Albion Invitational 2010 vs Albion Invitational 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +145 213 68
Overall Average +21.16 22:45.05 22:23.89
1st-10th Place -37.13 17:00.33 17:37.46
1st-25th Place -1:19.18 17:46.42 19:05.60
1st-50th Place -2:29.18 18:32.39 21:01.57
1st-100th Place +4:34.04 19:47.89 15:13.85
Common Athletes -- -- 38
Ran Faster 30 34 4
Ran Season Best -- 38 38
Average Time -56.08 21:25.38 22:21.46
Median Time -51.98 21:16.40 22:08.38
Middle 80% Times -1:07.90 21:25.17 22:33.07
Top 10% Times -56.59 16:44.50 17:41.09
Top 25% Times -1:09.26 17:43.26 18:52.52
Top 50% Times -1:06.32 19:00.70 20:07.03
Bottom 50% Times -45.84 23:50.06 24:35.89
Bottom 25% Times -22.93 25:21.93 25:44.86
Bottom 10% Times +35.67 27:05.05 26:29.39
Average Difference -56.08 -- --
Median Difference +52.09 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:04.22 -- --
Top 10% Difference -54.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:02.25 -- --
Top 25% Difference -50.18 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:02.25 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -49.91 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -35.53 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +17.94 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Spencer Nousain Concord -56.06 16:02.40 16:58.46
Jalen Weaver Albion (CLOSED) -1:24.12 16:18.30 17:42.42
Bryan Peoples Albion (CLOSED) -1:00.39 17:10.80 18:11.19
Andrew Benkovsky Eaton Rapids -57.55 17:26.50 18:24.05
Ian Miller Concord -16.50 17:35.80 17:52.30
Parker Saenz Concord -2:14.97 17:36.71 19:51.68
Darrien Torres Albion (CLOSED) -56.56 18:22.20 19:18.76
Kraig Whitmyer Eaton Rapids -2:18.13 18:39.50 20:57.63
Bob Baker Eaton Rapids -2:43.75 18:41.00 21:24.75
Bryant Sweet Eaton Rapids -2:37.26 19:19.40 21:56.66
Andrei Lange Eaton Rapids -9.34 19:23.30 19:32.64
Brad St Aubin Eaton Rapids -24.21 19:48.70 20:12.91
James Mccormick Eaton Rapids -1:49.58 20:18.50 22:08.08
Foster Hampton Concord -2:09.35 20:19.61 22:28.96
Tanner Williams Concord -16.04 20:35.80 20:51.84
Jake Walker Eaton Rapids -2.12 20:38.71 20:40.83
Ace Russell Springport +1:04.92 21:47.80 20:42.88
Kate Laverty Eaton Rapids -1:23.65 20:43.60 22:07.25
Sydnee Hubbard Concord -58.06 20:59.20 21:57.26
Miriah Hagy Lansing Christian -1:04.20 21:13.30 22:17.50
Taylor Mounbray Springport -3:06.99 21:16.40 24:23.39
Elizabeth Perkins Lansing Christian +52.09 22:14.00 21:21.91
Megan Spencer Albion (CLOSED) -2:50.16 21:28.40 24:18.56
Lindsey O'leary Eaton Rapids -19.38 21:49.00 22:08.38
Kaitlin Truman Eaton Rapids -1:58.88 21:52.40 23:51.28
Courtney Clark Concord -1:07.05 22:35.30 23:42.35
Courtney Myers Lansing Christian -12.03 22:55.60 23:07.63
Kelsey Brigham Concord -53.54 23:12.90 24:06.44
Amanda Harns Eaton Rapids -29.85 23:22.40 23:52.25
Erin Hoeft Lansing Christian -1:45.96 23:51.10 25:37.06
Alexis Olsen Eaton Rapids -1:15.42 23:55.30 25:10.72
Amy Stillman Eaton Rapids -34.05 24:05.90 24:39.95
Britany Parker Eaton Rapids -41.60 24:53.90 25:35.50
Sarah Payne Concord -1:40.29 25:10.50 26:50.79
Shantella Sherman Albion (CLOSED) -1:15.06 25:14.00 26:29.06
Kahley Emens Springport +16.93 26:21.40 26:04.47
Karen Albarran Albion (CLOSED) +4:12.23 30:23.70 26:11.47
Ali Shepherd Concord -5.12 26:21.10 26:26.22