TVC West Jamboree #3 2015 vs TVC West Jamboree #3 2016

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -21 134 155
Overall Average -1:31.27 23:37.91 25:09.18
1st-10th Place +12.86 18:15.23 18:02.37
1st-25th Place +6.15 19:06.06 18:59.91
1st-50th Place -11.80 20:06.24 20:18.04
1st-100th Place -19.24 22:01.44 22:20.68
Common Athletes -- -- 47
Ran Faster -5 21 26
Ran Season Best -3 -- 3
Average Time -15.68 23:11.04 23:26.72
Median Time +45.59 23:17.90 22:32.31
Middle 80% Times -5.45 23:00.36 23:05.81
Top 10% Times +8.11 18:01.22 17:53.11
Top 25% Times +9.92 18:56.34 18:46.43
Top 50% Times +14.93 20:10.68 19:55.75
Bottom 50% Times -45.65 25:13.43 25:59.08
Bottom 25% Times -1:45.14 28:00.28 29:45.41
Bottom 10% Times -2:07.23 30:48.32 32:55.55
Average Difference -15.68 -- --
Median Difference +2:14.66 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -4.61 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1.73 -- --
Top 50% Difference +14.82 -- --
Top 25% Difference +12.62 -- --
Top 50% Difference +14.82 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -39.93 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:04.69 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:36.91 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Evan Goodell St. Louis +9.82 16:53.30 16:43.48
Seth Willitz Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary +33.46 18:24.90 17:51.44
Landon Strong Ithaca -16.66 17:52.70 18:09.36
Zach Bartnik Ithaca -34.04 18:01.20 18:35.24
Cologio Alighire St. Louis +1:27.67 19:33.70 18:06.03
Ethan Schauer Ithaca +16.08 19:05.80 18:49.72
Jeffrey Blackwell St. Louis -12.74 18:54.00 19:06.74
Rhys Wazny St. Charles +34.24 19:43.40 19:09.16
Andrew Bootz Ithaca +15.15 19:48.80 19:33.65
Courtney Allen Ithaca -9.74 19:36.30 19:46.04
Ben Bontrager Ithaca -16.75 19:37.70 19:54.45
Austin Rios St. Louis +2:08.80 21:49.40 19:40.60
Brooklyn Filipiak St. Louis -1:13.66 19:44.30 20:57.96
Michael Wert St. Louis +1:00.95 20:46.60 19:45.65
Joseph Kieta Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary +44.94 20:31.40 19:46.46
Kamri Filipiak St. Louis +57.58 21:13.40 20:15.82
Brandon Derosia St. Louis -57.48 20:35.60 21:33.08
Amelia Freestone Ithaca -9.39 20:47.70 20:57.09
Devin Neumann Saginaw Valley Lutheran +11.71 21:02.20 20:50.49
Aaron Stiefel Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary -3.42 21:00.80 21:04.22
Jacob Brown Ithaca +2:14.66 23:17.90 21:03.24
Evan Korthals Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary -1:07.95 21:27.00 22:34.95
Josh O'laughlin Saginaw Valley Lutheran +18.00 21:52.80 21:34.80
Adriana Santana Ithaca +4.47 22:35.40 22:30.93
Conor Kopp Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary +2:35.89 25:08.20 22:32.31
Morgan Most Ithaca +1:16.53 24:34.90 23:18.37
Mackenzie Town Saginaw Valley Lutheran +43.85 24:19.90 23:36.05
Madison Town Saginaw Valley Lutheran +1:17.35 24:55.00 23:37.65
Jacob Palmreuter Saginaw Valley Lutheran +54.84 24:39.00 23:44.16
Megan Pankow Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary -3:33.48 23:51.00 27:24.48
Emily Foster Ithaca -2:13.52 23:58.30 26:11.82
Robin Rodriquez Saginaw Valley Lutheran -2:30.45 24:14.90 26:45.35
Sarah Rezler Saginaw Valley Lutheran -0.74 24:16.40 24:17.14
Santana Jesse Ithaca +1:26.14 25:49.80 24:23.66
Hayley Williams Ithaca -3:53.06 24:35.60 28:28.66
Autumn Gurnee St. Louis +33.77 25:11.30 24:37.53
Travis Bodhaine St. Charles -32.81 24:45.90 25:18.71
Madeline Misner Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary +58.88 26:27.00 25:28.12
Amanda Schnose Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary +42.07 26:18.70 25:36.63
Carly Daniels St. Louis -1:41.75 25:38.80 27:20.55
Hayden Beyersdorf Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary -3:33.76 26:14.40 29:48.16
Kara Peter Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary -1:55.30 26:21.70 28:17.00
Elizabeth Waldo Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary +43.47 28:42.80 27:59.33
Kodi O'Boyle St. Louis -3:16.32 30:16.40 33:32.72
Brittnee Byers Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary +11.78 30:49.80 30:38.02
Samantha Schoch Saginaw Michigan Lutheran Seminary +17.58 31:18.60 31:01.02
Katelyn Housey St. Charles -6:43.84 32:54.00 39:37.84