All-Time Boys Cross Country Bracket - Round of 8

Gene Freed Region

(1) Highland Milford vs. (4) Rockford

Popular Vote

Expert Vote

Overall Vote

"WHY DID THIS HAVE TO BE A SECOND ROUND MATCH-UP?! It's just not fair for either of these teams to not go on. Rockford has Mr. Michigan Cross Country, in Dathan Ritzenhein, but Milford's tradition is much greater."

- Mike Newton (no analysts that voted for Rockford commented on the decision)

Winner: Rockford


(2) Charlevoix vs. (3) Williamston

Popular Vote

Expert Vote

Overall Vote

"Seven years of dominance! Two runner-ups followed by five titles in a row. Living  up to that two seed very nicely."

- Mike Newton

Winner: Charlevoix