East Lansing Invitational 2024 vs East Lansing Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -69 217 286
Overall Average +1:12.80 23:27.35 22:14.54
1st-10th Place +2.75 16:52.68 16:49.93
1st-25th Place +14.08 17:35.52 17:21.44
1st-50th Place +27.96 18:24.36 17:56.41
1st-100th Place +50.06 19:45.79 18:55.73
Common Athletes -- -- 43
Ran Faster 23 33 10
Ran Season Best 2 7 5
Average Time -1:15.27 21:40.92 22:56.19
Median Time -1:02.30 21:46.90 22:49.20
Middle 80% Times -1:14.85 21:50.08 23:04.92
Top 10% Times -1:12.84 16:51.98 18:04.82
Top 25% Times -1:04.28 17:54.31 18:58.59
Top 50% Times -1:04.25 19:11.88 20:16.13
Bottom 50% Times -1:22.86 23:10.83 24:33.69
Bottom 25% Times -1:12.19 25:46.34 26:58.53
Bottom 10% Times -1:21.50 27:01.58 28:23.08
Average Difference -1:15.27 -- --
Median Difference -24.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:18.14 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:01.36 -- --
Top 50% Difference -48.46 -- --
Top 25% Difference -50.10 -- --
Top 50% Difference -48.46 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:39.78 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:15.27 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:27.32 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Walker Brose Ann Arbor Huron -1:01.10 16:29.60 17:30.70
Jonah Kraft Ann Arbor Huron -46.20 16:50.10 17:36.30
Francisco Xisco) Dura Ann Arbor Huron -4:28.10 16:56.20 21:24.30
Thomas TJ) Conley Ann Arbor Huron -1:24.90 16:56.40 18:21.30
Jackson Gast East Lansing -1:24.50 17:07.60 18:32.10
Jamal Max) Samaha Ann Arbor Huron -30.10 17:54.20 18:24.30
Aaron Ostrowski East Lansing -1:28.70 18:26.80 19:55.50
Simon Van Wyk East Lansing +56.30 19:27.80 18:31.50
Evan Gillahan Okemos -2:19.50 18:56.10 21:15.60
Morgan Moy Okemos -1:10.00 19:00.80 20:10.80
Lucinda Paliani Ann Arbor Huron -1:10.90 19:08.00 20:18.90
Nicholas Beard Ann Arbor Huron -5:09.60 19:11.60 24:21.20
Matthias OVERLEY Lansing Waverly -40.00 19:11.80 19:51.80
Connor Fochtman Okemos -31.00 19:14.50 19:45.50
Leena Shelgikar Ann Arbor Huron -1:03.90 19:18.70 20:22.60
Oliver McGee Ann Arbor Huron +4:57.50 25:02.20 20:04.70
Abby Minnick East Lansing +29.80 20:52.80 20:23.00
Jibrael Al-Shinnawi Lansing Everett -34.70 20:24.70 20:59.40
Abdel Youssouf Lansing Everett -5:19.80 21:01.20 26:21.00
Julieta Turon Ann Arbor Huron -6:24.10 21:10.80 27:34.90
Logan Kipley Saline -1:14.10 21:18.60 22:32.70
Caden Hutchins Lansing Waverly -3:06.00 21:36.20 24:42.20
Eithan Tuyilingire Okemos -2:55.10 21:46.90 24:42.00
Nolan Prevo Lansing Everett -3:10.50 21:51.10 25:01.60
Lola Walworth Okemos -45.10 21:57.50 22:42.60
Kate Waugh Okemos -1:55.00 22:01.90 23:56.90
Kate Chenault East Lansing +49.20 22:52.20 22:03.00
Hajune Kim Ann Arbor Huron +2.00 22:21.00 22:19.00
Emeer Bush Lansing Everett -3:32.40 22:41.40 26:13.80
Ainsley Tandoc Okemos +54.30 23:43.50 22:49.20
Malachi Turner East Lansing -1:28.40 22:58.00 24:26.40
Piper Williams Okemos -2:00.40 23:01.30 25:01.70
Lucy Comparoni Okemos +2:13.60 25:33.30 23:19.70
Elijah Swift Lansing Everett -24.90 23:19.90 23:44.80
Isaiah Swift Lansing Everett -2:34.00 23:24.20 25:58.20
Raymond Jenkins Saline -1:36.80 24:16.10 25:52.90
Ellie Anderson East Lansing -5:10.30 24:26.80 29:37.10
Ainsley Meteyer Okemos +1:11.60 25:39.10 24:27.50
Aniyah Cooks Lansing Waverly +46.80 25:41.90 24:55.10
Dre Dodd Lansing Waverly -2:37.70 25:19.90 27:57.60
Madeleine Hicks East Lansing +3:41.40 29:12.70 25:31.30
Ethan Hornberger Saline -15.20 25:55.30 26:10.50
Saraphim Prince Lansing Everett -1:45.90 28:38.90 30:24.80