Bob Brown Frosh/JV Invitational 2021 vs Bob Brown Frosh/JV Invitational 2019
Difference | This Meet | That Meet | |
Overall Athletes | -136 | 302 | 438 |
Overall Average | +32.17 | 23:05.85 | 22:33.68 |
1st-10th Place | +19.55 | 17:35.05 | 17:15.50 |
1st-25th Place | +24.27 | 17:56.92 | 17:32.64 |
1st-50th Place | +27.48 | 18:20.61 | 17:53.12 |
1st-100th Place | +43.20 | 19:07.01 | 18:23.81 |
Common Athletes | -- | -- | 66 |
Ran Faster | 10 | 38 | 28 |
Ran Season Best | -13 | 22 | 35 |
Average Time | +0.08 | 22:08.95 | 22:08.88 |
Median Time | -38.60 | 21:06.30 | 21:44.90 |
Middle 80% Times | -13.66 | 21:39.75 | 21:53.41 |
Top 10% Times | -8.53 | 17:38.34 | 17:46.87 |
Top 25% Times | -12.59 | 18:05.18 | 18:17.77 |
Top 50% Times | -19.18 | 19:03.80 | 19:22.98 |
Bottom 50% Times | +19.34 | 25:14.11 | 24:54.77 |
Bottom 25% Times | +32.58 | 27:33.59 | 27:01.01 |
Bottom 10% Times | +1:46.06 | 30:58.16 | 29:12.10 |
Average Difference | +0.08 | -- | -- |
Median Difference | -1:30.00 | -- | -- |
Middle 80% Difference | -10.38 | -- | -- |
Top 10% Difference | -5.91 | -- | -- |
Top 50% Difference | -20.07 | -- | -- |
Top 25% Difference | -6.55 | -- | -- |
Top 50% Difference | -20.07 | -- | -- |
Bottom 50% Difference | +20.22 | -- | -- |
Bottom 25% Difference | +34.89 | -- | -- |
Bottom 10% Difference | +1:31.70 | -- | -- |
Athlete | Team | Difference | This Meet | That Meet |
Jack Brady | Northville | -37.30 | 17:17.10 | 17:54.40 |
David Whitaker | Northville | -50.90 | 17:19.70 | 18:10.60 |
Ethan Maraffino | Northville | -45.50 | 17:25.40 | 18:10.90 |
Mason Niu | Northville | +31.10 | 17:57.30 | 17:26.20 |
Jack Gattoni | Northville | +48.00 | 18:23.80 | 17:35.80 |
Alex Wilbanks | Northville | -0.70 | 17:43.30 | 17:44.00 |
Raunak Chattopadhyay | Northville | -50.50 | 17:44.50 | 18:35.00 |
Maximilian Potrzeba | Northville | +13.90 | 18:01.10 | 17:47.20 |
Austin Lee | Battle Creek Lakeview | +32.80 | 18:29.90 | 17:57.10 |
Ben Beemer | Okemos | +1:24.50 | 19:27.90 | 18:03.40 |
Ian Brown | Okemos | -54.10 | 18:07.10 | 19:01.20 |
Lennon Maue | Northville | -25.30 | 18:08.20 | 18:33.50 |
Sam Elder | Grand Ledge | -1:19.80 | 18:11.10 | 19:30.90 |
Zachary Howes | Northville | +9.00 | 18:26.40 | 18:17.40 |
Nasim Saed | Okemos | -49.70 | 18:19.00 | 19:08.70 |
Rohin Hora | Northville | +15.90 | 18:39.30 | 18:23.40 |
Andrew Naser | Okemos | -36.90 | 18:34.40 | 19:11.30 |
Gavin Purnell | East Lansing | -1:56.80 | 18:40.40 | 20:37.20 |
Kaivalya Kulkarni | Okemos | -1:22.70 | 18:58.80 | 20:21.50 |
Tristan Baraburige | Okemos | +4.40 | 19:06.40 | 19:02.00 |
Peter Dudley | Lansing Catholic | -59.60 | 19:20.80 | 20:20.40 |
Shawn Jayee | Northville | -1:04.40 | 19:23.80 | 20:28.20 |
Ben Szydlowski | Grand Ledge | -32.00 | 19:31.90 | 20:03.90 |
Tomas Rampe | Lansing Catholic | -1:40.00 | 19:39.20 | 21:19.20 |
Evan Rose | Fowlerville | +1:26.80 | 21:06.30 | 19:39.50 |
Raphael Gold | East Lansing | -32.10 | 19:59.50 | 20:31.60 |
Josh Kilpela | Fowlerville | +1:03.20 | 21:07.50 | 20:04.30 |
Curtis Falbe | Battle Creek Lakeview | +38.90 | 20:46.60 | 20:07.70 |
Anthony Serna | Lansing Waverly | -1:00.80 | 20:10.20 | 21:11.00 |
Angel Avila | Lansing Waverly | +45.20 | 20:56.20 | 20:11.00 |
Owen Sanford | Northville | -49.40 | 20:33.60 | 21:23.00 |
John Davis | Fowlerville | -2:45.00 | 20:44.30 | 23:29.30 |
Travis Judd | Grand Ledge | -1:24.80 | 20:53.80 | 22:18.60 |
Brendan Sochay | Grand Ledge | -1:30.00 | 20:59.90 | 22:29.90 |
Andrew Yeomans-ste | Okemos | -3:58.70 | 21:04.50 | 25:03.20 |
Bobby Fletcher | Grand Ledge | -2:12.40 | 21:08.20 | 23:20.60 |
Adam Baron | Okemos | +2:17.20 | 23:27.50 | 21:10.30 |
Lindsey Korb | Okemos | +2:20.90 | 23:57.60 | 21:36.70 |
Jacob Sturgeon | Lansing Everett | +1:20.50 | 23:05.40 | 21:44.90 |
Lily Johnson | DeWitt | +2:08.00 | 23:55.60 | 21:47.60 |
Shiriya Kethireddy | Okemos | +37.50 | 22:37.00 | 21:59.50 |
Matthew Mclouth | Battle Creek Lakeview | +3:50.90 | 25:53.00 | 22:02.10 |
Tyler Liles | Holt | -22.70 | 22:04.90 | 22:27.60 |
Dieme Muhuma | Lansing Everett | +2:53.60 | 25:03.80 | 22:10.20 |
Ryan Taki | Northville | +2.00 | 22:41.30 | 22:39.30 |
Amelia Spencley | DeWitt | -21.70 | 22:41.90 | 23:03.60 |
Madison Way | DeWitt | -32.10 | 22:53.00 | 23:25.10 |
Ashley Gyurich | DeWitt | +29.90 | 23:39.10 | 23:09.20 |
Allen Pham | Lansing Waverly | -46.20 | 23:14.60 | 24:00.80 |
Rainier Caleb | Lansing Everett | +3:15.20 | 26:31.10 | 23:15.90 |
Elaine Kutas | Lansing Catholic | +31.40 | 23:58.20 | 23:26.80 |
Audrey Hirchert-wa | Okemos | -2:02.00 | 23:28.30 | 25:30.30 |
Ava Byars | DeWitt | -3:51.10 | 23:31.10 | 27:22.20 |
Nora Coffey | Lansing Catholic | -58.30 | 23:32.90 | 24:31.20 |
Katelyn Gyurich | DeWitt | +32.60 | 24:12.70 | 23:40.10 |
Maddie Adler | DeWitt | -4:16.40 | 25:11.50 | 29:27.90 |
Jervon Malam | Lansing Everett | -19.60 | 25:34.30 | 25:53.90 |
Caitlyn Shaw | East Lansing | -11.20 | 25:41.30 | 25:52.50 |
Olivia Fishel | DeWitt | -9.10 | 26:04.90 | 26:14.00 |
Anna Scholes | East Lansing | -3:49.00 | 26:06.60 | 29:55.60 |
Rachel Heusser | Williamston | -16.80 | 26:40.50 | 26:57.30 |
Aaliyah Nelson | Lansing Waverly | +7:22.40 | 34:31.60 | 27:09.20 |
Erick Horta | Lansing Everett | +45.20 | 28:02.60 | 27:17.40 |
Frankie Calabrese | East Lansing | +7:35.90 | 37:09.30 | 29:33.40 |
Jessica Herrera | Lansing Everett | +3:30.90 | 33:07.20 | 29:36.30 |
Kalysta Connolly | Stockbridge | -27.10 | 30:44.80 | 31:11.90 |