CAAC Blue League Meet 2022 vs CAAC Blue League Meet 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -85 219 304
Overall Average -21.13 21:59.96 22:21.09
1st-10th Place +27.49 17:10.92 16:43.43
1st-25th Place +16.34 17:31.46 17:15.13
1st-50th Place +18.55 18:08.27 17:49.72
1st-100th Place +28.03 19:06.69 18:38.67
Common Athletes -- -- 38
Ran Faster 16 27 11
Ran Season Best -6 4 10
Average Time -1:01.72 20:51.36 21:53.09
Median Time -52.40 20:37.60 21:30.00
Middle 80% Times -56.25 20:49.89 21:46.13
Top 10% Times -1:20.90 17:26.95 18:47.85
Top 25% Times -1:24.54 17:53.15 19:17.69
Top 50% Times -1:17.71 18:41.24 19:58.95
Bottom 50% Times -45.74 23:01.48 23:47.23
Bottom 25% Times -47.12 24:16.83 25:03.95
Bottom 10% Times -1:22.78 25:24.63 26:47.40
Average Difference -1:01.72 -- --
Median Difference -15.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -56.00 -- --
Top 10% Difference -53.60 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:06.13 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:12.65 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:06.13 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -57.32 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:30.83 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:31.58 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Sawyer Hosford Holt -1:28.70 17:19.60 18:48.30
Sam Elder Grand Ledge -2:30.90 17:21.30 19:52.20
Evan Newcombe East Lansing -1:11.90 17:28.10 18:40.00
Gabe Benavides East Lansing -1:55.70 17:38.80 19:34.50
Adam Hafner Grand Ledge -57.20 17:51.90 18:49.10
Ian Brown Okemos -1:23.10 17:54.90 19:18.00
Brayden Chrisman DeWitt -2:30.60 18:04.80 20:35.40
Raphael Gold East Lansing -2:27.90 18:11.00 20:38.90
Steven Hodges Holt -1:10.80 18:19.00 19:29.80
Marcos Castilla Lansing Waverly -1:33.10 18:42.10 20:15.20
Emma Netzel Holt +3.40 18:57.40 18:54.00
Stephon Edwards Holt -37.20 18:55.90 19:33.10
Tristan Baraburige Okemos -54.40 19:03.50 19:57.90
Bobby Fletcher Grand Ledge -6:19.20 19:14.60 25:33.80
Ben Szydlowski Grand Ledge -1:06.10 19:18.60 20:24.70
Drew Lyman Lansing Waverly -52.70 19:53.50 20:46.20
Brendan Sochay Grand Ledge -2:45.20 20:03.80 22:49.00
Jaana Glasmacher Okemos -2:14.40 20:16.90 22:31.30
Faith Lutz DeWitt +3:38.70 24:03.00 20:24.30
Travis Judd Grand Ledge -2:33.90 20:27.90 23:01.80
Lauren Hamilton Grand Ledge -32.50 20:37.60 21:10.10
Kyra Shadduck DeWitt -30.00 21:00.00 21:30.00
Samantha Howard Lansing Waverly -3:10.10 21:05.70 24:15.80
Kayla Fogarty Holt +30.00 21:42.60 21:12.60
Kaitlyn Snook Grand Ledge +13.00 21:28.70 21:15.70
Madison Lira Grand Ledge -15.50 21:28.20 21:43.70
Grace Rose East Lansing +16.40 22:10.40 21:54.00
Lily Johnson DeWitt +2:44.90 24:41.00 21:56.10
Edith Pendell East Lansing -3:31.10 22:21.60 25:52.70
Frankie Calabrese East Lansing -6:42.50 22:45.10 29:27.60
Barbara Stout East Lansing +29.40 23:23.70 22:54.30
Amelia Spencley DeWitt +36.80 23:34.40 22:57.60
Cole Welch Holt -3:12.40 23:03.10 26:15.50
Sophia Juarez Okemos -13.10 23:06.80 23:19.90
Madison Way DeWitt +1:30.70 24:41.00 23:10.30
Rainier Caleb Lansing Everett +3:19.70 26:46.90 23:27.20
Jervon Malam Lansing Everett -1:09.90 23:58.80 25:08.70
Brooklyn Balsis DeWitt +1:21.60 25:29.60 24:08.00