Royal Oak PROM (JV only) 2024 vs Pre Regional Open Meet (PROM 7-1, 26-3) 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +17 247 230
Overall Average -2:08.35 22:41.35 24:49.70
1st-10th Place -43.62 17:59.29 18:42.90
1st-25th Place -43.84 18:22.47 19:06.31
1st-50th Place -53.75 18:47.94 19:41.69
1st-100th Place -1:31.67 19:24.93 20:56.61
Common Athletes -- -- 76
Ran Faster 56 66 10
Ran Season Best 21 33 12
Average Time -1:34.08 22:18.26 23:52.34
Median Time -1:43.00 21:19.40 23:02.40
Middle 80% Times -1:26.77 21:58.16 23:24.93
Top 10% Times -57.28 18:26.54 19:23.81
Top 25% Times -1:00.46 18:55.88 19:56.34
Top 50% Times -1:15.81 19:37.50 20:53.31
Bottom 50% Times -1:52.35 24:59.02 26:51.37
Bottom 25% Times -2:11.44 27:26.92 29:38.36
Bottom 10% Times -3:03.24 29:27.81 32:31.05
Average Difference -1:34.08 -- --
Median Difference -2:16.55 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:22.91 -- --
Top 10% Difference -39.35 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:11.61 -- --
Top 25% Difference -50.46 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:11.61 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:56.55 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:38.03 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:50.64 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Alejandro Valenzuela Novi -2:39.50 17:40.50 20:20.00
Maximus Sinanis Novi -1:35.60 17:56.50 19:32.10
Rodrigo Valenzuela Novi -1:02.90 18:10.90 19:13.80
Jaiden Magat Royal Oak +49.10 19:23.30 18:34.20
Sai Kodali Novi -1:12.60 18:38.90 19:51.50
Trevor Mulheisen Royal Oak -1:11.95 18:39.75 19:51.70
Isaac Contreras-Br Royal Oak -2:02.60 18:44.50 20:47.10
Aaron Slanec Royal Oak -48.35 18:48.35 19:36.70
Aeriq Abu Azrine Royal Oak -1:55.80 18:52.90 20:48.70
Daniel Lee Novi -4.60 18:55.40 19:00.00
Luca Massoni Royal Oak -3:21.40 18:58.90 22:20.30
Harsh Ahire Novi -1:32.00 18:59.50 20:31.50
Ming-Hao Ma Novi -2:23.60 19:07.10 21:30.70
Alexander Wilson Birmingham Groves -1:41.40 19:17.80 20:59.20
DeJuan Oakley West Bloomfield -1:43.90 19:24.00 21:07.90
David Bazan Novi -38.90 19:26.30 20:05.20
Matthew Staron Walled Lake Northern +30.50 20:01.10 19:30.60
Xavier Allen West Bloomfield -2:06.30 19:31.00 21:37.30
Johnny McKellar Royal Oak -3:20.40 19:32.50 22:52.90
Anirudh Swamy Novi -19.30 19:33.60 19:52.90
Gavin Cavell Royal Oak -3:01.80 19:40.50 22:42.30
Anish Malraj Novi -2:42.20 19:40.90 22:23.10
Blake Kurczewski Walled Lake Northern -7.90 19:43.70 19:51.60
Emmett Fishwild Royal Oak -19.30 19:51.00 20:10.30
Krish Singla West Bloomfield -2:18.60 19:51.90 22:10.50
Bryce Glossinger Birmingham Groves -1:13.80 19:52.00 21:05.80
Charles Stitman Royal Oak -2:00.30 19:53.60 21:53.90
Hursimar Arora Novi -5.90 20:02.90 20:08.80
Elijah Thimotheose West Bloomfield -2:04.90 20:05.60 22:10.50
Maddox Podmokly Royal Oak -1:11.70 20:16.00 21:27.70
Donovan Rohn Birmingham Seaholm +32.60 21:04.20 20:31.60
Lawrence Becton Birmingham Groves +0.30 20:32.50 20:32.20
Andrew Giuliano Royal Oak -1:39.20 20:45.80 22:25.00
Lucas Carter Berkley -2:16.55 20:45.85 23:02.40
Maxwell Hirsch Birmingham Seaholm -5:02.90 20:46.10 25:49.00
Jack Mattson Walled Lake Northern +35.80 21:28.40 20:52.60
Landon Egli Novi -3:16.80 20:52.80 24:09.60
Johnathan Yu Novi -49.70 21:02.90 21:52.60
Steven Ladasz Walled Lake Northern -10.70 21:13.80 21:24.50
Wenhan Xu Novi -1:48.80 21:19.40 23:08.20
Eli Vander Laan Birmingham Groves -15.90 21:20.30 21:36.20
Nicholas Croft Birmingham Groves -2:26.30 21:24.60 23:50.90
Samantha DeMore Novi -3:48.20 21:26.10 25:14.30
Rohan Gunna Novi -1:43.80 21:30.20 23:14.00
Grant Mortsfield Berkley -1:16.20 21:46.30 23:02.50
Dyson Betts Birmingham Groves -3:24.10 21:53.20 25:17.30
Kodi Qin Novi -1:21.70 22:03.90 23:25.60
Connor Joy Birmingham Seaholm -6.30 22:15.80 22:22.10
Kaavya Krishnamony Novi -1:23.60 22:30.80 23:54.40
Lucas Danaher Royal Oak -46.60 22:33.50 23:20.10
Angela Ramos Novi -3:28.70 22:55.50 26:24.20
Kendall Beus Novi -35.40 23:19.40 23:54.80
Ankita Karnum Novi -29.90 23:25.00 23:54.90
Alexa Barrett Birmingham Seaholm +1:28.40 24:54.40 23:26.00
Eleanor Baker Berkley -4:40.30 23:49.60 28:29.90
Kira Pebley Novi +1:39.20 25:32.00 23:52.80
Katie Macey Royal Oak +21.40 24:18.40 23:57.00
Abigail Tietz Royal Oak -1:34.50 24:06.30 25:40.80
Enrica Lu Novi -8:26.60 24:24.70 32:51.30
Alicia Quait Walled Lake Northern -41.90 24:34.00 25:15.90
Aleah Gallardo Novi -1:37.10 24:37.80 26:14.90
Autumn Tuite Berkley -21.10 25:20.70 25:41.80
Sophia Fortune Ball Berkley -1:18.60 25:51.40 27:10.00
Claire O'Connell Berkley -1:47.00 25:53.20 27:40.20
Sarah Chung Novi -1:33.50 26:42.10 28:15.60
Mary Kluczyk Birmingham Seaholm -35.80 26:54.10 27:29.90
Batul Vohra Birmingham Seaholm -3:10.40 27:21.00 30:31.40
Joseph Pruden Birmingham Seaholm +1:29.70 29:01.70 27:32.00
Samantha Smith Royal Oak -1:10.10 28:08.30 29:18.40
Ava Hillman Birmingham Seaholm -1:07.10 28:15.00 29:22.10
Addyson Walker West Bloomfield +26.80 29:03.20 28:36.40
Skylar Boundy Berkley -3:21.10 28:42.10 32:03.20
Ella Pochron Berkley -3:20.80 29:09.60 32:30.40
Angelina Roznowski Novi -3:29.00 29:18.60 32:47.60
Rosabelle Moody Berkley -4:07.00 30:11.50 34:18.50
Delanie Criscenti Berkley -3:43.10 32:00.80 35:43.90