Hillsdale Academy Invitational 2021

Hillsdale, MI

Hillsdale Academy Invitational 2021 vs Hillsdale Academy Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -- 89 89
Overall Average + 23:57.00 23:57.00
1st-10th Place + 18:29.65 18:29.65
1st-25th Place + 19:42.14 19:42.14
1st-50th Place + 21:14.51 21:14.51
1st-100th Place + 21:18.93 21:18.93
Common Athletes -- -- 89
Ran Faster -89 -- 89
Ran Season Best -3 -- 3
Average Time + 23:57.00 23:57.00
Median Time + 23:26.15 23:26.15
Middle 80% Times + 23:44.69 23:44.69
Top 10% Times + 18:25.94 18:25.94
Top 25% Times + 19:34.14 19:34.14
Top 50% Times + 20:58.53 20:58.53
Bottom 50% Times + 26:23.54 26:23.54
Bottom 25% Times + 29:16.25 29:16.25
Bottom 10% Times + 31:42.72 31:42.72
Average Difference + -- --
Median Difference + -- --
Middle 80% Difference + -- --
Top 10% Difference + -- --
Top 50% Difference + -- --
Top 25% Difference + -- --
Top 50% Difference + -- --
Bottom 50% Difference + -- --
Bottom 25% Difference + -- --
Bottom 10% Difference + -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Emil Schlueter Hillsdale Academy + 17:37.27 17:37.27
Gabe NELSON Clinton + 18:03.55 18:03.55
Eric Neff Clinton + 18:24.55 18:24.55
Matthew Urbanczyk Clinton + 18:28.91 18:28.91
Thomas Holm Hillsdale Academy + 18:31.99 18:31.99
Lucas Goodman Clinton + 18:33.16 18:33.16
Brody Amthor Onsted + 18:40.21 18:40.21
Max Hampel Clinton + 18:44.59 18:44.59
Zack Gillies Clinton + 18:49.26 18:49.26
Vincent Reagle Hillsdale Academy + 19:03.01 19:03.01
Caleb Diener Hillsdale Academy + 19:17.91 19:17.91
Paul Whalen Hillsdale Academy + 19:40.96 19:40.96
Caden Arntz Clinton + 19:52.23 19:52.23
Reece Poole Hillsdale Academy + 20:08.49 20:08.49
Joe Gillman Clinton + 20:12.71 20:12.71
Gabe Manchester Clinton + 20:35.07 20:35.07
Kara Terakedis Onsted + 20:35.44 20:35.44
Ethan Grulke Onsted + 20:35.81 20:35.81
John Yarbrough Jackson Prep & Early College + 20:38.39 20:38.39
Mitchell Hiatt Onsted + 20:48.47 20:48.47
Reed Patrick Clinton + 20:49.79 20:49.79
Ike Lindley Hillsdale Academy + 20:54.96 20:54.96
Megan Roberts Hillsdale Academy + 20:58.52 20:58.52
Emmry Ross Onsted + 21:03.10 21:03.10
James Bayes Onsted + 21:25.21 21:25.21
Keegan Huston Clinton + 21:26.19 21:26.19
Maurice Ames Clinton + 21:30.10 21:30.10
Justin Celmer Clinton + 21:42.49 21:42.49
Nathan Arntz Clinton + 21:49.15 21:49.15
Nickolas DeVitto Clinton + 22:03.23 22:03.23
Micah Ortell Jackson Prep & Early College + 22:04.87 22:04.87
Aiden Weaver Clinton + 22:05.53 22:05.53
Alex Richards Hillsdale Academy + 22:16.69 22:16.69
Reese McRobert Onsted + 22:17.93 22:17.93
Ella Walton Hillsdale Academy + 22:21.09 22:21.09
Ryan Doty Clinton + 22:33.76 22:33.76
Whitney Wilkinson Hillsdale Academy + 22:54.89 22:54.89
Samantha Coots Clinton + 23:01.26 23:01.26
Anna Roberts Hillsdale Academy + 23:01.88 23:01.88
Hasan Ahmad Jackson Prep & Early College + 23:13.80 23:13.80
Zoey Sierer Clinton + 23:14.82 23:14.82
Allison Bowles Clinton + 23:24.80 23:24.80
Logan Devitto Clinton + 23:25.62 23:25.62
Michael Teagan Clinton + 23:26.02 23:26.02
Sam Hallenbeck Onsted + 23:26.15 23:26.15
Joe Dubnicki Jackson Prep & Early College + 23:32.43 23:32.43
Taylor Lautermilch Camden-Frontier + 23:32.44 23:32.44
Alex Draper Hillsdale Will Carleton + 23:35.68 23:35.68
Meredith Vanderweide Hillsdale Academy + 23:38.31 23:38.31
Sarah King Clinton + 23:52.74 23:52.74
Cylee Elkins Clinton + 23:54.05 23:54.05
Cassie Bayes Onsted + 23:55.91 23:55.91
Logan Mishaw Jackson Prep & Early College + 23:57.41 23:57.41
James Vancamp Hillsdale Will Carleton + 24:17.66 24:17.66
Blake Bever Camden-Frontier + 24:23.64 24:23.64
Jordyn Taylor Onsted + 24:28.80 24:28.80
Olivia Tritchka-st Hillsdale Academy + 24:34.36 24:34.36
Diego BoCole Jackson Prep & Early College + 24:38.69 24:38.69
Alex Smith Onsted + 24:51.09 24:51.09
Alex Lorenz Hillsdale Will Carleton + 24:56.44 24:56.44
Allie England Onsted + 24:59.78 24:59.78
Angela Alvarez Hillsdale Academy + 25:02.64 25:02.64
Liz Hill Onsted + 25:10.78 25:10.78
Donovan Myers Jackson Prep & Early College + 25:28.52 25:28.52
Caroline Roberts Hillsdale Academy + 25:31.64 25:31.64
Paige Shankland Clinton + 26:02.53 26:02.53
Olivia Heckenlively Hillsdale Academy + 26:10.18 26:10.18
Maliah Piatt Clinton + 26:17.94 26:17.94
Averil Miller Camden-Frontier + 26:19.41 26:19.41
Summer Chandler Clinton + 26:20.23 26:20.23
Olivia Ortell Jackson Prep & Early College + 26:46.87 26:46.87
Alaina Taeff Onsted + 27:19.00 27:19.00
Kailee Kurtz Waldron + 27:33.00 27:33.00
Martiza Zavala Jackson Prep & Early College + 27:40.05 27:40.05
Emerald Sierer Clinton + 27:51.98 27:51.98
Laura Vanderweide Hillsdale Academy + 28:58.41 28:58.41
Maya FREEMAN Clinton + 29:00.28 29:00.28
Seth Plummer Hillsdale Academy + 29:04.33 29:04.33
Maria Burnett Hillsdale Academy + 29:08.45 29:08.45
Harry Birzer Hillsdale Academy + 29:19.15 29:19.15
Maria Birzer Hillsdale Academy + 29:22.44 29:22.44
Alethia Diener Hillsdale Academy + 29:33.46 29:33.46
Gage Fee Camden-Frontier + 29:44.00 29:44.00
Rachel Duford Clinton + 30:11.88 30:11.88
Mackenzie Leininger Waldron + 30:24.50 30:24.50
Maya Hillegonds Clinton + 30:40.02 30:40.02
Tabitha Verity Onsted + 34:08.56 34:08.56
Rosemarie Cabrera Camden-Frontier + 34:25.52 34:25.52
Royce Baltimore Jackson Prep & Early College + 36:54.11 36:54.11