Country Mill Classic High School Cross Country Invitational 2023 vs Country Mill Classic Cross Country Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -39 116 155
Overall Average +57.44 22:47.67 21:50.24
1st-10th Place +54.54 17:28.13 16:33.59
1st-25th Place +1:10.59 18:16.40 17:05.80
1st-50th Place +1:21.25 19:10.54 17:49.29
1st-100th Place +2:07.49 21:26.85 19:19.36
Common Athletes -- -- 56
Ran Faster -24 16 40
Ran Season Best -19 16 35
Average Time +1:01.54 22:19.18 21:17.65
Median Time +44.20 21:03.40 20:19.20
Middle 80% Times +49.71 21:36.59 20:46.88
Top 10% Times +38.73 17:30.47 16:51.73
Top 25% Times +51.23 18:14.06 17:22.83
Top 50% Times +52.94 19:09.16 18:16.23
Bottom 50% Times +1:10.14 25:29.21 24:19.06
Bottom 25% Times +1:34.52 28:45.90 27:11.38
Bottom 10% Times +2:52.00 33:23.92 30:31.92
Average Difference +1:01.54 -- --
Median Difference +1:14.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +50.09 -- --
Top 10% Difference +26.85 -- --
Top 50% Difference +50.23 -- --
Top 25% Difference +40.31 -- --
Top 50% Difference +50.23 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:12.85 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:28.73 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:32.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Dylan Lydic Haslett +24.60 16:08.60 15:44.00
Ryan Frantz Haslett +1:59.10 18:16.20 16:17.10
Elijah Lipscomb Kentwood Grand River Preparatory +1:45.20 18:51.60 17:06.40
Braylen Eaton Charlotte -3.30 17:06.70 17:10.00
Jack Huntington Eaton Rapids -16.10 17:17.80 17:33.90
Drew Clingerman Jackson Northwest +1:11.60 18:31.00 17:19.40
Sawyer Zeman Haslett +2:15.00 19:48.50 17:33.50
Grant Conley Charlotte +18.00 17:51.90 17:33.90
Noah Worden Eaton Rapids +47.70 18:25.80 17:38.10
Duncan Holevac Eaton Rapids +1:37.10 19:18.10 17:41.00
Kody Rose Haslett +2:20.80 20:02.40 17:41.60
Corey Dubnicki Jackson Prep & Early College +1:22.20 19:17.00 17:54.80
Carter Buckingham Eaton Rapids +18.80 18:21.60 18:02.80
Elijah Louissaint Kentwood Grand River Preparatory +1:24.20 19:27.30 18:03.10
Kevin Sebrell Eaton Rapids +52.20 18:58.20 18:06.00
Diego BoCole Jackson Prep & Early College +22.60 18:38.90 18:16.30
Cody Bencovsky Eaton Rapids +30.20 18:52.90 18:22.70
Chase Lawrence Jackson Northwest +1:51.40 20:21.50 18:30.10
Levi Beltman Kentwood Grand River Preparatory +1:08.10 19:39.70 18:31.60
Brandon Huntington Eaton Rapids -8.40 18:38.60 18:47.00
Jacob Acker Haslett +1:26.00 20:05.20 18:39.20
Austin Finkbeiner Kentwood Grand River Preparatory +1:36.00 20:51.00 19:15.00
Colette Charchut Haslett +1:04.00 20:28.10 19:24.10
Tim Finkbeiner Kentwood Grand River Preparatory -1:17.40 19:30.30 20:47.70
Chloe Khon Jackson Northwest -22.70 19:31.60 19:54.30
Andrew Russel Haslett +52.50 20:48.40 19:55.90
Jordan Patrick Jackson Prep & Early College +1:14.70 21:22.70 20:08.00
Eliza Milarch Charlotte +3:33.10 23:44.30 20:11.20
Ricky Popp Charlotte +1:44.40 21:57.80 20:13.40
Helena Goodrich Charlotte +1:16.50 21:35.70 20:19.20
Dameon Totten Haslett +4:20.70 24:39.90 20:19.20
Abby Russel Haslett -0.70 20:24.10 20:24.80
Andie Wildern Charlotte +1:13.10 21:50.70 20:37.60
Avari Montgomery Charlotte -2:11.30 20:43.60 22:54.90
Braden Koos Charlotte +2:55.20 23:50.20 20:55.00
Kennedie Crow Eaton Rapids -5:38.00 21:03.40 26:41.40
MacKenzie MacDonald Charlotte +7.80 21:20.30 21:12.50
Kate Church Haslett +1:26.90 22:50.20 21:23.30
Koen Huisman Kentwood Grand River Preparatory -25.90 21:30.00 21:55.90
Brooklyn Hekman Eaton Rapids +1:06.90 22:44.30 21:37.40
Isabelle Goodrich Charlotte -1:11.40 21:38.10 22:49.50
Rain Hinkley Haslett +1:35.90 23:45.00 22:09.10
Bailey Moore Charlotte -1:57.30 22:23.60 24:20.90
Alaina Smith Kentwood Grand River Preparatory +1:04.40 23:52.80 22:48.40
Josh Chamberlin Charlotte -5.00 23:09.10 23:14.10
Elise Finkbeiner Kentwood Grand River Preparatory +1:14.40 25:20.90 24:06.50
Alphonse Horne Jackson Prep & Early College -1:07.50 24:08.40 25:15.90
Qwynn Huisman Kentwood Grand River Preparatory +1:59.10 26:19.70 24:20.60
Jude Shaver Charlotte +4:00.90 28:28.90 24:28.00
Evelyn Gruesbeck Eaton Rapids +1:19.30 26:19.70 25:00.40
Abigail Miller Kentwood Grand River Preparatory +3:34.50 30:37.90 27:03.40
Vincent Houthoofd Jackson Northwest -40.50 27:47.50 28:28.00
Jon Surato Charlotte -3:36.70 27:58.50 31:35.20
Kytelynn Haynes Eaton Rapids -3:11.10 28:36.90 31:48.00
Marjorie Wiese Haslett +1:20.30 32:07.60 30:47.30
Elizabeth Petersen Kentwood Grand River Preparatory +19:04.10 52:33.70 33:29.60