MIAC Jamboree 1 2023 vs MIAC Jamboree 1 (LWL) 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +22 122 100
Overall Average -28.93 23:16.78 23:45.71
1st-10th Place +2.41 17:47.26 17:44.85
1st-25th Place -7.96 18:41.11 18:49.07
1st-50th Place -32.37 19:32.37 20:04.74
1st-100th Place -2:05.43 21:40.28 23:45.71
Common Athletes -- -- 47
Ran Faster -5 21 26
Ran Season Best 12 13 1
Average Time +12.55 23:04.23 22:51.68
Median Time -56.80 21:34.50 22:31.30
Middle 80% Times -11.43 22:39.69 22:51.12
Top 10% Times -9.82 17:26.30 17:36.12
Top 25% Times -23.75 18:26.42 18:50.17
Top 50% Times -28.89 19:36.56 20:05.45
Bottom 50% Times +53.48 25:34.22 24:40.75
Bottom 25% Times +1:55.99 29:39.86 27:43.87
Bottom 10% Times +3:43.16 33:06.06 29:22.90
Average Difference +12.55 -- --
Median Difference -1:07.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -11.98 -- --
Top 10% Difference -9.82 -- --
Top 50% Difference -27.81 -- --
Top 25% Difference -14.68 -- --
Top 50% Difference -27.81 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +49.59 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:07.15 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:43.16 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Landen Livingston Whitmore Lake +14.20 16:53.30 16:39.10
Emmanuel Mehari Plymouth Christian -6.60 17:15.00 17:21.60
Tom Shafer Lutheran Westland -20.40 17:33.50 17:53.90
Kaylie Livingston Whitmore Lake -38.20 17:40.40 18:18.60
Vern Clyne Auburn Hills Oakland Christian +1.90 17:49.30 17:47.40
Max Brannan Lutheran Westland -1:17.30 17:56.70 19:14.00
Benjamin Fox Whitmore Lake -56.10 18:52.40 19:48.50
Andrew Abramowicz Lutheran Westland -3:00.60 18:57.50 21:58.10
Nate Dillon Whitmore Lake -1:00.00 19:11.90 20:11.90
Andrew Gerrits Bloomfield Hills Roeper +27.00 19:42.20 19:15.20
Carina Burchi Whitmore Lake -57.90 19:39.40 20:37.30
Ren Yamamoto Bloomfield Hills Roeper +9.80 19:50.20 19:40.40
Carson Dybowski Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -2:45.90 19:45.40 22:31.30
Ian Scott Lutheran Westland +24.40 20:17.30 19:52.90
Natalie Gibbs Bloomfield Hills Roeper +50.80 20:49.30 19:58.50
Sophia Robertson Whitmore Lake -1:48.80 20:11.70 22:00.50
Mason Johnson Lutheran Westland +54.50 21:07.70 20:13.20
Cooper Malvasi Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest +5.20 20:23.30 20:18.10
Ellee Cole Lutheran Westland +19.90 21:03.30 20:43.40
Elijah Killinger Charyl Stockwell Academy +15.00 21:06.80 20:51.80
Titus Gorsegner Hope Christian -28.80 20:56.30 21:25.10
Madi Hare Plymouth Christian -20.40 20:57.10 21:17.50
Jason Zarate Charyl Stockwell Academy -2:24.10 21:03.00 23:27.10
Sarah Goodwin Auburn Hills Oakland Christian -1:40.90 21:34.50 23:15.40
Gabe Bookout Plymouth Christian -1:07.20 21:42.60 22:49.80
Ella Heffner Charyl Stockwell Academy +1:09.30 22:59.80 21:50.50
Max Margolis Bloomfield Hills Roeper -2:54.30 21:54.00 24:48.30
Ethan Lentz Sterling Heights Parkway Christian -3:43.30 21:59.30 25:42.60
Madison Markowicz Novi Franklin Road Christian -1.90 22:20.20 22:22.10
Renato Ianni Whitmore Lake +3:03.70 25:35.20 22:31.50
Isaiah Harrison-Lizbins Sterling Heights Parkway Christian +1:14.40 24:03.40 22:49.00
Isabella Nelson-Da Whitmore Lake +12.20 23:42.80 23:30.60
Caroline Darrah Whitmore Lake +57.00 24:47.80 23:50.80
Rita Luhring Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest +17.20 24:19.60 24:02.40
Ella Clarke Southfield Christian +3:03.20 27:10.20 24:07.00
Elizabeth Burrell Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -39.60 24:18.40 24:58.00
Troy Verville Charyl Stockwell Academy +4:58.00 29:17.70 24:19.70
Abigail Watenpool Whitmore Lake +8.60 25:48.50 25:39.90
Ava Troxel Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest -3.10 26:00.40 26:03.50
Jeannelyn Newsome Bloomfield Hills Roeper -2:07.20 26:04.80 28:12.00
Maecy Zarate Charyl Stockwell Academy +29.20 27:45.40 27:16.20
Tanner Krieger Charyl Stockwell Academy +21.30 28:21.00 27:59.70
Via Westenberg Bloomfield Hills Roeper +2:33.30 31:22.20 28:48.90
Abigail Pick Charyl Stockwell Academy +2:32.40 31:32.70 29:00.30
Nadia Barnes Novi +21.50 29:31.30 29:09.80
Faith Dawson Southfield Christian +11:47.80 41:30.80 29:43.00
Hannah Passow Plymouth Christian +1:20.80 31:33.30 30:12.50