Women's 6000 Meter Run
Place No. Name Yr School Time Pace
===== ===== ===================== == ============================== ===== =====
1 352 Emily MacLeod RS Michigan State 20:46 5:34
2 313 Rachel Patterson Miami (oh) 20:54 5:37
3 575 Lanni Marchant Playmakers 20:56 5:37
4 346 Carlie Green Sr Michigan State 20:57 5:38
5 340 Danielle Tauro Jr Michigan 20:58 5:38
6 349 Sara Kroll Fr Michigan State 21:06 5:40
7 336 Kaitlyn Peale Jr Michigan 21:10 5:41
8 339 Jillian Smith So Michigan 21:17 5:43
9 355 Bekah Smeltzer Jr Michigan State 21:19 5:43
10 326 Becca Addison So Michigan 21:21 5:44
11 335 Kaitlyn Patterson So Michigan 21:31 5:47
12 311 Amanda Mirochna Miami (oh) 21:32 5:47
13 144 Megan Maceratini Sr Grand Valley State 21:32 5:47
14 350 Emily Langenberg Sr Michigan State 21:45 5:50
15 142 Monica Kinney So Grand Valley State 21:46 5:51
16 356 Kristen Smith So Michigan State 21:52 5:52
17 145 Katherine McCarthy Sr Grand Valley State 21:53 5:52
18 154 Rebecca Winchester Jr Grand Valley State 21:56 5:53
19 343 Tiffany Evans Jr Michigan State 22:03 5:55
20 137 Kylen Cieslak Sr Grand Valley State 22:05 5:56
21 305 Maggie Bingham Miami (oh) 22:05 5:56
22 517 Krista Parks Unattached 22:05 5:56
23 515 Julia Otwell Unattached 22:07 5:56
24 307 Kate Carter Miami (oh) 22:08 5:56
25 152 Jessie Vickers Jr Grand Valley State 22:08 5:57
26 332 Lindsey Hilton So Michigan 22:14 5:58
27 310 Kelley Miller Miami (oh) 22:15 5:58
28 95 Tina Yi Sr Edinboro U Of Pa 22:16 5:59
29 10 Abby Koch So Bowling Green 22:22 6:00
30 4085 Thereseann Huprikar Unattached 22:23 6:00
31 147 Julia Nowak Jr Grand Valley State 22:24 6:01
32 337 Mary Grace Pellegrini Jr Michigan 22:24 6:01
33 47 Danielle Dakroub Sr Central Michigan 22:25 6:01
34 504 Eileen Creutz Unattached 22:26 6:02
35 52 Kylee Kubacki Sr Central Michigan 22:32 6:03
36 183 Erin Brunko Sr Hillsdale 22:33 6:03
37 354 Megan Rodgers Fr Michigan State 22:38 6:05
38 333 Alex Leptich Fr Michigan 22:39 6:05
39 88 Monica Ciarniello Fr Edinboro U Of Pa 22:40 6:05
40 139 Sarah Dugan Sr Grand Valley State 22:41 6:05
41 521 Taylor Pogue Unattached 22:44 6:06
42 46 Holly Anderson Jr Central Michigan 22:47 6:07
43 49 Brittany Dixon Sr Central Michigan 22:47 6:07
44 525 Megan Weschler Unattached 22:48 6:07
45 309 Katie Lenahan Miami (oh) 22:49 6:08
46 461 Maggie Stalker Sr Wayne State (mi) University 22:51 6:08
47 54 Maddie Ribant Jr Central Michigan 22:52 6:08
48 136 Lori Burgess Sr Grand Valley State 22:54 6:09
49 4 Heather Conger Sr Bowling Green 22:55 6:09
50 13 Barbara Powers Sr Bowling Green 22:57 6:10
51 460 Jen Rock Jr Wayne State (mi) University 22:58 6:10
52 358 Veronica Wilson So Michigan State 22:59 6:10
53 514 Hannah Osborn Unattached 23:03 6:11
54 5 Autumn Dettmann Sr Bowling Green 23:03 6:11
55 341 Lauren Calhoun So Michigan State 23:04 6:12
56 308 Jilly Dickman Miami (oh) 23:04 6:12
57 329 Courtney Clancy Fr Michigan 23:08 6:13
58 516 Melinda Palinkas Unattached 23:08 6:13
59 121 Christine Zimmermann Jr Findlay 23:10 6:13
60 505 Amanda Dipaolo Unattached 23:11 6:13
61 462 Kristi Werner Sr Wayne State (mi) University 23:12 6:14
62 334 Kourtney Moody So Michigan 23:15 6:15
63 146 Karie McDonald So Grand Valley State 23:17 6:15
64 90 Brittany Kaltenbaugh So Edinboro U Of Pa 23:19 6:15
65 140 Lauren Fitch Jr Grand Valley State 23:21 6:16
66 87 Danielle Cerroni Jr Edinboro U Of Pa 23:21 6:16
67 86 Elizabeth Budzinski Fr Edinboro U Of Pa 23:21 6:16
68 138 Kelly Crowley Jr Grand Valley State 23:21 6:16
69 151 Sarah Thomas Fr Grand Valley State 23:22 6:16
70 134 Ashley Botham So Grand Valley State 23:22 6:16
71 357 Elizabeth Watson Sr Michigan State 23:23 6:17
72 211 Cayla Nousain So Jackson 23:24 6:17
73 327 Monica Barnes Fr Michigan 23:24 6:17
74 518 Alicia Patterson Unattached 23:26 6:17
75 306 Brigid Carey Miami (oh) 23:28 6:18
76 188 Amanda Putt So Hillsdale 23:28 6:18
77 148 Sara Parks Jr Grand Valley State 23:28 6:18
78 405 Ashley Meyer Jr Saginaw Valley State 23:29 6:18
79 427 Whitney Bowman. Sr Valporiso 23:30 6:18
80 50 Veronica Garcia Central Michigan 23:30 6:19
81 401 Jean Hollerbach Jr Saginaw Valley State 23:31 6:19
82 8 Sally Kandie Sr Bowling Green 23:31 6:19
83 53 Jackie McEnhill So Central Michigan 23:32 6:19
84 2 Katie Borgelt Fr Bowling Green 23:32 6:19
85 227 Ellory Green So Lansing 23:34 6:20
86 458 Annie Magin Sr Wayne State (mi) University 23:36 6:20
87 226 Kaylin Belair So Lansing 23:40 6:21
88 508 Abbey Kelto Unattached 23:43 6:22
89 51 Courtnay Hughes So Central Michigan 23:44 6:22
90 524 Angela Swain Unattached 23:44 6:22
91 312 Tory Paez Miami (oh) 23:44 6:22
92 331 Jami Hill Fr Michigan 23:45 6:23
93 407 Megan Pittoors Jr Saginaw Valley State 23:45 6:23
94 155 Theresa Wolter So Grand Valley State 23:45 6:23
95 143 Nissa Looper So Grand Valley State 23:46 6:23
96 456 Lauren Kessler Sr Wayne State (mi) University 23:47 6:23
97 235 Brooke Simon So Lansing 23:48 6:23
98 338 Chloe Prince Fr Michigan 23:48 6:23
99 15 Tara Weiss Sr Bowling Green 23:48 6:23
100 328 Meg Bellino F Michigan 23:49 6:24
101 9 Megan Kelsey Sr Bowling Green 23:49 6:24
102 48 Missy Darling Sr Central Michigan 23:49 6:24
103 267 Louisa Coppola Fr MacOmb 23:52 6:25
104 527 Kelsey Young Unattached 23:52 6:25
105 113 Rachel Hosie So Findlay 23:52 6:25
106 190 Jennifer Shaffer Jr Hillsdale 23:52 6:25
107 433 Nicole Zehel Fr Valporiso 23:54 6:25
108 523 Madie Rodts Unattached 23:54 6:25
109 150 Danielle Tepper Fr Grand Valley State 23:56 6:26
110 342 Liana Eckert Fr Michigan State 23:56 6:26
111 115 Katherine McHenry Jr Findlay 23:57 6:26
112 428 Claire Johnson Fr Valporiso 23:57 6:26
113 118 Brier Sterling So Findlay 23:59 6:26
114 187 Lauren MacDonald Fr Hillsdale 24:00 6:27
115 288 Sarah Sherwood Sr Madonna 24:01 6:27
116 453 Chelsie Fuller So Wayne State (mi) University 24:02 6:27
117 353 Tylor McCurdy Jr Michigan State 24:07 6:28
118 111 Stephanie Charnigo Sr Findlay 24:10 6:29
119 271 Kayla Pfund Fr MacOmb 24:13 6:30
120 189 Ashley Quick Sr Hillsdale 24:14 6:30
121 191 Emily Shelton Fr Hillsdale 24:16 6:31
122 237 Jennifer Snelgrove Fr Lansing 24:19 6:32
123 186 Paige Lillo So Hillsdale 24:19 6:32
124 216 Nicole Wurster Fr Jackson 24:23 6:33
125 359 Jen Yee Jr Michigan State 24:23 6:33
126 135 Courtney Brewis Fr Grand Valley State 24:25 6:33
127 14 Taylor Stichter So Bowling Green 24:28 6:34
128 268 Paige Hoag Fr MacOmb 24:29 6:34
129 11 Courtney Krummert Sr Bowling Green 24:31 6:35
130 77 Rachel Wessel Jr Central Michigan University Cl 24:32 6:35
131 116 Lindsey Schmitmeyer Jr Findlay 24:33 6:35
132 507 Brianna Hewett Unattached 24:33 6:35
133 153 Dayna White Fr Grand Valley State 24:33 6:36
134 519 Megan Pearson Unattached 24:34 6:36
135 228 Ashley Hamilton Fr Lansing 24:35 6:36
136 408 Dana Stolicker Fr Saginaw Valley State 24:41 6:38
137 402 Amber Kassuba So Saginaw Valley State 24:43 6:38
138 451 Keri Clous So Wayne State (mi) University 24:45 6:39
139 501 Melanie Brender Unattached 24:46 6:39
140 119 Alexa Stults Fr Findlay 24:52 6:41
141 184 Francesca Frasier Sr Hillsdale 24:53 6:41
142 7 Saisha Gailliard Jr Bowling Green 24:54 6:41
143 117 Ashley Sprunger So Findlay 24:58 6:42
144 89 Allison Gibbens Fr Edinboro U Of Pa 24:58 6:42
145 110 Erin Calvelage Jr Findlay 25:00 6:43
146 92 Lauren McKinney Fr Edinboro U Of Pa 25:01 6:43
147 429 Haley Kerlin So Valporiso 25:05 6:44
148 240 Shelby Thren So Lansing 25:07 6:44
149 431 Kelsey Stueland Sr Valporiso 25:09 6:45
150 344 Amanda Field Jr Michigan State 25:11 6:46
151 94 Hilary Weismiller So Edinboro U Of Pa 25:14 6:46
152 286 Inta Grinvalds RS Madonna 25:14 6:46
153 238 Ashley Steers Fr Lansing 25:16 6:47
154 133 Alex Alfaro-Gonzalez Fr Grand Valley State 25:17 6:47
155 182 Kaylyn Blaauw Jr Hillsdale 25:18 6:47
156 452 Robin Coolsaet Jr Wayne State (mi) University 25:23 6:49
157 272 Ciara Poppe So MacOmb 25:27 6:50
158 93 Cheryl Svetz So Edinboro U Of Pa 25:27 6:50
159 236 Randi Smith So Lansing 25:30 6:51
160 120 Catherine Wiemers Jr Findlay 25:37 6:53
161 231 Taylor Knoll Fr Lansing 25:37 6:53
162 510 Haley Knoll Unattached 25:42 6:54
163 511 Jamie Latimer Unattached 25:46 6:55
164 114 Abigail Magner So Findlay 25:48 6:56
165 6 Caitlin Flack Fr Bowling Green 25:50 6:56
166 210 Jody Nicholson So Jackson 25:56 6:58
167 454 Kayla Gagnon Fr Wayne State (mi) University 25:58 6:58
168 430 Grace Shemwell Fr Valporiso 26:00 6:59
169 68 Lauren Johnson Sr Central Michigan University Cl 26:03 7:00
170 457 Olivia Kwiatkowski Fr Wayne State (mi) University 26:06 7:00
171 234 Lexi Roe Fr Lansing 26:09 7:01
172 269 Aileen Mayack So MacOmb 26:21 7:04
173 450 Michelle Barton Jr Wayne State (mi) University 26:24 7:05
174 455 Samantha Kaufman So Wayne State (mi) University 26:26 7:06
175 404 Stephanie McMall So Saginaw Valley State 26:31 7:07
176 69 Kaylee Kreft So Central Michigan University Cl 26:32 7:07
177 185 Kerry Frost Sr Hillsdale 26:37 7:09
178 31 Brittney Hybarger Jr Brescia 26:42 7:10
179 266 Sarah Ball Fr MacOmb 26:57 7:14
180 459 Jamie Palmer Fr Wayne State (mi) University 26:59 7:15
181 36 Brittney Valenzeula Fr Brescia 27:01 7:15
182 273 Kelsey Wright So MacOmb 27:01 7:15
183 239 Paige Terbush Fr Lansing 27:09 7:17
184 351 Lauren Lapine Fr Michigan State 27:15 7:19
185 265 Alyssa Auth Fr MacOmb 27:15 7:19
186 285 Emily Bambach Jr Madonna 27:17 7:19
187 290 Cassandra Yarnall Jr Madonna 27:25 7:22
188 66 Lindsey Gray So Central Michigan University Cl 27:36 7:25
189 421 Madeline Lafave Fr Schoolcraft 27:43 7:26
190 34 Ashley Miller Jr Brescia 27:46 7:27
191 208 Allison Grimm Fr Jackson 27:50 7:28
192 379 Hayley Ladi Fr Mott Cc 27:50 7:28
193 73 Morgan Schanski So Central Michigan University Cl 28:03 7:32
194 230 Kim Killips So Lansing 28:03 7:32
195 377 Emily Davis So Mott Cc 28:17 7:36
196 76 Keralyn Totten So Central Michigan University Cl 28:23 7:37
197 35 Jasmine Pulliam Fr Brescia 28:23 7:37
198 64 Brooke Berwald So Central Michigan University Cl 28:26 7:38
199 65 Alea Carlson Jr Central Michigan University Cl 28:29 7:39
200 229 Jade Jackson Fr Lansing 28:32 7:40
201 449 Rachel Bandrow So Wayne State (mi) University 28:36 7:41
202 270 Kayla Myers Fr MacOmb 28:47 7:44
203 233 Lindsey Prether So Lansing 28:50 7:44
204 432 Grace Watkins Fr Valporiso 28:59 7:47
205 512 Nikki May Unattached 29:07 7:49
206 74 Karen Schuster Jr Central Michigan University Cl 29:13 7:50
207 419 Tera Bean So Schoolcraft 29:16 7:51
208 72 Heather Sarles Jr Central Michigan University Cl 29:24 7:53
209 232 Karen Olivera Fr Lansing 29:32 7:56
210 207 Nicole Corriveau Fr Jackson 29:35 7:56
211 209 Katelyn Hawkins Fr Jackson 29:40 7:58
212 75 Brittany Spencer Sr Central Michigan University Cl 29:41 7:58
213 214 Jessica Steers Fr Jackson 29:46 7:59
214 71 Danielle Prill Jr Central Michigan University Cl 29:51 8:01
215 483 Alyssa Roach SO Glen Oaks 29:54 8:02
216 289 Devan Walley Sr Madonna 29:59 8:03
217 32 Natasha Kelch Fr Brescia 30:12 8:06
218 215 Taylor Woodruff Fr Jackson 30:14 8:07
219 420 Sally L'Esperance So Schoolcraft 30:28 8:11
220 484 Carly Roach SO Glen Oaks 30:36 8:13
221 418 Hailee Azizi Fr Schoolcraft 30:39 8:14
222 70 Alycia Melick Fr Central Michigan University Cl 30:54 8:18
223 378 Erika Gunnel So Mott Cc 32:11 8:38
224 33 Christina Lancaster Fr Brescia 32:24 8:42
225 380 Jackie Phipps So Mott Cc 32:37 8:45
226 67 Kelly Irwin Fr Central Michigan University Cl 32:44 8:47
227 482 Jessica Ganger SO Glen Oaks 32:52 8:49
228 298 Crystal Macon Fr Marygrove 34:17 9:12
229 213 Jenny Squires Fr Jackson 35:16 9:28
230 299 Lydia Taylor Fr Marygrove 35:26 9:31
231 480 Jasmine Brown FR Glen Oaks 40:26 10:51
Men's 8000 Meter Run
Place No. Name Yr School Time Pace
===== ===== ===================== == ============================== ===== =====
1 373 Aaron Simoneau Sr Michigan State 24:28 4:56
2 570 Nick Willis Unattached 24:29 4:56
3 371 Ben Miller So Michigan State 24:43 4:59
4 161 Tyler Emmorey Jr Grand Valley State 24:44 4:59
5 361 Spencer Beatty RS Michigan State 24:45 4:59
6 180 Anthony Witt Jr Grand Valley State 24:51 5:00
7 366 Patrick Grosskopf RS Michigan State 24:52 5:00
8 372 Alex Russeau Sr Michigan State 24:53 5:01
9 4086 Sherod Hardt Michigan State 24:54 5:01
10 374 Isaiah Vandoorne Jr Michigan State 25:00 5:02
11 319 David Eichenberger So Miami (oh) 25:04 5:03
12 364 Joe Dimambro Jr Michigan State 25:06 5:03
13 173 Jeff Nordquist Jr Grand Valley State 25:09 5:04
14 571 Alex Wilson Unattached 25:09 5:04
15 547 Matt Lutzke Unattached 25:12 5:05
16 564 Kyle Stacks Unattached 25:13 5:05
17 96 Scott Anderson So Edinboro U Of Pa 25:18 5:06
18 174 Simon Nyang Sr Grand Valley State 25:19 5:06
19 320 Jarrod Eick So Miami (oh) 25:22 5:07
20 323 Michael Perry Sr Miami (oh) 25:24 5:07
21 178 Ryan Toth Jr Grand Valley State 25:25 5:07
22 321 Robbie Fisher Sr Miami (oh) 25:27 5:08
23 548 David Madrigal Unattached 25:31 5:08
24 490 Jake Crowe Playmakers 25:31 5:08
25 322 Matt Marol Fr Miami (oh) 25:31 5:08
26 166 Larry Julson Fr Grand Valley State 25:36 5:09
27 103 Sean Naderer So Edinboro U Of Pa 25:36 5:09
28 367 Brian Hankins Jr Michigan State 25:38 5:10
29 55 Cory Arnold Sr Central Michigan 25:39 5:10
30 101 Ben Hahn Sr Edinboro U Of Pa 25:39 5:10
31 102 Jake Krolick Jr Edinboro U Of Pa 25:41 5:10
32 181 Paul Zielinski Jr Grand Valley State 25:43 5:11
33 318 Blake Dircksen Fr Miami (oh) 25:44 5:11
34 376 Kevin Yarnell So Michigan State 25:46 5:11
35 499 Kris Koster Playmakers 25:46 5:11
36 375 Stephen Walker So Michigan State 25:49 5:12
37 165 Jake Isaacson So Grand Valley State 25:51 5:12
38 200 Alex Ralston Sr Hillsdale 25:51 5:12
39 316 Chris Dennison Jr Miami (oh) 25:52 5:13
40 542 Nate Knisely Unattached 25:55 5:13
41 25 Chris Moody Sr Bowling Green 25:55 5:13
42 205 Charles Wysong Sr Hillsdale 25:56 5:13
43 98 Alex Beardsley Fr Edinboro U Of Pa 25:57 5:14
44 325 David Wing Fr Miami (oh) 25:57 5:14
45 56 Jason Drudge Central Michigan 25:57 5:14
46 107 Dustin Thomas So Edinboro U Of Pa 25:58 5:14
47 465 Travis Barczak Jr Wayne State (mi) University 26:00 5:14
48 168 Jon Manby So Grand Valley State 26:00 5:14
49 109 Garth Watson Jr Edinboro U Of Pa 26:01 5:14
50 497 Nick Katsefaras Playmakers 26:04 5:15
51 106 Michael Thielman Fr Edinboro U Of Pa 26:05 5:15
52 26 Jason Salyer So Bowling Green 26:05 5:15
53 177 Brent Showerman So Grand Valley State 26:09 5:16
54 163 Joe Graves Fr Grand Valley State 26:10 5:16
55 100 Bryan Deibel Fr Edinboro U Of Pa 26:11 5:16
56 531 Ben Carruthers Unattached 26:11 5:16
57 473 Doug Mack So Wayne State (mi) University 26:12 5:17
58 468 Matt Devey So Wayne State (mi) University 26:13 5:17
59 414 Tyler Noble So Saginaw Valley State 26:13 5:17
60 42 Matt Lowe Jr Brescia 26:14 5:17
61 370 Kenny Laskowski So Michigan State 26:14 5:17
62 63 Zach Tranter Fr Central Michigan 26:15 5:17
63 61 Chris Pankow Sr Central Michigan 26:16 5:17
64 496 Kyle Johnson Playmakers 26:18 5:18
65 104 Jordan Roose Fr Edinboro U Of Pa 26:19 5:18
66 439 Joel Hartenberger Sr Valporiso 26:21 5:18
67 360 Sam Aklilu So Michigan State 26:23 5:19
68 160 Aaron Denner Jr Grand Valley State 26:26 5:19
69 276 Joey Burelle So MacOmb 26:27 5:20
70 471 Dan Kapadia Sr Wayne State (mi) University 26:27 5:20
71 554 Alan Peterson Unattached 26:27 5:20
72 195 Donny Freed So Hillsdale 26:28 5:20
73 557 Bryce Pulley Unattached 26:28 5:20
74 206 Jeff Wysong Jr Hillsdale 26:28 5:20
75 540 Nathan Huff Unattached 26:29 5:20
76 558 Victor Ramirez Unattached 26:29 5:20
77 365 Shaka Dukes Jr Michigan State 26:29 5:20
78 479 Pat Webster Sr Wayne State (mi) University 26:34 5:21
79 201 Jacob Secor Jr Hillsdale 26:36 5:21
80 130 Tim Majoy So Findlay 26:36 5:22
81 362 Travis Borchard So Michigan State 26:37 5:22
82 128 Jordan Kirwen Jr Findlay 26:38 5:22
83 493 Addis Habtewold Playmakers 26:38 5:22
84 417 Jeff Wilson Sr Saginaw Valley State 26:39 5:22
85 533 Mike Darnell Unattached 26:39 5:22
86 528 Joe Billian Unattached 26:39 5:22
87 324 Brett Wagner So Miami (oh) 26:40 5:22
88 539 Matt Hoshal Unattached 26:43 5:23
89 170 Jimmy McKeiver Fr Grand Valley State 26:43 5:23
90 477 Alex Townsend Jr Wayne State (mi) University 26:43 5:23
91 167 Kyle Lemieux Fr Grand Valley State 26:44 5:23
92 241 Austin Alcala Fr Lansing 26:45 5:23
93 467 Kevin Debear Jr Wayne State (mi) University 26:47 5:24
94 105 Dylan Stevens Fr Edinboro U Of Pa 26:47 5:24
95 470 Nick Jackson Fr Wayne State (mi) University 26:48 5:24
96 464 Phil Baldick So Wayne State (mi) University 26:49 5:24
97 22 Rob Kelvey Sr Bowling Green 26:50 5:24
98 159 Brandon Cushman Fr Grand Valley State 26:50 5:24
99 125 Justin Eilerman Fr Findlay 26:50 5:24
100 475 Saeed Saleh So Wayne State (mi) University 26:51 5:24
101 553 Tanner Pesonen Unattached 26:52 5:25
102 261 Eric Spitz So Lansing 26:52 5:25
103 568 Drake Veitenheimer Unattached 26:53 5:25
104 555 Chris Platt Unattached 26:53 5:25
105 97 Bryan Baumgartner So Edinboro U Of Pa 26:55 5:25
106 129 Brock Lloyd So Findlay 26:56 5:25
107 16 Greg Black Fr Bowling Green 26:56 5:25
108 193 Jordan Eccleston Jr Hillsdale 26:57 5:26
109 556 Alex Prasad Unattached 26:59 5:26
110 438 Nick Fagan Jr Valporiso 26:59 5:26
111 416 Jon Wetters Jr Saginaw Valley State 27:00 5:26
112 60 Chris Lotz Fr Central Michigan 27:00 5:26
113 534 Lee Emanuel Unattached 27:00 5:26
114 249 Garreth Gose So Lansing 27:01 5:26
115 27 Jesse Smuda Sr Bowling Green 27:01 5:27
116 203 Peter Walsh Jr Hillsdale 27:03 5:27
117 574 Kousei Yajima Unattached 27:04 5:27
118 543 Steve Krauss Unattached 27:05 5:27
119 156 Art Acevedo Fr Grand Valley State 27:05 5:27
120 175 Emery Pitcel Fr Grand Valley State 27:05 5:27
121 573 Ben Wynsma Unattached 27:06 5:27
122 99 Daniel Blackman Fr Edinboro U Of Pa 27:11 5:29
123 122 Shoayb Bascal So Findlay 27:13 5:29
124 127 Sean Jones Fr Findlay 27:14 5:29
125 566 Grant Truskowski Unattached 27:15 5:29
126 476 Jason Smith So Wayne State (mi) University 27:16 5:30
127 409 Gregory Baade Jr Saginaw Valley State 27:18 5:30
128 369 Jon Hurrell So Michigan State 27:19 5:30
129 532 Isaac Cox Unattached 27:21 5:30
130 199 Jerry Perkins So Hillsdale 27:21 5:31
131 57 Jeremy Kiley Sr Central Michigan 27:22 5:31
132 242 Kevin Barry So Lansing 27:23 5:31
133 194 Josh Eccleston Jr Hillsdale 27:23 5:31
134 254 Ryan Knoen Fr Lansing 27:24 5:31
135 415 Chad Scott Fr Saginaw Valley State 27:25 5:31
136 252 Jake Hord Fr Lansing 27:27 5:32
137 108 Owen Venesky Fr Edinboro U Of Pa 27:28 5:32
138 192 Sam Bender Sr Hillsdale 27:28 5:32
139 157 Jeff Bassett So Grand Valley State 27:29 5:32
140 472 Phil Kosky So Wayne State (mi) University 27:32 5:33
141 495 Adam Izer Playmakers 27:34 5:33
142 255 Michael Lahner Fr Lansing 27:34 5:33
143 197 Andrew Koehlinger Fr Hillsdale 27:36 5:34
144 412 Matt Kabacinski Fr Saginaw Valley State 27:39 5:34
145 446 Jordan Piaskowy Jr Valporiso 27:40 5:34
146 544 Ethan Lievense Unattached 27:41 5:35
147 563 Kyle Slaughter Unattached 27:43 5:35
148 204 William Wegert Jr Hillsdale 27:45 5:35
149 248 Ryan Gilbert Fr Lansing 27:45 5:35
150 411 Kyle Henderson Fr Saginaw Valley State 27:46 5:36
151 410 Frank Griffith Fr Saginaw Valley State 27:48 5:36
152 29 Luke Zerkle Fr Bowling Green 27:49 5:36
153 20 Josh Franek So Bowling Green 27:51 5:37
154 391 Jake Hernadez Fr Muskegon Community 27:53 5:37
155 279 Mike King So MacOmb 27:54 5:37
156 179 Brian Wilder Jr Grand Valley State 27:57 5:38
157 169 Scott McKeel So Grand Valley State 27:58 5:38
158 529 Mark Calhoun Unattached 27:58 5:38
159 164 Tim Gumz So Grand Valley State 27:59 5:38
160 500 Bj Pankow Playmakers 28:00 5:38
161 536 Jeff Girbach Unattached 28:01 5:39
162 498 Damon King Playmakers 28:03 5:39
163 196 Peter Kistler Fr Hillsdale 28:04 5:39
164 176 Pat Sage Sr Grand Valley State 28:06 5:40
165 562 Ari Schorr Unattached 28:08 5:40
166 62 Nathan Sanchez So Central Michigan 28:08 5:40
167 478 Brad Vincent So Wayne State (mi) University 28:09 5:40
168 392 Matt Kring Fr Muskegon Community 28:11 5:41
169 38 Kyle Clark So Brescia 28:12 5:41
170 256 Tommy Matuszak Fr Lansing 28:13 5:41
171 247 Nick Flietstra Fr Lansing 28:17 5:42
172 4091 Jake Flynn Playmakers 28:17 5:42
173 474 Jimmy Maloney So Wayne State (mi) University 28:18 5:42
174 43 Chris Peterson So Brescia 28:20 5:42
175 530 Alexander Carney Unattached 28:20 5:42
176 550 Steve Menovick Unattached 28:21 5:43
177 18 Jeff Ehler Sr Bowling Green 28:22 5:43
178 243 Nick Brosky Fr Lansing 28:23 5:43
179 21 Perry Fraylick Fr Bowling Green 28:27 5:44
180 198 Michael Mayday Sr Hillsdale 28:30 5:44
181 158 Austin Brown Jr Grand Valley State 28:33 5:45
182 546 Brian Lucas Unattached 28:34 5:45
183 541 Aaron King Unattached 28:35 5:45
184 224 Jordan Tripp So Jackson 28:35 5:45
185 260 Erik Rogoszewski Fr Lansing 28:36 5:46
186 19 Brian Ferber Fr Bowling Green 28:40 5:46
187 278 Tim Kelly Fr MacOmb 28:41 5:47
188 561 Brendan Sage Unattached 28:42 5:47
189 535 Andrew Franklin Unattached 28:43 5:47
190 448 Caleb Schmal Jr Valporiso 28:46 5:48
191 291 Tim Boes So Madonna 28:48 5:48
192 259 Joey Rizzolo So Lansing 28:49 5:48
193 413 Patrick Klein Jr Saginaw Valley State 28:50 5:48
194 4019 Paul Grieve Unattached 28:50 5:49
195 436 Blane Bowen Jr Valporiso 28:52 5:49
196 317 Jeffrey Denny Fr Miami (oh) 28:53 5:49
197 84 Steve Lane Sr Central Michigan University Cl 28:54 5:49
198 257 Neal Noack Fr Lansing 28:54 5:49
199 277 Brett Golze So MacOmb 28:54 5:49
200 565 Alex Toulokhonov Unattached 28:55 5:49
201 274 Kyle Allinder Fr MacOmb 28:56 5:50
202 442 Joe Johnson So Valporiso 28:57 5:50
203 126 Joe Guerra Jr Findlay 29:03 5:51
204 552 Christopher Paas Unattached 29:06 5:52
205 292 Nick Brubaker Fr Madonna 29:07 5:52
206 466 Zach Cieplechowicz Fr Wayne State (mi) University 29:08 5:52
207 218 Ryan Donahue So Jackson 29:09 5:52
208 132 Colin Walthour Jr Findlay 29:09 5:52
209 258 Josh Perkins So Lansing 29:11 5:53
210 123 Simon Bernard Jr Findlay 29:11 5:53
211 469 Abdu Hudurah Fr Wayne State (mi) University 29:16 5:54
212 17 Abraham Buseini Sr Bowling Green 29:18 5:54
213 30 Ian Zimmerman Fr Bowling Green 29:19 5:54
214 221 Joel Medina So Jackson 29:20 5:55
215 491 Ben Edwards Playmakers 29:21 5:55
216 569 Scott Wagner Unattached 29:22 5:55
217 45 David Willems Fr Brescia 29:23 5:55
218 244 Derick Clark Fr Lansing 29:28 5:56
219 426 Nate Wise - Schoolcraft 29:29 5:56
220 294 Jeff Grzywinski Fr Madonna 29:30 5:57
221 423 Mark Freyberg - Schoolcraft 29:37 5:58
222 390 Andrew Barrett Fr Muskegon Community 29:40 5:58
223 28 Joe Vanbolderen Fr Bowling Green 29:41 5:59
224 393 Steve Leatherman Fr Muskegon Community 29:42 5:59
225 434 Chris Bednarczyk Sr Valporiso 29:42 5:59
226 435 Nathan Bluhm So Valporiso 29:44 5:59
227 567 Jason Unold Unattached 29:48 6:00
228 537 James Haapala Unattached 29:50 6:00
229 386 Kyle Maddock Fr Mott Cc 29:51 6:01
230 395 Aaron Stenberg Fr Muskegon Community 29:52 6:01
231 275 Jarron Brewer So MacOmb 29:53 6:01
232 4090 Garett Humphries So Unattached 29:55 6:01
233 387 Nathan Wells Fr Mott Cc 29:57 6:02
234 37 Andrew Beams Fr Brescia 29:58 6:02
235 264 Bill Walters - M. M. Track Club 29:59 6:02
236 219 Aj Fraser Fr Jackson 30:00 6:02
237 549 Brendan Martin Unattached 30:00 6:02
238 437 Keith Button Sr Valporiso 30:03 6:03
239 284 Jeff Warren Fr MacOmb 30:10 6:05
240 79 Ian Blanding Sr Central Michigan University Cl 30:16 6:06
241 222 Robert Parrott Fr Jackson 30:19 6:06
242 440 Keifer Heiman Fr Valporiso 30:20 6:07
243 494 Mike Homan Playmakers 30:20 6:07
244 283 Dajuawn Wallace So MacOmb 30:30 6:08
245 220 Vince Mastin Fr Jackson 30:35 6:10
246 280 Nick Kirkwood So MacOmb 30:41 6:11
247 131 Luis Velasco So Findlay 30:43 6:11
248 82 Andrew Haubenstricker Fr Central Michigan University Cl 30:49 6:12
249 41 Adam Hofmeister So Brescia 30:54 6:13
250 492 Peter Ford Playmakers 30:55 6:14
251 397 Josh Wehr Fr Muskegon Community 31:02 6:15
252 422 Jonathon Beal - Schoolcraft 31:02 6:15
253 124 Alex Betts Fr Findlay 31:14 6:17
254 263 Zach Murphy So M. M. Track Club 31:14 6:17
255 245 Andrew Dike Fr Lansing 31:18 6:18
256 445 Mack Morris Jr Valporiso 31:23 6:19
257 559 Colin Riley Unattached 31:25 6:20
258 250 Wes Greene Fr Lansing 31:28 6:20
259 441 Ryan Hough Fr Valporiso 31:31 6:21
260 424 Scott Howse So Schoolcraft 31:38 6:22
261 246 Cody Engish Fr Lansing 31:43 6:23
262 81 Scott Cooke Jr Central Michigan University Cl 31:44 6:23
263 383 Ryan Hladik So Mott Cc 31:51 6:25
264 295 Luke Mian So Madonna 31:53 6:25
265 223 Grant Race So Jackson 31:59 6:26
266 251 Tucker Heiler So Lansing 31:59 6:26
267 302 Joshua Harris - Marygrove 32:01 6:27
268 40 Justin Gross So Brescia 32:08 6:28
269 385 Zach Lawrence So Mott Cc 32:16 6:30
270 253 Casey King Fr Lansing 32:30 6:33
271 396 Steve Trier Fr Muskegon Community 32:42 6:35
272 44 Josh Raney So Brescia 32:44 6:35
273 382 Nick Brown So Mott Cc 33:00 6:39
274 300 Anthony Butler So Marygrove 33:04 6:39
275 4020 Derek Pyles FR Glen Oak 33:25 6:44
276 80 Drew Brown Sr Central Michigan University Cl 33:26 6:44
277 225 Deljaun Woolford Fr Jackson 33:36 6:46
278 301 Victor Gutlatte - Marygrove 34:08 6:52
279 384 Nathan Kosht Fr Mott Cc 35:39 7:11
280 304 Romeo Rowe Fr Marygrove 36:43 7:24
281 217 Devonte Brooks Fr Jackson 37:03 7:28
282 447 Matt Przybyla Fr Valporiso 37:07 7:28
283 293 Mitch Cieslak Sr Madonna 37:30 7:33
284 487 Richard Cowan FR Glenoaks 38:21 7:43
285 303 Darryl Rouse - Marygrove 39:12 7:54
286 83 Erik Jackson So Central Michigan University Cl 39:57 8:03
287 4024 Zachary Newsome FR Glen Oak 41:06 8:17
288 85 Kevin Wilder Fr Central Michigan University Cl 41:07 8:17