Eaton Rapids Class Invitational 2024 vs Eaton Rapids Class Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -58 101 159
Overall Average +0.12 23:20.91 23:20.78
1st-10th Place +24.43 17:58.25 17:33.82
1st-25th Place +30.26 18:51.86 18:21.60
1st-50th Place +56.96 20:06.24 19:09.28
1st-100th Place +2:25.94 23:13.76 20:47.82
Common Athletes -- -- 55
Ran Faster -8 24 32
Ran Season Best -2 1 3
Average Time +4.00 22:14.97 22:10.96
Median Time +6.00 20:52.10 20:46.10
Middle 80% Times -0.58 21:54.67 21:55.25
Top 10% Times +12.13 17:29.90 17:17.77
Top 25% Times +9.92 18:19.50 18:09.58
Top 50% Times -3.52 19:07.61 19:11.13
Bottom 50% Times +11.38 24:34.65 24:23.27
Bottom 25% Times +25.54 27:58.08 27:32.54
Bottom 10% Times +28.33 30:23.27 29:54.93
Average Difference +3.42 -- --
Median Difference -28.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -0.72 -- --
Top 10% Difference +5.47 -- --
Top 50% Difference -0.18 -- --
Top 25% Difference +18.42 -- --
Top 50% Difference -0.18 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +7.01 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +30.92 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +31.75 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Alex Doneth Mason +17.80 16:40.30 16:22.50
Theodore Davis Dansville +2.30 16:33.80 16:31.50
Conner McCormick Mason +1.30 17:21.00 17:19.70
Jack Huntington Eaton Rapids +32.20 18:13.40 17:41.20
Lucas Moore Fowlerville +45.70 18:29.20 17:43.50
Nathan Szilagyi Fowlerville -20.20 18:03.30 18:23.50
Timothy Chamberlain Portland St. Patrick -0.60 18:07.60 18:08.20
Drew Holevac Eaton Rapids +1:00.00 19:12.90 18:12.90
Francis Austen Portland St. Patrick -2:07.90 18:38.20 20:46.10
Levi Dutton Fowlerville -1:54.40 18:38.80 20:33.20
Jackson Cargill Mason +27.90 19:08.50 18:40.60
Carter Buckingham Eaton Rapids +20.40 19:12.00 18:51.60
Noah Worden Eaton Rapids +39.00 19:33.00 18:54.00
Ayden Mayr Dansville -4.60 18:56.90 19:01.50
Carter Banfield Fowlerville +22.60 19:32.80 19:10.20
Kevin Sebrell Eaton Rapids +14.10 19:27.30 19:13.20
Isaac Foxelster Portland St. Patrick +19.80 19:33.60 19:13.80
Jayson Anderson Mason -1:14.90 19:17.10 20:32.00
Travis St Martin Fowlerville -28.70 19:27.40 19:56.10
Maddox Hutchinson Concord -1:00.30 19:27.70 20:28.00
Cody Bencovsky Eaton Rapids +12.90 19:52.80 19:39.90
Lleyton Bauman Concord +1:47.20 21:29.10 19:41.90
Zachary Rinehart Fowlerville +10.70 20:06.00 19:55.30
Aidan Bradley Springport -1:56.10 19:56.80 21:52.90
Keaton Smith Concord +52.10 20:52.10 20:00.00
Jameson Holton Mason -36.20 20:02.00 20:38.20
Ethan Root Dansville +1:50.50 22:03.80 20:13.30
Levi Knoop Portland St. Patrick -1:19.70 20:18.00 21:37.70
Adryan Estrada Mason -50.80 20:24.30 21:15.10
Alex Loomis Fowlerville -14.70 20:26.20 20:40.90
Ezekiel Beach Fowlerville +42.40 21:21.10 20:38.70
Alex Cargill Mason -1:57.90 21:05.20 23:03.10
Maria Beach Fowlerville -1:41.20 21:18.10 22:59.30
Aubrey Metzger Mason +1:13.70 23:23.70 22:10.00
David Petroff Mason -51.40 22:35.90 23:27.30
Brendan Scott Mason -1:01.00 22:37.20 23:38.20
Morgan Clark Mason +29.20 23:07.90 22:38.70
Zoe Hankey Eaton Rapids +41.40 24:12.80 23:31.40
Elizabeth Marschall Fowlerville +3:31.30 27:04.30 23:33.00
Kennedie Crow Eaton Rapids +2:37.20 26:10.50 23:33.30
Marian Davlin Portland St. Patrick +1:07.30 25:03.40 23:56.10
Makenna Rudnicki Fowlerville -1:55.10 24:12.50 26:07.60
William Taylor Springport +42.80 24:59.40 24:16.60
Joseph Anongdeth Mason -5.00 24:19.40 24:24.40
Maria Kilpela Fowlerville +26.90 24:50.50 24:23.60
Caleb Vincent Mason -2:23.20 25:06.00 27:29.20
Ava Buckley Mason +52.60 26:19.70 25:27.10
Hannah Ryan Concord +13.70 27:08.20 26:54.50
David Ward Mason +3:04.30 30:07.20 27:02.90
Myla Schell Springport -1:21.20 27:22.00 28:43.20
Lilly Allen Eaton Rapids -3:36.80 27:41.00 31:17.80
Kamryn Bodley Fowlerville -1.40 27:42.60 27:44.00
Hattie Gray Springport +1:11.80 29:11.80 28:00.00
Eve Heiselt Mason +3:26.60 35:15.90 31:49.30
Amelia Kirchmeier Springport +25.80 32:21.10 31:55.30