Whitmore Lake Invite 2022 vs Whitmore Lake Invite 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +7 183 176
Overall Average -14.82 23:14.74 23:29.56
1st-10th Place +1:17.87 19:06.60 17:48.73
1st-25th Place +36.64 18:59.38 18:22.74
1st-50th Place +26.58 19:36.26 19:09.67
1st-100th Place +5.89 20:46.40 20:40.51
Common Athletes -- -- 22
Ran Faster 7 15 8
Ran Season Best 1 2 1
Average Time -1:10.00 23:07.08 24:17.08
Median Time -1:10.69 22:33.90 23:44.59
Middle 80% Times -1:03.23 23:29.16 24:32.39
Top 10% Times -1:25.14 18:24.53 19:49.67
Top 25% Times -1:04.44 19:40.38 20:44.83
Top 50% Times -55.72 20:43.37 21:39.10
Bottom 50% Times -1:24.28 25:30.79 26:55.07
Bottom 25% Times -2:02.87 27:10.57 29:13.44
Bottom 10% Times -2:42.55 28:46.63 31:29.19
Average Difference -1:06.90 -- --
Median Difference -13.14 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -34.43 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:11.63 -- --
Top 50% Difference -56.21 -- --
Top 25% Difference -58.83 -- --
Top 50% Difference -56.21 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:22.47 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:42.23 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -6:37.31 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Max Mader Madison Heights Bishop Foley +1.39 17:47.30 17:45.91
Luke Douglas Auburn Hills Oakland Christian -2:13.32 18:32.70 20:46.02
Dean Moshier Auburn Hills Oakland Christian -3:17.40 18:53.60 22:11.00
Nathan Betke Lutheran Westland -1:22.96 19:52.70 21:15.66
Ethan Bryant Auburn Hills Oakland Christian +40.61 21:37.70 20:57.09
Jack Khoury Auburn Hills Oakland Christian -11:45.41 21:18.30 33:03.71
Damian Brown Christ the King (Ann Arbor) +18.71 21:52.00 21:33.29
Anthony Burley Madison Heights Bishop Foley -46.96 21:51.10 22:38.06
Blaise Cerne Madison Heights Bishop Foley -3:53.54 21:57.60 25:51.14
Michaela Kurth Lutheran Westland -24.98 22:02.60 22:27.58
Brandon Perdew Madison Heights Bishop Foley -1:42.78 22:11.50 23:54.28
Karis Keith Auburn Hills Oakland Christian -1:11.44 22:33.90 23:45.34
Jack Murphy Madison Heights Bishop Foley +2:53.10 25:32.40 22:39.30
Hayden Fulford Waterford Our Lady -19.19 22:48.40 23:07.59
Gordon Bridwell Madison Heights Bishop Foley +4:43.95 27:32.50 22:48.55
Emily Mandziuk Madison Heights Bishop Foley +4:25.51 28:10.10 23:44.59
Rachael Byers Christ the King (Ann Arbor) -59.79 23:44.70 24:44.49
Leah Kroge Auburn Hills Oakland Christian -8:07.90 24:05.00 32:12.90
Marie Sumerton Christ the King (Ann Arbor) -13.14 24:23.30 24:36.44
Michael Lentz Madison Heights Bishop Foley -1:37.54 25:11.80 26:49.34
Jenna Oberly Lutheran Westland -2:13.29 25:59.30 28:12.59
Miranda Imrick Madison Heights Bishop Foley +1:26.35 30:37.30 29:10.95