Pewamo-Westphalia Invitational 2022

Carson City, MI

Pewamo-Westphalia Invitational 2022 vs Pewamo-Westphalia Invitational 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +56 158 102
Overall Average -11.04 22:53.93 23:04.97
1st-10th Place -46.93 17:07.16 17:54.10
1st-25th Place -56.77 17:48.60 18:45.37
1st-50th Place -1:19.01 18:42.05 20:01.06
1st-100th Place -2:28.27 20:18.84 22:47.11
Common Athletes -- -- 25
Ran Faster 17 21 4
Ran Season Best 4 4 --
Average Time -1:58.09 20:48.85 22:46.93
Median Time -1:42.21 20:43.22 22:25.43
Middle 80% Times -1:49.84 20:43.63 22:33.47
Top 10% Times -48.96 17:18.93 18:07.88
Top 25% Times -1:02.09 17:49.22 18:51.31
Top 50% Times -1:26.91 18:44.05 20:10.96
Bottom 50% Times -2:20.18 21:17.58 23:37.76
Bottom 25% Times -2:57.98 24:13.66 27:11.64
Bottom 10% Times -4:09.33 26:10.31 30:19.65
Average Difference -1:58.09 -- --
Median Difference -18.62 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:59.63 -- --
Top 10% Difference -27.93 -- --
Top 50% Difference -58.53 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:01.19 -- --
Top 50% Difference -58.53 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:49.99 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -4:04.16 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:03.67 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Sammy Schmidt Dansville -2:29.00 17:00.73 19:29.73
Logan Cooper Potterville -1:45.31 17:03.03 18:48.34
Joseph Kadluboski Dansville +9.63 17:53.02 17:43.39
Caleb Pohl Pewamo-Westphalia +11.90 18:03.82 17:51.92
Landon Thelen Pewamo-Westphalia -1:14.71 17:56.39 19:11.10
Ryan Alford Lake Odessa-Lakewood -1:29.77 18:09.71 19:39.48
Martin White Portland St. Patrick -5:59.58 18:37.88 24:37.46
Calvin VanHartesvelt Dansville -31.10 18:44.14 19:15.24
Ella Kowatch Pewamo-Westphalia -2:06.00 19:37.16 21:43.16
Jason Miller Potterville -1:31.56 19:47.44 21:19.00
Devin Spitzley Portland -2:35.10 19:54.46 22:29.56
Gavin Vidito Dansville -5:38.84 20:01.61 25:40.45
Hayden Hengesbach Pewamo-Westphalia -47.66 20:43.22 21:30.88
Raymond Huhn Pewamo-Westphalia -2:48.89 20:50.34 23:39.23
Melanie Werner Pewamo-Westphalia -53.28 20:58.56 21:51.84
Isabell Helman Pewamo-Westphalia +4.58 21:37.54 21:32.96
Adam Sanborn Pewamo-Westphalia -1:12.96 21:40.92 22:53.88
Jack Thelen Pewamo-Westphalia -4:52.99 22:05.59 26:58.58
Donny Mitschke Potterville -2:46.69 22:06.21 24:52.90
Cozette Brown Portland St. Patrick -18.62 22:06.81 22:25.43
Sadie Brearley Lake Odessa-Lakewood -1:06.37 22:58.81 24:05.18
Maya Estell Portland +3:53.16 27:34.74 23:41.58
Emma Lancaster Lake Odessa-Lakewood -18.87 23:52.86 24:11.73
Brycen DeShane Portland -11:48.92 24:39.17 36:28.09
Lilly Buckland Portland -1:15.24 26:17.03 27:32.27