2022 Chargers Autumn Sunrise Invite 2022

Grand Rapids, MI

2022 Chargers Autumn Sunrise Invite 2022 vs Chargers Autumn Sunrise Invite 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -80 332 412
Overall Average -6.44 22:52.48 22:58.92
1st-10th Place +23.13 17:00.10 16:36.97
1st-25th Place +29.96 17:34.94 17:04.98
1st-50th Place +28.01 18:07.66 17:39.65
1st-100th Place +25.23 19:01.82 18:36.58
Common Athletes -- -- 72
Ran Faster -2 35 37
Ran Season Best 8 9 1
Average Time +1.02 22:42.05 22:41.03
Median Time -12.10 22:32.30 22:44.40
Middle 80% Times +5.14 22:45.77 22:40.63
Top 10% Times +46.43 18:24.74 17:38.31
Top 25% Times +32.76 19:32.61 18:59.86
Top 50% Times +22.17 20:39.29 20:17.12
Bottom 50% Times -20.13 24:44.81 25:04.94
Bottom 25% Times -28.22 26:12.29 26:40.51
Bottom 10% Times -1:13.20 27:28.89 28:42.09
Average Difference +1.02 -- --
Median Difference -41.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +11.07 -- --
Top 10% Difference +40.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference +21.40 -- --
Top 25% Difference +36.19 -- --
Top 50% Difference +21.40 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -19.36 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -29.14 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:39.86 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Caden Guffey Zeeland East +1:07.90 17:46.20 16:38.30
Mitchell Jeruzal Byron Center +43.80 17:22.90 16:39.10
Sam Downing Zeeland East +2:21.70 19:11.30 16:49.60
Caleb DenHartigh Hudsonville Unity Christian +1:23.10 18:37.40 17:14.30
Alessandro Castillo Holland +19.70 18:16.80 17:57.10
Emma Drnek Zeeland East +1:55.80 20:12.60 18:16.80
Grady Bremer Hudsonville Unity Christian -9.40 18:23.70 18:33.10
Caden Leatherman Hudsonville Unity Christian -24.10 18:34.10 18:58.20
Marie Gates Hudsonville Unity Christian +1.50 19:05.50 19:04.00
Megan Kuzma Zeeland East +1:22.20 21:01.70 19:39.50
Jeff Dewitt Zeeland East +13.40 20:09.20 19:55.80
Evan Miedema Hudsonville Unity Christian -0.10 20:05.80 20:05.90
Taryn DiLaura Zeeland East +54.20 21:06.60 20:12.40
Kailey Mann Byron Center +1:42.70 21:56.30 20:13.60
Sierra Grooters Hudsonville Unity Christian +44.60 21:00.20 20:15.60
Issak Stitt Zeeland East +1:16.80 21:34.40 20:17.60
Maddie Bruxvoort Hudsonville Unity Christian -50.00 20:22.10 21:12.10
Lola Bryce Grandville Calvin Christian -2.80 20:28.10 20:30.90
Natalie Formsma Byron Center -1:03.40 20:32.30 21:35.70
Hannah Geaney Wyoming Potter's House Christian -6.20 20:32.50 20:38.70
Celia Pollock Byron Center -40.10 20:35.60 21:15.70
Donna Haaksma Byron Center +2:03.40 22:39.00 20:35.60
Jacob Kuipers Hudsonville Unity Christian +29.10 21:09.10 20:40.00
Sadie Schout Libertas Christian -2.90 20:45.10 20:48.00
Daphne Ball Byron Center -1:29.00 20:45.80 22:14.80
Maya VanSolkema Hudsonville Unity Christian +1:14.70 22:18.30 21:03.60
Dylan Duimstra Hudsonville Unity Christian +26.70 21:30.30 21:03.60
Ambria DePoy Holland +23.70 21:31.70 21:08.00
Ian McLellan Byron Center +27.50 21:44.80 21:17.30
Ana Beimers Hudsonville Unity Christian -1:04.10 21:40.30 22:44.40
Brandon Weber Hudsonville Unity Christian +1:27.90 23:15.10 21:47.20
Libby Post Zeeland East -15.30 21:51.00 22:06.30
Brielle Voorhees Wyoming Tri-unity Christian -48.30 21:55.20 22:43.50
Lauryn Byker Hudsonville Unity Christian +1:03.30 23:06.70 22:03.40
Audrey Durham Zeeland East +10.50 22:15.40 22:04.90
Sophie Koleszar Zeeland East -41.90 22:14.60 22:56.50
Amber Kuiper Grand Rapids Covenant Christian +39.90 22:55.70 22:15.80
Taryn Landers Hudsonville Unity Christian -1:33.20 22:16.10 23:49.30
Alexis Heagle Byron Center -28.60 22:17.10 22:45.70
Randall Dustin Byron Center +11.90 22:32.30 22:20.40
Natalie Kooyer Hudsonville Unity Christian -5:01.80 22:24.50 27:26.30
Addy Hughes Byron Center -52.20 22:38.20 23:30.40
Andrieu Blomeling Byron Center -28.30 22:44.80 23:13.10
Noelle Nienhuis Hudsonville Unity Christian -52.60 22:52.30 23:44.90
Madison Bastic Byron Center -14.70 22:59.90 23:14.60
Sophia Feldpausch Byron Center +55.40 23:56.20 23:00.80
Sarah BLEYENBERG Grand Rapids Covenant Christian +3:27.00 26:30.50 23:03.50
Lydia VanderMolen Hudsonville Unity Christian -2:14.20 23:07.20 25:21.40
Alison Rotman Holland Calvary +9.70 23:20.20 23:10.50
Maria Campbell Grandville Calvin Christian +1:36.20 24:52.10 23:15.90
Laelle Terpstra Grand Rapids Covenant Christian -3.60 23:26.70 23:30.30
Evan Schrier Hudsonville Unity Christian -1:15.90 23:42.10 24:58.00
Avery Dekker Hudsonville Unity Christian -1:15.40 23:45.10 25:00.50
Eleanor McMullen Holland +1:31.30 25:18.10 23:46.80
Olivia Laninga Holland Calvary -32.80 23:53.40 24:26.20
Marisa Toonstra Wyoming Potter's House Christian -39.20 23:55.90 24:35.10
Meg VanDam Zeeland East +18.30 24:21.30 24:03.00
Abby Tuls Wyoming Potter's House Christian +2:40.10 26:46.00 24:05.90
Grace Osterink Wyoming Potter's House Christian -51.70 24:26.50 25:18.20
Kinsley Mowery Grand Rapids Covenant Christian +2:05.10 26:32.00 24:26.90
Kyleigh Phothisan Zeeland East +49.40 25:22.40 24:33.00
Kasey Haartman Hudsonville Unity Christian +6.80 24:42.80 24:36.00
Kristin DeBoer Grand Rapids Covenant Christian -55.30 24:39.80 25:35.10
Hailey Mingerink Grand Rapids Covenant Christian -1:18.70 24:40.60 25:59.30
Cole Schmidt Hudsonville Unity Christian +1:25.20 26:25.00 24:59.80
Alayna Lubbers Grand Rapids Covenant Christian -2:14.30 25:20.00 27:34.30
Lauren DeVries Zeeland East +36.20 26:11.50 25:35.30
Shylee Soukhome Zeeland East -1:06.50 26:16.30 27:22.80
Addison Drnek Grand Rapids Covenant Christian +43.50 27:29.50 26:46.00
Adelle Snyder Holland -3:16.20 27:18.50 30:34.70
Mekenzie Lubbers Grand Rapids Covenant Christian -35.10 28:11.30 28:46.40
Alexis Edwards Zeeland East -4:28.60 30:38.30 35:06.90