Chargers Autumn Sunrise Invite 2024 vs 2022 Chargers Autumn Sunrise Invite 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +80 412 332
Overall Average +6.44 22:58.92 22:52.48
1st-10th Place -23.13 16:36.97 17:00.10
1st-25th Place -29.96 17:04.98 17:34.94
1st-50th Place -28.01 17:39.65 18:07.66
1st-100th Place -25.23 18:36.58 19:01.82
Common Athletes -- -- 72
Ran Faster 2 37 35
Ran Season Best -8 1 9
Average Time -1.02 22:41.03 22:42.05
Median Time +12.10 22:44.40 22:32.30
Middle 80% Times -5.14 22:40.63 22:45.77
Top 10% Times -46.43 17:38.31 18:24.74
Top 25% Times -32.76 18:59.86 19:32.61
Top 50% Times -22.17 20:17.12 20:39.29
Bottom 50% Times +20.13 25:04.94 24:44.81
Bottom 25% Times +28.22 26:40.51 26:12.29
Bottom 10% Times +1:13.20 28:42.09 27:28.89
Average Difference -1.02 -- --
Median Difference +41.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -11.07 -- --
Top 10% Difference -40.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference -21.40 -- --
Top 25% Difference -36.19 -- --
Top 50% Difference -21.40 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +19.36 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +29.14 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:39.86 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Caden Guffey Zeeland East -1:07.90 16:38.30 17:46.20
Mitchell Jeruzal Byron Center -43.80 16:39.10 17:22.90
Sam Downing Zeeland East -2:21.70 16:49.60 19:11.30
Caleb DenHartigh Hudsonville Unity Christian -1:23.10 17:14.30 18:37.40
Alessandro Castillo Holland -19.70 17:57.10 18:16.80
Emma Drnek Zeeland East -1:55.80 18:16.80 20:12.60
Grady Bremer Hudsonville Unity Christian +9.40 18:33.10 18:23.70
Caden Leatherman Hudsonville Unity Christian +24.10 18:58.20 18:34.10
Marie Gates Hudsonville Unity Christian -1.50 19:04.00 19:05.50
Megan Kuzma Zeeland East -1:22.20 19:39.50 21:01.70
Jeff Dewitt Zeeland East -13.40 19:55.80 20:09.20
Evan Miedema Hudsonville Unity Christian +0.10 20:05.90 20:05.80
Taryn DiLaura Zeeland East -54.20 20:12.40 21:06.60
Kailey Mann Byron Center -1:42.70 20:13.60 21:56.30
Sierra Grooters Hudsonville Unity Christian -44.60 20:15.60 21:00.20
Issak Stitt Zeeland East -1:16.80 20:17.60 21:34.40
Maddie Bruxvoort Hudsonville Unity Christian +50.00 21:12.10 20:22.10
Lola Bryce Grandville Calvin Christian +2.80 20:30.90 20:28.10
Natalie Formsma Byron Center +1:03.40 21:35.70 20:32.30
Hannah Geaney Wyoming Potter's House Christian +6.20 20:38.70 20:32.50
Celia Pollock Byron Center +40.10 21:15.70 20:35.60
Donna Haaksma Byron Center -2:03.40 20:35.60 22:39.00
Jacob Kuipers Hudsonville Unity Christian -29.10 20:40.00 21:09.10
Sadie Schout Libertas Christian +2.90 20:48.00 20:45.10
Daphne Ball Byron Center +1:29.00 22:14.80 20:45.80
Maya VanSolkema Hudsonville Unity Christian -1:14.70 21:03.60 22:18.30
Dylan Duimstra Hudsonville Unity Christian -26.70 21:03.60 21:30.30
Ambria DePoy Holland -23.70 21:08.00 21:31.70
Ian McLellan Byron Center -27.50 21:17.30 21:44.80
Ana Beimers Hudsonville Unity Christian +1:04.10 22:44.40 21:40.30
Brandon Weber Hudsonville Unity Christian -1:27.90 21:47.20 23:15.10
Libby Post Zeeland East +15.30 22:06.30 21:51.00
Brielle Voorhees Wyoming Tri-unity Christian +48.30 22:43.50 21:55.20
Lauryn Byker Hudsonville Unity Christian -1:03.30 22:03.40 23:06.70
Audrey Durham Zeeland East -10.50 22:04.90 22:15.40
Sophie Koleszar Zeeland East +41.90 22:56.50 22:14.60
Amber Kuiper Grand Rapids Covenant Christian -39.90 22:15.80 22:55.70
Taryn Landers Hudsonville Unity Christian +1:33.20 23:49.30 22:16.10
Alexis Heagle Byron Center +28.60 22:45.70 22:17.10
Randall Dustin Byron Center -11.90 22:20.40 22:32.30
Natalie Kooyer Hudsonville Unity Christian +5:01.80 27:26.30 22:24.50
Addy Hughes Byron Center +52.20 23:30.40 22:38.20
Andrieu Blomeling Byron Center +28.30 23:13.10 22:44.80
Noelle Nienhuis Hudsonville Unity Christian +52.60 23:44.90 22:52.30
Madison Bastic Byron Center +14.70 23:14.60 22:59.90
Sophia Feldpausch Byron Center -55.40 23:00.80 23:56.20
Sarah BLEYENBERG Grand Rapids Covenant Christian -3:27.00 23:03.50 26:30.50
Lydia VanderMolen Hudsonville Unity Christian +2:14.20 25:21.40 23:07.20
Alison Rotman Holland Calvary -9.70 23:10.50 23:20.20
Maria Campbell Grandville Calvin Christian -1:36.20 23:15.90 24:52.10
Laelle Terpstra Grand Rapids Covenant Christian +3.60 23:30.30 23:26.70
Evan Schrier Hudsonville Unity Christian +1:15.90 24:58.00 23:42.10
Avery Dekker Hudsonville Unity Christian +1:15.40 25:00.50 23:45.10
Eleanor McMullen Holland -1:31.30 23:46.80 25:18.10
Olivia Laninga Holland Calvary +32.80 24:26.20 23:53.40
Marisa Toonstra Wyoming Potter's House Christian +39.20 24:35.10 23:55.90
Meg VanDam Zeeland East -18.30 24:03.00 24:21.30
Abby Tuls Wyoming Potter's House Christian -2:40.10 24:05.90 26:46.00
Grace Osterink Wyoming Potter's House Christian +51.70 25:18.20 24:26.50
Kinsley Mowery Grand Rapids Covenant Christian -2:05.10 24:26.90 26:32.00
Kyleigh Phothisan Zeeland East -49.40 24:33.00 25:22.40
Kasey Haartman Hudsonville Unity Christian -6.80 24:36.00 24:42.80
Kristin DeBoer Grand Rapids Covenant Christian +55.30 25:35.10 24:39.80
Hailey Mingerink Grand Rapids Covenant Christian +1:18.70 25:59.30 24:40.60
Cole Schmidt Hudsonville Unity Christian -1:25.20 24:59.80 26:25.00
Alayna Lubbers Grand Rapids Covenant Christian +2:14.30 27:34.30 25:20.00
Lauren DeVries Zeeland East -36.20 25:35.30 26:11.50
Shylee Soukhome Zeeland East +1:06.50 27:22.80 26:16.30
Addison Drnek Grand Rapids Covenant Christian -43.50 26:46.00 27:29.50
Adelle Snyder Holland +3:16.20 30:34.70 27:18.50
Mekenzie Lubbers Grand Rapids Covenant Christian +35.10 28:46.40 28:11.30
Alexis Edwards Zeeland East +4:28.60 35:06.90 30:38.30