
Alma High School

Address: 1500 Pine Ave, Alma, MI 48801

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2024-05-10 Alma Panther Invite
2023-05-30 Mid-Michigan Meet of Champions
2023-05-12 Alma Panther Invitational
2023-05-09 Christa McAuliffe / Freeland at Alma MS
2023-05-03 Birch Run at Alma HS
2023-04-28 Alma MS Panther Invite
2023-04-26 TVC - John Glenn/Swan Valley @ Alma
2023-04-24 TVC-Hemlock / Standish at Alma MS
2023-04-12 Frankenmuth/Bridgeport at Alma HS
2022-05-13 Alma Panther Invitational
2022-04-25 Alma-SV Dual
2022-03-22 Alma Triangular - AL-BER-HOL
2021-05-26 TVC East Conference Meet
2021-05-14 Alma HS Invite
2019-05-08 Shepherd - Bullock Creek @ Alma
2019-05-06 Standish-Sterling @ Alma HS
2018-04-11 TVC Crossover Bridgeport/Ithaca at Alma
2017-05-24 Tri-Valley Central Conference Championship
2017-05-03 Swan Valley HS at Alma HS
2015-10-13 TVC Central Jamboree #3
2015-05-20 Tri-Valley Central Conference Championship
2014-05-21 Tri-Valley Central Conference Championship
2013-05-22 Tri-Valley Central Conference Championship
2009-10-23 Alma Scottie Cross Country Classic

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 + 5.00 21:00 + 7.00
16:00 + 5.00 22:00 + 7.00
17:00 + 5.00 23:00 + 7.00
18:00 + 6.00 24:00 + 8.00
19:00 + 6.00 25:00 + 8.00
20:00 + 6.00 26:00 + 8.00