Larry Steeb Invite 2021

Whitmore Lake, MI
Hosted by Whitmore Lake

Larry Steeb Invite 2021 vs Larry Steeb Invitational 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +9 155 146
Overall Average -31.22 22:04.85 22:36.07
1st-10th Place +15.58 17:56.75 17:41.17
1st-25th Place +14.94 18:25.04 18:10.10
1st-50th Place +1.96 18:58.96 18:57.00
1st-100th Place -21.13 20:05.03 20:26.16
Common Athletes -- -- 35
Ran Faster 9 22 13
Ran Season Best -1 5 6
Average Time -30.91 20:48.95 21:19.86
Median Time -17.40 20:17.80 20:35.20
Middle 80% Times -38.01 20:28.36 21:06.37
Top 10% Times +5.20 17:57.58 17:52.38
Top 25% Times +6.74 18:21.98 18:15.23
Top 50% Times -13.66 18:59.12 19:12.78
Bottom 50% Times -46.44 21:29.39 22:15.83
Bottom 25% Times -48.73 24:29.24 25:17.98
Bottom 10% Times -31.23 26:56.53 27:27.75
Average Difference -30.91 -- --
Median Difference +25.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -38.76 -- --
Top 10% Difference +8.60 -- --
Top 50% Difference -4.82 -- --
Top 25% Difference +18.62 -- --
Top 50% Difference -4.82 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -53.85 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:09.61 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -31.23 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Steven Bosworth South Lyon -1.70 17:43.10 17:44.80
Joseph Kadluboski Dansville +41.40 18:30.00 17:48.60
Braylan Majesky Whitmore Lake -33.60 17:51.10 18:24.70
Reiner Kandt South Lyon +28.30 18:21.60 17:53.30
Cole Rinna Whitmore Lake -2:12.90 18:02.20 20:15.10
Damian Defeyter Dansville +1:41.00 19:43.80 18:02.80
Drake Steele Allen Park -1:47.70 18:13.90 20:01.60
Gavin Howell South Lyon +26.70 18:52.10 18:25.40
Ethan Showek South Lyon +30.20 18:56.30 18:26.10
Reid Brower South Lyon +1:18.80 19:55.70 18:36.90
Logan Duncan South Lyon -2:26.40 18:47.50 21:13.90
Logan Edwards South Lyon +8.40 19:02.90 18:54.50
Heston Fanson Whitmore Lake -1:22.00 19:05.70 20:27.70
Antonio Sobczak South Lyon -43.20 19:11.40 19:54.60
Jacob Goodrich Whitmore Lake -33.10 19:16.20 19:49.30
Jonathon Fletcher South Lyon +0.10 19:55.70 19:55.60
Connor Wallis South Lyon -3:44.80 19:57.20 23:42.00
Jeffrey Jones Saline Washtenaw Christian +24.20 20:25.90 20:01.70
Vincent Mcdonald South Lyon -17.40 20:17.80 20:35.20
Cameron Hain South Lyon +25.70 20:57.90 20:32.20
Nicolas Salas Allen Park -2:07.00 20:34.50 22:41.50
Tom Nielson South Lyon -1:37.70 20:38.70 22:16.40
Gilberto Chapa Allen Park -40.60 20:44.10 21:24.70
Brendon Stec South Lyon -7.80 20:50.50 20:58.30
Alex Gridley South Lyon -57.40 20:57.40 21:54.80
Cameron Lewis South Lyon -15.20 21:16.90 21:32.10
Graydon Mcintosh South Lyon -0.60 21:40.60 21:41.20
Brooke Craven Whitmore Lake -2.80 21:59.00 22:01.80
Lauren Price Whitmore Lake -1:22.00 22:19.50 23:41.50
Bryce Robinson Pinckney Livingston Christian -1:13.20 22:51.10 24:04.30
Lillian Stiles Pinckney Livingston Christian +5.40 23:46.90 23:41.50
Megan Zimbelman Pinckney Livingston Christian -1:33.90 24:17.10 25:51.00
Tanner Kurtz Whitmore Lake -2:45.00 25:39.60 28:24.60
Bella Morgan Pinckney Livingston Christian +1:37.10 27:20.90 25:43.80
Lucas Wilson South Lyon +36.90 30:28.50 29:51.60