Meet Information
TEAMS INVITED: Addison, Adrian, Blissfield, Britton- Deerfield, Clinton, Hudson, Lenawee Christian, Madison, Morenci, Onsted, Sand Creek, and Tecumseh.
DATE: Saturday, August 18, 2018
RACE SCHEDULED: Course Review/Coach's Meeting 8:00 a.m.
Boys 8:30 a.m.
Girls 9:15a.m.
Open Race K-8 (no official times or uniforms) 10:00 a.m.
Awards Ceremony following the last race.
MEDALS: Medals going to the top 20 runners in each race.
K-8 Open run: Top 10 Medals given in the chute.
HS team score based on best 5 finishes between both races. Trophies for Boys and Girls overall Team Score; 1st and 2nd.
ENTRY FEE: $80 per team or $150 for both teams. Less than five (5), $10 each. K-8 - $5 each, $30 per gender, or $50 for both
Please make checks payable to Tecumseh High School Athletic Office.
ENTRY: Registration is online at Times will be posted on the meet page at Deadline for entries Aug. 15, 2018
Please note that the Chicago Blvd entrance will be closed, please use Brown St entrance
The athletic department will be charging a $5/car admission fee
County Preview TShirts available for purchase onsite
Timing will be provided by A2 Race Management.