Budd Cicciarelli Invitational 2024 vs Bud Cicciarelli/Adams Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +43 364 321
Overall Average +1:13.40 25:14.38 24:00.97
1st-10th Place +22.18 17:33.35 17:11.17
1st-25th Place +18.85 18:08.26 17:49.42
1st-50th Place +32.66 19:00.73 18:28.08
1st-100th Place +34.96 20:06.56 19:31.60
Common Athletes -- -- 69
Ran Faster 35 52 17
Ran Season Best -- 1 1
Average Time -45.74 23:07.82 23:53.56
Median Time -46.60 22:30.20 23:16.80
Middle 80% Times -45.97 22:52.74 23:38.71
Top 10% Times -1:04.10 17:51.83 18:55.93
Top 25% Times -55.87 19:03.18 19:59.04
Top 50% Times -56.29 20:14.67 21:10.95
Bottom 50% Times -33.89 25:21.31 25:55.20
Bottom 25% Times -24.60 28:19.83 28:44.43
Bottom 10% Times -22.50 31:08.81 31:31.31
Average Difference -45.74 -- --
Median Difference -2:07.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -47.41 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:03.21 -- --
Top 50% Difference -57.09 -- --
Top 25% Difference -46.96 -- --
Top 50% Difference -57.09 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -36.72 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3.71 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -47.51 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nate Linden Troy Athens -1:22.10 16:59.70 18:21.80
Isaac Brook Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -1:56.90 17:17.90 19:14.80
Myles Linden Troy Athens -50.90 17:25.90 18:16.80
Logan Ference Troy Athens -1:24.30 18:05.80 19:30.10
Anthony Oddo Rochester Adams -45.40 18:10.30 18:55.70
Reynold Wei Rochester Adams -43.40 18:14.30 18:57.70
Ryan Wojichowski Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -1:06.10 18:48.90 19:55.00
Robert Romanski Rochester Adams -48.80 18:58.90 19:47.70
Mitch Ngatio Rochester Adams -19.50 19:06.30 19:25.80
Nicholas Mardelli Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -2:00.40 19:14.90 21:15.30
Trajan Thomas Troy Athens +1:43.00 21:01.90 19:18.90
Camden Wornson Rochester Adams -2:33.40 19:35.30 22:08.70
Siddhant Bhat Rochester Adams -1:23.10 19:38.30 21:01.40
Robert Carrigan Armada -1:56.90 19:51.10 21:48.00
Tanav RAY Rochester Adams -2:11.10 20:05.30 22:16.40
Reid Weber Troy Athens -1:30.00 20:15.30 21:45.30
Maria Nunning Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -26.20 20:15.40 20:41.60
Christopher Hunter Pontiac Notre Dame Prep +11.20 20:33.90 20:22.70
Hector Ibarra Rochester Adams -2:15.00 20:24.30 22:39.30
Kaitlyn Kauppila Rochester Adams -1:42.60 20:29.30 22:11.90
Akshay Duvvuru Rochester Adams -2:31.80 20:31.10 23:02.90
Brooklyn Khon Armada +5.50 20:40.60 20:35.10
Natalie Lentine Warren Regina -1:33.70 20:44.60 22:18.30
Elizabeth Ambroggio Warren Regina +29.00 21:26.80 20:57.80
Aaron Alleman Rochester Adams -3:36.80 21:18.00 24:54.80
Alexander Elliot Utica Eisenhower -51.70 21:19.30 22:11.00
Charlotte Long Utica Eisenhower +30.70 21:50.30 21:19.60
Austin Malburg Armada -2:07.30 21:32.70 23:40.00
Skylar Vanhecke Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -16.80 21:44.50 22:01.30
Christian Estrellas Pontiac Notre Dame Prep +5:51.50 27:36.50 21:45.00
Brandon Chen Auburn Hills Avondale -3.60 21:50.40 21:54.00
Owen Osterbur Rochester Adams +32.30 22:34.00 22:01.70
Mustafa Ali Troy Athens -3:17.10 22:03.80 25:20.90
Mary Larocca Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -2:37.10 22:07.90 24:45.00
Joseph Young Troy Athens -1:07.40 22:09.40 23:16.80
Britta Anderson Rochester Adams -1:09.20 22:10.80 23:20.00
Anthony Norris Troy Athens -27.00 22:30.20 22:57.20
Varun Rajeswaran Troy Athens -39.30 22:34.70 23:14.00
Vincenzo Tartaglia Pontiac Notre Dame Prep +4:40.10 27:18.20 22:38.10
Michael Boes Utica Eisenhower -1:13.80 22:44.40 23:58.20
Regina Garcia Rochester Adams -45.90 22:48.40 23:34.30
Addison Mikel Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -1:10.50 22:57.30 24:07.80
Cooper Crandell Rochester Adams -2:21.30 23:10.30 25:31.60
Abby Walton Bloomfield Hills Marian +3:34.70 26:50.40 23:15.70
Hannah Koziarz Bloomfield Hills Marian +4:25.70 27:46.40 23:20.70
Gavin Hullinger Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -3:15.30 23:26.90 26:42.20
Jinsun Pyo Rochester Adams -19.90 23:45.50 24:05.40
Oliver Kugler Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -3:13.80 23:49.00 27:02.80
Abigail Denoyer Armada -1:11.00 23:55.50 25:06.50
Hannah CHILDERS Rochester Adams -3:07.50 23:59.50 27:07.00
Madelyn Carcone Rochester Adams -1:31.50 24:02.80 25:34.30
Katherine Farmer Utica Eisenhower -1:22.40 24:11.00 25:33.40
Lanfear Lucas Pontiac Notre Dame Prep +2:51.50 27:08.40 24:16.90
Hailey Fisher Auburn Hills Avondale +15.70 24:34.80 24:19.10
Emma Buckland Armada -32.60 24:25.10 24:57.70
Catalina Colangelo Van Bloomfield Hills Marian -4:00.60 24:29.80 28:30.40
Tvarika VINOTHAN Rochester Adams -4:33.80 24:41.70 29:15.50
Kacper Tomczyk Troy Athens +37.90 25:34.90 24:57.00
Sofia Switalski Warren Regina -10.20 24:57.80 25:08.00
Valeria Miranda-Diaz Troy Athens -3:42.40 25:00.50 28:42.90
Andrew Zhu Rochester Adams +2:06.60 28:18.60 26:12.00
Elle Bamford Warren Regina -58.60 26:55.60 27:54.20
Isabella Farah Warren Regina +1:20.10 29:21.20 28:01.10
Mackenzie Weber Troy Athens -26.70 28:04.80 28:31.50
Emily Beltz Troy Athens -2:41.00 28:50.80 31:31.80
Ava Gauthier Utica Eisenhower +1:22.40 31:54.00 30:31.60
Lauren Fletemier Pontiac Notre Dame Prep +2:03.60 33:12.50 31:08.90
Sophia Matheney Armada -1:18.00 32:03.80 33:21.80
Jamie Thomas Pontiac Notre Dame Prep -1:45.90 34:20.80 36:06.70