OK Silver Jamboree #2 2017

Hopkins, MI

OK Silver Jamboree #2 2017 vs OK Silver Jamboree - South Christian 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +25 126 101
Overall Average +1:36.25 24:23.41 22:47.16
1st-10th Place +45.67 18:50.33 18:04.66
1st-25th Place +30.74 19:40.28 19:09.54
1st-50th Place +29.29 20:43.54 20:14.25
1st-100th Place +0.02 22:37.04 22:37.02
Common Athletes -- -- 36
Ran Faster -10 13 23
Ran Season Best -- -- --
Average Time +35.52 23:09.88 22:34.37
Median Time +0.32 21:55.21 21:54.89
Middle 80% Times +27.12 22:55.52 22:28.40
Top 10% Times -18.23 18:43.45 19:01.68
Top 25% Times -20.67 19:25.69 19:46.36
Top 50% Times -1.55 20:28.32 20:29.87
Bottom 50% Times +1:12.59 25:51.45 24:38.86
Bottom 25% Times +1:49.28 28:00.88 26:11.60
Bottom 10% Times +2:36.50 30:23.88 27:47.38
Average Difference +35.52 -- --
Median Difference -3:36.26 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +17.61 -- --
Top 10% Difference -8.17 -- --
Top 50% Difference +3.46 -- --
Top 25% Difference -4.19 -- --
Top 50% Difference +3.46 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:07.58 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:45.69 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +4:17.65 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Zach Hoekstra Grandville Calvin Christian +37.41 18:07.52 17:30.11
Dan Raush Hopkins -55.54 18:31.90 19:27.44
Caleb Riddering Grandville Calvin Christian -36.87 19:01.80 19:38.67
Jack Kehoe Grandville Calvin Christian -1:14.30 19:12.59 20:26.89
Eric Chavarria Wyoming Lee -3:36.26 19:13.82 22:50.08
David Vasquez Grandville Calvin Christian +22.34 19:52.83 19:30.49
Rafael Vega Wyoming Lee -4:02.90 20:00.83 24:03.73
Tyler Hulst Grandville Calvin Christian +29.68 20:31.47 20:01.79
Qori Nelson Grandville Calvin Christian +9.01 20:24.81 20:15.80
Ben Jenkins Grandville Calvin Christian -1:29.79 20:25.10 21:54.89
Misael Vasquez Grandville Calvin Christian +4:08.23 24:40.09 20:31.86
Kayce Rypma Grandville Calvin Christian +1:19.88 21:54.08 20:34.20
Haley Weesies Grandville Calvin Christian +1:22.44 21:57.17 20:34.73
Laura Velderman Hopkins +28.69 21:04.50 20:35.81
Jake Pastoor Hopkins +51.06 21:44.79 20:53.73
Joe Ludlam Hopkins +2:18.01 23:15.61 20:57.60
Jasmine Fisher Hopkins -28.65 21:12.58 21:41.23
Ethan Stamm Grand Rapids NorthPointe Christian +28.41 21:50.66 21:22.25
Erik Daniels Wyoming Godwin Heights +1.91 21:32.03 21:30.12
Alicia Estrella Grandville Calvin Christian +22.22 21:55.21 21:32.99
Jodi Jenkins Grandville Calvin Christian +1.61 21:53.54 21:51.93
Sheila Witvliet Grandville Calvin Christian -47.28 21:54.85 22:42.13
Morgan Bykerk Grandville Calvin Christian +1:52.71 24:24.90 22:32.19
Enrique Martinez Wyoming Lee -7.75 23:12.21 23:19.96
Hailey Bonner Grandville Calvin Christian +2:11.99 25:42.00 23:30.01
Sadie Wiegers Grand Rapids NorthPointe Christian +3:49.96 27:23.47 23:33.51
Emma Helder Hopkins +9.71 23:43.68 23:33.97
Stephanie Lam Wyoming Godwin Heights +1:31.51 25:29.90 23:58.39
Chyenne Rozeboom Grandville Calvin Christian +2:51.48 27:28.79 24:37.31
Amy Phan Wyoming Godwin Heights -1:47.96 24:39.44 26:27.40
Alyssa Thornell Grandville Calvin Christian +4:53.63 29:35.59 24:41.96
Kate Dekryger Grandville Calvin Christian +2:09.43 27:19.43 25:10.00
Jared Bowman Hopkins -52.53 25:29.99 26:22.52
Olivia Nelson Grandville Calvin Christian -14.90 25:46.98 26:01.88
Hannah Crouch Hopkins -33.44 26:13.99 26:47.43
Naty Vasquez Grandville Calvin Christian +5:35.51 37:07.66 31:32.15