Oakland County XC HS Championships 2022

Milford, MI

Oakland County XC HS Championships 2022 vs Oakland County XC HS Championships 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +29 751 722
Overall Average -37.25 21:34.16 22:11.41
1st-10th Place -24.52 16:26.04 16:50.56
1st-25th Place -24.72 16:44.93 17:09.65
1st-50th Place -26.06 17:06.41 17:32.47
1st-100th Place -28.06 17:34.76 18:02.82
Common Athletes -- -- 306
Ran Faster 224 265 41
Ran Season Best -1 2 3
Average Time -1:05.23 20:39.88 21:45.11
Median Time -1:00.60 20:04.90 21:05.50
Middle 80% Times -59.72 20:28.11 21:27.83
Top 10% Times -56.99 16:57.79 17:54.78
Top 25% Times -59.58 17:38.14 18:37.72
Top 50% Times -56.53 18:30.72 19:27.25
Bottom 50% Times -1:13.93 22:49.03 24:02.97
Bottom 25% Times -1:34.82 24:24.46 25:59.28
Bottom 10% Times -1:57.52 26:02.49 28:00.01
Average Difference -1:05.23 -- --
Median Difference -48.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -58.56 -- --
Top 10% Difference -45.07 -- --
Top 50% Difference -52.69 -- --
Top 25% Difference -47.08 -- --
Top 50% Difference -52.69 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:17.77 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:42.98 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:16.44 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ethan Pruzinsky Auburn Hills Avondale -2:12.10 16:04.60 18:16.70
Sebastian Ramirez Royal Oak -52.00 16:10.10 17:02.10
Solomon Kwartowitz Bloomfield Hills Cranbrook-Kingswood -1:21.80 16:15.60 17:37.40
Vishvaa Ravishankar Troy -2:08.50 16:19.80 18:28.30
Ty Parker Walled Lake Northern -48.20 16:24.40 17:12.60
Matthew Short Berkley -1:00.50 16:38.30 17:38.80
Nathan Riddering Novi -39.50 16:39.20 17:18.70
Griffin Conway Novi -23.50 16:40.20 17:03.70
Sebastian Cervelli West Bloomfield -1:23.90 16:47.30 18:11.20
Bryce Nowik Clarkston -1:06.50 16:48.50 17:55.00
Louis D'Souza Troy -1:02.80 16:51.80 17:54.60
Jaxson Nowik Clarkston -3:13.70 16:52.40 20:06.10
Andrew Floros Clarkston -1:09.90 16:54.70 18:04.60
Alex McArthur Oxford -19.60 16:56.80 17:16.40
Evan Rice Walled Lake Northern -1:01.10 16:57.50 17:58.60
James Cusick Oxford -51.90 17:02.10 17:54.00
Iggy Grynaviski Farmington -1:25.20 17:04.40 18:29.60
Ryan Illikman Detroit Catholic Central -1:54.30 17:05.40 18:59.70
Zachary Larson Rochester Hills Stoney Creek -2:25.80 17:09.00 19:34.80
Eddie King Farmington -4.80 17:09.20 17:14.00
Quaid Schimetz Highland Milford -1:03.90 17:11.20 18:15.10
Cayden DeGrendel Clarkston -2:19.20 17:12.00 19:31.20
Nathan D'souza Rochester Adams -36.70 17:15.40 17:52.10
Josh Lassaline Detroit Catholic Central -38.50 17:19.10 17:57.60
Thomas Kennedy Highland Milford -17.10 17:23.80 17:40.90
Ryan Carrannanto Highland Milford -2:27.10 17:24.20 19:51.30
Blake Peardon Lake Orion -2:23.60 17:24.20 19:47.80
Lucas Karbel Walled Lake Northern -15.20 17:27.20 17:42.40
Akshat Arora Troy -1:13.30 17:27.50 18:40.80
Liam Collins Birmingham Brother Rice -1:10.60 17:27.70 18:38.30
Oliver Moss Berkley -1:19.70 17:27.90 18:47.60
Ben Yu Detroit Country Day -1:22.50 17:28.90 18:51.40
Cole Maxwell Rochester Adams -1:54.40 17:32.00 19:26.40
Owen Ryan Detroit Catholic Central -54.20 17:37.40 18:31.60
Thomas Watson Detroit Catholic Central -1:55.50 17:38.80 19:34.30
Grant Hoffman Holly -1:10.00 17:39.40 18:49.40
Zachary Trouve North Farmington -1:51.40 17:42.90 19:34.30
Alex Jowett South Lyon -1:03.20 17:43.70 18:46.90
Colin McLaughlin Rochester -1:22.80 17:43.70 19:06.50
Braxton Sipes Royal Oak -1:58.10 17:44.70 19:42.80
Miles Buckley Detroit Catholic Central -37.30 17:46.20 18:23.50
Brayden Mullins Highland Milford -1:32.50 17:46.90 19:19.40
Oswaldo Dominguez Pontiac -30.70 17:48.40 18:19.10
Michael Ehresman Detroit Catholic Central +27.80 18:18.30 17:50.50
Kyle Dimalanta Oxford -12.80 17:52.20 18:05.00
Eddie Cromwell Lake Orion -44.20 17:52.40 18:36.60
Alex Romano Walled Lake Central -2:42.10 17:53.90 20:36.00
Cassidy Feeney Oxford -21.10 17:56.40 18:17.50
Ryan Noonan Walled Lake Western -13.40 17:57.90 18:11.30
Nolan Till Royal Oak -2:06.40 17:59.00 20:05.40
TJ Donnan Southfield Christian -42.60 18:00.20 18:42.80
Joshua Simpson Orchard Lake St. Mary -1:44.80 18:03.30 19:48.10
Cameron Reynolds Rochester Adams -44.70 18:06.10 18:50.80
Michael Davies Birmingham Seaholm -1:28.00 18:06.40 19:34.40
Aidan Malik Highland Milford -1:06.40 18:06.60 19:13.00
Drew Lenard Rochester -1:06.60 18:08.30 19:14.90
Nicholas Piagentini Walled Lake Northern -59.20 18:10.90 19:10.10
Alex Engle Walled Lake Central -1:36.10 18:11.20 19:47.30
Abdullah Ali Oxford -2:44.90 18:12.10 20:57.00
Edward Badel Detroit Catholic Central +44.60 18:57.60 18:13.00
Ben Kinkade Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -21.80 18:13.60 18:35.40
Ryan Nelson Farmington -3:05.70 18:14.40 21:20.10
Jack Donohoe Rochester Adams -43.80 18:15.90 18:59.70
Lucas Ames Oxford -1:54.60 18:15.90 20:10.50
James JP) Mavel South Lyon -51.10 18:15.90 19:07.00
John Price Rochester Adams -1:47.60 18:18.40 20:06.00
Gavin Steele Farmington -29.90 18:19.90 18:49.80
Quinn O'Shea Berkley -1:40.80 18:21.60 20:02.40
Ian Randall Rochester Hills Stoney Creek -24.50 18:22.00 18:46.50
Alex Mueller South Lyon -1:37.70 18:22.20 19:59.90
Braden Waechter Clarkston -1:18.20 18:23.90 19:42.10
Luke Peardon Lake Orion +9.50 18:33.90 18:24.40
Anthony Goatley Madison Heights Lamphere -2:23.70 18:24.80 20:48.50
Raymond Lucero II Lake Orion -31.40 18:27.90 18:59.30
Luke Neils Highland Milford -1:30.60 18:29.10 19:59.70
Nathan Yee Lake Orion +21.60 18:51.20 18:29.60
Jack Bondy Rochester Hills Stoney Creek -23.10 18:30.20 18:53.30
Carlos Rosales Rochester Adams -1:08.30 18:30.90 19:39.20
Anderson Corum Birmingham Seaholm +3.10 18:36.50 18:33.40
Liam Stacey Farmington -1:11.90 18:38.50 19:50.40
Alex Hammond Royal Oak -26.70 18:40.90 19:07.60
Jake Crist Rochester +8.50 18:49.70 18:41.20
Anthony Oddo Rochester Adams -1:39.60 18:41.60 20:21.20
Archit Vig Rochester Hills Stoney Creek -46.70 18:42.70 19:29.40
Matthew Rai North Farmington -37.50 18:43.20 19:20.70
Noah Murray Bloomfield Hills -1.10 18:43.20 18:44.30
Jesse Martin Walled Lake Central -36.20 18:44.40 19:20.60
Eugene Haley Detroit Catholic Central -59.20 18:45.20 19:44.40
Lucy Cook Rochester -12.30 18:45.50 18:57.80
Merrick Guthrie Royal Oak -49.90 18:45.60 19:35.50
London Pavlak Highland Milford -1:08.60 18:46.80 19:55.40
Max Zgoda Royal Oak -1:42.70 18:47.30 20:30.00
Zack Klepaski West Bloomfield -41.70 18:53.40 19:35.10
Praneel Basu Bloomfield Hills -56.10 18:57.10 19:53.20
Isaac Brook Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -3:24.80 18:58.00 22:22.80
Aiden Cummins Farmington -1:23.50 18:58.60 20:22.10
Levi Gray Walled Lake Northern -1:40.20 18:59.20 20:39.40
Chase Chalawich Holly -2:24.70 19:00.20 21:24.90
Connor Lent Walled Lake Western -9.30 19:03.00 19:12.30
Matthew Boor Clarkston +16.20 19:20.70 19:04.50
Solomon Strong South Lyon East -54.00 19:06.00 20:00.00
Austin Xiao Troy -41.00 19:07.00 19:48.00
Jacob Mack South Lyon East -55.00 19:07.30 20:02.30
Ian Smith Holly -2:44.70 19:08.30 21:53.00
Evan Savoie Clarkston -52.40 19:08.50 20:00.90
Andrew Linden Troy Athens +20.60 19:30.40 19:09.80
Owen Weinberger Walled Lake Northern -33.70 19:09.90 19:43.60
Charles Santella Rochester Adams -38.00 19:13.50 19:51.50
Logan Ference Troy Athens -1:37.40 19:13.60 20:51.00
AJ Owen Bloomfield Hills Roeper -1:11.60 19:14.50 20:26.10
Christian Tappen Birmingham Groves -1:04.60 19:15.40 20:20.00
Ryan Walker Holly -42.20 19:15.90 19:58.10
Dean Pascoe Rochester -22.90 19:15.90 19:38.80
Pete Lutz Madison Heights Lamphere -1:46.30 19:16.00 21:02.30
Hunter Houser Highland Milford -17.80 19:20.50 19:38.30
Ryan Wojichowski Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -4:15.30 19:22.40 23:37.70
Matthew Meitzner Troy Athens -34.30 19:22.80 19:57.10
Joshua Vu Novi -59.90 19:25.90 20:25.80
Nicholas Von Eper Troy -1:25.90 19:27.80 20:53.70
Mallory Bigelow Oxford -1.80 19:29.40 19:31.20
Cody Heemsoth Auburn Hills Avondale -45.20 19:30.20 20:15.40
Lily Solek Rochester Hills Stoney Creek -32.60 19:32.10 20:04.70
Ben Redmon Lake Orion -29.20 19:32.20 20:01.40
Collin McMillian Holly -1:54.20 19:34.10 21:28.30
Alexandra Brigham Clarkston -9.80 19:37.70 19:47.50
Brendan Daly Troy Athens +25.80 20:05.90 19:40.10
Jacie Remtema Highland Milford -19.30 19:40.60 19:59.90
Genavieve Kushner Walled Lake Western +13.90 19:55.50 19:41.60
Kylee King Oak Park -26.90 19:41.60 20:08.50
Jonathan Holland West Bloomfield +21.60 20:04.90 19:43.30
Molly Baracco Farmington -1:06.90 19:43.60 20:50.50
Matthew Pall Novi -1:05.40 19:46.10 20:51.50
Taylor Brodeur Oxford -31.70 19:46.60 20:18.30
Taylor Regester Walled Lake Northern -1:03.40 19:46.70 20:50.10
Dillon Johns Madison Heights Lamphere -23.30 19:46.90 20:10.20
Braydee Elling Oxford -22.60 19:49.80 20:12.40
Robert Belf Berkley -1:52.20 19:50.00 21:42.20
Ben Aaron Detroit Country Day -18.50 19:50.30 20:08.80
Chloe Nixon Rochester -2.70 19:52.80 19:55.50
Joey Sterling Walled Lake Western -44.90 19:54.50 20:39.40
Kale Howcroft Orchard Lake St. Mary -2:22.90 19:55.10 22:18.00
Nathan Cardiff Auburn Hills Avondale -1:18.40 19:55.10 21:13.50
Jack Saltsman Berkley +6.30 20:02.80 19:56.50
Ava Kurczewski Walled Lake Northern -2:27.70 19:57.70 22:25.40
Thomas Roraff Rochester +1:43.80 21:41.90 19:58.10
Sophie Endrud Detroit Country Day -1:02.50 19:59.20 21:01.70
Alisia Olteanu Walled Lake Western -1:22.90 19:59.80 21:22.70
Charlotte Gullion Troy -1:49.50 20:00.30 21:49.80
Isabelle Krause Walled Lake Northern -42.00 20:00.70 20:42.70
Conner Duffy Farmington -1:29.30 20:01.00 21:30.30
Lauren Wroza Rochester -2:07.20 20:01.20 22:08.40
Amanda Soldan Rochester Adams -28.20 20:02.30 20:30.50
Joey Zarra Walled Lake Western -1:27.50 20:02.30 21:29.80
Jacob Hodges Walled Lake Western -49.50 20:02.80 20:52.30
Elaina Rondeau Troy -21.70 20:03.50 20:25.20
Amyla Eberhart South Lyon East -59.30 20:03.70 21:03.00
Emma Hoffmeyer Walled Lake Western -54.10 20:07.80 21:01.90
Madelyn Gordon Walled Lake Northern -8.10 20:10.20 20:18.30
Makenna Musser Rochester Hills Stoney Creek -1:12.00 20:10.50 21:22.50
Luca Bartoi Birmingham Groves -1:32.90 20:12.30 21:45.20
Christopher Poshadlo Holly -59.10 20:13.20 21:12.30
Anjali Kidambi Novi -8.60 20:14.10 20:22.70
Joshua Cooper Auburn Hills Avondale -52.70 20:14.30 21:07.00
Bella Grant South Lyon East -24.40 20:14.70 20:39.10
Brandon Thomas Orchard Lake St. Mary -2:04.90 20:15.70 22:20.60
Ryan Sparklin Holly -59.00 20:21.10 21:20.10
Christopher Hunter Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -1:20.80 20:23.00 21:43.80
Cameron Marshall Birmingham Groves -11.00 20:23.40 20:34.40
Abigail German Novi -58.10 20:26.50 21:24.60
Carter Lukas Novi -48.50 20:26.60 21:15.10
Nicholas LaFramboise Berkley -2:06.00 20:29.10 22:35.10
Nicholas Mardelli Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -2:59.10 20:29.70 23:28.80
Alexander Statetzny Berkley -1:16.10 20:31.50 21:47.60
Dwight Van'tzelfde Holly -53.60 20:33.10 21:26.70
Tommy Abazi Southfield Christian -1:06.00 20:35.50 21:41.50
Winston Jenney Bloomfield Hills +5.70 20:42.50 20:36.80
Addison Verlinden Lake Orion +22.80 20:59.90 20:37.10
Elaine Burkmyre Walled Lake Western +1:40.20 22:18.60 20:38.40
Maria Nunning Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -1:17.70 20:39.20 21:56.90
Sydney Gergics Rochester Hills Stoney Creek -58.80 20:40.70 21:39.50
Ryan Cifolelli Birmingham Groves -3:56.10 20:41.40 24:37.50
Natalie Gibbs Bloomfield Hills Roeper +1:47.80 22:29.90 20:42.10
Emily Wade Walled Lake Central -7.70 20:42.20 20:49.90
Maisie Konwinski Troy +1:04.70 21:48.10 20:43.40
Freddy MacWilliams Birmingham Groves -1:00.30 20:44.30 21:44.60
Franklin Ritter West Bloomfield -34.10 20:45.20 21:19.30
Madie Miller Troy -21.70 20:55.70 21:17.40
Nate Pongtankul West Bloomfield -1:49.60 20:56.80 22:46.40
Ryan Walsh Troy Athens -41.70 20:58.40 21:40.10
Stella Phillips Rochester Adams -1:13.40 20:58.80 22:12.20
Ava Porter Walled Lake Northern +9.20 21:13.90 21:04.70
Abby Walton Bloomfield Hills Marian +36.80 21:42.30 21:05.50
Addison Lester Oxford -2:16.40 21:07.90 23:24.30
Jamie Patterson Oxford -4.30 21:08.00 21:12.30
Natalie Bales Oxford -1:45.20 21:09.80 22:55.00
Kaitlyn Kauppila Rochester Adams +42.80 21:53.00 21:10.20
Alyssa Ko Rochester Hills Stoney Creek -32.40 21:11.50 21:43.90
Cate Cotter Clarkston -38.20 21:16.50 21:54.70
Andrew Gerrits Bloomfield Hills Roeper -1:21.40 21:17.40 22:38.80
Grant Foumia Orchard Lake St. Mary -1:08.10 21:20.30 22:28.40
Sarah Barnett Royal Oak +7.30 21:30.50 21:23.20
James Mauney South Lyon East -3:08.00 21:24.40 24:32.40
Sean Gretzinger Walled Lake Western -3:47.20 21:24.50 25:11.70
Lily Miles Clarkston +46.10 22:13.10 21:27.00
Ashton Denys Birmingham Groves -2:58.70 21:28.60 24:27.30
Lana Mac South Lyon -47.70 21:28.70 22:16.40
Brigit Foley Wixom St. Catherine -18.60 21:32.40 21:51.00
Olivia LINCOURT Farmington -36.80 21:33.20 22:10.00
Isabelle Fairless Royal Oak -7.80 21:34.30 21:42.10
Kendall Cuson Bloomfield Hills -34.30 21:35.90 22:10.20
Keely Abbott South Lyon +18.60 21:55.90 21:37.30
Irene Oh Troy -58.80 21:38.70 22:37.50
Anna Reineck Clarkston -9.30 21:41.00 21:50.30
Kate Heaman Farmington Hills Mercy +54.90 22:36.70 21:41.80
Georgio Aramouni Madison Heights Lamphere -3:20.20 21:42.60 25:02.80
Brooklyn Wolcott Highland Milford -22.90 21:42.90 22:05.80
Anasofia Alegre West Bloomfield -2:38.00 21:46.20 24:24.20
Megan Fannon South Lyon East +35.60 22:24.00 21:48.40
Annalise Griffin Bloomfield Hills -45.70 21:48.60 22:34.30
Cora Liu North Farmington -25.50 21:53.30 22:18.80
Thomas Belej Pontiac Notre Dame Prep +37.10 22:34.10 21:57.00
Ana Lopez Rochester Adams -2:32.80 21:58.20 24:31.00
Nell Stover Detroit Country Day -1:17.20 21:59.80 23:17.00
Claire Mcclure Walled Lake Northern -54.20 22:00.30 22:54.50
Sierra Anthony Bloomfield Hills +29.50 22:29.80 22:00.30
Aaron Wilson Auburn Hills Avondale -2:54.50 22:03.00 24:57.50
Emelia Pearce Bloomfield Hills -1:13.30 22:03.30 23:16.60
Mia Melcher South Lyon -1:18.00 22:05.90 23:23.90
Shawna Monsere Highland Milford -2:43.40 22:08.00 24:51.40
Ella Lamendola Rochester Hills Stoney Creek -2:38.30 22:18.80 24:57.10
Ellie Nohovig Highland Milford -1.90 22:19.00 22:20.90
Ava Willard Highland Milford -3:23.20 22:22.20 25:45.40
Maia Conway Royal Oak -1:34.80 22:23.50 23:58.30
Rose Pebbles Novi -2.10 22:24.10 22:26.20
Mackie Shoskey Lake Orion -1:10.50 22:24.40 23:34.90
Kyra Andrews Lake Orion -2:32.70 22:31.20 25:03.90
Molly O'brien Bloomfield Hills Marian -29.90 22:32.30 23:02.20
Dakota Poljanac Rochester -3:32.50 22:34.90 26:07.40
Morgan Poploskie Clarkston -1:29.10 22:35.40 24:04.50
Katie Adams Rochester Adams -1:30.40 22:37.90 24:08.30
Anoush Smith Birmingham Seaholm -1:04.10 22:40.20 23:44.30
Sophia Donnellon Rochester -1:15.70 22:40.50 23:56.20
Katie Macey Royal Oak -1:39.70 22:40.60 24:20.30
Holly Corteville Walled Lake Northern -51.30 22:41.90 23:33.20
Alyssa Seiter South Lyon +38.20 23:21.90 22:43.70
Megan Pohl North Farmington -55.60 22:46.90 23:42.50
Madison Juchno Wixom St. Catherine -3:00.10 22:47.80 25:47.90
Kerrigan Kennedy Highland Milford -1:11.50 22:48.00 23:59.50
Annabella Dawood Rochester Adams -1:06.80 22:48.90 23:55.70
Claire Walker Clarkston +18.40 23:17.00 22:58.60
Katie Broth Lake Orion -1:54.00 23:02.00 24:56.00
Jenna Rivera Birmingham Groves -7:50.10 23:04.70 30:54.80
Jessica Booher Holly -1:12.40 23:05.40 24:17.80
Lauren Williams Clarkston +1:40.10 24:47.20 23:07.10
Alexandra Kirshman Walled Lake Northern -5.50 23:10.20 23:15.70
Kaelyn Swiech South Lyon +2:10.80 25:21.30 23:10.50
Lilly Beach Rochester Adams +25.50 23:43.40 23:17.90
Morgan Engberg South Lyon East -48.00 23:19.60 24:07.60
Mia Snellgrove Rochester -15.30 23:21.70 23:37.00
Allison Hufstedler Oxford -42.60 23:27.70 24:10.30
Lauren Empie Highland Milford -1:48.40 23:30.00 25:18.40
Juliet Zink South Lyon East -32.90 23:41.40 24:14.30
Luciana Lacroix Lake Orion +10.60 24:04.80 23:54.20
Eleanor Limbaugh Birmingham Groves -4:34.70 23:54.80 28:29.50
Addison Hartley Detroit Country Day -58.30 23:55.00 24:53.30
Zosia Jenks Birmingham Groves -1:01.60 23:56.30 24:57.90
Emma Burrows West Bloomfield -1:51.90 24:01.00 25:52.90
Emma Borgula Bloomfield Hills Marian -2:42.60 24:02.60 26:45.20
Taylor Gildner Rochester Adams -30.00 24:04.00 24:34.00
Jenna Pohl North Farmington -4:38.00 24:07.60 28:45.60
Ainsley Giorio Troy -56.40 24:12.10 25:08.50
Addison Bellows Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -39.40 24:15.70 24:55.10
Grace Johnson-Sears Birmingham Seaholm -1:07.20 24:16.00 25:23.20
Olivia Wilson South Lyon -31.90 24:16.60 24:48.50
Alison Rockafellow Holly -1:45.20 24:20.70 26:05.90
Skyla Rojas West Bloomfield -3:04.60 24:21.60 27:26.20
Morgyn Lafontaine Orchard Lake St. Mary -1:55.20 24:27.20 26:22.40
Richardson Alexa Birmingham Seaholm -21.90 24:34.00 24:55.90
Chloe Wallis South Lyon -1:50.80 24:37.10 26:27.90
Adrienne Edge Wixom St. Catherine -3:30.50 24:39.30 28:09.80
Emily Bayliss Berkley -4:07.40 24:40.70 28:48.10
Han Zhang Detroit Country Day -18.80 24:47.70 25:06.50
Delaney Kelley Rochester Hills Stoney Creek -1:44.10 24:48.00 26:32.10
Allesandra Delbene South Lyon East -1:07.70 24:56.60 26:04.30
Chloe Holter Detroit Country Day +45.10 25:42.00 24:56.90
Gabrielle Holowinski Orchard Lake St. Mary -2:20.00 24:57.00 27:17.00
Ella Pochron Berkley -49.30 25:00.30 25:49.60
Jaye Mcneil Farmington Hills Mercy -2:25.50 25:03.10 27:28.60
Cassidy Kassab Walled Lake Central +40.70 25:43.80 25:03.10
Lilly Tuite Berkley +1:37.20 26:47.00 25:09.80
Jillian Essig Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -3:38.70 25:15.00 28:53.70
Elle Fumei Bloomfield Hills Marian -5:28.40 25:24.20 30:52.60
Caleigh Bovensiep Auburn Hills Avondale -6.90 25:27.60 25:34.50
MILENA CHEVALIER Farmington Hills Mercy -1:19.70 25:38.20 26:57.90
Edimari King Farmington -37.00 25:43.60 26:20.60
Emily Bilen Detroit Country Day -12.30 25:50.80 26:03.10
Oskar Zakonjsek Bloomfield Hills Roeper -5:05.20 25:53.90 30:59.10
Ambrielle Hoffman Holly +2:30.90 28:29.80 25:58.90
Sabrina Warner Detroit Country Day +21.50 26:25.60 26:04.10
Sophie Kreucher Bloomfield Hills Marian -4:47.60 26:07.80 30:55.40
Hannah Kaczmarek Bloomfield Hills Marian -1:38.10 26:36.60 28:14.70
Autumn Tucker Walled Lake Western -5:29.20 26:52.20 32:21.40
Liliana Smith Orchard Lake St. Mary -56.90 26:56.40 27:53.30
Caroline Fernandes West Bloomfield +5:42.30 32:55.10 27:12.80
Nina Freeman Berkley -4:22.10 28:29.30 32:51.40
Valeria Aguirre-Su Wixom St. Catherine +2.50 28:46.00 28:43.50