Varsity Womens

 Womens 5,000 Meters Varsity Team Scores
  Pl Team                           Points                                 
  1  Whitmore Lake                      27 
  2  Allen Park                         51 
  3  South Lyon                         74 
  4  Livingston Christian              112 
  5  Novi Christian Academy            118 
  6  Christ the King                   137 

Womens 5,000 Meters Varsity Results
  Pl Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
   1 Carina Burchi              9 Whitmore Lake               19:09.8 
   2 Erika Van Loton           12 Huron Valley Lutheran       20:03.1 
   3 Luci Granata              12 Allen Park                  20:48.0 
   4 Natalie Gibbs             10 Birmingham Roeper           20:55.5 
   5 Natalie Meadows           11 Whitmore Lake               20:57.3 
   6 Elodie Weaver              9 Whitmore Lake               21:17.4 
   7 Anahi Chapa               10 Allen Park                  21:18.5 
   8 Claire Bireta             11 Allen Park                  21:20.5 
   9 Taylor Wiegand             9 Livingston Christian        21:23.7 
  10 Josie Dubuc               11 Novi Christian Academy      21:40.1 
  11 Sofia Robertson            9 Whitmore Lake               21:46.8 
  12 Brooke Craven             12 Whitmore Lake               21:52.0 
  13 Alyssa Seiter             12 South Lyon                  22:00.3 
  14 Natalie Malczyk           12 Huron Valley Lutheran       22:05.1 
  15 Isabella Nelson-Daniels   10 Whitmore Lake               22:06.4 
  16 Eleanor Cole               9 Lutheran HS Westland        22:08.3 
  17 Lindsay Kidder            10 South Lyon                  22:09.0 
  18 Mya Guillermo             11 Novi Christian Academy      22:14.3 
  19 Sarah Cook                 9 South Lyon                  22:25.9 
  20 Abbie Sawicki             11 Allen Park                  22:34.0 
  21 Chloe Wallis              11 South Lyon                  22:43.4 
  22 Kaelyn Swiech             12 South Lyon                  22:43.9 
  23 Rachael Byers             12 Christ the King             23:07.8 
  24 Ezrielle Martin            8 Livingston Christian        23:14.3 
  25 Ciara Parsons             11 Whitmore Lake               23:17.4 
  26 Alaina Nagel               9 Allen Park                  23:18.5 
  27 Michaela Kurth            12 Lutheran HS Westland        23:34.5 
  28 Francesca Cella           12 Christ the King             23:36.0 
  29 Breanna Swiech             9 South Lyon                  23:44.7 
  30 Olivia Wilson             11 South Lyon                  23:53.6 
  31 Audrey Johnson            10 Livingston Christian        24:09.1 
  32 Maiya Clark               11 Livingston Christian        24:09.8 
  33 Marie Sumerton            12 Christ the King             24:10.3 
  34 Nevaeh Harris             11 Allen Park                  24:29.7 
  35 Hannah Jones              11 Washtenaw Christian         25:00.2 
  36 Mattie Hanselman          12 Huron Valley Lutheran       25:09.3 
  37 Jenna Oberly              12 Lutheran HS Westland        25:14.3 
  38 Olivia Dubuc               - Novi Christian Academy      25:14.9 
  39 Autumn Troupe             11 Novi Christian Academy      25:26.1 
  40 Allie Johnson              9 Livingston Christian        25:40.0 
  41 Anneliese Fellows          9 Christ the King             25:47.1 
  42 Elana Vanderveen          11 Christ the King             25:58.6 
  43 Abigail Yatooma            9 Novi Christian Academy      26:22.0 
  44 Janelle Schafer           11 Christ the King             27:31.2 
  45 Nadia Defibaugh            9 Livingston Christian        28:29.5 
  46 Amelia Slater              9 Livingston Christian        28:34.4 
  47 Sarah Hamann              10 Christ the King             29:46.6 
  48 Lydia Eckley              10 Washtenaw Christian         34:20.5