James Cleverley Friday Night Invite 2023 vs James Cleverley Friday Night Invite 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +252 476 224
Overall Average -1:13.44 24:07.69 25:21.13
1st-10th Place -0.26 16:52.27 16:52.53
1st-25th Place -20.52 17:17.59 17:38.11
1st-50th Place -42.14 17:46.11 18:28.25
1st-100th Place -1:20.31 18:31.96 19:52.27
Common Athletes -- -- 67
Ran Faster -53 7 60
Ran Season Best -3 2 5
Average Time +1:57.65 24:20.83 22:23.18
Median Time +48.10 21:55.10 21:07.00
Middle 80% Times +1:41.04 23:32.27 21:51.22
Top 10% Times +56.46 17:41.24 16:44.79
Top 25% Times +56.35 18:28.23 17:31.88
Top 50% Times +1:03.38 19:46.65 18:43.26
Bottom 50% Times +2:48.45 28:12.05 25:23.60
Bottom 25% Times +3:38.69 33:09.40 29:30.72
Bottom 10% Times +5:14.10 38:33.80 33:19.70
Average Difference +1:57.65 -- --
Median Difference +56.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:38.22 -- --
Top 10% Difference +57.93 -- --
Top 50% Difference +57.90 -- --
Top 25% Difference +53.99 -- --
Top 50% Difference +57.90 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:55.60 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +4:16.29 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +6:02.66 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Drew Abbott Detroit Catholic Central +32.00 16:52.20 16:20.20
Greg Vogt New Baltimore Anchor Bay +36.10 17:09.00 16:32.90
Jensen McCutcheon St. Clair Shores Lakeview +1:34.70 18:14.70 16:40.00
Aaron Hemstreet Warren Cousino +1:07.50 17:50.40 16:42.90
Aaron Osterman New Baltimore Anchor Bay +1:30.30 18:17.20 16:46.90
Thomas Watson Detroit Catholic Central +25.50 17:17.60 16:52.10
Dean Gallucci Utica Ford +59.40 18:17.90 17:18.50
Zach Shaffer Utica Ford +1:26.10 18:45.30 17:19.20
Marcus O':Hara Detroit Catholic Central +2:03.50 19:48.10 17:44.60
Luke Mulka Utica Ford +50.40 18:44.10 17:53.70
Nico DiPonio Ray Township Austin Catholic +1:21.30 19:25.60 18:04.30
Andrew Ehresman Detroit Catholic Central +36.30 18:40.60 18:04.30
Kyle Massimilla Utica Ford +1:17.70 19:23.90 18:06.20
Edward Badel Detroit Catholic Central -54.20 18:07.60 19:01.80
Brandon Cummings Utica Ford +41.70 19:02.40 18:20.70
Brandon Ziehmer New Baltimore Anchor Bay +32.20 18:53.10 18:20.90
Andrew Rosso Ray Township Austin Catholic +2:12.60 20:34.20 18:21.60
Colin Mondoux Utica +37.30 19:10.30 18:33.00
Parker Mowl Utica Ford +4:28.80 23:13.30 18:44.50
Nico Mangino Utica Ford +2:15.40 21:05.80 18:50.40
William Jeffords Detroit Catholic Central +2:32.70 21:35.60 19:02.90
Daniel Badel Detroit Catholic Central +2:22.40 21:31.00 19:08.60
Dillon Pham Utica Ford +1:47.10 21:06.20 19:19.10
Donald Nurkala Detroit Catholic Central +27.80 20:06.10 19:38.30
Enrique Allor Warren Cousino +6.90 19:49.40 19:42.50
Brennan Smith Detroit Catholic Central +32.70 20:33.00 20:00.30
Alexander Richards Utica +11.30 20:16.20 20:04.90
Luke Wegienka Detroit Catholic Central +1:17.50 21:38.50 20:21.00
Richard Bedra Sterling Heights +1:58.10 22:22.20 20:24.10
Cayden Haupt Warren Cousino +52.50 21:23.10 20:30.60
Conner Mallie Detroit Catholic Central +29.30 21:06.20 20:36.90
Carter Woolm New Baltimore Anchor Bay -1:12.40 20:51.20 22:03.60
Matthew Simino New Baltimore Anchor Bay +59.40 21:53.30 20:53.90
William Abbott Detroit Catholic Central +28.00 21:30.20 21:02.20
Kyle Erfurt Detroit Catholic Central +56.60 22:03.60 21:07.00
Joshua Schang Warren Cousino +5.00 21:30.90 21:25.90
Gianna D'Angelo Utica Ford +2:14.40 23:43.80 21:29.40
Donovan Amos Harper Woods +7:20.40 28:58.90 21:38.50
Preston Mowl Utica Ford +2:37.20 24:17.10 21:39.90
Anthony Badia Warren Cousino -6.40 21:55.10 22:01.50
Nicholas Parker Harper Woods +6:59.00 28:54.80 21:55.80
Garet Gertsch Utica +36.00 23:05.10 22:29.10
Danny Jefferson Detroit Catholic Central -1:03.30 22:32.00 23:35.30
Emma Miller Utica Ford +2:15.70 24:48.00 22:32.30
Joshua Stamm Ray Township Austin Catholic +2:38.60 25:30.70 22:52.10
Terrance Wilson Harper Woods +8:10.30 31:19.70 23:09.40
Tenaya Jendza New Baltimore Anchor Bay +5:20.70 28:46.50 23:25.80
Juilanne Drobek New Baltimore Anchor Bay +4:13.60 27:43.00 23:29.40
Emily Dreffs St. Clair -11.40 23:40.00 23:51.40
Malachi Dibler Utica +2:53.70 26:54.40 24:00.70
Elle Shimmell Utica +1:45.90 26:02.70 24:16.80
Michael LaPrise Ray Township Austin Catholic +1:19.90 26:22.40 25:02.50
Evelyn Kopp Utica +1:13.60 26:58.10 25:44.50
Mya Sebastian Utica Ford +3:51.70 29:47.90 25:56.20
Stacie Ruzzin Utica Ford +1:41.90 27:51.30 26:09.40
Brennan Lowman Utica Ford +8.50 26:34.60 26:26.10
Charlie Mason Ray Township Austin Catholic -2:47.60 27:01.80 29:49.40
Lainie Wilkins New Baltimore Anchor Bay +1:02.40 28:06.20 27:03.80
Chloe Mezza New Baltimore Anchor Bay +6:05.40 33:32.00 27:26.60
Lauren Fisette New Baltimore Anchor Bay +1:02.10 31:31.10 30:29.00
Natalie Magiera Sterling Heights -2:22.60 30:43.90 33:06.50
Quinton Durr Harper Woods +2:52.80 33:37.10 30:44.30
Terryn Thomas Harper Woods +18:03.00 51:00.00 32:57.00
Azure Swincicki-Murai Sterling Heights +4:35.00 38:06.30 33:31.30
Zhenya Knowlin New Baltimore Anchor Bay +7:08.60 40:46.20 33:37.60
Philip Mohler Sterling Heights +2:10.70 36:00.60 33:49.90
Abigail Glynn Ray Township Austin Catholic +1:23.10 36:54.40 35:31.30