
Michigan Track & Field Venues and Cross Country Courses

# Location
Fulton High/Middle School Middleton, MI
Seymour Lake Township Park Oxford, MI
45 North Winery Lake Leelanau, MI
A Location
A.D. Johnston High School Bessemer, MI
Ackerson Lake High School Jackson, MI
Adams Middle School Westland, MI
Addison High School Addison, MI
Adlai E. Stevenson High School Sterling Heights, MI
Adrian College Adrian, MI
Adrian High School Adrian, MI
Agassiz Field Calumet, MI
AGS Middle School Fenton, MI
Airport High School Carleton, MI
Akron-Fairgrove High School Fairgrove, MI
Al Quaal Recreation Area Ishpeming, MI
Al Ritt Stadium Dexter, MI
Alanson XC Course Alanson, MI
Alba High School Alba, MI
Albion College Albion, MI
Albion College Indoor Track Albion, MI
Albion High School Albion, MI
Alcona High School Lincoln, MI
Algonac High School Algonac, MI
Alksnis Recreation Building Grand Rapids, MI
Allegan County Fairgrounds Allegan, MI
Allegan High School Allegan, MI
Allen Park High School Allen Park, MI
Allen Park Stadium Allen Park, MI
Allendale High School Allendale, MI
Alma College Alma, MI
Alma College X-C Course (Shepherd High School XC Course) Alma Alma, MI
Alma High School Alma, MI
Almont High School Almont, MI
Alpena High School Alpena, MI
Alumni Track West Bloomfield, MI
Anchor Bay High School Fair Haven, MI
Anderson Middle School Berkley, MI
Annapolis High School Dearborn Heights, MI
Aquinas College Grand Rapids, MI
Aquinas-Alksnis Indoor Track Grand Rapids, MI
Armada High School Armada, MI
Armstrong Field Three Rivers, MI
Armstrong Middle School Flint, MI
Arnett Farms Leslie Township, MI
Arthurs Middle School Trenton, MI
Athens High School Troy, MI
Athens High School Athens, MI
Auburn City Park Auburn, MI
Avondale High School Auburn Hills, MI
B Location
Bad Axe High School Bad Axe, MI
Baker Woods Ferry Township, MI
Baker Woods Hesperia, MI
Baldwin Street Middle School Hudsonville, MI
Banat Farm Stephenson, MI
Bangor High School Bangor, MI
Bangor High School XC Course Bangor, MI
Baraga HS Baraga, MI
Bark River-Harris Harris, MI
Bark River-Harris High School , MI
Barnabo Field Washington, MI
Bath High School Bath, MI
Bath Middle School Bath Township, MI
Battle Creek Central High School Battle Creek, MI
Baum Stadium Hastings, MI
Baumgarten Stadium Hillsdale, MI
Bay City Central High School Bay City, MI
Bay City Central HS Bay City, MI
Bay City Western High School Auburn, MI
Bay College Escanaba, MI
BC High Boston, MI
BCHS HS Midland, MI
Beagle Elementary School Grand Ledge, MI
Beal City High School Mt Pleasant, MI
Beal City HS Beal City, MI
Bear Lake XC Course Bear Lake, MI
Beauchamps Escanaba, MI
Beaverton High School Beaverton, MI
Beaverton School Forest Recreation Area Beaverton, MI
Bedford High School Temperance, MI
Beecher HS Flint, MI
Belding High School Belding, MI
Belding Lightning Bend Course Belding, MI
Bellaire HS Bellaire, MI
Belle Isle Park Detroit, MI
Belleville High School Belleville, MI
Bellevue HS Bellevue, MI
Bendle High School Burton, MI
Bendle Middle School Burton, MI
Bentley High School Burton, MI
Benton Harbor High School Benton Harbor, MI
Benzie Central High School Benzonia, MI
Beracy Park Ashley, MI
Berkley High School Royal Oak, MI
Berkshire Middle School Beverly Hills, MI
Bernice Hansen Athletic Center Grand Rapids, MI
Berrien County Fairgrounds Berrien Springs, MI
Berrien County Fairgrounds Berrien Springs, MI
Berrien Springs High School Berrien Springs, MI
Beverly Park Birmingham, MI
Bicentennial Park Grand Blanc, MI
Big Rapids Antique Farm and Power Club Big Rapids, MI
Big Rapids High School Big Rapids Township, MI
Birch Run High School Birch Run, MI
Birch Run High School Birch Run, MI
Birmingham Groves HS Beverly Hills, MI
Birmingham Seaholm High School Birmingham, MI
Bishop Foley HS Madison Heights, MI
Black Bear Golf Club Vanderbilt, MI
Blanche Hull Park Kalamazoo, MI
Blissfield HS Blissfield, MI
Bloomer Park Rochester Adams, MI
Bloomer Park Rochester Hills, MI
Bloomfield Hills High School Bloomfield Hills, MI
Bloomfield Hills Lahser High School Bloomfield Hills, MI
Bloomfield Hills Marian Bloomfield Hills, MI
Bloomingdale High School Bloomingdale, MI
Boney Park Fairview, MI
Boulder Creek Golf Club Kent, MI
Bowen Fieldhouse - Bob Parks Track Ypsilanti, MI
Boyne City HS Boyne City, MI
Boyne Falls High School Boyne Falls, MI
Boyne Highlands - The Moor Golf Course Harbor Springs, MI
Boyne Mountain Resort Boyne Falls, MI
Brandon Township Community Park Ortonville, MI
Brandywine High School Niles, MI
Branstrom Park Fremont, MI
Breckenridge HS Breckenridge, MI
Breckenridge Middle School Breckenridge, MI
Brent Beamish Athletic Center Brooklyn, MI
Brethren HS Brethren, MI
Bridgeport High School Bridgeport Charter Township, MI
Bridgman High School Bridgman, MI
Brighton High School Brighton, MI
Brimley High School Brimley, MI
Britton Britton, MI
Britton Deerfield High School Britton, MI
Bronson HS Bronson, MI
Brooklyn Columbia Central High School Brooklyn, MI
Brookside Golf & Grill Gowen, MI
Brookwood Athletic Complex Clare, MI
Brookwood Golf Course Flint, MI
Brother Rice High School Bloomfield Hills, MI
Brown City High School Brown City, MI
Brown City High School Brown City, MI
Bryon Center West Middle School Bryon Center, MI
Buchanan High School Buchanan, MI
Buckley Community Schools Buckley, MI
Buckley High School Buckley, MI
Bucks Run Mt. Pleasant, MI
Bulldog Stadium Otsego, MI
Bullock Creek HS Midland, MI
Burchfield Park Holt, MI
Byron Center Athletic Complex Byron Center, MI
Byron Center High School Byron Center, MI
Byron Center West Middle School Byron Center, MI
Byron High School Byron, MI
C Location
Cadillac HS Cadillac, MI
Caledonia High School Caledonia, MI
Calhoun County Fairgrounds Marshall, MI
Calumet High School Calumet Township, MI
Calvary Schools of Holland Laketown Campus Holland, MI
Calvin Christian High School Grand Rapids, MI
Calvin College Grand Rapids, MI
Calvin College 5K Course Grand Rapids, MI
Calvin College XC Course Grand Rapids, MI
Calvin University Grand Rapids, MI
Camden Frontier Camden, MI
Cameron Park Waco, MI
Camp Douglas Smith Free Soil, MI
Canada Lakes Cross Country Ski Trails Newberry, MI
Canada Lakes Pathway Newberry, MI
Candlestone Golf and Resort Belding, MI
Canton High School Canton, MI
Canton Plymouth High School Canton, MI
Capac High School Capac, MI
Cardinal Field Saginaw, MI
Cardinal Stadium Davison, MI
Cardinal Stadium Muskegon, MI
Carl P. Bahre Stadium Wyoming, MI
Carlisle Fields Traverse City, MI
Carlson High School Gibraltar, MI
Carlson HS Gibraltar, MI
Carlson Von Ins Track , MI
Carman-Ainsworth High School Flint, MI
Carman-Ainsworth Middle School Flint, MI
Caro Golf Club Caro, MI
Caro HS Caro, MI
Carrie Knause Elementary School St. Louis, MI
Carrollton HS Carrollton, MI
Carson City-Crystal High School Carson City, MI
Carsonville HS Carsonville, MI
Carsonville-Port Sanilac Sanliac, MI
Carter MS , MI
CASA Baseball/Softball Complex Cadillac, MI
Cass Benton Park Northville, MI
Cass City High School Cass City, MI
Cass-Benton Park Northville, MI
Cassapolis HS Cassapolis, MI
Cassopolis High School Cassopolis, MI
Cassopolis Ross Beatty High School Cassopolis, MI
Cassopolis Ross Beatty High School Cassopolis, MI
Castle Creek Golf Course Lum, MI
Catalpa Oaks County Park Southfield, MI
Catalpa Oaks County Park Southfield , MI
Catholic Athletic Field Grand Rapids, MI
Catholic Central Athletic Complex (C.A.T.) Grand Rapids, MI
Catholic Central HS Grand Rapids, MI
Cedar Springs Elementary Grounds Cedar Springs, MI
Cedar Springs ES Grounds Cedar Springs, MI
Cedar Springs High School Cedar Springs, MI
Cedar View Elementary Cedar Springs, MI
Center for Innovation Lapeer, MI
Center Line High School Center Line, MI
Centerline High School Centerline, MI
Central Catholic HS Detroit, MI
Central Lake High School Central Lake, MI
Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant, MI
Central Montcalm High School Stanton, MI
Centreville HS Centreville, MI
Centreville Jr/Sr HS Centreville, MI
Champaign Park Allen Park, MI
Chandler Park Detroit, MI
Charlevoix Golf Club Charlevoix, MI
Charlevoix High School Charlevoix, MI
Charlotte High School Charlotte, MI
Charlton Park (Village Course) Hastings, MI
Chassell Trail Chassell, MI
Cheboygan High School Cheboygan, MI
Cheboygan Middle School Cheboygan, MI
Chelsea , MI
Chelsea High School Chelsea, MI
Chesanig Boat Show Park Chesanig , MI
Chesaning High School Chesaning, MI
Chicago Public League City Championships MI, MI
Chippewa Hills High School Remus, MI
Chippewa Hills HS Remus, MI
Chippewa Valley HS Clinton Twp, MI
Churchill High School Livonia, MI
Clare High School Clare, MI
Clarenceville High School Livonia, MI
Clark Lake Golf Course Brooklyn, MI
Clarkston High School Clarkston, MI
Clarkston Junior High School Clarkston, MI
Clawson City Park Clawson, MI
Clawson HS Clawson, MI
Clawson Stadium Clawson , MI
Climax-Scotts High School Climax, MI
Clinton High School Clinton, MI
Clintondale High School Clinton Twp, MI
Clintonwood Park Village of Clarkston, MI
Clio High School Clio, MI
Clio HS Clio, MI
Clio HS Flint, MI
Cobo Center Detroit, MI
Coldwater High School Coldwater, MI
Coleman HS Coleman, MI
Coloma High School Colomoa, MI
Colon High School Colon, MI
Colonial Golf Course Hart, MI
Columbia Central High School Brooklyn, MI
Columbus County Park Columbus, MI
Community Memorial Stadium Mt. Pleasant, MI
Comstock High School Kalamazoo, MI
Comstock Park High School Comstock, MI
Concord HS Concord, MI
Concordia University Ann Arbor, MI
Constantine High School Constantine, MI
Cooperation Park Indian River, MI
Coopersville High School Coopersville, MI
Coopersville Middle School Coopersville, MI
Cornerstone University Grand Rapids Charter Township, MI
Corunna High School Corunna, MI
Corunna Middle School Corunna, MI
Cougar Track Adrian, MI
Council Point Park Lincoln Park, MI
Country Mill Charlotte, MI
Country Mill Orchard and Cider Mill Charlotte, MI
Courtade Elementary School Traverse City, MI
Cousino High School Warren, MI
Covert Road Covert Rd, MI
Cranbrook Kingswood Campus Bloomfield Hills, MI
Creekside Intermediate School Dexter, MI
Crestwood High School Dearborn Heights, MI
Crim Fitness Foundation Flint, MI
Crossroads Charter Academy Big Rapids, MI
Crosswell Lexington High School Crosswell, MI
Croswell-Lexington High School Croswell, MI
Cummings Center Mount Morris, MI
Cummings Center Davison, MI
Cutlerville Cutlerville, MI
CW Post Stadium Battle Creek, MI
D Location
Dakota High School Macomb, MI
Dale Fountain Cross Country Course Banat, MI
Dansville High School Dansville, MI
Davenport University Grand Rapids, MI
Davenport University Softball Stadium Caledonia, MI
Davies Field Grandville, MI
Davison High School Davison, MI
Dearborn Divine Child High School Dearborn, MI
Dearborn High School Dearborn, MI
Dearborn-- Fordson HS Dearborn, MI
Dearbron Fordson HS Dearborn, MI
Decatur High School Decatur, MI
Deckerville HS Deckerville, MI
Deerfield-Gerber Hill Park Deerfield, MI
Delia Park Sterling Heights, MI
Delta College Bay City, MI
Delta College University Center, MI
Delton-Kellogg HS Delton, MI
Detroit Detroit, MI
Detroit Catholic Central High School Novi, MI
Detroit Country Day School Beverly Hills, MI
DeWitt High School DeWitt, MI
Dexter High School Dexter, MI
Diamond Springs Golf Course Hamilton, MI
Dickinson County Fairgrounds Norway , MI
Divine Child High School Dearborn, MI
Dodge Park Sterling Heights, MI
Douglas Walker Park Byron Center, MI
Dowagiac Dowagiac, MI
Dowagiac Middle School Dowagiac, MI
Dr. MK Conklin Recreation Park Newaygo, MI
Dryden HS Dryden, MI
Dundee Community High School Dundee, MI
Dundee HS Dundee, MI
Durand High School Durand, MI
Durand Middle School Durand, MI
Dutch Hollow Golf Course Durand, MI
Dwight D. Eisenhower High School Shelby Twp, MI
E Location
Eagle Point Plaza Hale, MI
Eagle Stadium Hudsonville, MI
Eagles Stadium Grand Rapids, MI
East China Park Marine City, MI
East China Stadium East China, MI
East China Township Park East China, MI
East English Village Prep Academy Detroit, MI
East Grand Rapids High School Grand Rapids, MI
East Jackson High School Jackson, MI
East Jackson HS East Jackson, MI
East Jordan City Tourist Park East Jordan, MI
East Jordan Community Park East Jordan, MI
East Jordan High School East Jordan, MI
East Kentwood High School Kentwood, MI
East Lansing High School East Lansing, MI
East Middle School Farmington Hills, MI
East Rockford Middle School Rockford, MI
Eastern High School Forest Hills, MI
EASTERN HS Track Lansing, MI
Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI
Eastern Stadium Lansing, MI
Eastpointe High School Eastpointe, MI
Eaton Rapids HS Eaton Rapids, MI
Eau Claire High School Eau Claire, MI
Ecorse HS Ecorse, MI
Edsel Ford HS Dearborn, MI
Edwardsburg High School Edwardsburg, MI
Edwardsburg Sports Complex Edwardsburg, MI
EG Townsend Athletic Complex Montague, MI
Eisenhower High School Shelby Township, MI
Eisenhower HS Shelby Charter Township, MI
Elaine Leigh Track and Field Complex Rochester, MI
Elizabeth Park Trenton, MI
Elk Rapids High School Elk Rapids, MI
Elkton-Pigeon-Bay Port Laker Schools Pigeon, MI
Ella Sharp Park Jackson, MI
Ellsworth XC Course Ellsworth, MI
Emerson Middle School Livonia, MI
Emerson School Ann Arbor, MI
Engadine , MI
Engadine High School Engadine, MI
Erie Mason High School Erie, MI
Escanaba Country Club Escanaba, MI
Escanaba High School Escanaba, MI
Evart High School Evart, MI
Everest Collegiate High School Village of Clarkston, MI
Everest Collegiate HS , MI
Everett HS Lansing, MI
Evergreen Park Cass City, MI
Ewen-Trout Creek School Ewen, MI
F Location
Faholo Conference Center Grass Lake, MI
Fairfield Inn Mt. Pleasant, MI
Fairview Schools Fairview, MI
Fairview Track Fairview, MI
Falan Field Paw Paw, MI
Falcon Stadium Kentwood, MI
Farmhouse B&B Gladstone, MI
Farmington High School Farmington, MI
Farmington Hills High School Farmington Hills, MI
Farmington Hills Mercy High School Farmington Hills, MI
Farmington HS Farmington, MI
Farwell High School Farwell, MI
Father Mac Fields Lansing, MI
Fenn Valley Vineyards Fennville, MI
Fenner Nature Center Lansing, MI
Fennville High School Fennville, MI
Fenton High School Fenton, MI
Fenton HS & AGS MS Fenton, MI
Ferndale Martin Road Park, MI
Ferndale HS Ferndale, MI
Ferris State University Big Rapids, MI
Ferry Field Ann Arbor, MI
Firefighters Park Troy, MI
Fish Creek Sportsman's Club Hubbardston, MI
Fish Creek Sportsmans Club Carson City, MI
Fisher Trails - Northwood University Midland, MI
Fitzgerald High School Warren, MI
Fitzgerald Park Grand Ledge, MI
Five Pines Ministries Berrien Center, MI
Flat Rock High School Flat Rock, MI
Flint Flint Road Racing, MI
Flint Flint, MI
Flint Beecher High School Flint, MI
Flint Kearsley HS Flint, MI
Flivver Field kingsford, MI
Flushing High School Flushing, MI
Flushing Township Nature Park Flushing, MI
Flushing Valley Golf Club Flushing, MI
Ford Field Livonia, MI
Ford Field Park Dearborn, MI
Ford HS Sterling Heights, MI
Ford II HS Sterling Heights, MI
Ford Woods Dearborn, MI
Ford Woods , MI
Fordson High School Dearborn, MI
Forest Akers East Golf Course East Lansing, MI
Forest Akers Golf Course Lansing , MI
Forest Hills Central HS Grand Rapids, MI
Forest Hills Eastern High School Ada, MI
Forest Hills Eastern High School Ada, MI
Forest Hills Golf Course Grand Rapids, MI
Forest Hills Northern High School Grand Rapids, MI
Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp Crystal Falls, MI
Fowler High School Fowler, MI
Fowlerville High School Fowlerville, MI
Fowlerville Junior High School Fowlerville, MI
FPS Pine Street Athletic Facility Fremont, MI
FPS Street Athletic Field Fremont, MI
Fran Mellinger Track Menominee, MI
Frankenmuth Frankenmuth , MI
Frankenmuth High School Frankenmuth, MI
Frankfort HS Frankfort, MI
Franklin High School Livonia, MI
Fraser High School Fraser, MI
Freedom Christian Schools Hudsonville, MI
Freedom Hill County Park Sterling Heights, MI
Freeland HS Freeland, MI
Freeland's Home Cross-Country Course Freeland, MI
Fremont High School Fremont, MI
Fremont Middle School Fremont, MI
Friends Church Tecumseh, MI
Friendship Park Lake Orion, MI
Fruit Ridge Hayrides Kent City, MI
Fruitport Calvary Christian School Fruitport, MI
Fruitport High School Fruitport, MI
Fruitport Middle School Fruitport, MI
Fulton HS Middleton, MI
G Location
Gabriel Richard Catholic High School Riverview, MI
Gabriel Richard HS Riverview, MI
Gainey Athletic Complex Grand Rapids, MI
Galesburg-Augusta Middle School Augusta, MI
Gallup Park Ann Arbor, MI
Garber HS Essexville, MI
Garden City HS Garden City, MI
Gardner Elementary School Lansing, MI
Gaylord Country Club Gaylord, MI
Gaylord High School Gaylord, MI
Genesee HS Genesee, MI
Gent'z Homestead Golf Course Harvey, MI
George Young Golf Course Crystal Falls, MI
Gerber Hill Park Blissfield, MI
Gerber Park Blissfield, MI
Gezon Park Wyoming, MI
Ghesquiere Park Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
Gilbert Willis Park Wixom, MI
Gilliam's House Gladwin, MI
Gilmore Car Museum Hickory Corners, MI
Gilmore Car Museum Hickory Corners, MI
Gilmore Car Museum Hickory Corners, MI
Gladstone High School Gladstone, MI
Gladstone XC Course Gladstone, MI
Gladwin County Recreation Area Gladwin, MI
Gladwin HS Gladwin, MI
Glen Lake Community School Maple City, MI
Glen Oaks CC Centreville, MI
Gobles HS Gobles, MI
Godells County Park Port Huron, MI
Godwin Carl P. Bahre Field Grand Rapids, MI
Godwin Heights High School Grand Rapids, MI
Gogebic Country Club Ironwood, MI
Golden Sands Golf Course Mears,, MI
Goodells County Park Goodells, MI
Goodells County Park Goodells, MI
Goodrich High School Goodrich, MI
Goodrich Middle School Goodrich, MI
Gordon Park Sand Lake, MI
Gowen - Brookside Golf Course Gowen, MI
Grace Will Country Club Walker, MI
Gracewil Country Club Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Beach Golf Course New Buffalo, MI
Grand Blanc East Middle School Grand Blanc, MI
Grand Blanc High School Grand Blanc, MI
Grand Blanc West MS Grand Blanc Twp, MI
Grand Haven High School Grand Haven, MI
Grand Ledge High School Grand Ledge, MI
Grand Rapids Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Christian High School Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Covenant Christian Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids NorthPointe Christian High School Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids Union Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids West Catholic Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids-GRPS University Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids-GRPS University , MI
Grand Traverse Academy Traverse City, MI
Grand Traverse Resort & Spa Williamsburg, MI
Grand Valley State University Allendale, MI
Grand Woods Delta Township, MI
Grand Woods Park Lansing, MI
Grand/Bil Mar Restaurant Grand Haven Beach, MI
Grandhaven High School Grandhaven, MI
Grandview Golf Club Kalkaska, MI
Grandville Calvin Christian Grandville, MI
Grandville High School Grandville, MI
Grandville Middle School Grandville, MI
Grant High School Grant, MI
Grant Home course Grant, MI
Grant Middle School Grant, MI
Grass Lake High School Grass Lake, MI
Gratriot Country Club Ithaca, MI
Grayling HS Grayling, MI
Grayling-Hanson Hills Recreation Area Grayling, MI
Green Lake Township Memorial Park Interlochen, MI
Greenhills High School Ann Arbor, MI
Greenville High School Greenville, MI
Greg Glover Track & Field Complex Webberville, MI
Greg Glover Track & Field Complex Webberville, MI
Groen Nature Preserve Johannesburg, MI
Grosse Ile HS Grosse Ile Township, MI
Grosse Pointe Academy Grosse Pointe Farms, MI
Grosse Pointe North High School Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
Grosse Pointe South High School Grosse Pointe Farms, MI
Groves HS , MI
GRPS Northeast Campus Grand Rapids, MI
Gull Lake High School Richland, MI
Gun Lake Park Wayland, MI
Gwinn High School Gwinn, MI
H Location
H T Smith Elementary School Fowlerville, MI
H. H. Dow HS Midland, MI
H.H. Dow High School Midland, MI
Hackett Catholic Prep High School Kalamazoo, MI
Hale HS Hale, MI
Hall Road Park Woodhaven, MI
Hamady High School Flint, MI
Hamilton High School Hamilton, MI
Hamilton Middle School Hamilton, MI
Hancock Central HS Hancock, MI
Hancock High School Hancock, MI
Hanover Hanover, MI
Hanover-Horton High School Horton, MI
Hanover-Horton HS Hanover, MI
Harbor Beach Community Schools Harbor Beach, MI
Harbor Lights Middle School Holland, MI
Harbor Springs High School Harbor Springs, MI
Harper Creek High School Harper Creek, MI
Harper Creek HS Battle Creek, MI
Harper Creek Middle School Battle Creek, MI
Harper Woods High School Harper Woods, MI
Harrison Community School Harrison, MI
Harrison High School Harrison, MI
Hart HS Hart, MI
Hart Middle School Hart, MI
Hartford HS Hartford, MI
Hartland HS Hartland, MI
Hartland Middle School Hartland, MI
Haslett High School Haslett, MI
Hastings High School Hastings, MI
Haven Reformed Church Kalamazoo, MI
Hayden Park Hillsdale, MI
Hazel Park HS Hazel Park, MI
Headlands International Dark Sky Park Mackinaw City, MI
Helder Park Zeeland, MI
Hemlock High School Hemlock, MI
Henry Ford II High School Sterling Heights, MI
Herbert/Corey Sports Complex Stephenson, MI
Heritage Christian Academy Kalamazoo, MI
Heritage Christian School Hudsonville, MI
Heritage High School Saginaw, MI
Heritage Park Livonia, MI
Heritage Park Hanover, MI
Heritage Park Taylor, MI
Heritage Park Adrian, MI
Herrick Field Athletic Complex Bellaire, MI
Hesperia HS Hesperia, MI
Hess-Hathaway Park Waterford Twp, MI
Hiawatha Sportsmans Club Golf Course Naubinway, MI
Hidden Lake Gardens Onstead, MI
Hidden Oaks Golf Course St. Louis, MI
Highland Milford High School Highland, MI
Highlander Way Middle School Howell, MI
Highlander Way Middle School Howell, MI
Highlander Way Middle School Howell, MI
Hill-McCloy High School Montrose, MI
Hillsdale Hillsdale, MI
Hillsdale College Hillsdale, MI
Hillsdale High School Hillsdale, MI
Hillsdale-Margot V. Biermann AC Hillsdale, MI
Hillside Middle School Northville, MI
Hines Park Westland, MI
Holland Calvary Holland, MI
Holland Calvary Christian Holland, MI
Holland Christian High School Holland, MI
Holland Christian Middle School Holland, MI
Holland High School Holland, MI
Holly High School Holly, MI
Holt High School Holt, MI
Holton High School Holton, MI
Holton Red Devil Stadium Holton, MI
Homer Community High School Homer, MI
Honeysett Farm Plainwell, MI
Hope College Holland, MI
Hopkins High School Hopkins, MI
Hornet Stadium , MI
Houghton High School Houghton, MI
Houghton Lake HS Houghton, MI
House on a Hill Ellsworth, MI
Houseman Field Grand Rapids, MI
Houseman Field Grand Rapids, MI
Howell HS Howell, MI
Huckleberry Creek Golf Course Pewamo, MI
Hudson High School Hudson, MI
Hudson Mills Dexter, MI
Hudson Mills Metropark - North Course Dexter, MI
Hudson Mills Metropark - South Course Dexter, MI
Hudsonville Football Stadium Hudsonville, MI
Hudsonville High School Hudsonville, MI
Hughes Memorial Stadium Harrison, MI
Hurley Field Berkley, MI
Huron County Fair Grounds Bad Axe, MI
Huron High School Ann Arbor, MI
Huron high school New Boston, MI
Huron Meadows Golf Course Brighton, MI
Huron Meadows Metropark Brighton, MI
Huron Meadows Metropark Ann Arbor, MI
Huron Valley Lutheran High School Westland, MI
Huron Valley Lutheran High School Westland, MI
Huskie Stadium Portage, MI
I Location
Ida HS Ida, MI
IMA Brookwood Golf Course Burton, MI
Imerman Memorial Park Saginaw, MI
Imlay City HS Imlay City, MI
Imlay City Middle School Imlay City, MI
Immerman Park Saginaw, MI
Indian Creek Park Temperance, MI
Indian Lake Nazarene Camp Vicksburg, MI
Indian River Inland Lakes HS Indian River, MI
Inland Lakes School Indian River, MI
Ionia High School Ionia, MI
Iron Mountain City Park Iron Mountain, MI
Ironwood Golf Course Byron Center, MI
Iroquois Middle School Macomb, MI
Ishpeming High School Ishpeming, MI
Island Lake Metropark South Lyon, MI
Island Lake Recreation Area Brighton, MI
Ithaca Fair Grounds Ithaca, MI
Ithaca High School Ithaca, MI
Ithaca HS Stadium Ithaca, MI
J Location
J.W. Sexton High School Lansing, MI
Jack N. Abernathy Regional Park Davison, MI
Jack Skoog Indoor Track - Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, MI
Jackson Community College Jackson, MI
Jackson High School Jackson, MI
Jackson Northwest Jackson, MI
Jackson Northwest High School Jackson, MI
Jaycee Park Troy, MI
Jean Burns Homestead Central Lake, MI
Jefferson High School Newport, MI
Jefferson Middle School Monroe, MI
Jenison Field House East Lansing, MI
Jenison High School Jenison, MI
Jerry Niehaus Field Chelsea, MI
Jijak Camp Hopkins, MI
Joe Bechtel Athletic Complex Grass Lake, MI
Johannesburg-Lewiston Track Johannesburg, MI
John Dukes Field Howell, MI
John F. Kennedy HS Taylor, MI
John Glenn High School Westland, MI
John Glenn High School Bay City, MI
Johnson Park Grand Rapids, MI
Johnson Park Calvin, MI
Johnson Park Walker, MI
Jonesville High School Jonesville, MI
Julius Houseman Field Grand Rapids, MI
Julius R. Houseman Field Grand Rapids, MI
K Location
K.I. Sawyer Elementary School Gwinn, MI
Kalamazoo Central High School Kalamazoo, MI
Kalamazoo Christian Elementary School Kalamazoo, MI
Kalamazoo Christian High School Kalamazoo, MI
Kalamazoo College Kalamazoo, MI
Kalamazoo Valley Community College Kalamazoo, MI
Kaleva Norman Dickson Schools Brethren, MI
Kalkaska High School Kalkaska, MI
Katke Golf Course Big Rapids, MI
Katke-Cousins Golf Course Rochester, MI
Kearsley Lakes Golf Course Flint, MI
Kell Road Powers, MI
Kellogg Forest Augusta, MI
Kelloggsville HS Grand Rapids, MI
Kelly Family Sports Center Allendale Charter Township, MI
Kenowa Hills High School Grand Rapids, MI
Kensington Metropark Milford, MI
Kent City High School Kent City, MI
Kentwood Middle School Kentwood, MI
Kentwood Middle Tri Caledonia, MI
Kerwin Paesens Field , MI
Kettering HS Waterford Twp, MI
Kilpela Farm Adams Township, MI
Kimball Camp YMCA Reading, MI
Kinawa Middle School Okemos, MI
Kingsford City Park Kingsford, MI
Kingsford High School Kingsford, MI
Kingsley High School Kinglsey, MI
Kingston High School Kingston, MI
Kipke Field , MI
Knauf Park St. Joseph, MI
Koller Farm Banat, MI
Kraft Meadows Intermediate School Caledonia, MI
KRESA Portage, MI
KVCC Oshtemo, MI
L Location
L'Anse Creuse High School Harrison, MI
L'Anse Creuse High School - North Macomb, MI
L'Anse Creuse North HS Macomb, MI
L'Anse Junior/Senior High School Lanse, MI
L.M. Wise Preserve Hopkins, MI
L.M. Wise Preserve Hopkins, MI
Ladywood High School Livonia, MI
Laingsburg High School Laingsburg, MI
Laingsburg High School XC Course Laingsburg, MI
Lake Alliance Park Potterville, MI
Lake City High School Lake City, MI
Lake City High School XC Course Lake City, MI
Lake Cora Golf Course Paw Paw, MI
Lake Erie Metropark Brownstown Charter Twp, MI
Lake Fenton High School Linden, MI
Lake Linden-Hubbell HS Lake Linden-Hubbell, MI
Lake Michigan College Benton Harbor, MI
Lake of Dreams Campground Merrill, MI
Lake of the Woods Camp Decatur, MI
Lake Orion High School Lake Orion, MI
Lake Shore High School St. Clair Shores, MI
Lake St. Clair Metropark Harrison Township, MI
Lake Superior State University Norris Center Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Lake Township Park Bridgman, MI
Lake Township Park Bridgman, MI
Lakeland High School White Lake, MI
Lakeland HS Lakeland, MI
Laker Golf Course Spring Lake, MI
Laker High School Pigeon, MI
Lakeshore High School Stevensville, MI
Lakeshore Middle School Grand Haven, MI
Lakeview High School Battle Creek, MI
Lakeview High School St Clair Shores, MI
Lakeview HS Lakeview, MI
Lakeville Elementary School Oxford, MI
Lakeville High School Otisville, MI
Lakewood High School Lake Odessa, MI
Lakewood HS Lake Odessa, MI
Lakewood Middle School Woodland, MI
Lamphere High School Madison Heights, MI
Lanse Golf Club Lanse, MI
Lansing Catholic High School Lansing, MI
Lansing Christian School Lansing, MI
Lansing Eastern High School Lansing, MI
Lansing Sexton High School Lansing, MI
Lapeer High School Lapeer, MI
Lapeer Innovation Center Lapeer, MI
Larkin and Nortman Memorial Field Williamston, MI
Lawrence High School Lawrence, MI
Lawton High School Lawton, MI
Ledge Meadows Golf Course Grand Ledge, MI
Lee Athletic Fields Wyoming, MI
Lee High School Wyoming, MI
Lenawee Christian School Adrian, MI
Leroy Pine , MI
Leslie CC Course Leslie, MI
Leslie HS Leslie, MI
Lightning Bend Park Belding, MI
Lincoln Athletic Building Ypsilanti, MI
Lincoln High School Ypsilanti, MI
Lincoln High School Ypsilanti, MI
Lincoln Middle School Ypsilanti, MI
Lincoln Park HS Lincoln Park, MI
Linden Grove Middle School Kalamazoo, MI
Linden High School Linden, MI
List Elementary School Frankenmuth, MI
Litchfield HS Litchfield, MI
Little John Lake Park Allegan, MI
Littlejohn Lake Park Allegan, MI
LLoyd T. Smith Stadium Ionia, MI
Long Lake Park Sparta, MI
Longyear park Ironwood, MI
Lowell High School Lowell, MI
Loy Norrix High School Kalamazoo, MI
Loyd T. Smith Stadium , MI
Ludington Ludington, MI
Ludington High School Ludington, MI
Ludington Park Escanaba, MI
Lumen Christi Catholic School Track Jackson, MI
Luther L Wright High School Ironwood, MI
Luther L Wright HS Ironwood, MI
Lutheran HS Westland Westland, MI
Lutheran North HS Macomb Township, MI
Lutheran Northwest High School Rochester Hills, MI
Lutheran Westland High School Westland, MI
M Location
Maasto Hiito Ski Trails Hancock, MI
Macatawa Bay Middle School Holland, MI
Mackinaw City Mackinaw City, MI
Mackinaw Club Golf Course Carp Lake, MI
Macomb Community College Macomb, MI
Macomb Community College Sports & Expo Center Warren, MI
Macomb Lutheran North High School Macomb, MI
Madeline Bertrand County Park Niles, MI
Madison High School Madison Heights, MI
Madison High School Adrian, MI
Madison High School Madison Heights, MI
Mancelona High School Mancelona, MI
Manchester HS Manchester, MI
Manistee Community Track Manistee, MI
Manistee High School Manistee, MI
Manistee National Golf Course Manistee, MI
Manistique Middle & High School Manistique, MI
Manly W. Bennett Disc Golf Course Hamburg, MI
Manly W. Bennett Park Whitmore Lake, MI
Manton Athletic Complex Manton, MI
Manton High School Manton, MI
Maple Creek Golf Club Shepard, MI
Maple Creek Golf Club Shepherd, MI
Maple Creek Golf Course Mt. Pleasant, MI
Maple Leaf Golf Course Linwood, MI
Maple Valley High School Vermontville, MI
Marble Athletic Field Gladstone, MI
Marcellus HS , MI
Marcellus HS Marcellus, MI
marcellus relays Kalamazoo, MI
Marian High School Bloomfield Hills, MI
Marine City HS Marine City, MI
Marion High School Marion, MI
Marion Park Norway, MI
Marist Academy Pontiac, MI
Marlette Airport Marlette, MI
Marlette High School Marlette, MI
Marquette Marquette, MI
Marquette Senior HS Marquette, MI
Marshall High School Marshall, MI
Marshall HS Marshall, MI
Martin HS Martin, MI
Martin Road Park Ferndale, MI
Marysville City Park Marysville, MI
Marysville High School Marysville, MI
Marysville Park Marysville, MI
Marysville Walt Braun Viking Stadium Marysville, MI
Mason County Central High School Scottville, MI
Mason County Eastern HS Custer, MI
Mason County Eastern Schools Custer, MI
Mason County Fairgrounds Ludington, MI
Mason County HS Scottville, MI
Mason High School Mason, MI
Massie Field Bessemer, MI
Mattawan Consolidated School Mattawan, MI
Mattawan High School Mattawan, MI
Matthes Evergreen Farm Ida, MI
Matthew Patterson Park Gross Pointe Park, MI
Maybury State Park Northville, MI
Maynard "Red" Aurand Memorial Park New Baltimore, MI
Mayville HS Mayville, MI
McBain Athletic Complex Manton, MI
McBain High School McBain, MI
McBain HS McBain, MI
McBain Northern Michigan Christian McBain, MI
McCaffrey Field Fraser, MI
McCamley Field Portage, MI
McCamley-Knight Field Portage, MI
McClain State Park Hancock, MI
McGraft Park Muskegon, MI
McKenzie Stadium Georgetown Twp, MI
McKenzie Stadium Jenison, MI
Meads Mill Middle School Northville, MI
Meckley's Flavor Fruit Farm Cement City, MI
Mecosta County Fair Grounds Big Rapids, MI
Meerman Stadium Coopersville, MI
Melvindale High School Melvindale, MI
Memorial Athletic Field Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Memorial Field Highland, MI
Memorial Park Wyandotte, MI
Memorial Park Frankenmuth, MI
Memorial Park - Royal Oak Royal Oak, MI
Memphis - Memphis HS Memphis, MI
Memphis High School Riley, MI
Mendon HS Mendon, MI
Mendon XC Course Mendon, MI
Menominee High School Menominee, MI
Mercy High School Farmington Hills, MI
Meridian High School Sanford, MI
Mesick Mesick High School, MI
Mesick XC Course Mesick, MI
Messiah Lutheran Church Clio, MI
Metro Beach Clinton Township, MI
Metro Beach Metropark Harrison Township, MI
Meyer Broadway Park , MI
Meyer Broadway Park Three Rivers, MI
Michaywe Pines Gaylord, MI
Michigan Center HS Michigan Center, MI
Michigan International Research Park Ottawa Lake, MI
Michigan International Speedway Brooklyn, MI
Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
Michigan Tech Student Development Complex Houghton, MI
Michigan Tech Trails Houghton, MI
Mid Michigan Community College Clare, MI
Midland Dow High School Midland, MI
Midland HH Dow High School Midland, MI
Midland High School Midland, MI
Midland Stadium Midland, MI
Milan High School Milan, MI
Milan HS XC Course Milan, MI
Milford HS Highland, MI
Miller Elementary School New Boston, MI
Millington Jr/Sr/ High School Millington , MI
Missaukee Golf Club Lake City, MI
Moltke Rogers, MI
Mona Shores HS Norton Shores, MI
Mona Shores Middle School Norton Shores, MI
Monroe County Fairgrounds Monroe, MI
Monroe High School Monroe, MI
Monroe High School Monroe Charter Township, MI
Monroe High School Monroe, MI
Monroe HS Monroe, MI
Monroe Jefferson High School Monroe, MI
Montabella High School Blanchard, MI
Montabella High School Montabella, MI
Montague High School Montague, MI
Morenci HS Morenci, MI
Morley Stanwood HS Morley, MI
Morrice High School Morrice, MI
Mott HS Waterford Twp, MI
Mott Park Flint, MI
Mount Airy Christian Academy Mt Airy, MI
Mount Pleasant XC Course Mount Pleasant, MI
Mountaineer Field Iron Mountain, MI
MSU Dino Dash Course East Lansing, MI
MSU Tollgate Farms Novi, MI
Mt. Brighton Ski Resort Brighton, MI
Mt. Clemens HS Mt. Clemens, MI
Mt. Morris HS Mt. Morris, MI
Mt. Pleasant High School Mt. Pleasant, MI
Mt. Pleasant High School Mt. Pleasant, MI
Mt. Pleasant XC Course Mt Pleasant, MI
Muddy Waters Stadium Hillsdale, MI
Mulberry Fore Golf Course Maple Valley, MI
Multiple Sites Michigan, MI
Mumford High School Detroit, MI
Munising HS Munising, MI
Munson Park Monroe, MI
Munson Park Monroe, MI
Muskegon Catholic Central High School Muskegon, MI
Muskegon Catholic Central HS Muskegon, MI
Muskegon Community College Muskegon, MI
Muskegon Middle School Muskegon, MI
Muskegon Mona Shores High School Muskegon, MI
Mustang Stadium Munising, MI
N Location
Nankin Mills Westland, MI
Nankin Mills Park Westland, MI
Napoleon Ackerson Lake High School Jackson, MI
Napoleon High School Napoleon, MI
Negaunee High School Negaunee, MI
Negaunee Township Hall Negaunee , MI
Nekoosa HS Nekoosa, MI
Neptune Aquatic Club Hazel Park, MI
New Baltimore Anchor Bay High School Fair Haven, MI
New Buffalo Area Schools Stadium New Buffalo, MI
New Buffalo Elementary School New Buffalo, MI
New Buffalo High School New Buffalo, MI
New Haven High School New Haven, MI
New Lothrop HS New Lothrop, MI
Newaygo High School Newaygo, MI
Newaygo Public Schools Newaygo, MI
Newberry High School Newberry, MI
Nick Annese Field Corunna , MI
Nickels School Byron Center, MI
Nile High School Lakeshore, MI
Niles HS Niles, MI
Niles Madelyn Bertrand Park Niles, MI
NMU Chocolay Golf Course Marquette, MI
Norris Center Sault Ste. Marie, MI
North Branch North Branch, MI
North Branch High School North Branch, MI
North Branch Ruth Fox Elementary North Branch, MI
North Dickinson High School Felch, MI
North Farmington High School Farmington Hills, MI
North Huron HS Kinde, MI
North Muskegon High School North Muskegon, MI
North Park Campground Harbor Beach, MI
North Rockford Middle School Rockford, MI
North Shore Golf Club Menominee, MI
Northern Michigan Christian School McBain, MI
Northmen Stadium Petoskey, MI
Northview Crossroads Middle School Grand Rapids, MI
Northview High School Grand Rapids, MI
Northville High School Northville, MI
Northwood University Midland, MI
Northwoods Christian Camp Pickford, MI
Nouvel Catholic Central Saginaw, MI
Novi High School Novi, MI
Novi Middle School Novi, MI
O Location
O.L. Smith Dearborn, MI
Oak Park High School Oak Park, MI
Oak Ridge Golf Course Muskegon, MI
Oakland CC - Orchard Ridge Campus Farmington Hills, MI
Oakland Christian High School Auburn Hills, MI
Oakland Christian High School Auburn Hills, MI
Oakland Community College Waterford Twp, MI
Oakland University Rochester, MI
Oakland University Rochester Hills, MI
Oakland University XC Course Oakland, MI
Oakridge HS Muskegon, MI
Oakview Middle School Oakland Charter Towns, MI
Oakwood Elementary School Ortonville, MI
Oceana Country Club Shelby, MI
Ogemaw Heights High School Ogemaw Heights, MI
Ogemaw Heights HS West Branch, MI
Ogemaw Heights HS XC Course Ogemaw Heights, MI
Okemos HS Okemos, MI
Olivet College Olivet, MI
Olivet High School Olivet, MI
Onaway High School Onaway, MI
Onekama HS Onekama, MI
Onsted High School Onsted, MI
Onsted Village Park Onsted, MI
Ontonagon Area School Ontonagon, MI
Orchard View High School Muskegon, MI
Orchard View Middle School Muskegon, MI
Oriole Field Ludington, MI
Ortonville-Brandon High School Ortonville, MI
Oscoda County Fairgrounds Mio, MI
Oscoda HS Oscoda, MI
Ostego HS Ostego, MI
Otsego Cross Country Course Otsego, MI
Otsego High School Otsego, MI
Otsego Resort Gaylord, MI
Otstego High School Otsego, MI
Ovid Elsie HS Ovid Elsie, MI
Ovid-Elsie High School Elsie, MI
Ovid-Elsie Track & Field Elsie, MI
Owen Memorial Park Hillsdale, MI
Owen's Park Hillsdale, MI
Owens HS Reading, MI
Owens Park Hillsdale, MI
Owosso HS Owosso, MI
Oxford Golf Course Oxford, MI
Oxford High School Oxford, MI
Oxford High School Oxford, MI
P Location
Palmer Park Wyoming, MI
Palmer Park Wyoming, MI
Panther Stadium River Rouge, MI
Panther Stadium Holland, MI
Panther Stadium Hesperia, MI
Papa's Pumpkin Patch Mt. Pleasant, MI
Parchment High School Parchment, MI
Parker Middle School Howell, MI
Parkway Christian Sterling Heights, MI
Parma Western HS Parma Western, MI
Paterson Park Gross Point Park, MI
Pathfinder School Pinckney, MI
Patriots Park Riverview, MI
Patterson Park Grosse Pointe Park, MI
Paul Nilsson Track Complex Williamston, MI
Paw Paw High School Paw Paw, MI
Paw Paw Middle School Paw Paw, MI
PCEP East Facility - Vars Track Canton, MI
PCEP Varsity Stadium Canton, MI
PCEP Varsity Track Canton, MI
Peace Lutheran School Saginaw, MI
Peacock Tree Farm Laingsburg, MI
Peck Community Elementary School Peck, MI
Peck High School Peck, MI
Pellston High School Pellston, MI
Pennfield High School Battle Creek, MI
Perry High School Perry, MI
Petoskey High School Petoskey, MI
Petoskey Middle School Petoskey, MI
Pewamo-Westphalia Community Schools Westphalia, MI
Pewamo-Westphalia HS Westphalia, MI
Pickford High School Pickford, MI
Picture Rocks Golf Course Munising, MI
Pictured Rocks Golf Club Munising, MI
Pictured Rocks Golf Course Munising Township, MI
Pinckney High School Pinckney, MI
Pinconning HS Pinconning, MI
Pine River Area High School Le Roy, MI
Pine River Country Club Alma, MI
Pine River Golf Course Standish, MI
Pine River High School Pine River, MI
Pine River XC & Outdoor Ed Science Property Le Roy, MI
Pine Street Athletic Field Fremont, MI
Pine View Golf Club Kalamazoo, MI
Pinery Park Wyoming, MI
Pinery Park Wyoming, MI
Pioneer Classic XC Course East Grand Rapids, MI
Pioneer High School Ann Arbor, MI
Pioneer High School Ann Arbor, MI
Pioneer Stadium Detroit, MI
Pittsford High School Pittsford, MI
Plainwell , MI
Plainwell 5th Street Course Plainwell, MI
Plainwell High School Plainwell, MI
Pleasant Hills Golf Course Mt. Pleasant, MI
Pleasant Meadows Lake, MI
Pleasant Valley Bible Camp East Jordan, MI
Plymouth HS Plymouth, MI
Pontiac Pontiac, MI
Pontiac Notre Dame Prep HS Pontiac, MI
Pontiac Silverdome Pontiac, MI
Port Huron Central Middle School Port Huron Township, MI
Port Huron High School Port Huron, MI
Port Huron Northern High School Port Huron, MI
Portage Central High School Portage, MI
Portage Northern High School Portage, MI
Portage West Middle School Portage, MI
Portage West MS Portage, MI
Portland Country Club Lyons, MI
Portland High School Portland, MI
Potterville High School Potterville, MI
Power Middle School Farmington Hills, MI
Powers Catholic High School Flint, MI
PR XC & Outdoor Ed Science Property Le Roy, MI
Prairies Golf Club Kalamazoo, MI
Presque Isle Park Marquette, MI
Q Location
Qdoba Restaurant Lansing, MI
Queen City Running Co. Marquette, MI
Queen City Running Co. Marquette, MI
Quincy HS Quincy, MI
Quincy HS , MI
R Location
Ralph E. Myers Stadium Caledonia, MI
Ralph Young Field East Lansing, MI
Rapid River High School Rapid River, MI
Rasho Farm Traverse City, MI
Rasho Field Traverse City, MI
Ratcliffe Field South Haven, MI
Ravenna High School Ravenna, MI
Rayner Park Mason, MI
Read Fieldhouse Kalamazoo, MI
Reading Elementary School Reading, MI
Reading HS Reading, MI
Red Bud Motocross Park Buchanan, MI
Red Hawk Stadium Cedar Springs, MI
Redford Union , MI
Reed City High School Reed City, MI
Reese High School Reese, MI
Reeths-Puffer High School Muskegon, MI
Renaissance High School Detroit, MI
Reynolds Field Harbor Springs, MI
Reynolds Royals Stadium , MI
Richardson Center Commerce Charter Twp, MI
Richmond High School Richmond, MI
Richmond Park Grand Rapids, MI
Richmond Park Grand Rapids, MI
Rickover Jr High School Sauk Village, MI
Ridge Point Community Church Holland, MI
Ridge Point Community Church Holland, MI
Ridgeview HS Colfax, MI
Rifle River Recreation Area Lupton, MI
Rittmueller Middle School Frankenmuth, MI
River Rogue River Rogue, MI
River Rouge High School River Rouge, MI
River Valley HS (MI) Three Oaks, MI
Riverbend Friends Church Tecumseh, MI
Riverside Elementary School Battle Creek, MI
Riverside Elementary School Battle Creek, MI
Riverside Park Grand Rapids, MI
Riverside Park Scottville, MI
Riverside Park Grand Rapids, MI
Riverside Park Scottsdale , MI
Riverview High School Riverview, MI
Riverview Park St. Joseph, MI
Riverview Park St. Joseph, MI
Robert L. Bridges Track Dearborn, MI
Robert Nickels Intermediate Byron Center, MI
Roberts Park Saginaw, MI
Rochester Adams High School Rochester Hills, MI
Rochester High School Rochester Hills, MI
Rochester Hills Lutheran Northwest High School Rochester Hills, MI
Rockbridge Academy Millersville, MI
Rocket Stadium Muskegon, MI
Rockford East Mdidle School Rockford, MI
Rockford High School Rockford, MI
Rockford HS , MI
Roger and debbie Price Track Complex , MI
Rogers City HS Rogers City, MI
Rolland-Warner Middle School Lapeer, MI
Rolling Hills County Park Ypsilanti, MI
Romeo HS Romeo, MI
Romulus HS Romulus, MI
Roosevelt Elementary School Zeeland, MI
Roosevelt High School Wyandotte, MI
Roscommon High School Roscommon, MI
Roseville High School Roseville, MI
Roy Davis Field Schoolcraft, MI
Royal Oak High School Royal Oak, MI
Rudness Field Belding, MI
Rudyard School Farm Rudyard, MI
Rustic Glen Golf Club Saline, MI
Rusty Saw North Smokehouse Brutus, MI
Rycenga Park Fruitport, MI
Ryder Center University Center, MI
Rynearson Stadium - Olds/Marshall Track Ypsilanti, MI
S Location
Saginaw Arthur Hill High School Saginaw, MI
Saginaw High School Saginaw, MI
Saginaw Nouvel High School Saginaw, MI
Saginaw Valley State University University Center, MI
Saint Helen Community Garden St. Helen, MI
Salem HS Salem, MI
Saline High School Saline, MI
Saline Middle School Saline, MI
Sampson Farm Meridian, MI
Sand Creek High School Sand Creek, MI
Saranac High School Saranac, MI
Saugatuck High School Saugatuck, MI
Sault Area High School Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Sault Saint Marie High School Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Scarlett Middle School Ann Arbor, MI
School Forest Ludington, MI
Schoolcraft County Fairgrounds Manistique, MI
Schoolcraft High School Schoolcraft, MI
Scranton Middle School Brighton, MI
Seaholm High School Birmingham, MI
Seneca Middle School Macomb, MI
Shadford Field Ypsilanti, MI
Shanley Field Indian River, MI
Shelby HS Shelby, MI
Shephard High School Shepherd, MI
Shepherd HS Shepherd, MI
Shepherd Veterans Memorial Stadium , MI
Shiawassee County Fairgrounds Corunna, MI
Showboat Park Chesaning, MI
Shrine Catholic High School & Academy Royal Oak, MI
Siena Heights University Adrian, MI
Sienna Heights University Field House Adrian, MI
Silver Lake Recreation Area Travers, MI
Silver Mountain Ski Hill St Ignace, MI
Skyline High School Ann Arbor, MI
Soccer Complex East Lansing, MI
South Christian Athletic Fields Dutton, MI
South Christian High School Byron Center, MI
South Christian Sports Park Byron Center, MI
South Haven High School South Haven, MI
South Lake Athletic Complex St. Clair Shores, MI
South Lake High School St. Clair Shores, MI
South Lyon East High School South Lyon, MI
South Lyon High School South Lyon, MI
Southfield High School Southfield, MI
Southgate Anderson Southgate, MI
Sparta Cross Country Course Sparta, MI
Sparta High School Sparta, MI
Spartan Forest Pinconning, MI
Spencer Park Rochester Hills, MI
Spring Arbor University Spring Arbor, MI
Spring Lake CC Course Spring Lake, MI
Spring Lake High School Spring Lake, MI
Springbrook Golf Club St. Phillips, MI
Springfield Oaks County Park Davisburg, MI
SpringHill Camps Evart, MI
Springport High School Springport, MI
St. Charles HS St. Charles, MI
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Middle School Traverse City, MI
St. Francis High School Traverse City, MI
St. Francis Retreat Center Dewitt, MI
St. Ignace HS St. Ignace, MI
St. Joesph HS St. Joe, MI
St. Johns High School St. Johns, MI
St. Johns Middle School St. Johns, MI
St. Joseph High School St. Joseph, MI
St. Louis High School St. Louis, MI
St. Mary's Orchard Lake, MI
St. Mary's Preparatory High School West Bloomfield Township, MI
St. Mary's Sugarloaf Course Lake Leelanau, MI
St. Michael's Luthern School Reese, MI
St. Peter Lutheran Church & School Macomb, MI
Stamats Field Caro, MI
Standish-Sterling HS Standish, MI
Stanton Central Stanton, MI
Stanton Farms Sherwood, MI
Starr Jaycee Park Royal Oak, MI
Stephenson Area Public School Stephenson, MI
Sterling Heights High School Sterling Heights, MI
Sterling Heights Stevenson HS Sterling Heights, MI
Sterling State Park Monroe, MI
Stevenson High School Livonia, MI
Stockbridge High School Stockbridge, MI
Stoneco Park Monroe, MI
Stoney Creek , MI
Stoney Creek HS Rochester Hills, MI
Stony Creek Baypoint Beach Shelby Township, MI
Stony Creek Eastwood Beach Washington Township, MI
Stony Creek Metropark Shelby Township, MI
Stony Point Golf Course Manistique, MI
Stratford Woods Midland, MI
Strawberry Lake Norway, MI
Sturgis Sturgis, MI
Sturgis Golf Course Sturgis, MI
Sturgis HS Sturgis, MI
Sturgis MS Sturgis, MI
Sturrus Track (Calvin College) Grand Rapids, MI
Summerfield HS Petersburg, MI
Superior Dome (NMU) Marquette, MI
Suttons Bay HS Suttons Bay, MI
SVSU Cross Country Course Saginaw, MI
SVSU Outdoor Recreation & Fitness Trail University Center, MI MI, MI
Swan Valley High School Saginaw, MI
Swartz Creek Golf Course Flint, MI
Swartz Creek HS Swartz Creek, MI
Swede Hill Park Big Rapids, MI
Swede Town Trails Calumet, MI
Swedetown Nordic Ski Trails Swedetown, MI
Sweetland Stadium Constantine , MI
Swinehart Field Shelby Twp, MI
Swinehart Stadium Utica, MI
Sylvester Stadium Berrien Springs, MI
T Location
Tails N Trails Dog Park Saugatuck, MI
Tawas City High School Tawas City, MI
Tawas Creek Golf Course Tawas City, MI
Taylor High School Taylor, MI
Taymouth Township Park Burt, MI
Tecumseh High School Tecumseh, MI
The Alpine Golf Course Boyne City, MI
The Cat Grand Rapids, MI
The Fortress Walled Lake, MI
The Hawk - Farmington Hills Community Center Farmington Hills, MI
The University of Olivet Olivet, MI
Thelma Spencer Park Rochester Hills, MI
Thornapple and Kellogg School Middleville, MI
Thornapple Kellogg High School Middleville, MI
Three Fires Elementary School Howell, MI
Three Fires MS Howell, MI
Three Rivers HS Three Rivers, MI
Three Rivers HS XC Course Three Rivers, MI
Three Rivers Middle School Three Rivers, MI
Thunder Bay Jr High School Alpena, MI
Thunder Bay Junior High Alpena, MI
Thurston HS Redford Charter Twp, MI
Torzewski Park Lapeer, MI
Traverse City Central High School Traverse City, MI
Traverse City East Middle School Traverse City, MI
Traverse City West High School Traverse City, MI
Traverse City West Middle School Traverse City, MI
Trenton High School Trenton, MI
Tri County Track Howard City, MI
Tri-County High School Howard City, MI
Trojan Field Sturgis, MI
Troy Athens High School Troy, MI
Troy High School Troy, MI
Troy HS Troy, MI
Truman HS Taylor, MI
Truman Pippel Stadium Algonac, MI
Turkeyville Marshall, MI
Turtle Creek Golf Club Burlington, MI
Turtle Creek Golf Course Union City, MI
Twin Birch Golf Course Kalkaska, MI
U Location
U of D Jesuit High School & Academy Detroit, MI
U-M Golf Course Ann Arbor, MI
Ubly HS Ubly, MI
Uncle John's Cider Mill St. Johns, MI
Uncle John's Cider Mill St. Johns, MI
Union City High School Union City, MI
Union High School Grand Rapids, MI
Unionville-Sebewaing High School Sebewaing, MI
Unity Christian High School Athletic Fields Hudsonville, MI
University High School Lathrup Village, MI
University HS Lathrup Village, MI
University HS Lathrup Village, MI
University Liggett High School Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
University of Detroit Mercy Detroit, MI
University of Michigan Indoor Track Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan Track Building Ann Arbor, MI
University Park Golf Course Muskegon, MI
Upper Elementary School White Cloud, MI
Upton Middle School St Joseph, MI
US 131 Motorsports Park Martin, MI
Utica Ford II Sterling Heights, MI
Utica High School Shelby Township, MI
Utica High School Utica, MI
V Location
Valley Lutheran HS Saginaw, MI
Van Buren County Fairgrounds Hartford, MI
Van Buren ISD Lawrence, MI
Van Buren ISD Lawrence, MI
Van Buren Park Belleville, MI
Vandercook Lake HS Jackson, MI
Vassar HS Vassar, MI
Vault Barn , MI
Vernier Park Grosse Pointe Shores, MI
Veronica Valley Park Suttons Bay, MI
Vestaburg High School Vestaburg, MI
Veterans Serving Veterans Park Cadillac, MI
Vicksburg Vicksburg, MI
Vicksburg High School Vicksburg, MI
Victory Park Albion, MI
Village Green Golf Course Newaygo, MI
W Location
Wagar Middle School Carleton, MI
Wagener County Park Harbor Beach, MI
Wagner Park Royal Oak, MI
Wakefield Marenisco High School Wakefield, MI
Waldon Middle School Orion Twp, MI
Waldorf University Forest City, MI
Walkerville HS Walkerville, MI
Wallaceville Wayne County Parks Dearborn Heights, MI
Walled Lake Central Commerce Charter Twp, MI
Walled Lake Central HS Walled Lake, MI
Walled Lake Northern HS Commerce Charter Twp, MI
Walled Lake Western High School Commerce Charter Twp, MI
Wallinwood Springs Golf Club Jenison, MI
Warner Camp Grand Junction, MI
Warner Camp South Haven, MI
Warren Lincoln HS Warren, MI
Warren Mott High School Warren, MI
Warren Woods Tower High School Warren, MI
Warrior Trails Remus, MI
Waterford Mott High School Waterford Township, MI
Watervliet High School Watervliet, MI
Waverly High School Lansing, MI
Wawonowin Golf Club Champion, MI
Wayland High School Wayland, MI
Wayland Middle School Wayland, MI
Wayland Union High School Wayland, MI
Wayne High School Wayne, MI
Wayne Memorial High School Wayne, MI
Wayne State University Detroit, MI
Webb LaBeau Track and Field Complex Grand Rapids, MI
Webberville Cross Country Complex Webberville, MI
Webberville High School Webberville, MI
Wegner Park Harbor Beach, MI
West Bloomfield Hills High School West Bloomfield Township, MI
West Catholic High School Grand Rapids, MI
West Catholic High School Grand Rapids, MI
West Catholic HS Holland, MI
West Iron County HS Iron River, MI
West Michigan Christian HS Norton Shores, MI
West Ottawa Golf Club Holland, MI
West Ottawa HS Holland, MI
West Shore Community College Scottville, MI
Western High School Parma , MI
Western High School Auburn, MI
Western High School Parma, MI
Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI
Westview Orchards Washington, MI
Westwood High School Ishpeming, MI
Whiffletree Hill Golf Course Concord, MI
White Canoe Sterling, MI
White Cloud Elementary School White Cloud, MI
White Cloud High School White Cloud, MI
White Lake Lakeland High School White Lake Township, MI
White Pigeon HS White Pigeon, MI
White Pine Middle School Saginaw, MI
White's Canoe Livery & Campground Sterling, MI
Whiteford Middle/High School Ottawa Lake, MI
Whiteford Stone Co Community Park Ottawa Lake, MI
Whiteford Valley Golf Course Ottawa Lake, MI
Whitehall High School Whitehall, MI
Whitmer HS , MI
Whitmore Lake High School Whitmore Lake, MI
Whittemore-Prescott High School Whittemore, MI
Wicker Hills Golf Course Hale, MI
Wickes Park Saginaw Township, MI
Williamston High School Williamston, MI
Williamstown Township Community Park Williamstown, MI
Willow Metropark New Boston, MI
Willow Metropark New Boston Boston, MI
Willow Metropark, South Huron Road, New Boston , MI
Windmill Rd. Wheeler Township, MI
Winshall Park Swartz Creek, MI
Withington Stadium Jackson, MI
Wixom Elementary School Wixom, MI
WMC Rivers Championship Holton, MI
Wolcott Mill Farm Center Ray, MI
Wolverine High School Wolverine, MI
Woodhaven High School Brownstown Charter Twp, MI
Woodhaven HS , MI
Woodland School Traverse City, MI
Woodward Soccer Fields Alpena, MI
Wylie E. Groves High School Beverly Hills, MI
Wyoming High School Wyoming, MI
Y Location
Yale High School Yale, MI
Yankee Springs Recreation Area Middleville, MI
Yankee Springs State Park Middleville, MI
Young Patriots Park Riverview, MI
Ypsilanti High School Ypsilanti, MI
Z Location
Zeeland East High School Zeeland, MI
Zeeland Stadium Zeeland, MI
Zeeland West High School Zeeland, MI