1.25 Mile K-5 Girls Results

Womens 1.25 Mile K-5 (1.25 Mile) Team Scores
  Pl Team                                          Points
  1  Our Lady of Victory                               42 
  2  Airport Run                                       62 
  3  Saline                                            86 
  4  Ann Arbor Track                                  134 
  5  Christ the King (Ann Arbor)                      156 
  6  Monroe Milers                                    166 
  7  Our Lady of Good Counsel                         179 
  8  St. Fabian                                       249 
  9  St. Charles                                      257 
 10  Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                       258 
 11  Wilson (Wyandotte)                               297 
 12  New Boston Braves                                302 

Womens 1.25 Mile K-5 (1.25 Mile) Results
  Pl Athlete                   Yr Team                                          Time
   1 Grayson Weber              5 Our Lady of Victory                        8:34.00 
   2 Charlotte Jones            5 Airport Run                                8:51.00 
   3 Amelia Murphy              5 Monroe Trinity Lutheran                    8:53.90 
   4 Katia Boldenow             5 Ann Arbor Track                            8:58.60 
   5 Sharon Stockbridge         4 Ann Arbor Track                            8:59.90 
   6 Kaylee Rieman              4 Our Lady of Victory                        9:25.80 
   7 Isabelle Bezeau            5 Airport Run                                9:27.70 
   8 Anna Gudith                5 Saline                                     9:29.60 
   9 Isabella Inman             4 New Boston Braves                          9:31.40 
  10 Maggie Bedner              4 Our Lady of Victory                        9:39.10 
  11 Ellie Baumgartner          4 Ann Arbor Track                            9:40.80 
  12 Remiela Pedroza            4 Airport Run                                9:41.60 
  13 Sara Ferdubinski           5 Southgate Christ The King Lutheran         9:48.10 
  14 Lainey Hess                5 Monroe Trinity Lutheran                    9:54.60 
  15 Cora Barrish               5 Saline                                     9:55.00 
  16 Peyton Humphries           5 Our Lady of Victory                        9:56.30 
  17 Alison Schlonsky           5 Our Lady of Victory                        9:56.80 
  18 Anna Spangler              5 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                 9:58.70 
  19 Joey Sherman               5 Saline                                    10:01.40 
  20 Genevieve Farnham          4 St. Fabian                                10:03.10 
  21 Vivienne Bosworth          5 Grosse Ile Running                        10:05.50 
  22 Mariana Cella              5 Christ the King (Ann Arbor)               10:06.90 
  23 Jayna Thurlow              4 Monroe Milers                             10:09.20 
  24 McKinley Todd              4 Airport Run                               10:12.10 
  25 Elizabeth Stofka           3 Monroe Milers                             10:13.00 
  26 Juliet Braman              4 Christ the King (Ann Arbor)               10:14.10 
  27 Stella Omler               4 Airport Run                               10:14.70 
  28 Emma Crawley               5 Saline                                    10:17.90 
  29 Adalyn Hernandez           5 Pierce (Grosse Pointe)                    10:18.40 
  30 Reese Jaskot               4 Airport Run                               10:21.20 
  31 Quinn Jaskot               1 Airport Run                               10:25.00 
  32 Candance Pisarzewski       5 St. Joseph Jr. Run Club                   10:29.00 
  33 Charlotte Bruski           4 Saline                                    10:30.40 
  34 Hadley Schafer             4 Airport Run                               10:32.10 
  35 Addison Didyk              4 Our Lady of Victory                       10:33.60 
  36 Eliana Martin              3 St. Charles                               10:34.10 
  37 Lilly Talbert              4 Our Lady of Good Counsel                  10:35.00 
  38 Gracie Chriscinske         4 Saline                                    10:35.30 
  39 Alexis Durchman            2 Airport Run                               10:39.00 
  40 Hannah Schlorman           5 Wilson (Wyandotte)                        10:40.80 
  41 Claire Vipond              3 Our Lady of Good Counsel                  10:43.70 
  42 Natalie Braman             2 Christ the King (Ann Arbor)               10:43.90 
  43 Everly Weber               3 Our Lady of Good Counsel                  10:46.60 
  44 Charlotte Canoy            3 Our Lady of Victory                       10:47.90 
  45 Avah Gram                  3 Monroe Milers                             10:49.30 
  46 Catherine Weidmayer        1 Christ the King (Ann Arbor)               10:54.00 
  47 Adeline Breitner           3 Airport Run                               10:54.90 
  48 Brooke Tomaszewski         5 Saline                                    10:55.40 
  49 Mia Marrone                4 Our Lady of Good Counsel                  10:57.40 
  50 Corinne Porenta            5 Our Lady of Good Counsel                  11:00.50 
  51 Kathryn Guiliano           5 Airport Run                               11:01.50 
  52 Braelyn Mason              4 Monroe Milers                             11:02.30 
  53 Clare Straub               3 Airport Run                               11:03.40 
  54 Dorothy Fater              3 Airport Run                               11:06.10 
  55 Clara Kubert               4 Our Lady of Good Counsel                  11:08.20 
  56 Ellie Rios                 4 Airport Run                               11:08.50 
  57 Margaret Allis             5 Christ the King (Ann Arbor)               11:11.00 
  58 Stella Woodruff            5 Airport Run                               11:12.70 
  59 Vera Otter                 3 Airport Run                               11:16.40 
  60 Winnie Nelson              5 Airport Run                               11:16.80 
  61 Olivia Linsell             3 Our Lady of Victory                       11:20.40 
  62 Macy Gall                  5 Saline                                    11:21.20 
  63 Jane Allis                 3 Christ the King (Ann Arbor)               11:21.50 
  64 Daisy Gratowski            5 Airport Run                               11:21.80 
  65 Dylan Carino               4 St. Fabian                                11:22.00 
  66 Riley Kramer               4 Airport Run                               11:24.60 
  67 Amelia Ruhlig              5 Airport Run                               11:27.00 
  68 Evelyn Block               4 Hope Christian Academy                    11:31.30 
  69 Adriana Roy                5 Saline                                    11:31.70 
  70 Finley Ruszczyk            4 Monroe Milers                             11:32.40 
  71 Gloria Cousino             5 Christ the King (Ann Arbor)               11:32.40 
  72 Aeriana Pedroza            1 Airport Run                               11:33.10 
  73 Zoey Coffey                4 Saline                                    11:33.70 
  74 Faustyna Wright            5 Christ the King (Ann Arbor)               11:37.70 
  75 Mae Straub                 - Airport Run                               11:38.90 
  76 Alexandra Mantay           5 Saline                                    11:41.00 
  77 Charlotte Manso            5 Saline                                    11:43.90 
  78 Rosie Deren                3 Our Lady of Good Counsel                  11:47.50 
  79 Lila Uhl                   4 Grosse Ile Running                        11:51.30 
  80 Madison Smith              5 Meadow Montessori                         11:54.30 
  81 Etta Manley                5 Meadow Montessori                         12:00.20 
  82 Nova Hoffman               2 Monroe Milers                             12:00.50 
  83 Alivia LaVoy               1 Monroe Milers                             12:00.70 
  84 Quinn Feerer               4 Wilson (Wyandotte)                        12:04.40 
  85 Charlie Carino             6 St. Fabian                                12:11.60 
  86 Liyah Gram                 2 Monroe Milers                             12:13.70 
  87 Emma Reed                  3 St. Charles                               12:15.30 
  88 Giulianna Kresta           4 Christ the King (Ann Arbor)               12:17.00 
  89 Teresa Nitkiewicz          5 Christ the King (Ann Arbor)               12:18.00 
  90 Eulalia Ortega             2 Ann Arbor Track                           12:19.40 
  91 Liya Cai                   4 Christ the King (Ann Arbor)               12:19.60 
  92 Lucille Craanen            2 St. Charles                               12:25.00 
  93 Mila Herceg                3 Our Lady of Victory                       12:25.40 
  94 Natalie Beaudrie           2 St. Charles                               12:29.90 
  95 Meghan Pickel              5 Our Lady of Good Counsel                  12:35.40 
  96 Emma Breeden               5 Saline                                    12:39.70 
  97 Julia Delly                4 Our Lady of Victory                       12:42.90 
  98 Quinn Rogowski             5 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                12:44.60 
  99 Everly Thompson            4 Our Lady of Good Counsel                  12:45.20 
 100 Susanna Evans              2 Airport Run                               12:46.80 
 101 Asya Mizrak                4 Saline                                    12:48.50 
 102 Noelle Ruggeberg           3 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                12:49.00 
 103 Leeta Spivey               4 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                12:50.70 
 104 Grace Holton               5 St. Charles                               12:52.60 
 105 Emery Para                 5 Ann Arbor Track                           12:52.90 
 106 Ava Rempe                  3 Airport Run                               12:56.50 
 107 Aurora Durchman            1 Airport Run                               12:59.20 
 108 Sofia Gabbert              4 Dearborn Guardian Lutheran                13:03.20 
 109 Emilia Marino              3 Airport Run                               13:17.70 
 110 Anna Pohl                  4 St. Fabian                                13:19.00 
 111 Quinn Lammers              2 Airport Run                               13:20.30 
 112 Brynnleigh Wilson          3 Monroe Milers                             13:21.50 
 113 Ellie Coch                 1 Airport Run                               13:21.70 
 114 Madison Kuehnlein          2 St. Charles                               13:22.50 
 115 Georgina Ford              2 St. Charles                               13:22.90 
 116 Elizabeth McHugh           4 Saline                                    13:24.30 
 117 Lennon Close              Gr Airport Run                               13:25.60 
 118 Evelyn Kulwicki            3 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                13:33.00 
 119 Karlee Wood                4 Saline                                    13:33.00 
 120 Juliana Carter             5 Airport Run                               13:36.40 
 121 Grace Skrzynski            3 Wilson (Wyandotte)                        13:38.10 
 122 Sophia Berishaj            4 Our Lady of Victory                       13:41.60 
 123 Kevonna Campbell           5 Wilson (Wyandotte)                        13:43.80 
 124 Emilie Cook                3 Airport Run                               13:47.80 
 125 Grace Otter                1 Airport Run                               13:50.00 
 126 Penelope Anderson          3 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                13:50.30 
 127 Wylie Pinchoff             4 Airport Run                               13:55.90 
 128 Catherine Farnham          3 St. Fabian                                13:57.00 
 129 Cora McDonald              3 Airport Run                               13:59.90 
 130 Zelie McWilliams           1 St. Charles                               14:00.80 
 131 Evelyn Tenant              5 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                14:06.50 
 132 Brooklyn Bryant            1 New Boston Braves                         14:10.10 
 133 Willoughby Malocha         2 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                14:11.70 
 134 Charlotte Hayes            5 Grosse Ile Running                        14:12.60 
 135 Charlee McDonald           1 Airport Run                               14:16.20 
 136 Addison Hone               5 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                14:21.70 
 137 Vera Maskill               3 Unattached                                14:24.00 
 138 Kinsley Sibert             2 Airport Run                               14:26.00 
 139 River Cowley               4 Grosse Ile Running                        14:26.20 
 140 Peyton Black               4 Airport Run                               14:31.50 
 141 Eliana Ng-A-Fook           3 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                14:32.00 
 142 Bailee Stamper             2 New Boston Braves                         14:32.70 
 143 Scottlyn Reifsnider        2 Airport Run                               14:33.60 
 144 Lorelai Dornberg           1 Airport Run                               14:35.50 
 145 Penelope Barrick           5 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                14:35.80 
 146 Maria Howard               5 Our Lady of Good Counsel                  14:42.20 
 147 Della Klar                 2 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                14:43.80 
 148 Celeste Hagaman            2 St. Charles                               14:43.90 
 149 Rylee Mittendorf           3 Airport Run                               14:57.50 
 150 Cayden Brown               5 Airport Run                               15:01.50 
 151 Alicia Phillips            2 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                15:03.30 
 152 Delia Fuqua                4 Ivywood Classical Academy                 15:05.70 
 153 Molly Morris               2 Ivywood Classical Academy                 15:07.40 
 154 Tiffany Perecki            4 New Boston Braves                         15:08.00 
 155 Alaya Wilt                 2 Airport Run                               15:10.20 
 156 Lucille Bell               2 Airport Run                               15:10.60 
 157 Avery Scherz               3 New Boston Braves                         15:12.70 
 158 Adelene Fuqua              2 Ivywood Classical Academy                 15:14.40 
 159 Layla Shirshekar           3 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                15:23.80 
 160 Paxton Little              5 New Boston Braves                         15:26.10 
 161 Bailey Patrick             5 New Boston Braves                         15:26.80 
 162 Juliette Morrison          3 St. Joseph Jr. Run Club                   15:28.10 
 163 Caroline Bell             Gr Airport Run                               15:29.20 
 164 Lakynn Holt                - Airport Run                               15:31.20 
 165 Ellie Craanen              - St. Charles                               15:34.80 
 166 Kanah Campbell             4 Wilson (Wyandotte)                        15:41.80 
 167 Alaina Specht              3 St. Fabian                                16:09.90 
 168 Breanne Schreiber          3 St. Charles                               16:25.80 
 169 Gianna Martin              2 St. Charles                               16:28.60 
 170 Gracelynn Johnson          2 Airport Run                               16:31.40 
 171 Lila Gutierrez             2 St. Charles                               16:31.70 
 172 Gabrielle Noaker           2 Monroe Milers                             16:34.20 
 173 Zoe Lim                    5 Pierce (Grosse Pointe)                    16:35.70 
 174 Danielle Dunsmore          1 Monroe Milers                             16:43.30 
 175 Vanessa Fear               5 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                16:43.60 
 176 Emmie Borda                3 Our Lady of Victory                       16:47.40 
 177 Lizziy ODea                3 St. Fabian                                16:53.40 
 178 Emma Wawrzyniec            2 Monroe Milers                             17:02.50 
 179 Izzy Sutorka               5 Pierce (Grosse Pointe)                    17:17.90 
 180 Aanya Sheoran              5 Saline                                    17:28.50 
 181 Estella Wright             1 Ivywood Classical Academy                 17:29.60 
 182 Vanessa Mendez             4 Airport Run                               17:42.00 
 183 Vivian McGlinch            3 St. Fabian                                18:23.80 
 184 Allessia Mendez            3 Wilson (Wyandotte)                        18:35.20 
 185 Megan Meyer                - St. Charles                               19:03.20 
 186 Ava Link                   4 Airport Run                               19:21.50 
 187 Samantha Mendez            1 Airport Run                               19:24.00 
 188 Lyla Lake                  1 Airport Run                               19:27.20 
 189 Sarah Meyer                2 St. Charles                               19:40.00 
 190 Audrey Ballard             2 Lincoln Railsplitter Youth                19:52.60 
 191 Selkie Reifsnider          - Airport Run                               20:14.00 
 192 Myra Long                  2 St. Charles                               20:22.20 
 193 Julia Fenton               3 Christ the King (Ann Arbor)               22:00.60