Barney Roy Invitational 2013

Marshall, MI
Hosted by Marshall

Barney Roy Invitational 2013 vs Barney Roy Invitational 2014

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +10 162 152
Overall Average +53.32 25:08.68 24:15.37
1st-10th Place +7.09 18:03.69 17:56.60
1st-25th Place -13.78 18:45.54 18:59.32
1st-50th Place -15.60 19:58.64 20:14.24
1st-100th Place -2.13 21:59.42 22:01.55
Common Athletes -- -- 51
Ran Faster -37 7 44
Ran Season Best -2 1 3
Average Time +1:45.78 25:05.62 23:19.84
Median Time +1:41.65 24:11.65 22:30.00
Middle 80% Times +1:48.92 25:02.40 23:13.49
Top 10% Times +14.94 18:52.94 18:38.00
Top 25% Times +39.55 19:57.16 19:17.62
Top 50% Times +1:04.11 21:30.49 20:26.38
Bottom 50% Times +2:23.37 27:42.84 25:19.46
Bottom 25% Times +3:23.94 31:40.64 28:16.69
Bottom 10% Times +3:34.69 34:00.69 30:26.00
Average Difference +1:45.78 -- --
Median Difference +1:04.92 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:51.06 -- --
Top 10% Difference +0.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference +50.86 -- --
Top 25% Difference +35.93 -- --
Top 50% Difference +50.86 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:39.12 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +3:41.33 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:34.69 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Kurt Swaton Marshall +37.78 17:35.78 16:58.00
Weston Herman Marshall -1:34.25 18:19.75 19:54.00
Chris Bell Marshall +1:08.62 19:30.62 18:22.00
Levi Prater Leslie -1:06.63 18:47.37 19:54.00
Jontaj Wallace Marshall +1:57.44 20:49.44 18:52.00
Calvin Smith Marshall +1:02.28 20:02.28 19:00.00
Troy Davis Leslie -6.17 19:01.83 19:08.00
Zach Owen Leslie +1:19.24 20:47.24 19:28.00
Jacob Hartman Leslie +59.55 20:38.55 19:39.00
Andrew Wietzke Olivet +53.95 20:41.95 19:48.00
Luke Gilliland Leslie +39.78 20:28.78 19:49.00
Haley Dack Leslie +1:03.69 20:55.69 19:52.00
Jean-Luc Lachance Battle Creek Pennfield +1:56.77 22:01.77 20:05.00
Collin Hannahs Olivet +51.83 21:43.83 20:52.00
Nicholas Simonds Battle Creek Pennfield +1:21.87 22:16.87 20:55.00
Quintin Lee Leslie +1:23.50 22:18.50 20:55.00
Abbey Ufkes Marshall +37.83 21:45.83 21:08.00
Bryar Thelen Marshall +4:54.03 26:21.03 21:27.00
Micah Deitrich Marshall +2:47.46 24:17.46 21:30.00
Rachel Schoepke Marshall +2:37.17 24:09.17 21:32.00
Jeremiah Grant Marshall +10.14 21:49.14 21:39.00
Teona Feldpausch Olivet +2:03.11 23:46.11 21:43.00
Libby Filice Leslie +2:15.65 24:11.65 21:56.00
Ryan Howland Leslie +6:41.44 28:44.44 22:03.00
Alex Dart Olivet +2:48.62 25:15.62 22:27.00
Zoe Feighner Leslie +2:20.82 24:50.82 22:30.00
Zach Daniels Marshall -1:22.65 22:53.35 24:16.00
Savana Falls Leslie +2:09.68 25:17.68 23:08.00
Nick Johnson Olivet +0.87 23:08.87 23:08.00
Gracie Mott Olivet +1:04.92 24:26.92 23:22.00
Taylor Losey Leslie +2:23.80 25:49.80 23:26.00
Ian Hines Olivet -41.29 23:27.71 24:09.00
Caitlin Rathbun Leslie -1:50.33 23:58.67 25:49.00
Abby Bowers Leslie -49.89 24:02.11 24:52.00
Annie Davis Leslie +3:39.86 27:50.86 24:11.00
Asha Richie Marshall +37.57 25:18.57 24:41.00
Tiffany Gross Marshall +21.42 25:06.42 24:45.00
Molly Robles Leslie +1:01.76 26:22.76 25:21.00
Katherine Maiville Leslie +2:17.53 27:47.53 25:30.00
Sierra Simmons Leslie +2:57.42 28:40.42 25:43.00
Rachael Nawrocki Marshall +5:29.09 31:18.09 25:49.00
Leah Amey Olivet +4:33.40 30:36.40 26:03.00
Rachel Gilliland Leslie +1:21.37 28:05.37 26:44.00
Audrey Lewis Marshall +3:19.77 30:21.77 27:02.00
Juliana Berry Leslie +2:06.64 29:57.64 27:51.00
Alexa Wiljanen Leslie +3:56.73 31:53.73 27:57.00
Kaelen Zalewski Leslie +3:32.04 32:20.04 28:48.00
Roni Klingel Marshall +3:24.46 33:24.46 30:00.00
Emma Wilkinson Leslie +3:31.30 34:39.30 31:08.00
Kylee Isham Leslie +1:29.34 33:12.34 31:43.00
Erin Parker Battle Creek Pennfield +5:34.26 38:34.26 33:00.00