Laingsburg Early Burg Invitational 2022 vs Laingsburg Early Burg Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +64 248 184
Overall Average -48.00 24:02.50 24:50.50
1st-10th Place -16.20 17:40.89 17:57.09
1st-25th Place -35.24 18:04.56 18:39.79
1st-50th Place -40.91 18:53.61 19:34.52
1st-100th Place -1:08.87 20:03.96 21:12.83
Common Athletes -- -- 84
Ran Faster 30 57 27
Ran Season Best -- 1 1
Average Time -59.56 22:53.47 23:53.03
Median Time -53.50 22:22.10 23:15.60
Middle 80% Times -50.21 22:41.62 23:31.83
Top 10% Times -26.14 17:49.40 18:15.54
Top 25% Times -11.98 18:51.85 19:03.83
Top 50% Times -38.17 19:53.48 20:31.65
Bottom 50% Times -1:20.95 25:53.45 27:14.41
Bottom 25% Times -1:56.48 28:04.92 30:01.39
Bottom 10% Times -2:57.59 30:29.28 33:26.87
Average Difference -59.56 -- --
Median Difference -3:29.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -43.46 -- --
Top 10% Difference -22.21 -- --
Top 50% Difference -25.10 -- --
Top 25% Difference -11.57 -- --
Top 50% Difference -25.10 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:34.02 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:07.15 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:09.73 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Logan Zahn Capital Homeschool -25.50 17:10.20 17:35.70
Jack Bidwell Marshall -2:17.70 17:19.90 19:37.60
Brett Marschall Fowlerville +26.90 17:54.60 17:27.70
Sawyer Hosford Holt +7.70 17:50.60 17:42.90
Connor Griffith Marshall -44.10 17:48.50 18:32.60
Broderick Raleigh Capital Homeschool -28.00 17:52.80 18:20.80
Carter Holmes Bath -1:07.00 17:54.60 19:01.60
Julian Edwards Holt -26.80 18:13.10 18:39.90
Aidan McPartlin Marshall -1.40 18:20.30 18:21.70
Nathaniel Kilgore Holt -41.70 18:23.00 19:04.70
Daniel Thomas Capital Homeschool +48.60 19:25.60 18:37.00
Stephon Edwards Holt +1:12.70 20:17.00 19:04.30
Steven Hodges Holt -15.40 19:08.50 19:23.90
Evan Rose Fowlerville +46.00 20:14.80 19:28.80
Emma Netzel Holt +20.70 19:53.50 19:32.80
Micah Morehouse Marshall -6.10 19:33.20 19:39.30
Landon Jayaraman Holt -29.90 19:34.50 20:04.40
Lucas Goodall Greenville +1:05.00 20:44.10 19:39.10
Harrison Lamar Fowlerville -1:09.00 19:44.90 20:53.90
George Amidon Greenville +4.00 19:56.70 19:52.70
Dominic Thomas Capital Homeschool -24.40 19:57.70 20:22.10
Camille DeCola Marshall -1:42.10 19:59.30 21:41.40
Hayden Vlasic Bath -1:04.80 20:00.50 21:05.30
Ayden May Greenville -3:29.70 20:06.90 23:36.60
Owen Vanderwey Capital Homeschool -1.10 20:09.70 20:10.80
Felix Ramirez Laingsburg -49.50 20:15.30 21:04.80
Dane Songer Durand -4:26.00 20:16.90 24:42.90
Jackson Lillirose Marshall -2:30.20 20:19.70 22:49.90
Lauren Walker Holt -20.40 20:20.70 20:41.10
Payne Musser Fowlerville -1:17.20 20:30.40 21:47.60
Edward Fountain Capital Homeschool -1:23.10 20:51.00 22:14.10
Robert Munden Marshall +14.90 21:06.30 20:51.40
Paul Kelley Holt -1:15.30 20:56.60 22:11.90
Colin Scheib Bath -2:05.60 21:00.70 23:06.30
Lily Kogut Capital Homeschool -50.20 21:04.20 21:54.40
Bridget Crombie Capital Homeschool -1:21.20 21:07.20 22:28.40
Henry DeLeon Bath -4:32.10 21:11.50 25:43.60
Payton Zimmerlee Bath -3:41.30 21:19.60 25:00.90
Christopher Tilley Marshall -2:13.90 21:34.50 23:48.40
Ethan Krebill Greenville -6:13.90 21:38.60 27:52.50
Sawyer Shastal Laingsburg +37.60 22:18.30 21:40.70
Zariah Ozuzu Marshall +19.20 22:00.20 21:41.00
Shawn Brophy Marshall +1:36.80 23:19.30 21:42.50
Emily Rathka Laingsburg -1:07.10 22:22.10 23:29.20
Travis St Martin Fowlerville +3.70 22:29.10 22:25.40
Maggie Spencer Capital Homeschool -1:30.60 22:30.30 24:00.90
Aiden Peterson Greenville -3:37.00 22:31.00 26:08.00
Max Gillum Marshall +7:27.40 30:02.90 22:35.50
Addison Rusz Laingsburg -1:12.70 22:46.90 23:59.60
Karen Nimtz Capital Homeschool -38.70 22:49.80 23:28.50
Avery Copeland Fowlerville +2:01.50 24:55.80 22:54.30
Alaina Borowy Fowlerville +1:04.00 24:00.70 22:56.70
Evelyn Logghe Laingsburg -1:55.80 22:59.00 24:54.80
Kayla Fogarty Holt +2.40 23:04.80 23:02.40
Tristan Burgess Holt -3:47.80 23:07.50 26:55.30
Eliza MacQuaig Marshall -17.00 23:15.50 23:32.50
James Pratt Laingsburg +3:21.30 26:36.90 23:15.60
Lilly Faurot Vermontville Maple Valley +1:15.00 24:31.20 23:16.20
Olivia Lowe Capital Homeschool +2:11.70 25:35.20 23:23.50
Trisha Seiter Fowlerville -2:33.70 23:47.60 26:21.30
Madeline Weinheimer Greenville -2:06.50 24:15.10 26:21.60
Annie Beach Fowlerville +55.40 25:25.40 24:30.00
Nora Longest Greenville +2:27.10 26:59.00 24:31.90
Tanner Scanlan Laingsburg -5:07.00 24:33.50 29:40.50
Brenda Lopez Bath -1:46.40 24:37.00 26:23.40
Lucy Gench Marshall -0.20 24:45.10 24:45.30
Allie Davis Fowlerville +26.00 25:35.00 25:09.00
Amelia Flahie Holt -2:42.50 25:38.10 28:20.60
Jacob Cromley Laingsburg -7:33.00 25:50.20 33:23.20
Cade Fuller Laingsburg -8:01.90 25:50.90 33:52.80
Elizabeth Malinowski Holt +32.10 26:29.20 25:57.10
Lydia Austin Capital Homeschool -1:06.80 26:06.30 27:13.10
Adam Blakely Vermontville Maple Valley -39.10 26:16.10 26:55.20
Larrea Garcia Bath -44.70 26:16.30 27:01.00
Lillyann Parks Marshall -2:30.20 26:40.20 29:10.40
William McDaniel Capital Homeschool -52.90 27:01.40 27:54.30
Ayla Lowe Capital Homeschool +4.70 27:10.90 27:06.20
Chris Houghton Greenville -3:27.00 27:56.30 31:23.30
Christy Peterson Marshall +38.80 28:52.70 28:13.90
Rylie Gubry Bath -35.20 28:56.00 29:31.20
Paige McPherson Durand -2:43.50 29:44.50 32:28.00
Gaberial Minock Fowlerville -5:56.20 30:19.50 36:15.70
McKenna Cameron Greenville +21.40 32:45.20 32:23.80
Brianna Gurd Vermontville Maple Valley -3:27.80 38:35.50 42:03.30