Larry Steeb Invite 2021

Whitmore Lake, MI
Hosted by Whitmore Lake

Larry Steeb Invite 2021 vs Larry Steeb Cross Country Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -100 155 255
Overall Average -1:23.14 22:04.85 23:27.99
1st-10th Place +13.18 17:56.75 17:43.57
1st-25th Place +13.84 18:25.04 18:11.19
1st-50th Place +10.32 18:58.96 18:48.64
1st-100th Place +19.81 20:05.03 19:45.21
Common Athletes -- -- 41
Ran Faster -23 9 32
Ran Season Best 5 9 4
Average Time +1:06.04 21:44.68 20:38.63
Median Time +48.90 20:44.50 19:55.60
Middle 80% Times +1:10.03 21:35.16 20:25.13
Top 10% Times +33.72 18:09.00 17:35.28
Top 25% Times +49.92 18:38.93 17:49.01
Top 50% Times +54.22 19:18.18 18:23.96
Bottom 50% Times +1:14.72 23:09.05 21:54.33
Bottom 25% Times +58.22 26:11.63 25:13.41
Bottom 10% Times +53.62 28:20.54 27:26.92
Average Difference +1:06.04 -- --
Median Difference +27.40 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:05.88 -- --
Top 10% Difference +13.46 -- --
Top 50% Difference +34.66 -- --
Top 25% Difference +33.38 -- --
Top 50% Difference +34.66 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:35.59 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:26.49 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +49.42 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Brady Boroniec Allen Park +1:57.50 19:12.10 17:14.60
Alex Jowett South Lyon +48.20 18:19.70 17:31.50
Carson Sinica South Lyon +7:21.20 24:58.70 17:37.50
Anthony Urbaniak Charyl Stockwell Academy +1:41.50 19:25.30 17:43.80
Luke Heisel South Lyon +50.40 18:39.40 17:49.00
Shane Jowett South Lyon +1:22.60 19:13.50 17:50.90
Miles Albert South Lyon +10.60 18:02.80 17:52.20
Matthew Mizzi Allen Park -1.50 17:54.10 17:55.60
Aiden Grazioli South Lyon +2:46.10 20:51.70 18:05.60
Nico Sobczak South Lyon +8.40 18:15.50 18:07.10
Tom Shafer Lutheran Westland +1.60 18:12.90 18:11.30
Alex Mueller South Lyon +1:09.50 19:23.50 18:14.00
Reily Henderson Whitmore Lake -43.60 18:30.10 19:13.70
Landon Hoffman Allen Park +3:17.20 21:47.40 18:30.20
Owen Zischke South Lyon +1:30.40 20:21.10 18:50.70
Noah Norris Saline Washtenaw Christian +1:40.10 20:31.90 18:51.80
Brady Little South Lyon +56.30 19:48.20 18:51.90
Nate Dillon Whitmore Lake +23.50 19:24.60 19:01.10
Ashton Kandt South Lyon +31.50 19:36.40 19:04.90
Ian Maltarich South Lyon -10.30 19:39.80 19:50.10
Jeffrey McGuire Lutheran Westland -38.20 19:45.00 20:23.20
Nathan Betke Lutheran Westland +4.00 19:59.60 19:55.60
Tommy Lykins South Lyon +1:19.90 21:15.80 19:55.90
Taylor Wiegand Pinckney Livingston Christian +3:49.10 23:49.20 20:00.10
Natalie Meadows Whitmore Lake +42.40 20:54.40 20:12.00
Samuel Hubbard Pinckney Livingston Christian +1:20.30 21:35.20 20:14.90
Will Norris Saline Washtenaw Christian +27.40 20:44.50 20:17.10
Dylan Worley Allen Park +3:00.90 23:22.40 20:21.50
Kyle Tomasik Charyl Stockwell Academy -2.00 20:21.80 20:23.80
Travis Rupe Lutheran Westland +1:25.60 22:10.50 20:44.90
Jason Zarate Charyl Stockwell Academy +1:55.10 23:20.70 21:25.60
Ian Scheels South Lyon +1:21.00 22:47.90 21:26.90
Ciara Parsons Whitmore Lake +3:19.60 26:06.80 22:47.20
Savannah Ricketts Charyl Stockwell Academy -4:34.70 23:18.50 27:53.20
Lillian Stiles Pinckney Livingston Christian -2:35.20 23:46.90 26:22.10
Hannah Jones Saline Washtenaw Christian +4:54.50 28:49.30 23:54.80
Sophia Logozzo Saline Washtenaw Christian +1:07.60 25:38.10 24:30.50
Audrey Johnson Pinckney Livingston Christian -1:18.00 24:49.90 26:07.90
Ariana Lennon Saline Washtenaw Christian +55.20 27:09.30 26:14.10
Tanner Krieger Charyl Stockwell Academy +3:18.40 31:25.90 28:07.50
Amelia Slater Pinckney Livingston Christian -26.30 28:11.40 28:37.70