BWAC Jamboree #1 2023 vs BWAC Jamboree #2 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +15 161 146
Overall Average -12.23 23:05.76 23:17.98
1st-10th Place -0.06 18:02.54 18:02.59
1st-25th Place -2.71 18:42.54 18:45.26
1st-50th Place -9.40 19:25.36 19:34.76
1st-100th Place -10.53 20:57.68 21:08.20
Common Athletes -- -- 71
Ran Faster -23 24 47
Ran Season Best 6 8 2
Average Time +34.66 23:05.16 22:30.51
Median Time +1:03.67 22:56.81 21:53.14
Middle 80% Times +32.27 22:59.32 22:27.05
Top 10% Times +27.97 18:42.52 18:14.55
Top 25% Times +19.71 19:14.89 18:55.18
Top 50% Times +33.31 20:24.78 19:51.47
Bottom 50% Times +35.04 25:07.07 24:32.03
Bottom 25% Times +16.46 27:23.12 27:06.66
Bottom 10% Times +44.22 29:16.33 28:32.11
Average Difference +34.66 -- --
Median Difference +1:36.92 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +35.72 -- --
Top 10% Difference +28.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +30.54 -- --
Top 25% Difference +15.84 -- --
Top 50% Difference +30.54 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +40.50 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +8.09 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +43.51 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Owen Beindit Algonac +1:42.77 19:20.15 17:37.38
Teddy (Ted) Rutkofske Yale +35.00 18:13.01 17:38.01
Nolan Korolden Yale +44.59 18:34.45 17:49.86
Wyatt Murtos Yale +13.15 18:35.19 18:22.04
Logan Rhodes Yale +21.91 18:46.04 18:24.13
Leo Bearss Yale -20.44 18:33.76 18:54.20
Robert Carrigan Armada +55.47 19:32.56 18:37.09
Sawyer Rosberg Richmond +43.89 19:21.41 18:37.52
Colton Grzyb Almont +53.74 19:44.12 18:50.38
Jack Kerrigan Croswell-Lexington -16.87 18:55.50 19:12.37
Gavin Campbell Almont +48.36 19:44.50 18:56.14
Zach Witherspoon Algonac -25.54 19:00.40 19:25.94
Wyatt Opperman North Branch -56.03 19:01.79 19:57.82
Eva Thompson Croswell-Lexington -6.95 19:21.61 19:28.56
Carter Krause Yale +2:13.86 21:43.45 19:29.59
Kaleb Manska Richmond -17.70 19:36.43 19:54.13
Nathan Clemons Algonac +1:17.84 20:56.52 19:38.68
Austin Malburg Armada +2:11.29 21:52.47 19:41.18
Joshua Castillo Armada +10.57 20:06.65 19:56.08
Donovan Germain Richmond -8.44 19:59.36 20:07.80
Jacob Biolchini Almont +7.59 20:08.06 20:00.47
Ben Card North Branch -39.67 20:01.11 20:40.78
Cooper Hoyt North Branch +1:22.57 21:23.80 20:01.23
Jack Reyes Algonac -25.53 20:08.96 20:34.49
Benjamin Kline Almont +30.26 20:42.21 20:11.95
Jamin Siewert Almont +24.22 20:40.89 20:16.67
Brynn Hurley Croswell-Lexington -7.43 20:24.73 20:32.16
Mason Russell Imlay City +13.01 21:02.92 20:49.91
Travis Olejnik Yale +1:22.72 22:13.05 20:50.33
Kate Bennett Algonac +3:14.36 24:18.66 21:04.30
Alexander Barr Yale +2:05.38 23:24.30 21:18.92
Johnny Roland Almont -31.18 21:21.96 21:53.14
Collin Grove Algonac +1:24.15 22:48.08 21:23.93
Henry Myers North Branch +1:18.98 22:45.36 21:26.38
Abigail Denoyer Armada +1:36.92 23:08.99 21:32.07
James Zweng Armada +52.98 22:30.40 21:37.42
Charlotte O'Brien Imlay City -9.91 21:51.63 22:01.54
Laila Evola Almont +1:37.29 23:45.05 22:07.76
Hunter May Yale +2:53.32 25:05.57 22:12.25
Helena Reiff Armada +39.32 22:52.73 22:13.41
Ava Childers Yale +2:28.92 24:55.43 22:26.51
Donahue Kendal Imlay City +1:35.58 24:19.03 22:43.45
Kenny Turchi Armada +2:33.64 25:19.05 22:45.41
Jasmine Walker Algonac -34.02 22:56.81 23:30.83
Addison Noteboom Armada +50.43 23:50.26 22:59.83
Wade Murray Imlay City -8.77 23:23.96 23:32.73
Ashlyn Upton Armada +1.09 23:26.36 23:25.27
Lauryn Donahue Imlay City +21.33 24:11.38 23:50.05
Sidney James Richmond +22.03 24:19.58 23:57.55
Padame Wadsworth Yale +1:16.87 25:19.68 24:02.81
Micayla McClelland Yale +1:06.31 25:21.27 24:14.96
Joshua Thomas Algonac -2:46.68 24:19.10 27:05.78
Jaylynn Maduri Croswell-Lexington -1:18.46 24:21.14 25:39.60
Tracy Ludescher North Branch -1:21.66 24:28.01 25:49.67
Penelope Persig Croswell-Lexington +3:12.74 27:46.09 24:33.35
Amanda Fitchett Almont +20.00 24:55.45 24:35.45
Ang Ross Imlay City +1:31.35 26:23.92 24:52.57
Lydia Hallay Yale +11.79 25:06.11 24:54.32
Jena Dusenberry Algonac +2:00.00 26:58.30 24:58.30
Anthony Spence Algonac -2:50.32 25:10.14 28:00.46
Annaliese Shagena Richmond -25.19 25:12.64 25:37.83
Riley McConnell North Branch -2:38.87 25:51.74 28:30.61
Quinn Hoell Armada -2:30.62 26:03.43 28:34.05
Olivia Pastrone Algonac +1:53.80 28:01.77 26:07.97
Annie Baumgarten Algonac +3:04.69 30:05.09 27:00.40
Trevor Juengel Algonac -43.23 27:05.40 27:48.63
Jadyn Kozlowski Richmond -41.06 27:19.55 28:00.61
Austin Witherspoon Algonac +33.93 28:10.45 27:36.52
Melanie Villeda Imlay City +4:12.95 32:44.85 28:31.90
Savannah Castillo Armada +1:27.88 30:18.81 28:50.93
Sophia Matheney Armada -15.67 29:44.03 29:59.70