 85 Julia Tenbusch         8 AATC                      9.20 12          .200
 87 Elonah Kirk           11 Ann Arbor Youth TC        9.22 10         
 88 Jillian Karolski       9 Elite Performance         9.23 11         
 89 Vivian Nweze          12 Ann Arbor Youth TC        9.26 12         
 90 Rachel Frey              Ann Arbor TC              9.27 12          .270
 90 Taia McNeil            9 Unattached                9.27 13          .270
 92 Alison Schram         11 Elite Performance         9.32 11         
 93 Rachel Murdock        12 Sliders                   9.37 14         
 94 Danielle Green         4 Michigan Accelerator      9.47 11          .470
 94 India Alexander       11 Ann Arbor Youth TC        9.47 12          .470
 96 Morgan Atlas           5 Str8 Smokin'              9.50 14         
 97 Amber Hiney           11 Ann Arbor Youth TC        9.51 12         
 98 Kelli Echols           9 Ann Arbor Youth TC        9.53 12         
 99 Arianna Jenkins        9 Ann Arbor Youth TC        9.70 13         
100 Claire Low            10 Ann Arbor Youth TC        9.78 13         
101 Erica Blankenship     12 Unattached                9.81 11         
102 Madison Atlas          5 Str8 Smokin'              9.85 14         
103 Melody Nelson            Str8 Smokin'              9.91 14         
104 Sonia Rafique         12 Spirit of Pre             9.95 14         
105 Danielle Mathews       6 Lake Erie Striders       10.03 14         
106 Nashia Warrick         9 Unattached               10.08 13         
107 Maya Hightower        11 Inkster Jaguars          10.23 13         
108 Karen Hernandez        9 Ann Arbor Youth TC       10.67 14         
109 Aria Mason             8 Maximum Output           11.87 14         
110 Cassie Wooley          9 Ann Arbor Youth TC       16.21 12         
 dq unknown unknown                                      NT  9         

                        MITS Boys 60 Meter Dash                        
     Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard          7.35       2015      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Derris Cleaver        12 Unattached                6.97  1        Q
  2 Samuel Beal           12 Grand Rapids Fire         7.02  1     0  Q
  3 Blake Washington      12 Maximum Output            7.10  2        Q
  4 Donatiss Smith        12 Elite Performance Sp      7.13  1        Q
  5 John Edwards          11 Unattached                7.22  2        Q
  6 Isaiah Griffith       11 Str8 Smokin'              7.23  1        Q .230
  6 De'shon Collier       11 New Breed                 7.23  3        Q .230
  8 Blaine Ellington      12 Michigan All-Stars        7.24  4        Q
  9 Ranz Rempillo         12 Border City Athletic      7.25  2        Q
 10 Dajion Davis          10 Motor City TC             7.27  5        Q
 11 J'ante Jackson        12 Michigan All-Stars        7.28  1        Q .280
 11 Tony Braggs           12 Smokin' Cleats            7.28  2        Q .280
 13 Evan Leclerc          10 Unattached                7.30  4        Q
 14 Jaeveyon Morton        9 Detroit PAL               7.32  3        Q .320
 14 Zaqwon Powell         11 Ann Arbor TC              7.32  6        Q .320
 16 Josiah Smith          10 TEMPO                     7.33  5        Q .330
 16 Shane Harris          11 Grand Rapids Fire         7.33  6        Q .330
 18 Joseph Gignac         12 Border City Athletic      7.34  2        Q
 19 Khance Meyers         10 Grand Rapids Fire         7.36  7         
 20 David Graham           9 Unattached                7.37  5         
 21 Brandon Lee-Hyman     11 Border City Athletic      7.41  1          .410
 21 Sincere Perkins        9 Unattached                7.41  3          .410
 23 Keshawn Jackson       10 Smokin' Cleats            7.43  1          .430
 23 John Witkowski        12 Michigan Accelerator      7.43  3          .430
 25 Julian Coker          11 Smokin' Cleats            7.44  1          .440
 25 Giordano La Civita    12 Border City Athletic      7.44  4          .440
 25 Darrius Scott         11 Eastside Eagles           7.44  9          .440
 28 Elijah Thompson       12 Blazers                   7.45  7         
 29 Alan Jones            11 Maximum Output            7.48  2         
 30 Joe Avance            11 Blazers                   7.50  3          .500
 30 Isaiah Johnson         9 Unattached                7.50  4          .500
 30 Brent Williams        12 Polar Bear TC             7.50  6          .500
 30 Bogdan Grymut         12 Unattached                7.50  8          .500
 34 Jason Harris          12 Str8 Smokin'              7.51  8         
 35 Daniel O'Neill        12 New Breed                 7.52  6         
 36 Conner Amberg         10 Blazers                   7.53  2          .530
 36 Nathaniel Ramsay      11 Unattached                7.53  8          .530
 38 Jacob Netschke        11 Elite Performance Sp      7.55  8         
 39 Christian Espinosa    12 Blazers                   7.56  6          .560
 39 Jermaine Thomas       12 TEMPO                     7.56  8          .560
 41 Jalen Morgan          11 TDP                       7.57  3          .570
 41 Manuel Gonzalez       11 MMTC                      7.57 11          .570
 43 ali nasser            12 Dearborn TC               7.58  3          .580
 43 Charles Jones         10 Steven Seagull TC         7.58  7          .580
 45 Kyle Bokun            12 Polar Bear TC             7.59  5         
 46 Joshua Buckingham     11 Blazers                   7.60  2          .600
 46 Richard Branch        11 Unattached                7.60  4          .600
 48 Lorenzo Hampton       11 Unattached                7.61 10         
 49 Jaier Harden           9 Grand Rapids Fire         7.62 12          .620
 49 DaVion Williams       11 Eastside Eagles           7.62 13          .620
 51 Caleb Nelson          11 Str8 Smokin'              7.63  3         
 52 Dominic Fiscelli      11 Unattached                7.64  4          .640
 52 Imman Malang          12 Jackalope Running Cl      7.64  9          .640
 54 Evan Bauer            11 Jackalope Running Cl      7.66  9          .660
 54 Thomas Wegan          12 Jackalope Running Cl      7.66  9          .660
 56 Zach Skogheim         11 Possum Nuggets            7.67  6         
 57 Bryn Russell          10 Michigan All-Stars        7.68  4         
 58 Christian McDaniel    11 Grand Rapids Fire         7.69  7         
 59 David Richardson      11 Ann Arbor TC              7.70  7          .700
 59 Guy Brent             11 Steven Seagull TC         7.70  7          .700
 59 Austin Dorosh         11 Jackalope Running Cl      7.70 10          .700
 62 Kenyatta Mason        11 Michigan Accelerator      7.71  5         
 63 Robbie Felton         10 Spirit of Pre             7.72  5          .720
 63 Brandon Wiese         11 Jackalope Running Cl      7.72 10          .720
 65 Nickolas Parochetti   12 Unattached                7.74  4          .740
 65 Elijah Nelson          9 Str8 Smokin'              7.74  6          .740
 67 Jacob Vanderploeg     12 Elite Performance         7.75 11          .750
 67 Marlo Ellis           11 Anaostia                  7.75 12          .750
 69 Eli Sherman           10 Unattached                7.78 11         
 70 James Flournoy         8 Michigan All-Stars        7.79 10         
 71 Connor O'Shaughnessy  11 Unattached                7.80  8          .800
 71 Aqil Abernathy        11 Michigan All-Stars        7.80 10          .800
 73 Connor Canavan        12 Breakfast Club            7.81  7          .810
 73 Kyle Sowell-Peeples   11 Steven Seagull TC         7.81  7          .810
 75 CJ Gildereleeve        9 Ann Arbor All Stars       7.84 11         
 76 Gevon Foreman         12 New Breed                 7.85  6         
 77 George Douglas        10 Michigan All-Stars        7.86  9          .860
 77 DeJuan Deihl          10 Unattached                7.86 10          .860
 79 Kean Williams         11 Eastside Eagles           7.88 13         
 80 marcus george         12 performance exhale        7.90  8         
 81 Dontae Jackson        11 Unattached                7.91 12         
 82 Tim Nelson-Slaton     12 Unattached                7.92  5         
 83 Jalen Jackson            Michigan All-Stars        7.97 14         
 84 Ryan Liebert           8 Michigan All-Stars        7.98 10         
 85 Ben Walkusky          10 Spirit of Pre             7.99  5         
 86 James Whiteford       11 Polar Bear TC             8.00  8         
 87 Aidan Allen            8 Border City Athletic      8.01 12         
 88 Arthur Mayo           11 MMTC                      8.05 11          .50
 88 Christopher Armstrong 11 Unattached                8.05 12          .50
 88 Nick Caplin           11 Jackalope Running Cl      8.05 14          .50
 91 Ahmad Parker          11 Unattached                8.08 10         
 92 Derrick Coppedge      11 Eastside Eagles           8.09 13         
 93 Antonio Willis        11 Smokin' Cleats            8.13  9         
 94 Cameron Ritchey       12 Unattached                8.17  9         
 95 Daryhl Covington      12 Ann Arbor TC              8.23 13         
 96 Chidubem Nweze        10 Unattached                8.26 12         
 97 Travion Stafford      10 Anaostia                  8.34 13         
 98 Sean Smith            12 Smokin' Cleats            8.38  9         
 99 Alex Wasyl             9 Jackalope Running Cl      8.47 14         
100 Keith Wade            11 Anaostia                  8.59 13         
101 Trevor Garbo           9 Ann Arbor All Stars       8.62 13         
102 Seth Windle            9 Sliders                   8.63 11         
103 Ben Fuller            10 Sliders                   8.64 11         
104 Khristopher Williams-  6 Grand Rapids Fire         8.75 14         
105 Jacob Nelson           7 Str8 Smokin'              8.83 12         
106 David Mason           10 Maximum Output            8.95 12         
107 Aaron Vicars           9 PCA                       9.03 11         
108 Camerie Cooper           Motor City TC             9.22 14         
109 Jacob Milanov          5 Str8 Smokin'              9.77 14         
110 John Baker             1 Str8 Smokin'             10.70 14         

                      MITS Girls 800 Meter Run                      
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       2:28.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time   Pts
  1 Katie Osika            9 Unattached             2:20.59        Q
  2 Hannah Cummings       11 Spirit of Pre          2:20.92     0  Q
  3 Sydney Dawes          10 Ann Arbor Youth TC     2:24.43        Q
  4 Ellayna Iaquaniello   12 Dearborn TC            2:25.35        Q
  5 Sydney Benson         11 Unattached             2:29.56         
  6 Sarah Neumar          12 En Fuego               2:32.23         
  7 Izzy Bertolini        10 Unattached             2:38.20         
  8 Rachel Yates          12 Downriver Runners      2:44.44         
  9 Jackie White          12 Dearborn TC            2:45.97         
 10 Kianna Shepley        12 Border City Athletic   2:47.87         
 11 Maddy Denison         12 New Breed              2:48.69         
 12 Madaline Meyers          Dearborn TC            2:51.00         
 13 Michelle Pendell       6 Unattached             2:51.45         
 14 Jacqueline Taylor      8 Speed Connection       2:55.75         
 15 LaDawn Harden         11 New Breed              3:20.12         

                        MITS Boys 800 Meter Run                        
     Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       2:06.00       2015      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Cameron Cooper        10 Motor City TC          1:59.38  1     0  Q
  2 Blake Borkowski       12 Unattached             1:59.60  1        Q
  3 David Saporito        12 Motor City TC          2:00.06  1        Q
  4 De'karyea Freeman     11 Motor City TC          2:01.87  1        Q
  5 Devin Stevens         12 Maximum Output         2:02.40  1        Q
  6 Will Jackson          12 Unattached             2:04.59  1        Q
  7 Jovante Dockery          New Breed              2:06.24  1         
  8 Austin Welch          11 Spirit of Pre          2:07.07  1         
  9 logan bruni           12 Unattached             2:09.94  1         
 10 Kenny Goolsby         11 Michigan Accelerator   2:10.56  2         
 11 Roan Fahey            12 Unattached             2:10.89  1         
 12 Jeff Baxter           11 Michigan Accelerator   2:11.03  2         
 13 Colton Lieske         11 Unattached             2:11.12  2         
 14 Derrick Egli          11 Elite Distance         2:11.33  1         
 15 Nick Arnold           12 Unattached             2:11.40  2          .398
 16 Brendan Sulkowski     10 Blazers                2:11.40  1          .400
 17 Daniel Higgins         9 Up & Running           2:12.27  1         
 18 Ido Morag             10 Unattached             2:12.31  1         
 19 Caleb Guenther        10 Unattached             2:13.31  1         
 20 Ried Rababeh             Dearborn TC            2:13.75  1         
 21 Ben Biber             10 Unattached             2:15.10  1         
 22 Craig Weaver          11 Dearborn TC            2:15.42  1         
 23 Derek Jordan          11 Spirit of Pre          2:15.92  1         
 24 Zeke Thompson         12 Unattached             2:16.04  2         
 25 Nicholas Davitt       11 TEMPO                  2:17.98  2         
 26 Trevor Bishop         10 Spirit of Pre          2:19.12  2         
 27 Alec Keaton           12 Unattached             2:19.80  2         
 28 Tyler Burkhardt       12 Purple Predators       2:20.21  2         
 29 Austin Rippee          9 TEMPO                  2:20.86  2         
 30 Aron Sadler           11 Anaostia               2:21.07  2         
 31 Chris Sheridan        12 Dearborn TC            2:22.45  1         
 32 Justin Hadyniak       10 Unattached             2:22.52  2         
 33 Abdulah Lovelace      11 Bradford TC            2:24.50  2         
 34 Kyle Martin            8 Ann Arbor TC           2:25.47  2         
 35 Ty'shawn Short        11 Eastside Eagles        2:27.13  2         
 36 JaVonne Kirksey        8 Motor City TC          2:29.38  2         
 37 Brandon Buntine       12 Unattached             2:30.26  2         
 38 Aldo Pando Girard      9 Ann Arbor TC           2:30.35  2         
 39 Lucas Finton           9 TEMPO                  2:30.97  2         
 40 Brendon Suttles       10 Motor City TC          2:31.85  2         
 41 Chris Davis            9 Purple Predators       2:33.97  2         
 42 James Smith           10 Anaostia               2:34.51  2         
 43 Victor Short          12 Eastside Eagles        2:35.64  2         
 44 Armond Hicks           9 Unattached             2:41.46  2         
 45 Eric Norwood           8 Dearborn TC            2:46.75  2         
 46 Keith Wade            11 Anaostia               2:56.16  2         

                       MITS Girls 200 Meter Dash                       
     Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard         27.50       2015      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Tamea McKelvy         10 Motor City TC            25.86  1     0  Q
  2 Brooke Bogan          10 Michigan All-Stars       26.13  1        Q
  3 Simonae Dismuke       12 New Breed                26.34  2        Q
  4 Chloe Abbott          11 Michigan Accelerator     26.41  1        Q
  5 Jada Jackson          10 Border City Athletic     26.51  1        Q
  6 Kaitlynn Rogers        9 New Breed                26.75  4        Q
  7 Izzy Olds             10 Motor City TC            26.78  1        Q
  8 Asia Geardner         11 Unattached               26.80  1        Q
  9 Lindsay Walters       11 Michigan Accelerator     26.89  3        Q
 10 Karrington Baisden    10 Motor City TC            26.95  2        Q
 11 Melanese Smith         9 E Girls                  27.29  6        Q
 12 Brittany Thomas       12 Ann Arbor Youth TC       27.49  4        Q
 13 Nicole Wilson         12 Ann Arbor Youth TC       27.66  4         
 14 Ryen Draper           10 Maximum Output           27.69  2          .690
 14 Ciarra Strange        11 Michigan All-Stars       27.69  3          .690
 16 Christiana Ford          New Breed                27.70  5         
 17 Lauryn Hunt            7 Michigan All-Stars       27.71  5         
 18 Jaiden Mulder            Border City Athletic     27.74  2         
 19 Sarah Vogel           11 Steven Seagull TC        27.83  7         
 20 Donae Adams            8 Michigan All-Stars       27.92  4         
 21 Gracie Goble          12 Michigan Accelerator     27.96  3         
 22 Armonni Hicks         12 Unattached               27.97  5         
 23 Damiah Wooemore       12 E Girls                  28.00  6         
 24 Evelyn Zielinski      10 Red Tide                 28.04  5         
 25 Landria Henderson     12 Michigan All-Stars       28.14  7         
 26 Nia Holmes            10 Border City Athletic     28.20  3          .200
 26 Chinyerem Nwaneri     10 Michigan All-Stars       28.20  7          .200
 28 Karlie Moore           8 Border City Athletic     28.41  3         
 29 Reghan Draper          8 Maximum Output           28.47  4         
 30 Brianna Taylor         8 Border City Athletic     28.53  4         
 31 Jasmine Hurst         12 Border City Athletic     28.54  2          .540
 31 Grace Johnson          7 Motor City TC            28.54  5          .540
 33 Izzy Bertolini        10 Unattached               28.70  6         
 34 Micah Darnell         12 New Breed                28.89  7         
 35 Leah Bowerbank        11 Ann Arbor TC             28.96  8         
 36 Iesha Davis           10 E Girls                  28.99  6          .990
 36 Valerie Udusi         11 Michigan All-Stars       28.99  6          .990
 38 Tiffany Cernej-Garcia  9 Ann Arbor Youth TC       29.08  8         
 39 Taylor Lucas          10 Michigan All-Stars       29.10  9         
 40 Avery Jones           11 Steven Seagull TC        29.17  6         
 41 Kayla Polisano        10 Unattached               29.29 13         
 42 Shae-lyn Macisaac     12 Border City Athletic     29.33  3         
 43 Megan Davis              Str8 Smokin'             29.58  7         
 44 Khaliah Staples       12 New Breed                29.63  7         
 45 Mary Catherine McLaug 11 Michigan Accelerator     29.64  5         
 46 Liberty Romanik       10 Unattached               29.65  9         
 47 Shelby Hall            9 Ann Arbor Youth TC       29.73 10         
 48 Carly Hodgins          8 Border City Athletic     29.74  8         
 49 Ta'nia Woolfolk        9 Next Level TC            29.77  8         
 50 Vivian Nweze          12 Ann Arbor Youth TC       29.80  9         
 51 Brooke Meloche         8 Border City Athletic     29.90  9         
 52 Phalyn Eoucet            Michigan Accelerator     30.03  8         
 53 Dazha Coffey          10 The Hills TC             30.04  2         
 54 Julia Tenbusch         8 AATC                     30.11 13         
 55 Ashley Miller         11 Unattached               30.32 10         
 56 Ariana Fisher          9 Ann Arbor Youth TC       30.40  8         
 57 Monica Mitchenor      10 Ann Arbor Youth TC       30.86 10         
 58 Elonah Kirk           11 Ann Arbor Youth TC       31.30  9         
 59 Amber Hiney           11 Ann Arbor Youth TC       31.41  9          .410
 59 Renee Micelu          10 Unattached               31.41 13          .410
 61 Meaza Love            10 Grand Rapids Fire        31.43 10         
 62 Cassie Wooley          9 Ann Arbor Youth TC       31.82 10         
 63 Taylor Jones          12 Unattached               31.99 11         
 64 Danielle Green         4 Michigan Accelerator     32.80 10         
 65 Arianna Jenkins        9 Ann Arbor Youth TC       32.91 11         
 66 Kelli Echols           9 Ann Arbor Youth TC       32.96 11         
 67 Melody Nelson            Str8 Smokin'             33.62 12         
 68 Morgan Atlas           5 Str8 Smokin'             34.03 12         
 69 Madison Atlas          5 Str8 Smokin'             34.12 12         
 70 Claire Low            10 Ann Arbor Youth TC       34.37 11         
 71 Antiana Collier          Smokin' Cleats           34.38 12         
 72 Karly Patterson        9 Maximum Output           35.00 12         
 73 Maya Hightower        11 Inkster Jaguars          35.94 11         
 74 Karen Hernandez        9 Ann Arbor Youth TC       36.39 11         
 75 Nashia Warrick         9 Unattached               37.65 13         
 76 Lorenia Williams      12 Smokin' Cleats           39.31 12         

                       MITS Boys 200 Meter Dash                        
     Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard         23.60       2015      
    Name                  Yr Team                      Time H#   Pts
  1 Skyler Bowden         12 Michigan All-Stars       22.25  1     0  Q
  2 Stephen Blunt         12 Michigan All-Stars       22.60  1        Q
  3 Ben Hayes             12 Michigan Accelerator     22.61  3        Q
  4 Derris Cleaver        12 Unattached               23.22  3        Q
  5 Zaqwon Powell         11 Ann Arbor TC             23.38  3        Q
  6 Blaine Ellington      12 Michigan All-Stars       23.73  5         
  7 De'shon Collier       11 New Breed                23.77  7         
  8 Khance Meyers         10 Grand Rapids Fire        23.78  2         
  9 Brandon Lee-Hyman     11 Border City Athletic     23.88  1          .880
  9 Kenyatta Mason        11 Michigan Accelerator     23.88  3          .880
 11 Joseph Gignac         12 Border City Athletic     23.91  3         
 12 Giordano La Civita    12 Border City Athletic     23.97  1         
 13 Isaiah Griffith       11 Str8 Smokin'             23.98  1         
 14 Jalen Morgan          11 TDP                      23.99  5         
 15 Bogdan Grymut         12 Unattached               24.00  5         
 16 Darrius Scott         11 Eastside Eagles          24.05  2          .50
 16 Jaeveyon Morton        9 Detroit PAL              24.05  4          .50
 18 Sincere Perkins        9 Unattached               24.10  1         
 19 Zach Skogheim         11 Possum Nuggets           24.18  6         
 20 Domond Batten         12 Motor City TC            24.31  4          .310
 20 Jermaine Thomas       12 TEMPO                    24.31  6          .310
 22 Kevin Lee             10 Blazers                  24.32  4          .320
 22 David Alberdi         11 Michigan All-Stars       24.32  7          .320
 24 Lorenzo Hampton       11 Unattached               24.37  4         
 25 Jonathan Harris       12 Str8 Smokin'             24.48  4         
 26 Alan Jones            11 Maximum Output           24.49  3         
 27 Josiah Smith          10 TEMPO                    24.63  6         
 28 John Edwards          11 Unattached               24.78  5         
 29 DeJuan Deihl          10 Unattached               24.87  7         
 30 George Douglas        10 Michigan All-Stars       24.89  6         
 31 Julian Coker          11 Smokin' Cleats           24.92  2         
 32 Elijah Nelson          9 Str8 Smokin'             24.93  5         
 33 Eli Sherman           10 Unattached               24.98  6         
 34 Jason Harris          12 Str8 Smokin'             24.99  4         
 35 Bryn Russell          10 Michigan All-Stars       25.02  6         
 36 David Richardson      11 Ann Arbor TC             25.09  8         
 37 Myles McGuire         11 Steven Seagull TC        25.10  8          .100
 37 Maurice Gillen        10 Grand Rapids Fire        25.10  8          .100
 39 Aqil Abernathy        11 Michigan All-Stars       25.11  7         
 40 Caleb Nelson          11 Str8 Smokin'             25.31  5         
 41 Shane Harris          11 Grand Rapids Fire        25.50  2         
 42 Joshua Johnson        10 TEMPO                    25.56  8          .560
 42 Ryan Liebert           8 Michigan All-Stars       25.56  9          .560
 44 Ahmad Parker          11 Unattached               25.66  8          .660
 44 Jack Gomez            10 AIR                      25.66  9          .660
 46 Dontae Jackson        11 Unattached               25.69  9         
 47 James Flournoy         8 Michigan All-Stars       25.87  7         
 48 Antonio Willis        11 Smokin' Cleats           26.18  2         
 49 Kyle Sowell-Peeples   11 Steven Seagull TC        26.19  8         
 50 Kean Williams         11 Eastside Eagles          26.22  2         
 51 Jalen Jackson            Michigan All-Stars       26.49  7         
 52 Christopher Armstrong 11 Unattached               26.71  9         
 53 Aidan Allen            8 Border City Athletic     26.96  9         
 54 Jacob Nelson           7 Str8 Smokin'             28.45 10         
 55 Connor Wynne          10 AIR                      28.97 10         
 56 David Smith           12 AIR                      29.21 10         
 57 Khristopher Williams-  6 Grand Rapids Fire        29.58 10         
 58 Jacob Milanov          5 Str8 Smokin'             32.73 10         
 59 John Baker             1 Str8 Smokin'             39.61 10         

                 MITS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay                  
 Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       4:35.00       2015  
    Team                                          Time   Pts
  1 Ann Arbor Youth TC                         4:10.38     0  Q
  2 Grand Rapids Fire                          4:29.74        Q

                  MITS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay                  
 Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       3:46.00       2015  
    Team                                          Time   Pts
  1 Motor City TC                              3:30.11     0  Q
  2 Maximum Output                             3:33.39        Q
  3 Spirit of Pre                              3:52.98         

                        MITS Boys High Jump                         
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       6-00.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Cody Stemple          12 Unattached             6-04.00        Q
  2 Jacob Netschke        11 Elite Performance Sp   6-02.00     0  Q
  3 Jacob Liebert         12 Michigan All-Stars     6-00.00        Q
  4 Brent Williams        12 Polar Bear TC          5-10.00         
  4 Jeff Copi             12 Michigan All-Stars     5-10.00         
  6 Domond Batten         12 Motor City TC          5-08.00         
  6 Cameron Bronikowski   12 Purple Predators       5-08.00         
  6 Justin Seitz          12 Unattached             5-08.00         
 nh Austin Workman        10 Lake Erie Striders          NH         

                        MITS Girls High Jump                        
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard       4-10.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Calli Stemple         12 Unattached             5-04.00        Q
  2 Whitney Mergens       12 Red Tide               5-02.00     0  Q
  2 Anavia Battle         10 Intensity Track Club   5-02.00     0  Q
  4 Arianna Allman        10 New Breed              4-08.00         
  5 Rachel Frey              Ann Arbor TC           4-04.00         
  5 Jillian Betts         11 Unattached             4-04.00         
  7 Lauren Clemons        12 Unattached             4-02.00         

                        MITS Boys Long Jump                         
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard      20-00.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Sincere Perkins        9 Unattached            21-02.00        Q
  2 Ranz Rempillo         12 Border City Athletic  20-04.50     0  Q
  3 John Edwards          11 Unattached            20-04.25        Q
  4 Keyshaun Dunwoody-Spe 12 Motor City TC         20-03.25        Q
  5 George Sawaya Jr.     12 DAP Elite Track Club  19-11.00         
  6 MacAllister Laituri   12 Unattached            19-10.75         
  7 Patrick Canavan       12 Spirit of Pre         19-09.75         
  8 Zach Stadnika         11 Unattached            19-09.50         
  9 Gregory Tyson         11 Grand Rapids Fire     19-03.50         
 10 Gevon Foreman         12 New Breed             19-00.00         
 11 Victor Zeng           11 Unattached            18-10.00         
 12 DaVion Williams       11 Eastside Eagles       18-09.00         
 13 Kenyatta Mason        11 Michigan Accelerator  18-06.50         
 14 Alex Coughanour       12 Green Shirts          18-05.00         
 15 Victor Short          12 Eastside Eagles       18-03.25         
 16 Ben Walkusky          10 Spirit of Pre         17-10.00         
 17 George Douglas        10 Michigan All-Stars    17-05.25         
 18 Kaleb Smith           10 Wolfpack              17-00.50         
 18 Kit Martin            10 Unattached            17-00.50         
 20 Tucker Gibbons        12 Purple Predators      17-00.25         
 21 Austin Workman        10 Lake Erie Striders    16-00.75         
 22 Cameron Ritchey       12 Unattached            15-09.50         
 23 Sean Smith            12 Smokin' Cleats        13-08.00         

                        MITS Girls Long Jump                        
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard      15-03.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Miaisha Blair         12 FITC                  17-11.75     0  Q
  2 Jada Jackson          10 Border City Athletic  16-07.25        Q
  3 Casey Coutuier        11 Elite Performance     16-04.00        Q
  4 Alice Hill            10 Ann Arbor Youth TC    15-08.00        Q
  5 Nicole Wilson         12 Ann Arbor Youth TC    15-05.25        Q
  6 Taylor Lucas          10 Michigan All-Stars    15-03.00        Q
  7 Mackenzie Gross       12 Elite Performance     15-01.25         
  8 Maddie Keith          12 Spirit of Pre         14-09.50         
  9 Ta'nia Woolfolk        9 Next Level TC         14-07.50         
 10 Mary Catherine McLaug 11 Michigan Accelerator  14-06.75         
 10 Allie Haugen          11 Spirit of Pre         14-06.75         
 12 Susanne Sheng         11 En Fuego              14-05.75         
 13 Jada Steele           11 Detroit PAL           14-02.75         
 14 Andreya Lafontaine     8 Border City Athletic  14-01.75         
 15 Cassie Wooley          9 Ann Arbor Youth TC    13-03.00         
 16 Lauren Sayre          11 Spirit of Pre         13-00.00         
 16 Shelby Hall            9 Ann Arbor Youth TC    13-00.00         
 18 Sara Foley            11 Spirit of Pre         11-06.50         
 19 Miranda Berlin         9 Spirit of Pre          9-03.00         
 nd Maggie McCarren       12 Spirit of Pre               ND         
 nd Brooke Meloche         8 Border City Athletic        ND         
 nd Jessa Davis           10 Spirit of Pre               ND         
 nd Ashley Amegan         12 Spirit of Pre               ND         

                         MITS Boys Shot Put                         
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard      46-06.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Gevon Foreman         12 New Breed             49-00.00     0  Q
  2 Domond Batten         12 Motor City TC         45-07.00         
  3 Nick Gullett          12 Purple Predators      45-04.00         
  4 Michael March         12 Unattached            45-03.00         
  5 Paul Forhan           10 Mojo TC               39-10.00         
  6 Logan Turner          12 AIR                   39-06.00         
  7 Torrion Hardy         11 MMTC                  38-04.00         
  8 Aidan Moose           12 Up & Running          37-06.50         
  9 Tyler Girt            12 AIR                   35-05.50         
 10 Ryan Lynch            10 Motor City TC         34-10.00         
 11 Logan Mays             9 Unattached            33-04.50         
 12 Aaron Frederick       10 AIR                   33-00.00         
 13 Matt Sayre             8 Unattached            32-00.00         
 14 Antonio Willis        11 Smokin' Cleats        31-02.50         
 15 Sean Smith            12 Smokin' Cleats        25-08.00         
 16 Samuel Johnson         9 Unattached            24-03.00         

                        MITS Girls Shot Put                         
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard      31-06.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Kayli Johnson         11 New Breed             41-03.50     0  Q
  2 Charde Madoula-Bey    11 Steven Seagull TC     38-02.50        Q
  3 Riley Johnson         12 Unattached            35-01.50        Q
  4 Aertishia Moore       10 Eastside Eagles       34-04.00        Q
  5 Zoe Espinosa          11 Steven Seagull TC     33-06.50        Q
  6 Rachel Coon           12 Purple Predators      31-05.50         
  7 Riley Wilhelm         12 ASW                   30-11.00         
  8 Asia Wilson           12 Ann Arbor Youth TC    29-09.50         
  9 Diamond Tirado        12 Unattached            29-07.50         
 10 Ausha Harris          10 Great Lakes TC        28-07.50         
 11 Madison Abercrombie   11 Lake Erie Striders    27-08.50         
 12 Erica Blankenship     12 Unattached            27-07.00         
 13 Sara Ferrell          10 Unattached            27-00.50         
 14 April Smith              Smokin' Cleats        25-06.00         
 15 Rachel Frey              Ann Arbor TC          25-00.00         
 16 India Alexander       11 Ann Arbor Youth TC    24-09.00         
 17 Jillian Karolski       9 Elite Performance     20-01.50         
 18 Marquel Lucas          7 Michigan All-Stars    19-06.00         

                        MITS Boys Pole Vault                        
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard      13-03.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Nick Burkhalter       12 Inversion             15-00.00     0  Q
  2 Joe Gray              11 Gryffindor            14-09.00        Q
  3 Jekoven Tinsley       12 Unattached            14-03.00        Q
  3 Ryan Hunt             12 Elite Feet            14-03.00        Q
  5 Andrew Harrison       11 Polar Bear TC         13-09.00        Q
  5 Mitchell Mueller      12 Unattached            13-09.00        Q
  7 brendan prout         11 Unattached            13-03.00        Q
  8 Jacob Kulhanek        11 KJP Track Club        12-09.00         
  8 Trey Waagen           12 Unattached            12-09.00         
 10 Daniel Leone          10 Unattached            12-00.00         
 nh Grant Mast               Inversion                   NH         

                       MITS Girls Pole Vault                        
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard      10-00.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Emma Bauer            12 Inversion             10-06.00     0  Q
  1 Rachel Dolan          10 Unattached            10-06.00        Q
  1 Kathryn Tewksbury     11 Up & Running          10-06.00     0  Q
  4 Charlotte Read        12 Up & Running          10-00.00        Q
  5 Kirsten McGahan       11 Brighton Track Club    9-06.00         
  5 Annalane Miller       12 Up & Running           9-06.00         
  5 Emma Neumann          11 Inversion              9-06.00         
  8 Lauren Nowosatka      11 RDF                    9-00.00         
  8 Alyssa Enciso         10 Up & Running           9-00.00         
 10 Caroline Skiver          Up & Running           8-06.00         
 10 Sarah Simpson         12 Unattached             8-06.00         
 10 lauren metter         11 Unattached             8-06.00         
 13 Hallie Roman           9 Unattached             8-00.00         
 14 Sarah Reed             9 Up & Running           7-00.00         
 14 Emma Witherspoon      12 Unattached             7-00.00         
 14 Elizabeth Greve       12 Up & Running           7-00.00         
 14 Hannah Chapin          8 Unattached             7-00.00         
 14 Lizzie Weeden         11 Spirit of Pre          7-00.00         
 14 Mackenzie Shell       12 Elite Feet             7-00.00         
 nd Lindsey Hayter           Up & Running                NH         
 nd Morgan Ketola         12 KJP                         NH         
 nd Emma Hammelef         10 Inversion                   NH         

                       MITS Boys Triple Jump                        
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard      34-00.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 George Sawaya Jr.     12 DAP Elite Track Club  40-08.50     0  Q
  2 Josiah Davis          11 Spirit of Pre         37-07.50        Q
  3 MacAllister Laituri   12 Unattached            34-08.00        Q
  4 Ryan Moore             8 Unattached            28-10.00         
  5 Kaleb Smith           10 Wolfpack              25-03.00         

                       MITS Girls Triple Jump                       
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard      25-00.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Nicole Wilson         12 Ann Arbor Youth TC    33-02.25     0  Q
  2 Alice Hill            10 Ann Arbor Youth TC    32-03.00        Q
  3 Karlie Moore           8 Border City Athletic  30-09.00        Q
  4 Andreya Lafontaine     8 Border City Athletic  30-01.75        Q
  5 Lauren Nowosatka      11 RDF                   29-01.00        Q
  6 Lindsey Hayter           Up & Running          28-04.50        Q
  7 Brooke Meloche         8 Border City Athletic  28-01.75        Q
  8 Charlotte Read        12 Up & Running          27-02.00        Q
  9 Sarah Reed             9 Up & Running          26-01.50        Q
 10 Maggie McCarren       12 Spirit of Pre         25-01.00        Q
 11 Lizzie Weeden         11 Spirit of Pre         24-08.00         
 12 Sara Foley            11 Spirit of Pre         23-08.25         
fou Ta'nia Woolfolk        9 Next Level TC               ND         
fou Miranda Berlin         9 Spirit of Pre               ND         
fou Jessa Davis           10 Spirit of Pre               ND         

                       MITS Boys Weight Throw                       
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard      36-00.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Michael March         12 Unattached            54-10.00        Q
  2 Logan Turner          12 AIR                   36-07.00     0  Q
  3 Tyler Girt            12 AIR                   35-02.00         
  4 Logan Mays             9 Unattached            28-05.00         
  5 Torrion Hardy         11 MMTC                  27-10.50         

                      MITS Girls Weight Throw                       
    Q  MITS         Qualifying Standard      22-00.00       2015    
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Riley Wilhelm         12 ASW                   41-01.00     0  Q
  2 Asia Wilson           12 Ann Arbor Youth TC    27-08.00        Q
  3 India Alexander       11 Ann Arbor Youth TC    27-00.00        Q