OK Blue Jamboree #1 2012

Grand Rapids, MI
Hosted by Comstock

OK Blue Jamboree #1 2012 vs OK Blue Jamboree #1 2014

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +50 194 144
Overall Average -2.84 23:24.78 23:27.62
1st-10th Place -17.47 17:25.20 17:42.67
1st-25th Place -16.76 18:11.68 18:28.44
1st-50th Place -27.21 19:06.76 19:33.97
1st-100th Place -1:03.13 20:29.01 21:32.14
Common Athletes -- -- 41
Ran Faster -9 16 25
Ran Season Best -- -- --
Average Time +16.41 23:36.46 23:20.06
Median Time -43.12 23:14.00 23:57.12
Middle 80% Times +8.56 23:48.45 23:39.89
Top 10% Times +55.48 18:54.60 17:59.12
Top 25% Times +56.61 20:07.09 19:10.48
Top 50% Times +27.56 21:15.38 20:47.82
Bottom 50% Times +4.47 24:50.10 24:45.62
Bottom 25% Times +23.42 27:25.64 27:02.22
Bottom 10% Times +37.09 28:39.40 28:02.31
Average Difference +16.41 -- --
Median Difference -57.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +11.92 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:09.90 -- --
Top 50% Difference +31.88 -- --
Top 25% Difference +54.10 -- --
Top 50% Difference +31.88 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2.58 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -16.22 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +50.95 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Andrew Thome Sparta +55.95 18:23.00 17:27.05
Carter Shupe Sparta +1:30.94 19:11.00 17:40.06
Carter Versluys Sparta -0.85 17:50.00 17:50.85
Chris Thome Sparta +2:21.87 20:43.00 18:21.13
Sam Austin Allendale +2:35.49 21:12.00 18:36.51
Tj Leach Coopersville -2:46.44 18:38.00 21:24.44
Art Brown Sparta +1:54.69 20:35.00 18:40.31
Matt Feuerstein Belding +1:28.78 20:31.00 19:02.22
Rachel Gohn Allendale +1:39.61 21:54.00 20:14.39
Teresa Myles Belding +1:26.26 22:03.00 20:36.74
Alexis Heimbaugh Sparta +11.08 21:21.00 21:09.92
Nathan Timmer Allendale +2:21.94 23:38.00 21:16.06
Jessica Hoover Sparta -2:35.12 21:22.00 23:57.12
Sarah Monterusso Sparta +3:09.93 24:32.00 21:22.07
Joesi Krieger Belding -2:53.65 21:32.00 24:25.65
Carley Andrews Sparta +3.96 21:38.00 21:34.04
Wyatt Cornett Sparta -18.41 21:52.00 22:10.41
Shelbi Dyke Allendale +55.07 23:14.00 22:18.93
Jordan Arsenault Allendale -1:34.51 22:21.00 23:55.51
Zack Oswald Allendale +1:36.95 23:59.00 22:22.05
Mariah Carlson Belding -4:06.99 22:45.00 26:51.99
Jerry Scott Sparta +1:15.11 24:07.00 22:51.89
Brianna George Sparta -2:28.77 23:00.00 25:28.77
Samantha Glass Coopersville -55.57 23:08.00 24:03.57
Jozlyn Evans Allendale -57.30 23:10.00 24:07.30
Kelsey Stahlin Belding +1:59.45 25:52.00 23:52.55
Calen Conover Comstock Park -2:52.03 24:04.00 26:56.03
Caleb Kahrs Coopersville +1:57.30 26:22.00 24:24.70
Melissa Lieffers Coopersville -1:05.46 24:25.00 25:30.46
Olivia Hobbins Allendale -18.85 24:26.00 24:44.85
Emily Macalka Comstock Park -4:21.66 24:47.00 29:08.66
Aislinn Droski Allendale +1:44.27 26:38.00 24:53.73
Elly St. John Coopersville +57.32 25:52.00 24:54.68
Marie Martinek Sparta +1:13.78 26:45.00 25:31.22
Carissa Stenquist Belding +3:05.16 28:41.00 25:35.84
Maddie Bent Comstock Park -56.84 26:00.00 26:56.84
Mary Mchugh Sparta +39.40 26:48.00 26:08.60
Tori Klenk Sparta +2:19.82 28:29.00 26:09.18
Andrea Taylor Sparta -1:10.47 27:05.00 28:15.47
Bridget Myles Belding +1:56.64 29:21.00 27:24.36
Erika Crater Coopersville +1:14.80 29:41.00 28:26.20