SMAC East Jamboree 2024 vs SMAC East Jamboree #1 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +15 123 108
Overall Average +1:43.48 23:40.23 21:56.75
1st-10th Place +1.41 17:18.89 17:17.48
1st-25th Place +1.25 18:08.22 18:06.96
1st-50th Place +15.66 19:32.60 19:16.94
1st-100th Place +22.86 21:44.78 21:21.91
Common Athletes -- -- 53
Ran Faster 17 35 18
Ran Season Best -1 -- 1
Average Time +2.29 22:09.35 22:07.05
Median Time -35.25 21:40.49 22:15.74
Middle 80% Times -13.46 21:56.06 22:09.52
Top 10% Times -10.69 17:15.62 17:26.31
Top 25% Times -18.30 17:58.22 18:16.52
Top 50% Times -18.48 19:29.40 19:47.88
Bottom 50% Times +22.99 24:00.06 23:37.08
Bottom 25% Times +57.15 26:57.87 26:00.73
Bottom 10% Times +2:16.93 30:15.35 27:58.43
Average Difference +2.29 -- --
Median Difference -27.61 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -13.46 -- --
Top 10% Difference -10.69 -- --
Top 50% Difference -14.46 -- --
Top 25% Difference -12.95 -- --
Top 50% Difference -14.46 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +17.94 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:08.28 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:21.79 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jackson Lam Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -52.26 16:18.80 17:11.06
Joseph Spada Kalamazoo Central -6.00 16:54.95 17:00.95
Dylan Duguay Kalamazoo Loy Norrix +27.24 17:25.17 16:57.93
Gavin Markucki Richland Gull Lake -5.96 17:33.42 17:39.38
Finn Tauren Richland Gull Lake -14.03 17:34.26 17:48.29
Alex Rogers Battle Creek Lakeview -13.13 17:47.13 18:00.26
Bryce Billings Kalamazoo Central -41.26 18:08.03 18:49.29
Dayton Moran Richland Gull Lake -1:07.46 18:18.88 19:26.34
Christopher Baker Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -11.61 18:20.40 18:32.01
Nolan Kiplinger Kalamazoo Loy Norrix +46.83 19:08.93 18:22.10
John Hawver Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -3:22.61 18:23.19 21:45.80
Aren Gay Richland Gull Lake -41.16 18:31.44 19:12.60
Fletcher Stucky Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -48.67 18:34.41 19:23.08
Carter Hausman Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -22.34 18:36.04 18:58.38
Logan Dziewicki Richland Gull Lake +2:27.84 21:18.29 18:50.45
Jack Karalash Richland Gull Lake +1:08.51 20:14.01 19:05.50
Lane Isom Richland Gull Lake +44.75 20:47.47 20:02.72
Drew Morey Battle Creek Lakeview -1:12.00 20:21.45 21:33.45
Dan Maes Richland Gull Lake -23.02 20:41.05 21:04.07
Justin Ryland Richland Gull Lake -40.54 20:53.11 21:33.65
Henry Greene Battle Creek Lakeview -1:40.67 20:57.56 22:38.23
Sofia Bogard Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -5.07 21:20.75 21:25.82
Andrew Nosis Battle Creek Lakeview +19.06 21:40.49 21:21.43
Theo Fuller Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -8.63 21:34.45 21:43.08
Brayden Herr Richland Gull Lake -1:42.37 21:35.35 23:17.72
Elliott Anderson Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -27.45 21:37.01 22:04.46
Henry Freestone Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -1:57.10 21:37.63 23:34.73
Aiden Unangst Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -27.61 22:01.40 22:29.01
Evelyn Calow Battle Creek Lakeview -5.77 22:05.05 22:10.82
Jaslyn Townes Richland Gull Lake -49.23 22:06.07 22:55.30
Alicyn Gleesing Richland Gull Lake -7.94 22:06.12 22:14.06
Aiden Clark Richland Gull Lake +4:51.25 27:06.99 22:15.74
Mason Wilson Battle Creek Lakeview +1:14.46 23:32.30 22:17.84
Teagan Borick Kalamazoo Loy Norrix +21.54 22:47.92 22:26.38
Oscar Lucas Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -1:36.76 22:29.43 24:06.19
Cameron Cobley Battle Creek Lakeview +2.09 22:32.89 22:30.80
Amelia Kraemer Battle Creek Lakeview -3.44 22:37.19 22:40.63
Allison Ramer Richland Gull Lake +8.26 22:49.59 22:41.33
Macy Daniels Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -1:17.22 22:44.16 24:01.38
Josie Shanley Richland Gull Lake -1:43.16 23:04.59 24:47.75
Jessica White Kalamazoo Loy Norrix +1:36.08 24:41.13 23:05.05
Owen Kennedy Battle Creek Lakeview -3.56 23:07.04 23:10.60
Nathan Marquez Battle Creek Lakeview -1:21.25 23:15.67 24:36.92
Elayna Guadamuz Battle Creek Lakeview +1:02.47 24:20.43 23:17.96
Madeline Wiersma Richland Gull Lake -1:48.03 23:19.75 25:07.78
Madison Girard Battle Creek Lakeview +2:35.20 26:54.17 24:18.97
Elsie Markillie Richland Gull Lake -1:07.02 24:38.89 25:45.91
Nicholas Hawthorne Kalamazoo Loy Norrix -42.85 25:45.48 26:28.33
Skyler Morgan Battle Creek Lakeview -11.11 26:24.46 26:35.57
Anna Miedema Kalamazoo Loy Norrix +1:23.39 28:35.61 27:12.22
Valeria Hurtado Aguiler Battle Creek Lakeview +12.31 28:58.95 28:46.64
Ariannah Morales Battle Creek Lakeview +3:45.27 32:32.55 28:47.28
Amelia Murphy Kalamazoo Loy Norrix +7:23.32 37:23.85 30:00.53