Womens 2 Mile Girls Middle School Team Scores
Pl Team Points
1 Grand Rapids South Christia 30
1 AHHC (Covenant Christian) 26
2 Byron Center West 37
2 Holland Calvary Christian 46
3 Spring Lake 84
3 NorthPointe Christian 84
4 Unity Christian 85
4 Calvin Christian 98
5 Fruitport 151
5 Holland Black River 121
6 GR Potter's House 144
Womens 2 Mile Girls Middle School Results
Pl Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Emmarie Formsma 8 Byron Center West 12:55.5
1 Leah Elzinga 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 13:21.8
2 Isabelle Oostema 7 Grand Rapids South Chri 13:30.1
3 Lily VanEyk 7 Grand Rapids South Chri 13:31.5
4 Julia Sherwood 7 Grand Rapids South Chri 13:32.1
5 Riley Verwolf 6 Unity Christian 13:35.9
6 Avery Conner 8 Byron Center West 13:37.7
7 Kaleigh Clark 8 Spring Lake 13:41.8
8 Kate Olsen 8 Byron Center West 13:47.7
2 Faith Schipper 6 Holland Calvary Christi 13:50.9
3 Sonya Minderhoud 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 13:53.3
9 Cora Ball 8 Byron Center West 13:55.1
4 Jane Vonk 7 Holland Calvary Christi 13:59.7
10 Ava Oostema 8 Grand Rapids South Chri 14:00.2
11 Grace Klynstra 7 Grand Rapids South Chri 14:01.3
12 Hazel Cherney 7 Spring Lake 14:10.1
5 Abbie Koole 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:12.5
13 Evelyn Weaver 8 Byron Center West 14:13.8
6 Kate DeVries 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:15.3
7 Kylie Zwiep 7 NorthPointe Christian 14:20.0
8 Abigail Mulder 6 NorthPointe Christian 14:21.0
14 Zurie Williamson 8 Byron Center West 14:27.8
15 Maeve VanDam 8 Byron Center West 14:28.8
16 Adilyn VanderWerf 8 Byron Center West 14:29.7
17 Samantha Stevens 8 Byron Center West 14:33.3
18 Lillian Johnson 8 Byron Center West 14:35.9
19 Adrie Koetje 8 Unity Christian 14:37.4
20 Brooklyn Kowalke 6 Unity Christian 14:38.8
9 Christina Patmos 8 Holland Calvary Christi 14:39.1
21 Noelle Hulst 7 Grand Rapids South Chri 14:43.8
10 Eliana Zwiep 7 NorthPointe Christian 14:45.6
22 Quinn Middleton 8 Byron Center West 14:46.4
11 Addison Koole 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:50.6
12 Norah Dykstra 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:51.3
13 Joellah Bouwman 8 Calvin Christian 14:53.1
23 Allison Spronk 6 Grand Rapids South Chri 14:54.0
24 Claire Osterhaven 7 Byron Center West 14:55.0
25 Brittyn Vanderby 8 Grand Rapids South Chri 14:58.6
26 Annalise Wiltjer 7 Grand Rapids South Chri 15:06.8
27 Matia Battjes 7 Spring Lake 15:12.8
28 Abigail Tromp 8 Byron Center West 15:15.1
29 Brooklyn Gruppen 8 Unity Christian 15:15.1
30 Katherine Olson 8 Spring Lake 15:16.1
31 Tessa DeBoer 6 Byron Center West 15:16.2
14 Lynnae Meengs 8 Calvin Christian 15:16.5
32 Briella Kohley 8 Spring Lake 15:16.7
33 Madeline Vink 8 Spring Lake 15:16.8
15 Kady Lorence 6 Holland Calvary Christi 15:17.0
16 Laura Rotman 8 Holland Calvary Christi 15:17.1
17 Caroline Ballard 7 Holland Black River 15:22.2
34 Jaelynn Garber 8 Byron Center West 15:22.3
18 Esther VanderBilt 7 Holland Calvary Christi 15:32.1
35 Bailey Garner 8 Fruitport 15:41.3
19 Marise Swedberg 7 GR Potter's House 15:44.1
36 Evie Dozeman 8 Grand Rapids South Chri 15:44.3
37 Taylor Rottman 7 Grand Rapids South Chri 15:44.7
20 Taylor Dornbos 6 Calvin Christian 15:46.7
38 Allie Gruppen 7 Unity Christian 15:49.3
39 Carolyn Buller 8 Unity Christian 15:51.5
40 Aubrey Rotman 8 Unity Christian 15:53.7
21 Chloe Kuiper 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 15:53.9
41 Corinne Anys 6 Byron Center West 15:54.0
22 Ramona Ornee 6 Holland Black River 15:54.7
23 Evelyn Hop 7 Libertas Christian 16:06.4
24 Lucy Schimmel 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 16:06.6
25 Josie Kuperus 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 16:14.0
26 Karli DeBoer 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 16:15.4
27 Hannah VanderVeen 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 16:15.6
42 Quinn Bartkowiak 7 Byron Center West 16:16.9
43 Lauren Green 7 Byron Center West 16:17.1
28 Abigail Uminn 8 Libertas Christian 16:17.5
44 Josie Steed 6 Byron Center West 16:18.2
29 Naomi Telman 8 Holland Black River 16:26.8
45 Ayla Jonker 7 Spring Lake 16:30.6
46 Melissa Anthony 6 Fruitport 16:32.5
30 Amber Spronk 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 16:40.2
31 Blake Hall 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 16:46.1
47 Grace Gruppen 7 Unity Christian 16:52.3
32 Audrey Brines 7 NorthPointe Christian 16:53.2
33 Elizabeth Kuiper 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 16:57.7
48 Elena Schmuker 7 Unity Christian 16:58.9
34 Dorothy Phelps 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 17:00.8
49 Hannah Mokma 6 Unity Christian 17:01.8
35 Isabelle VanBaren 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 17:06.2
36 Elise Van Orman 6 Calvin Christian 17:08.8
50 Elly Janson 6 Grand Rapids South Chri 17:11.5
51 Morgan Wolf 6 Fruitport 17:13.5
52 Henley Jonker 7 Spring Lake 17:20.0
53 Ryann Bartkowiak 7 Byron Center West 17:21.0
54 Scarlet Zoet-Hardy 8 Spring Lake 17:21.3
37 Paige Doezema 6 Calvin Christian 17:24.0
38 Tazo Fegel 7 Holland Black River 17:25.3
39 Josephine Baker 7 GR Potter's House 17:26.4
55 Sienna Byl 6 Unity Christian 17:27.2
40 Sophiya Huizinga 6 Calvin Christian 17:28.6
56 Sophie Wardie 6 Fruitport 17:30.5
57 Alexis Foote 8 Byron Center West 17:32.7
58 Ajla Bajric 6 Byron Center West 17:34.7
41 Lilia Waalkes 7 GR Potter's House 17:36.4
59 Harper Sturt 8 Spring Lake 17:37.5
42 Hannah Haskill 6 GR Potter's House 17:39.3
60 Brie Wisener 7 Byron Center West 17:53.3
43 Cora Lankheet 6 Holland Black River 17:58.1
44 Matilda Marks 8 Holland Black River 18:00.8
45 Brooklyn Huizinga 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 18:08.8
61 Cielle Matthysse 7 Byron Center West 18:16.9
46 Ellie Kooienga 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 18:18.8
47 Elena Westra 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 18:19.8
48 Addisyn Hayes 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 18:20.3
49 Alexa Schipper 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 18:21.4
62 Chloe Bonner 6 Unity Christian 18:24.2
50 Makayla Doezema 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 18:25.2
51 Lorelai Watza 7 Holland Black River 18:25.4
52 Hazel Dockery 7 Holland Black River 18:25.9
63 Ava Friend 6 Byron Center West 18:31.9
53 Kayla Davidson 7 NorthPointe Christian 18:32.1
54 Taylor Dykstra 6 GR Potter's House 18:36.5
55 Mikayla Veenstra 7 GR Potter's House 18:37.5
64 Annalisse Bennett 8 Byron Center West 18:40.1
56 Kimberly Frias Rodrigue 7 GR Potter's House 18:48.5
65 Azaylia Dennett 6 Byron Center West 18:52.4
57 Evelyn Bolkema 7 Calvin Christian 18:58.3
66 Allison Clay 7 Byron Center West 19:13.9
67 Bozka Castaneda 8 Spring Lake 19:14.5
58 Stephanie Pullen 6 NorthPointe Christian 19:19.3
59 Rylan Veldman 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 19:26.3
60 Clara Toole 6 Holland Black River 19:29.5
61 Mikayla Brines 6 NorthPointe Christian 19:35.7
68 Lucy DeBoer 8 Spring Lake 19:39.8
69 Camille Kramer 7 Byron Center West 19:47.0
70 Hannah Greene 6 Fruitport 19:48.6
71 Anna Hathaway 8 Spring Lake 19:53.4
72 Audrey Wever 6 Fruitport 19:57.2
62 Emelia VanOverloop 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 20:19.4
73 Kalina Garber 7 Byron Center West 20:21.3
74 Ella Nielson 8 Spring Lake 20:33.7
75 Brynn Siereveld 6 Byron Center West 20:38.2
63 Jori VanEk 8 Holland Black River 20:39.1
64 Brianna Jaimes de la Ro 6 Holland Black River 20:40.6
76 Addison Mokma 8 Unity Christian 20:43.7
77 Abigail Modderman 7 Unity Christian 21:13.6
65 Mary Zinck 7 Holland Black River 21:18.3
66 Abbi Overbeek 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 21:21.5
67 Lydia Pomp 6 Holland Black River 21:21.9
68 Emma Zuverink 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 21:26.6
69 Sarah Uminn 6 Libertas Christian 21:40.6
78 Raegan Bekkering 6 Unity Christian 21:46.5
70 Falande Gemmen 7 GR Potter's House 21:47.6
79 Emma Kuipers 7 Unity Christian 21:49.4
80 Victoria Blake 7 Byron Center West 21:54.0
71 Violet Bassford 6 NorthPointe Christian 21:57.4
72 Macie Pipe 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 22:00.3
73 Pippa Dijkstra 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 22:00.4
74 Amelia VanTil 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 22:00.5
81 Ariel Liu 7 Spring Lake 22:33.2
75 Eva Nienhuis 6 Calvin Christian 22:52.2
82 Lydia Brinks 6 Unity Christian 22:53.3
83 Josie Fisher 6 Unity Christian 23:03.1
84 Josephine Nelson 7 Byron Center West 23:31.2
76 Tabitha Macmillen 7 NorthPointe Christian 23:36.6
77 Lydia Kortman 7 GR Potter's House 23:52.0
85 Alexus Herring 8 Spring Lake 23:52.8
86 Emma Lambert 7 Byron Center West 24:05.1
87 Ivy O'Brien 7 Spring Lake 24:50.8
88 Lena Bugay 8 Spring Lake 26:04.2
78 Addison Arends 7 NorthPointe Christian 27:22.4
Mens 2 Mile Boys Middle School Team Scores
Pl Team Points
1 AHHC (Covenant Christian) 72
2 Byron Center West 82
3 Spring Lake 92
4 NorthPointe Christian 93
5 Holland Calvary Christian 109
6 GR Potter's House 143
7 Holland Black River 166
8 Unity Christian 178
9 Fruitport 223
10 Grand Rapids South Christia 283
11 Calvin Christian 297
Mens 2 Mile Boys Middle School Results
Pl Athlete Yr Team Time
1 Colton Huizinga 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 12:01.5
2 Zachary Newman 8 Byron Center West 12:04.5
3 Jacob Martzke 7 Byron Center West 12:04.9
4 Eli Schout 7 Libertas Christian 12:07.9
4 Eli Schout 7 Libertas Christian 12:07.9
5 Alexander Mitchell 8 Byron Center West 12:12.8
6 Dane Trask 7 Spring Lake 12:14.0
7 Zadan Ryskamp 8 NorthPointe Christian 12:16.2
8 Peter Behm 8 NorthPointe Christian 12:17.0
9 Logan Franklyn 8 Spring Lake 12:21.4
10 Reagan Downing 8 Holland Calvary Christi 12:22.3
11 Casper Banner 8 Holland Black River 12:27.3
12 Logan Bylsma 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 12:36.9
13 Cameron Carnes 8 GR Potter's House 12:37.0
14 Mason Williams 8 Holland Calvary Christi 12:50.2
15 Avery Carlson 8 Holland Black River 12:56.7
16 Isaac Vandlen 8 Spring Lake 13:00.4
17 Cole Feenstra 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 13:06.7
18 Ryan Sorrell 8 NorthPointe Christian 13:06.9
19 Logan Spangler 8 NorthPointe Christian 13:07.0
20 Peter VanderSchaaf 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 13:07.1
21 Kam VanDrie 8 Holland Calvary Christi 13:08.8
22 Reuben Riemersma 7 Unity Christian 13:09.0
23 Landon Noorman 7 Unity Christian 13:10.1
24 Izaac Kragt 8 GR Potter's House 13:13.9
25 Henery Hulst 6 Grand Rapids South Chri 13:14.8
26 Owen Zuverink 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 13:15.8
27 Camden Adkins 8 Holland Calvary Christi 13:16.1
28 Drew Trask 7 Spring Lake 13:19.8
29 Sam Dykstra 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 13:20.2
30 Gideon Gemmen 8 GR Potter's House 13:20.4
31 Dylan Winskas 8 Fruitport 13:21.0
31 Dylan Winskas 8 Fruitport 13:21.0
32 Ezra Winkle 7 GR Potter's House 13:21.5
33 Levi Adema 8 Calvin Christian 13:22.0
34 Dominic Ponstine 7 Unity Christian 13:23.5
35 Brett Lee 6 Fruitport 13:23.6
35 Brett Lee 6 Fruitport 13:23.6
36 Jacob Hop 8 Libertas Christian 13:25.6
36 Jacob Hop 8 Libertas Christian 13:25.6
37 Waylon Blake 7 Byron Center West 13:27.3
38 Zach Bylsma 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 13:28.1
39 Trenton Johnson 8 Spring Lake 13:29.6
40 Andrew Duthler 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 13:30.0
41 Nolan Johnson 6 Byron Center West 13:30.6
42 Bryson Beauch 6 Byron Center West 13:31.0
43 Kevin Dahl 7 Spring Lake 13:31.5
44 Mathew Coursey 7 Holland Calvary Christi 13:33.9
45 Emmett Schimmel 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 13:34.9
46 Asher Ornee 8 Holland Black River 13:35.4
47 Brady Middleton 6 Byron Center West 13:36.1
48 Tyson Beardsley 8 Holland Calvary Christi 13:40.9
49 Xavier Straayer 8 NorthPointe Christian 13:43.8
50 Caleb Schipper 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 13:46.5
51 Edwardo 'EJ' Trevino Jr 6 Holland Black River 13:47.3
52 Connor Bassett 7 Byron Center West 13:53.1
53 Peter Keegstra 8 Unity Christian 13:59.5
54 Caiden Goodrich 6 GR Potter's House 14:00.6
55 Levi Kleyn 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:05.5
56 Jett Hogan 8 Calvin Christian 14:06.2
57 Mason Segur 7 Byron Center West 14:06.7
58 Aiden Stacey 8 Byron Center West 14:08.0
59 Devin Kuiper 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:08.4
60 Jacob Keef 8 Byron Center West 14:09.3
61 Easton Antvelilnk 6 Byron Center West 14:11.2
62 Evan VanBaren 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:11.6
63 Lucas Hirt 7 NorthPointe Christian 14:12.6
64 Andrew Westra 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:15.2
65 Finley Kuiper 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:16.7
66 Kaleb Pautke 8 Byron Center West 14:16.9
67 Jonathan Larson 6 Fruitport 14:21.9
67 Jonathan Larson 6 Fruitport 14:21.9
68 Quinton Huizinga 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:23.0
69 Payton Judd 7 Fruitport 14:25.0
69 Payton Judd 7 Fruitport 14:25.0
70 Bryce Schipper 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:27.1
71 Jack Vigh 8 Byron Center West 14:27.4
72 Tristan Byrne 7 Byron Center West 14:28.0
73 Luis Hirt 8 NorthPointe Christian 14:32.0
74 Idamdra Fegel 8 Holland Black River 14:32.4
75 Ryker Villalta 6 Byron Center West 14:33.8
76 Micah Aukeman 6 Unity Christian 14:34.0
77 Eugene Rodrigez 8 Fruitport 14:36.1
77 Eugene Rodrigez 8 Fruitport 14:36.1
78 Gage Roodvoets 7 Grand Rapids South Chri 14:36.8
79 Liam Wonders 7 Byron Center West 14:38.1
80 Simon Telman 6 Holland Black River 14:40.1
81 Cadence DeVries 7 Unity Christian 14:40.8
82 Joey Zuverink 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:41.5
83 Reuben Kuiper 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:42.4
84 Ethan DeVries 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 14:43.3
85 Kevin Bast 6 Holland Black River 14:43.8
86 Jack Kooyer 7 Unity Christian 14:45.3
87 Koehn VanEenenaam 7 Holland Black River 14:47.3
88 Jax Lorence 8 Holland Calvary Christi 14:47.6
89 Austin Kraft 8 Byron Center West 14:49.2
90 Andrew Wright 8 NorthPointe Christian 14:50.3
91 Gibson Maines 6 Byron Center West 14:51.7
92 Linkon Utter 6 Holland Calvary Christi 14:52.3
93 Silas Buter 6 Byron Center West 14:52.8
94 Titus Gordon 8 Unity Christian 14:53.6
95 Ryder Kobiela 6 Byron Center West 14:56.4
96 Sam Meyers 8 Unity Christian 14:57.0
97 Andrew Burnside 8 Unity Christian 14:58.8
98 Jacob Fox 6 NorthPointe Christian 15:08.7
99 Clayton Bramer 6 Unity Christian 15:08.9
100 Hayden Woodwyk 6 Unity Christian 15:12.0
101 Alex Dull 8 Spring Lake 15:12.8
102 Lucas Hill 6 Byron Center West 15:13.0
103 Alex Oosterhouse 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 15:13.5
104 Luke Kooyer 6 Grand Rapids South Chri 15:14.6
105 Nicholas Schepers 7 Unity Christian 15:15.2
106 Lance Buiter 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 15:15.6
107 Hudson Pipe 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 15:16.5
108 Blake Bohannon 6 Fruitport 15:20.5
108 Blake Bohannon 6 Fruitport 15:20.5
109 Ryan Norbotten 7 Fruitport 15:22.6
109 Ryan Norbotten 7 Fruitport 15:22.6
110 Jackson Goodrich 6 GR Potter's House 15:23.2
111 Micah Brinks 8 Unity Christian 15:26.0
112 Corbin Jansheski 6 Fruitport 15:26.3
112 Corbin Jansheski 6 Fruitport 15:26.3
113 Andrew Coursey 6 Holland Calvary Christi 15:29.6
114 Brian Meeuwenberg 7 Fruitport 15:35.7
114 Brian Meeuwenberg 7 Fruitport 15:35.7
115 Noah Kooienga 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 15:38.1
116 Carter Brown 6 Fruitport 15:46.7
116 Carter Brown 6 Fruitport 15:46.7
117 Greyson Mudget 8 Holland Black River 15:48.0
118 Brayden Leonard 7 Grand Rapids South Chri 15:49.0
119 Peter Conley 7 Spring Lake 15:49.7
120 Max Johnson 7 Spring Lake 15:50.3
121 Ryan Armey 7 Spring Lake 15:51.7
122 Noah Burkhardt 8 Spring Lake 15:51.9
123 Jayce Brady 6 Fruitport 15:54.2
123 Jayce Brady 6 Fruitport 15:54.2
124 Henry Rotman 6 Holland Calvary Christi 15:55.0
125 Gideon Kuiper 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 15:55.4
126 Triston Koole 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 15:57.4
127 James Jacques 6 Holland Calvary Christi 16:06.4
128 Joshua VanderKolk 6 Holland Black River 16:12.4
129 Shepherd Banner 6 Holland Black River 16:12.5
130 Shaun DeBoer 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 16:23.4
131 Evan Danicek 7 Fruitport 16:23.5
131 Evan Danicek 7 Fruitport 16:23.5
132 Easton Dykstra 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 16:27.8
133 Landon King 7 Spring Lake 16:43.6
134 Logan Wiechel 8 Byron Center West 16:47.0
135 Ethan Schaaf 7 Calvin Christian 16:47.1
136 Isaac Schreuder 8 Holland Black River 16:53.2
137 Caden Lambert 6 Grand Rapids South Chri 17:09.3
138 Gerrit Kuiper 6 Grand Rapids South Chri 17:10.0
139 Jerome Rozema 7 Grand Rapids South Chri 17:14.5
140 Brandon VanTil 7 AHHC (Covenant Christia 17:19.8
141 Chase Wiersma 6 Grand Rapids South Chri 17:31.7
142 Elliot Saffell 7 Fruitport 17:34.4
142 Elliot Saffell 7 Fruitport 17:34.4
143 Gideon Gordon 6 Unity Christian 17:48.6
144 Lucas Smith 7 Fruitport 17:51.3
144 Lucas Smith 7 Fruitport 17:51.3
145 Sean Calkins 7 Fruitport 17:51.4
145 Sean Calkins 7 Fruitport 17:51.4
146 Eastyn Budwick 7 Fruitport 17:53.4
146 Eastyn Budwick 7 Fruitport 17:53.4
147 Joshua Steenwyk 6 Calvin Christian 17:56.8
148 Curtis Spofford 8 Fruitport 18:00.0
148 Curtis Spofford 8 Fruitport 18:00.0
149 David Nagel 6 Grand Rapids South Chri 18:01.9
150 Harrison Biasell 7 Spring Lake 18:11.7
151 Jack Zamzow 6 Byron Center West 18:12.5
152 Xander Wustman 7 Byron Center West 18:13.0
153 Agan Amurthalingam 8 Holland Black River 18:16.1
154 Angel Williams 6 Fruitport 18:47.5
154 Angel Williams 6 Fruitport 18:47.5
155 Nolan Lowitzki 8 NorthPointe Christian 18:51.3
156 Emiliano Alonzo 8 Holland Black River 18:56.0
157 Eli Brummel 8 AHHC (Covenant Christia 19:09.4
158 Micah Butters 8 Calvin Christian 19:11.9
159 Chase Bennink 8 Spring Lake 19:59.7
160 Tyler Herring 7 Spring Lake 20:01.3
161 Evan Hollenbach 7 NorthPointe Christian 20:16.6
162 Jordan Scholma 8 Unity Christian 20:23.3
163 Jude Wolf 6 Byron Center West 20:31.1
164 Thomas Fick 8 West Mi Academy of Envi 20:36.1
164 Thomas Fick 8 West Mi Academy of Envi 20:36.1
165 Dominic Klimek 8 West Mi Academy of Envi 20:42.2
165 Dominic Klimek 8 West Mi Academy of Envi 20:42.2
166 Henry Steenwyk 6 Holland Black River 20:51.1
167 Jacob Koratich 7 Spring Lake 21:20.6
168 Simon Engman 7 Spring Lake 21:23.6
169 Sid Babu 8 Spring Lake 21:24.9
170 Dane Edwards-Parker 7 Holland Black River 21:37.5
171 Henry Mudget 6 Holland Black River 22:12.3
172 Josh Koll 6 AHHC (Covenant Christia 22:57.2
173 Isaac Heyboer 6 Unity Christian 23:16.0