OK Blue Jamboree #2 2015

Grand Rapids, MI
Hosted by Comstock Park

OK Blue Jamboree #2 2015 vs OK Blue Jamboree #3 2013

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +4 156 152
Overall Average +18.37 22:32.12 22:13.75
1st-10th Place -6.78 17:08.30 17:15.08
1st-25th Place +2.72 17:51.32 17:48.60
1st-50th Place +0.31 18:46.54 18:46.23
1st-100th Place +12.14 20:25.53 20:13.39
Common Athletes -- -- 36
Ran Faster 10 23 13
Ran Season Best 6 16 10
Average Time -17.03 21:07.47 21:24.50
Median Time -38.80 20:33.00 21:11.80
Middle 80% Times -13.54 21:08.17 21:21.71
Top 10% Times -32.70 17:14.75 17:47.45
Top 25% Times -32.87 17:44.78 18:17.64
Top 50% Times -26.00 18:46.11 19:12.11
Bottom 50% Times -8.05 23:28.83 23:36.88
Bottom 25% Times -1.82 25:07.00 25:08.82
Bottom 10% Times -17.63 26:01.50 26:19.13
Average Difference -17.03 -- --
Median Difference +2:26.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -12.65 -- --
Top 10% Difference -38.90 -- --
Top 50% Difference -34.84 -- --
Top 25% Difference -28.09 -- --
Top 50% Difference -34.84 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +0.79 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +5.20 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -10.50 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Andrew Thome Sparta -37.70 16:58.00 17:35.70
Brad Hotovy Allendale -1:07.60 17:05.00 18:12.60
Chris Thome Sparta -52.20 17:14.00 18:06.20
Trent Smith Sparta +1.90 17:42.00 17:40.10
Andrew Taylor Comstock Park -1:23.70 17:46.00 19:09.70
Matt Suarez Coopersville +58.20 18:46.00 17:47.80
Sam Austin Allendale -29.50 17:49.00 18:18.50
Nick Dankowski Allendale -1:54.40 18:03.00 19:57.40
Erik Christafferson Sparta -30.40 18:29.00 18:59.40
Braden Kilpatrick Sparta -11.80 18:37.00 18:48.80
Carley Andrews Sparta +2:26.90 21:42.00 19:15.10
Teresa Myles Belding +21.90 19:42.00 19:20.10
Ryan Emelander Allendale -0.90 19:34.00 19:34.90
Royce Braman Belding -43.60 19:41.00 20:24.60
Drew Vanderwall Sparta -1:19.00 19:45.00 21:04.00
Coz Anderson Coopersville -2:04.20 19:46.00 21:50.20
Rachel Gohn Allendale -43.80 20:02.00 20:45.80
Sarah Monterusso Sparta +1:36.90 21:46.00 20:09.10
Alexa Syrjala Belding -1:13.60 20:25.00 21:38.60
Amber Evink Sparta -2.20 20:26.00 20:28.20
Jerry Scott Sparta -1:15.40 20:33.00 21:48.40
Bekah Vanderhelm Allendale -38.80 20:33.00 21:11.80
Vanessa Hubert Sparta +1.00 21:43.00 21:42.00
Erin Wooten Sparta -1:21.40 21:47.00 23:08.40
Colleen Haley Coopersville +3:29.60 25:29.00 21:59.40
Veronica Muniz Belding -32.40 22:20.00 22:52.40
Lizzy Russo Coopersville +1:24.20 24:14.00 22:49.80
Aislinn Droski Allendale +29.10 23:21.00 22:51.90
Kelsey Stahlin Belding -1:47.30 22:53.00 24:40.30
Rylee Guerrero Allendale -1:55.00 23:19.00 25:14.00
Ryan Wooten Sparta +7.00 23:33.00 23:26.00
Kelly McHugh Sparta +48.50 25:34.00 24:45.50
Maddie Bent Comstock Park +17.30 25:20.00 25:02.70
Bridget Myles Belding +1:41.00 27:13.00 25:32.00
Megan Stowie Comstock Park -3:08.70 25:33.00 28:41.70
Brook Deemter Allendale -2.80 25:46.00 25:48.80