Larry Steeb Invitational 2018

Whitmore Lake, MI
Hosted by Whitmore Lake

Larry Steeb Invitational 2018 vs Larry Steeb Invitational 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -10 148 158
Overall Average -20.15 21:31.14 21:51.29
1st-10th Place -24.88 17:01.62 17:26.50
1st-25th Place -22.23 17:34.18 17:56.41
1st-50th Place -16.95 18:21.69 18:38.64
1st-100th Place -12.75 19:35.14 19:47.89
Common Athletes -- -- 68
Ran Faster 38 53 15
Ran Season Best 6 30 24
Average Time -34.53 20:25.62 21:00.15
Median Time -30.70 19:49.40 20:20.10
Middle 80% Times -41.49 20:07.17 20:48.66
Top 10% Times -37.66 16:58.26 17:35.91
Top 25% Times -46.82 17:28.75 18:15.58
Top 50% Times -44.53 18:20.36 19:04.90
Bottom 50% Times -24.52 22:30.88 22:55.40
Bottom 25% Times +3.80 24:32.42 24:28.62
Bottom 10% Times +27.80 26:50.94 26:23.14
Average Difference -34.53 -- --
Median Difference +31.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -42.52 -- --
Top 10% Difference -35.19 -- --
Top 50% Difference -44.07 -- --
Top 25% Difference -35.84 -- --
Top 50% Difference -44.07 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -24.98 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +0.36 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +16.44 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Carter Lauinger Goodrich -48.60 16:36.00 17:24.60
Mark Wood Goodrich -37.80 16:40.80 17:18.60
Drew Himmelspach Goodrich -50.50 17:00.60 17:51.10
Zach Duval Goodrich -48.00 17:02.80 17:50.80
Connor Hudgens South Lyon -32.60 17:04.30 17:36.90
Troy Schnell Allen Park -55.50 17:05.10 18:00.60
Ryan Nicholson Allen Park -2:40.30 17:18.20 19:58.50
Kevin Lamont Whitmore Lake -10.50 17:19.60 17:30.10
Lucas Eccleton Allen Park -18.30 17:21.00 17:39.30
Charlie Ballmer Goodrich -1:33.70 17:27.00 19:00.70
Clay Rinna Whitmore Lake -32.70 17:42.60 18:15.30
Isaiah Jacobs Allen Park -1:02.30 17:45.90 18:48.20
Vetaly Hayden Allen Park -25.10 17:54.70 18:19.80
Dylan Sanford Springport -1:51.20 17:56.50 19:47.70
Lucas Oberle Goodrich -1:49.10 18:13.60 20:02.70
Jillian Lange Goodrich -20.70 18:19.60 18:40.30
Terry Emeigh Allen Park -10.20 18:20.50 18:30.70
Luke Giza Goodrich -43.00 18:29.60 19:12.60
Daniel Reckling Allen Park -1:31.00 18:34.70 20:05.70
Dylan Holly Allen Park -1:11.30 18:48.50 19:59.80
Dominick Foytek South Lyon -1:40.30 18:48.80 20:29.10
Matt Schwennesen Whitmore Lake -1:08.20 18:51.80 20:00.00
Avery Sanchez Allen Park -1:24.20 18:55.30 20:19.50
Haden Gallentine South Lyon -27.00 19:01.10 19:28.10
Joey Francis Goodrich -51.70 19:06.20 19:57.90
Ben Jones South Lyon +34.80 19:45.50 19:10.70
Collin Miracle Allen Park +7.30 19:21.80 19:14.50
Nick Wrona Allen Park +14.30 19:29.00 19:14.70
Bailey Adams Whitmore Lake -18.40 19:19.40 19:37.80
Alec Demoss South Lyon -56.20 19:23.70 20:19.90
Alex Kelly Adrian Madison +4.20 19:30.90 19:26.70
Nethanel Leupold Adrian Madison -1:45.40 19:34.30 21:19.70
Nick Stevenson South Lyon -21.10 19:35.10 19:56.20
Hannah Durant Goodrich -2:15.50 19:47.90 22:03.40
Nolan Smith South Lyon -1:26.70 19:49.40 21:16.10
Jerry Kephart Allen Park -1:29.80 19:50.90 21:20.70
Dillin Kowalewski Whitmore Lake -2.20 19:53.20 19:55.40
Marco Muniz Allen Park -1:25.00 19:53.80 21:18.80
Tanner Luce Adrian Madison -59.90 19:55.40 20:55.30
Brendan Ely Whitmore Lake +2:15.70 22:14.20 19:58.50
Raegan Lauinger Goodrich -53.60 19:59.90 20:53.50
David Pace Allen Park +2.60 20:15.20 20:12.60
Ross Koscielny Allen Park -1:43.10 20:14.70 21:57.80
Justin Miner Allen Park +31.70 20:51.80 20:20.10
Caleb Dyer Springport -1:23.00 20:27.60 21:50.60
Vlad Schnitzel South Lyon -56.00 20:37.90 21:33.90
Tate Cox Dansville -2:08.60 20:39.70 22:48.30
Spencer Buckler Allen Park -20.40 20:47.10 21:07.50
Noelle Morhman Goodrich -40.70 21:00.30 21:41.00
Cameron Beals South Lyon +2:42.60 23:43.30 21:00.70
Wyatt Richardson South Lyon -1:42.80 21:02.60 22:45.40
Joe-david Curtis South Lyon -14.60 21:20.60 21:35.20
Jordan Craven Whitmore Lake -1:43.60 21:38.70 23:22.30
Ethan Poet South Lyon -49.80 21:44.00 22:33.80
Sarra Watkins Goodrich -39.40 21:54.50 22:33.90
Steven Prudhomme South Lyon -59.90 22:20.40 23:20.30
Bailey Railer Springport +25.90 23:17.80 22:51.90
Dylan Lamont Whitmore Lake -2:01.90 22:57.10 24:59.00
Mason Shipe Petersburg-Summerfield +47.30 23:56.80 23:09.50
Mark Slinker Petersburg-Summerfield +1:06.80 24:16.60 23:09.80
Adam Curtis South Lyon -17.30 23:20.90 23:38.20
Brook Fetter Adrian Madison +0.60 23:45.50 23:44.90
Quinlan Kelly Whitmore Lake +2:55.40 27:14.90 24:19.50
Rylee Phillips Whitmore Lake +14.40 25:04.00 24:49.60
Hannah Smith Whitmore Lake -1:00.70 25:29.90 26:30.60
Emma Linger Adrian Madison -37.80 25:30.20 26:08.00
Kallie Wilson Petersburg-Summerfield +3:29.00 31:26.80 27:57.80
Abbie Kurtz Whitmore Lake -1:03.30 28:54.20 29:57.50