OK White Jamboree #2 2019

Cedar Springs, MI

OK White Jamboree #2 2019 vs OK White Jamboree #1 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +118 243 125
Overall Average +2:13.47 22:34.03 20:20.56
1st-10th Place +5.34 16:56.13 16:50.79
1st-25th Place -3.76 17:20.02 17:23.78
1st-50th Place -1.26 17:57.56 17:58.82
1st-100th Place -20.76 19:05.99 19:26.75
Common Athletes -- -- 54
Ran Faster -44 5 49
Ran Season Best -- 2 2
Average Time +1:04.73 21:30.35 20:25.62
Median Time +1:22.13 21:36.60 20:14.47
Middle 80% Times +1:04.86 21:29.49 20:24.63
Top 10% Times +28.70 17:26.78 16:58.08
Top 25% Times +31.81 17:58.98 17:27.17
Top 50% Times +46.97 18:52.48 18:05.51
Bottom 50% Times +1:22.49 24:08.22 22:45.73
Bottom 25% Times +1:41.59 25:31.49 23:49.90
Bottom 10% Times +2:00.45 26:59.61 24:59.15
Average Difference +1:04.73 -- --
Median Difference +1:20.79 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +59.03 -- --
Top 10% Difference +32.48 -- --
Top 50% Difference +43.40 -- --
Top 25% Difference +35.85 -- --
Top 50% Difference +43.40 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:26.06 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:09.82 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:17.49 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Titus Bretzke Greenville +28.03 17:04.43 16:36.40
Mitchell Goerge Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +37.84 17:25.21 16:47.37
Sawyer Fowler Lowell +51.37 17:42.09 16:50.72
Sam Yeager Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central +32.04 17:26.69 16:54.65
Cole Weston Lowell +21.41 17:27.91 17:06.50
Ethan Krampe Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central +40.45 18:13.29 17:32.84
Kyle James Heer Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central -1:16.06 17:34.33 18:50.39
Keegan Cater Lowell +24.17 17:59.07 17:34.90
Jackson Fowler Lowell +31.21 18:13.12 17:41.91
Sam Steng Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +55.36 18:40.90 17:45.54
Aaron Amidon Greenville +43.08 18:31.34 17:48.26
Tanner Wooden Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central +53.98 18:42.65 17:48.67
Jonah Cummings Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central +52.80 18:43.01 17:50.21
Korbin Thompson Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central +2:10.59 20:07.62 17:57.03
Joe Schellenberg Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +25.81 18:31.20 18:05.39
Benjamin Bromley Lowell +1:32.47 19:39.20 18:06.73
John Lothian Lowell +4.36 18:13.49 18:09.13
Jonathan Fay Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +2:00.29 20:15.40 18:15.11
Blake Bennett Lowell +1:14.91 19:42.30 18:27.39
Ryan Kamp Grand Rapids Northview +33.95 19:11.92 18:37.97
Adam Boersma Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +1:35.85 20:20.74 18:44.89
Allison Cornell Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +46.78 19:33.27 18:46.49
Levi Mills Lowell +38.26 19:34.28 18:56.02
Charlie Weinheimer Greenville +1:09.46 20:13.18 19:03.72
Grant Vanderklipp Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +1.35 19:12.01 19:10.66
Whitney Currie Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central +40.72 19:52.92 19:12.20
Annika Sandman Lowell +4:15.67 24:03.24 19:47.57
Jocelyn Hendricks Grand Rapids Northview +1:25.77 21:40.24 20:14.47
Sydney Tran Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +1:20.79 21:36.60 20:15.81
Claire Richardson Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central +2:51.75 23:52.82 21:01.07
Brooke Bernier Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +33.02 21:39.72 21:06.70
Brooke Myers Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +1.33 21:25.32 21:23.99
Kirgin Tanis Grand Rapids Northview +1:27.28 23:05.15 21:37.87
Ethan King Grand Rapids Northview -1:04.15 21:44.02 22:48.17
Benjamin Birdsell Grand Rapids Northview +1:51.72 23:44.93 21:53.21
Annie Knee Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +20.86 22:26.44 22:05.58
Rachel Marco Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central +43.92 22:50.20 22:06.28
Catherine Hwang Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +23.97 22:31.12 22:07.15
Oliver Sullivan Greenville +2:06.36 24:21.16 22:14.80
Jane Hartman Grand Rapids Forest Hills Northern +1:28.81 23:44.92 22:16.11
Keira Sandman Lowell +4:38.79 27:11.95 22:33.16
Gavin Van'thof Grand Rapids Northview +2:54.95 25:39.00 22:44.05
Ally Shukis Grand Rapids Northview -10.95 22:48.42 22:59.37
Marissa Lunt Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central +2:11.85 25:05.33 22:53.48
Kyleigh Mills Greenville +2:21.22 25:17.92 22:56.70
Isabel Walters Grand Rapids Forest Hills Central -1.03 23:01.49 23:02.52
Theresa Judd Lowell +1:39.61 24:48.66 23:09.05
Lizzie Hackett Grand Rapids Northview +54.60 24:04.88 23:10.28
Lauren Swain Lowell +6.09 23:27.80 23:21.71
Kaylee Byrne Lowell +4:22.92 27:44.83 23:21.91
Isabel Toole Grand Rapids Northview +11.46 23:50.00 23:38.54
Brianna Petersen Greenville -53.38 25:17.11 26:10.49
Kyleigh Petersen Greenville +1:47.22 28:02.22 26:15.00
Zoe Robinet Greenville +54.44 28:01.71 27:07.27