SMAC West Jamboree #1 2014

St. Joseph, MI
Hosted by St. Joseph

SMAC West Jamboree #1 2014 vs SMAC West Jamboree #2 2012

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -65 192 257
Overall Average +34.58 22:34.17 21:59.59
1st-10th Place +30.80 17:07.00 16:36.20
1st-25th Place +58.60 18:00.96 17:02.36
1st-50th Place +1:11.38 18:50.78 17:39.40
1st-100th Place +1:20.03 20:05.51 18:45.48
Common Athletes -- -- 52
Ran Faster -4 24 28
Ran Season Best -21 2 23
Average Time +32.25 22:05.27 21:33.02
Median Time +39.00 21:36.00 20:57.00
Middle 80% Times +31.26 21:56.14 21:24.88
Top 10% Times +14.67 17:31.17 17:16.50
Top 25% Times +20.00 18:23.00 18:03.00
Top 50% Times +8.65 19:15.15 19:06.50
Bottom 50% Times +55.85 24:55.38 23:59.54
Bottom 25% Times +1:34.23 27:23.77 25:49.54
Bottom 10% Times +1:36.83 29:32.00 27:55.17
Average Difference +32.25 -- --
Median Difference +3:18.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +33.38 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1.17 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1.15 -- --
Top 25% Difference +19.54 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1.15 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:05.65 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:51.85 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:19.17 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Connor Wuori Portage Central -4.00 15:54.00 15:58.00
Erik Edwards St. Joseph +2:38.00 19:29.00 16:51.00
Nick Jewell St. Joseph +24.00 17:28.00 17:04.00
Brian Stubelt Portage Central -16.00 17:13.00 17:29.00
Ian Otto Portage Northern -26.00 17:46.00 18:12.00
Daniel Pfahler St. Joseph +1:11.00 19:16.00 18:05.00
Wayne Matunas Portage Northern -1:00.00 18:07.00 19:07.00
Gregory Smith St. Joseph +3:18.00 21:40.00 18:22.00
Kurt Egelhaaf St. Joseph +16.00 18:39.00 18:23.00
Joe Puzycki Stevensville-Lakeshore +1:04.00 19:42.00 18:38.00
Charles Leonard Niles +34.00 19:13.00 18:39.00
Marius Vanderhoff Portage Northern +40.00 19:25.00 18:45.00
Kyle Ogata Stevensville-Lakeshore -1:21.00 18:54.00 20:15.00
Matthew Strouse Stevensville-Lakeshore -46.00 18:54.00 19:40.00
Ian Epkey Portage Central -1.00 19:05.00 19:06.00
Noah Hall Niles -39.00 19:09.00 19:48.00
Jessie Armstrong St. Joseph +38.00 19:51.00 19:13.00
Foster Woodruff St. Joseph -2:08.00 19:21.00 21:29.00
Quinton Broach Portage Central +13.00 19:45.00 19:32.00
Drew Brown Stevensville-Lakeshore -45.00 19:36.00 20:21.00
John Wendland Stevensville-Lakeshore +32.00 20:22.00 19:50.00
Noah Aleman Portage Northern -15.00 19:51.00 20:06.00
Cody Clemens Portage Northern -40.00 20:02.00 20:42.00
Sarah Corbe St. Joseph +2:02.00 22:16.00 20:14.00
Tyler Darr St. Joseph -18.00 20:32.00 20:50.00
Kayla Gercak Portage Northern -22.00 20:35.00 20:57.00
Sylvia Knight Portage Central +2:55.00 23:43.00 20:48.00
Mariah Rifenberg St. Joseph +5:58.00 26:49.00 20:51.00
Aubrey Hemstreet Portage Central -1:37.00 20:57.00 22:34.00
Amanda Boelman Portage Central +43.00 21:45.00 21:02.00
Ellie Best Portage Central +16.00 21:28.00 21:12.00
Zach Freye St. Joseph +1:36.00 23:07.00 21:31.00
Lauren Wright Portage Central +5.00 21:39.00 21:34.00
Megan Buckingham St. Joseph -2:10.00 21:36.00 23:46.00
Andrew Burch Portage Central -54.00 21:38.00 22:32.00
Logan Wilkerson Stevensville-Lakeshore -1:10.00 21:51.00 23:01.00
Kristina Maki Portage Northern -18.00 21:59.00 22:17.00
Stingray Jaynes Niles -2:04.00 22:26.00 24:30.00
Ashley Dine Stevensville-Lakeshore +2:04.00 25:16.00 23:12.00
Meygan Rudlaff Niles +2:27.00 25:48.00 23:21.00
Carley Beemer St. Joseph +48.00 24:10.00 23:22.00
Katie Beukema Portage Central +1:04.00 24:29.00 23:25.00
Megan Rifenberg St. Joseph +6:53.00 30:33.00 23:40.00
Kylee Meyer Niles -34.00 24:01.00 24:35.00
Ryan Carmody Stevensville-Lakeshore +4:09.00 28:14.00 24:05.00
Rebekah Reisterer Portage Northern +5:04.00 29:16.00 24:12.00
Chelsie Morgan Portage Central +1:00.00 25:45.00 24:45.00
Hailey Malone Stevensville-Lakeshore -2:12.00 24:46.00 26:58.00
Julia Carpenter Stevensville-Lakeshore +1:36.00 26:49.00 25:13.00
Melisa Schneider Portage Northern -4:05.00 26:04.00 30:09.00
Rachel Stockwell Portage Central +4:27.00 32:58.00 28:31.00
Leah Alburtus Portage Central -2:33.00 29:22.00 31:55.00