Middle School Results

Mens Results
1.5 Miles Middle School Boys

Distribution - 63 Athletes
Bracket	11:00.00-11:59.00	12:00.00-12:59.00	13:00.00-13:59.00	14:00.00-14:59.00	15:00.00-15:59.00	16:00.00-16:59.00	17:00.00-17:59.00	18:00.00-18:59.00	19:00.00-19:59.00	20:00.00-20:59.00	21:00.00-21:59.00	22:00.00-22:59.00	25:00.00-25:59.00	27:00.00-27:59.00
Time Bracket	6	12	8	17	7	3	1	2	1	2	1	1	1	1
Athletes Distribution | Place vs Time | Time vs Place
Team Scores | Total Time | Spread
Official Team Scores

1.	Goodrich	33
2.	Summerfield	51
3.	Madison	84
4.	Whitmore Lake	102
5.	Whiteford	111
6.	Ferndale	130
1.	7	Brandon Thompson	11:27.7	Summerfield
2.	7	Evan Suydam	11:44.1	Summerfield
3.	8	Cole Rinna	11:52.4	Whitmore Lake
4.	6	Luke Francis	11:52.7	Goodrich
5.	8	Gabe Trudeau	11:55.0	Goodrich
6.	6	Cooper Grzeskowlak	11:57.6	Goodrich
7.	7	Damian DeFeyter	12:03.8	Dansville
8.	7	Jacob Eagling	12:04.0	Madison
9.	7	Caden Rossell	12:14.2	Goodrich
10.	7	Joseph Kadluboski	12:30.6	Dansville
11.	8	Riley Letson	12:37.4	Madison
12.	7	Connor Rhodes	12:39.0	Goodrich
13.	7	jayden Lipp	12:39.3	Goodrich
14.	7	Elliot Rodgers	12:48.6	Whiteford
15.	6	Carter Watkins	12:52.3	Goodrich
16.	8	Aiden Smith	12:53.5	Whitmore Lake
17.	8	Brodi Worful	12:57.8	Summerfield
18.	7	Josh Jenson	12:58.2	Summerfield
19.	6	Eli Dyer	13:04.9	Springport
20.	8	Jace Williams	13:09.4	Goodrich
21.	7	Ayden McCracken	13:15.9	Goodrich
22.	8	Bryant Taylor	13:28.3	Springport
23.	7	Bryce Soule	13:45.7	Summerfield
24.	7	Jack Locey	13:48.7	Goodrich
25.	8	Glenn Arens	13:57.3	Goodrich
26.	6	Quinn McKee	13:58.1	Ferndale
27.	8	Grant Blitchok	14:12.8	Goodrich
28.	7	Isaiah Medina	14:16.2	Madison
29.	8	Luke Murphy	14:17.7	Whiteford
30.	7	Henry Frederick	14:18.3	Madison
31.	7	Kaiden Kritzman	14:19.9	Goodrich
32.	6	Carsen Ruether	14:29.4	Goodrich
33.	8	Heston Fanson	14:31.0	Whitmore Lake
34.	7	Isaiah Dunn	14:36.3	Goodrich
35.	-	Cooper Bieber	14:36.5	Whiteford
36.	8	Noah Eustice	14:38.0	St Thomas the Apostle
37.	6	Aiden Jones	14:44.0	Goodrich
38.	7	Jackson Batten	14:44.7	Ferndale
39.	7	Logan Durant	14:45.6	Goodrich
40.	6	Milo Meade	14:50.0	Ferndale
41.	-	Keegan Masters	14:53.7	Whiteford
42.	8	Bret Rathaus	14:56.5	Goodrich
43.	8	Landen Andre	14:56.6	Goodrich
44.	7	Cody Ballmer	15:02.1	Goodrich
45.	7	Max Herzig	15:14.4	Ferndale
46.	8	Michael Martinez	15:25.3	Madison
47.	7	Bennet Birtlet	15:26.1	Goodrich
48.	7	Daniel Perkins	15:38.1	Springport
49.	8	Preston Adams	15:55.0	Whitmore Lake
50.	7	Case Mensing	15:57.2	Whiteford
51.	6	William Forsyth	16:18.5	Madison
52.	7	Damien Bosquez	16:22.1	Madison
53.	8	Matthew Dowling	16:52.3	St Thomas the Apostle
54.	-	TJ Murray	17:45.3	Whiteford
55.	7	Tanner Kurtz	18:01.8	Whitmore Lake
56.	7	Logan DeBruyne	18:03.4	Whiteford
57.	7	Krzysztof Hopp	19:22.8	St Thomas the Apostle
58.	6	Jacoby Young	20:23.7	Ferndale
59.	7	Ryan Henne	20:29.9	Springport
60.	7	Tomas Saenz	21:28.8	St Thomas the Apostle
61.	8	Ethan Kentwothy	22:40.0	Goodrich
62.	-	Sam Murphy	25:02.5	Whiteford
63.	7	Zach Rasnick	27:46.4	Madison
Provided by Athletic.net
 Womens Results
1.5 Miles Middle School Girls

Distribution - 41 Athletes
Bracket	12:00.00-12:59.00	13:00.00-13:59.00	14:00.00-14:59.00	15:00.00-15:59.00	16:00.00-16:59.00	17:00.00-17:59.00	18:00.00-18:59.00	19:00.00-19:59.00	20:00.00-20:59.00	22:00.00-22:59.00	25:00.00-25:59.00	27:00.00-27:59.00
Time Bracket	1	3	5	5	6	10	3	3	1	2	1	1
Athletes Distribution | Place vs Time | Time vs Place
Team Scores | Total Time | Spread
Official Team Scores

1.	Goodrich	18
2.	Madison	43
3.	Ferndale	85
4.	Whiteford	96
1.	7	Brooke Craven	12:55.4	Whitmore Lake
2.	6	Olivia Giza	13:06.6	Goodrich
3.	7	Emma Perry	13:18.2	Goodrich
4.	6	Alleta Brandon	13:59.4	Goodrich
5.	8	Adrianne Rector	14:00.6	Dansville
6.	7	Sydney Stonerock	14:06.1	Goodrich
7.	6	Raquel Arquette	14:07.3	Summerfield
8.	8	Madyson McDonald	14:31.4	Madison
9.	8	Zoe Burciaga	14:58.1	Madison
10.	6	Anna Gapp	15:00.1	Whiteford
11.	8	Ellie WInter	15:20.5	Goodrich
12.	6	Ashlyn Hill	15:24.7	Madison
13.	8	Teria Perkins	15:35.3	Springport
14.	8	Jamie Meadows	15:38.8	Whitmore Lake
15.	8	Inessa Aranda	16:07.7	Madison
16.	7	Sophia Rewald	16:32.8	Ferndale
17.	6	Diana Muzyk	16:34.4	Goodrich
18.	8	Lillian Wager	16:35.6	Madison
19.	7	Layla Rafferty	16:49.1	Goodrich
20.	7	Kiersten Brackelman	16:56.2	Madison
21.	-	Madelyn Cousino	17:16.7	Whiteford
22.	6	Ruby Speedwell	17:17.4	Ferndale
23.	7	Nora Henne	17:18.2	Springport
24.	7	lilyn Mi	17:19.1	Goodrich
25.	7	Ava Verkeyn	17:23.4	Ferndale
26.	6	Josephine Ronzello	17:27.1	Goodrich
27.	6	Isidora Purrier	17:39.1	Ferndale
28.	8	Sophia Hug	17:47.3	Summerfield
29.	6	Djene Sy	17:54.1	Ferndale
30.	6	Esther Pool	17:59.2	Ferndale
31.	-	Tuesday Broshious	18:06.1	Whiteford
32.	8	Julia Mohr	18:08.4	Madison
33.	6	R Muyzk	18:42.9	Goodrich
34.	8	Elizabeth Forsyth	19:19.4	Madison
35.	8	Skylar Helf	19:30.2	Madison
36.	5	Macie Merrill	19:32.6	Springport
37.	6	Mia Montgomery	20:39.8	Ferndale
38.	6	Ashira Twiggs	22:13.6	Ferndale
39.	-	London Hodgkins	22:15.8	Whiteford
40.	6	Julianne Bennet	25:02.7	Whiteford
41.	7	Hannah Leupold	27:36.0	Madison
Provided by Athletic.net