Mac Red Jamboree 2 2018

, MI

Mac Red Jamboree 2 2018 vs MAC Red Jamboree #1 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -101 403 504
Overall Average +9.40 24:49.20 24:39.80
1st-10th Place -10.76 17:01.14 17:11.90
1st-25th Place -8.00 17:35.24 17:43.24
1st-50th Place -0.85 18:15.58 18:16.43
1st-100th Place +20.92 19:23.47 19:02.55
Common Athletes -- -- 51
Ran Faster 21 36 15
Ran Season Best -1 -- 1
Average Time -1:14.62 23:09.73 24:24.35
Median Time -47.80 22:54.20 23:42.00
Middle 80% Times -1:20.18 23:06.72 24:26.90
Top 10% Times -1:26.93 17:22.82 18:49.75
Top 25% Times -1:14.89 18:31.65 19:46.54
Top 50% Times -1:14.96 19:55.60 21:10.56
Bottom 50% Times -1:11.42 25:30.41 26:41.83
Bottom 25% Times -1:03.60 29:04.21 30:07.81
Bottom 10% Times +7.32 31:40.90 31:33.58
Average Difference -1:14.62 -- --
Median Difference -1:48.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:21.58 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:36.20 -- --
Top 50% Difference -56.73 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:13.64 -- --
Top 50% Difference -56.73 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:33.80 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:26.14 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +36.93 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
William Hofmann Grosse Pointe North -1:03.40 16:46.60 17:50.00
Brian Jones Utica Eisenhower -1:44.80 17:11.20 18:56.00
Jack Wexler Utica -2:52.10 17:19.90 20:12.00
Jeffrey Hitchcock Utica -23.70 17:23.30 17:47.00
Garrett Schreck Grosse Pointe North -1:42.20 17:29.80 19:12.00
Ben Seagram Grosse Pointe North -2:12.40 18:06.10 20:18.50
Blake Weaver Grosse Pointe South -1:51.00 18:17.00 20:08.00
Noah White Grosse Pointe North -3:17.10 18:28.40 21:45.50
Tyler Whipple Utica Eisenhower -1:55.10 18:42.40 20:37.50
Kamden Miller Utica Eisenhower +4:11.20 23:16.70 19:05.50
Nathaniel Vorhees Grosse Pointe South -1:15.10 19:18.90 20:34.00
Ethan Gurne Utica Eisenhower +18.50 20:32.50 20:14.00
Timothy Degrand Grosse Pointe South +9.40 20:43.90 20:34.50
Michael Jesue Macomb Dakota -2:03.90 20:37.10 22:41.00
Devon Krasner Grosse Pointe South -2:48.80 20:38.20 23:27.00
Charlene Yarema Romeo -5:14.40 20:42.60 25:57.00
Joe Cornell Grosse Pointe South -1:00.70 20:43.30 21:44.00
Thomas Hutchison Grosse Pointe South -2:36.30 20:44.70 23:21.00
Sara Michalik Grosse Pointe North -8:30.90 20:46.60 29:17.50
Leo Smith Grosse Pointe South -1:02.10 20:47.90 21:50.00
Andrea Barreto Utica Eisenhower -2:28.10 21:01.90 23:30.00
Matthew Thomas Macomb Dakota -3:59.90 21:13.60 25:13.50
Jacob Bruetsch Grosse Pointe South -24.70 21:16.30 21:41.00
Anthony Le Utica +11.40 21:47.40 21:36.00
Billy Kuhl Grosse Pointe North -1:48.00 21:54.00 23:42.00
Sarah Bellovich Grosse Pointe South +32.70 22:37.70 22:05.00
Michaela Cosgrove Grosse Pointe North +45.20 22:54.20 22:09.00
Abbey Guevara Grosse Pointe South +1:00.40 23:39.40 22:39.00
Izabella Gowen Macomb Dakota +45.60 23:40.60 22:55.00
Maryclaire Diamond Grosse Pointe South -49.10 23:12.40 24:01.50
Sarah Rabaut Grosse Pointe South -3:14.30 23:14.70 26:29.00
Brenna Fauer Macomb Dakota -6:15.10 23:16.90 29:32.00
Adam Sloan Grosse Pointe South -3:30.80 23:37.20 27:08.00
Grace Szewc Sterling Heights Stevenson -2:42.50 23:38.50 26:21.00
Stickley Christina Utica Eisenhower +1:55.00 25:50.00 23:55.00
Vivian Liagre Grosse Pointe North -36.50 24:18.50 24:55.00
John Lyons Macomb Dakota +23.50 24:44.50 24:21.00
Jeevan Telang Grosse Pointe South -1:10.40 24:22.60 25:33.00
Nicolas Stoller Grosse Pointe South -48.40 24:24.60 25:13.00
Michael Montgomery Grosse Pointe South -23.10 24:33.90 24:57.00
Olivia Mlynarek Grosse Pointe South +7:10.90 32:40.90 25:30.00
Rachel Homminga Grosse Pointe South -5:36.00 26:22.50 31:58.50
Hannah Ruff Macomb Dakota -2:27.10 26:34.90 29:02.00
Ava Wisniewski Grosse Pointe North -2:50.40 26:43.60 29:34.00
Colleen Cole Grosse Pointe North -2:45.40 28:22.60 31:08.00
Mollie Szczepanski Grosse Pointe North +4:54.10 33:27.10 28:33.00
Anna Szalkowski Utica Eisenhower -9.80 29:11.20 29:21.00
Emma Kuhr Grosse Pointe South +37.30 30:03.80 29:26.50
Katie Piasecki Sterling Heights Stevenson +1:22.60 31:49.60 30:27.00
Kristina Rogers Grosse Pointe South -4:33.00 30:38.00 35:11.00
Diana Garcia Rivera Grosse Pointe North +23.00 31:26.00 31:03.00